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17596728 No.17596728 [Reply] [Original]

Why did René Guénon (aka Abd al-Wahid Yahya) chose to become a gay Sufi and not a Salafist? Looking to return to the Traditions of the early times of Islam.

>> No.17596732
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>> No.17596801

Guenon had many valuable insights but he's a dead end if you think he has all the answers. Evola was better desu

>> No.17596827

This is now a Shia thread.


>> No.17596836

pursuing an esoteric tradition seems more based than following a bunch of rules made up hundreds of years after the prophet's death desu
I just learned today that twelvers think kuffar are najis lol that's some crazy jew shit

>> No.17596837

>Shia thread.

>> No.17596930

Salafism describes a judicial approach not whether or not one follows the sunna of Mohammed. Sufis are extrenely strict in observance and people who think it's the laissez faire hippy branch are idiots.

>> No.17596973


>> No.17596978
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>> No.17596982


>> No.17596985

I haven't read Guenon, but it's probably because he is esoteric. Before Islam he started with occultism and freemasonry, and his perennialism would not be accepted by Salafists for sure.

>> No.17597000

Tradition for Guénon was fundamentally different than Salafi doctrine. To him it meant secret teachings or revelation which most exoteric concerns are only a simplified form of for public consumption, necessary but not the truth in themselves, just a murky reflection of it. He saw contemplative knowledge as the highest form whereas Salafism sees knowledge as higher or lower based on action. Knowledge is for action in Salafism and only in action (especially jihad) is spirit realized, whereas Guénon regarded the realization of spirit to occur in pure contemplation.

>> No.17598322
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>> No.17598345

It’s not even really funny anymore.

>> No.17598351
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All you need to know about islam.

>> No.17598357
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>> No.17598364
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And its criminal prophet.

>> No.17598394

I think it's funny that retard posts a picture of Ali and claims that it's Muhammed. Says a lot about what to expect from everything else.

>> No.17598413

Sufi is the Aryan Islam that's why

>> No.17598415

good posts
cringe, also Guenon didn't claim to have all the answers

>> No.17598577

There are those who say that the pre-Vedic/Zoroastrian traditions were preserved in Sufi sects after the Muslim conquest of Persia. They wrapped it in Muslim terminology to avoid persecution.

>> No.17598755

How can I into Islam? Does the 'noooo you can't read it unless you read unless it's in Arabic' have any merit? I've read Hindu literature whose language was infinitely more lost in translation than Arabic, which I'm pretty sure is the same today..
Is the an Islamic reading chart? Who is the Augustine or Aquinas of Islam? I like esotericism but have not gotten to Guenon yet although I know his story

>> No.17598812
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>How can I into Islam?
pic related

>> No.17598821
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>Is the an Islamic reading chart?
Also, this is a huge fucking chart of esoteric Islam, I have no idea who compiled it or if it's any good but it's posted on here a lot.

>> No.17599015

Take the goatpill

>> No.17599061
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>> No.17599145

>There are those who say that the pre-Vedic/Zoroastrian traditions were preserved in Sufi sects after the Muslim conquest of Persia. They wrapped it in Muslim terminology to avoid persecution.
There is an abundance of quotations from the Hadiths and Quran quoted in Sufi writings, which forms the basis of their doctrine. In a lot of cases there seem to be verses implying some form of a mystical or metaphysical doctrine of transcendent unity. This doesn't rule out that some Persian teachings made their way into Sufism, but the abundance of mystical quotations in the earliest Islamic literature indicates that there was an element of mysticism to it from the beginning.

>> No.17599164

Some Sufi leaders claim that Sufism is a way of life and as such has always been there, even those before like Moses and Jesus, were Sufi's because they impart some of the elements that make up Sufism to the next peoples.

>> No.17599293

>Author literally named gay
Wow, that's alot of Shirk and Kufr.

>> No.17599362

"The Divine Reality" by Hamza Tzortzis and "Islam is the Truth" by I.D Campbelli

>> No.17599744

>Wow, that's alot of Shirk and Kufr.
What does that even mean?

>> No.17600107

Shirk major sin or unforgivable kufr is signs of disbelief which is why we are considered mushirokoon or mushirken or infidel.

>> No.17600155

Yes, I know the meaning of the words but how do they relate to the post? Is Sufism considered shirk or what?

>> No.17600169

Some Sufis do or believe things regarded as shirk by Salafis

>> No.17600258

Such as?

>> No.17600271

Praying to saints for intercession or believing that Allah is synonymous with being

>> No.17600624

based butterfly for once

>> No.17601032

Not all Sufism is shirk, however that chart is filled with many deviant books. Start learning about Islam with the Basics of Quran and Hadith, avoid Orientalists.

>> No.17601660
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