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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.03 MB, 773x1000, cover004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17592683 No.17592683 [Reply] [Original]


Suit & Tie Edition (I'm Not a Cowboy, I'm a Cow, Boy!); or, The Modern Prometheus,
c/o &amp Magazine™℠®© Ltd. Inc. and Sons & Company

Dear Anon,

Please see the attached document for:
------and more(?(!))...

FREE MEDS (/x/ Flavor)!!!!!:



>> No.17592691

Niggers, stop posting this shit.
You steal from us and try to gain fame for it. You're a nigger.

>> No.17592698

sorry here are the /x/pired meds.

>> No.17592706


is it only on magcloud?

>> No.17592710
File: 61 KB, 650x640, 1527983149067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brook, check your new story out!

>> No.17592731

Congrats team and op

>> No.17592733

the print version is only available through magcloud yes.
until somebody else makes it available through another publisher.

I have to leave town this weekend, so I will upload all of the articles from 004 to the site next week (plus some other stand alone works) and link everything up proper.

>> No.17592753

if there are any errors, let me know lel.
i try hard to make sure its right but sometimes i'm an idiot.
let me know so i can fix it before too many anons score #RARE edits

>> No.17592767

This entire thread is literal advertising. It should be deleted and OP should be banned.

>> No.17592782

what happened? I've been away for some weeks
Why is /lit/ so mad about this?

>> No.17592837

it's lit produced content, in the public domain, and available free of charge. You don't have to try ruin it.

>> No.17592861

that's brook.
he published a burgerpunk story in Issue 003,
it was decent, we worked on the design together, and he was a prolific contributor, with his series poised to be a mainstay; it was pretty funny, degenerate, edgy stuff; i thought it was cool.
i brought him into the project for 004 so that he could design articles from submissions that i delegate him, and play around in the project.
one day when all three editors were in the project, brook got drunk and confronted me about how terrible he thought my taste was,
and then ragequit when i told him to stay in his lane.
now he campaigns against &amp and bumps our threads and contributes to our #LORE by peppering it with melodrama and gossip.

i couldn't have asked for a better beef.

>> No.17592868

Lots of "lit produced content" is banned for the same reason: it's advertising. OP can take $10 and buy an ad like F. Gardner.

>> No.17592881

>everyone who recognizes this is advertising is brook

Guess again, retard.

>> No.17592894

It's not advertising, for the many of us who contribute to its publication it is an announcement of its release, which to me and to others I'm sure, is very exciting. I couldn't wait to see my article published and I'm happy to see it in it's final form. It's free to download anyway, it's hardly advertising at all.

>> No.17592910

go hang out in an Infinite Jest advertisement then. don't forget to drown yourself on the way out.

>> No.17592921

Oh, boy, this is fucking stupid.

First of all, just because it's free doesn't somehow make this not advertising. You need to look up the word in a dictionary.

Secondly, if you submitted your work to this magazine, they know your e-mail and they can announce the shit to you that way. If they don't they're lazy shits and you should take it up with them. This thread IS advertising, it IS against the rules of the board, and it SHOULD be deleted.

>> No.17592979
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>> No.17592998
File: 262 KB, 479x571, Screenshot (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for including my submission Mr Editor, but you forgot to add my title :(

>> No.17593000

It is advertising though

>> No.17593024

yeah the title doesn't appear on the content page itself, but it does appear in the table of contents.
if you want me to change that, let me know, i can put the title on the page for you if you like.

>> No.17593051
File: 313 KB, 2000x1899, f0l525bjt7s41[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow digits DO in fact confirm that this thread is advertising. you were right. damn.
welp. i just tried deleting it, but it says the thread is already too old to delete DX
well i'm kinda panicking now.
what should i do, brook?

>> No.17593064

so you're a schizo?

>> No.17593071

Are you guys going to interview F. Gardner? I saw a tread last night where someone mentioned that. I'll read it if you guys do that but I question if that's possible. I don't see anyway to contact him.

>> No.17593081

these threads used to be very comfy

>> No.17593089
File: 114 KB, 368x389, 1608850270242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't mean the title of the poem, though you missed that as well, but you forgot to credit me with my title. I am 'The Privy Poet' and I would appreciate it if you could put that in there as I plan to make more submissions in subsequent editions.

Other than that, this looks great as always OP, I'm glad that someone has found the time and passion to put something together like this. And the quality of the physical editions are great too.

>> No.17593098

F Gardner has agreed to an interview.
that's all i can say as his lawyers made me sign an non-disclosure agreement after they flew me out to new york.

>> No.17593115

got it! i'll fix it now!
omg what hapnnd

>> No.17593130

agreed, the threads for the first three editions upon publication were some of the best threads we'd had, especially the one where we planned out /hyperlit/ all the recent threads have been filled with bellyachers who have been trying to attack the magazine for no reason, it stinks

>> No.17593137


>> No.17593156

what sucks the most is that its actually just one bellyacher ruining it for all of us. i wish he would just contract and succumb to skin cancer so we could just play with our frens in our gay sandbox.

>> No.17593170

F. Gardner lives in a shitty suburb west of Chicago.

>> No.17593179

Bunch of faggots want to be online famous like that one podcast of red lesbians. They shill and advertise non-stop.

>> No.17593185

I think he has a couple of different houses.

>> No.17593204

i forget who's place it was, stephanie meyer or something. also how do you know that? are you paparazzi? i'll pay top dollar for snaps you know i keep the creepshit one hundred pham say no more.

>> No.17593244

>Shitty suburb

He's lying. I just looked up F. Gardner's details. Here's what a quick google search told me about his suburb.

>"River Forest home prices are not only among the most expensive in Illinois, but River Forest real estate also consistently ranks among the most expensive in America. River Forest is a decidedly white-collar village, with fully 93.66% of the workforce employed in white-collar jobs, well above the national average."

>> No.17593271

tsk i'm afraid these dubs do indeed substantiate Mr Gardn-errr, this gentleman's claim. >>17593170 you should consider apologizing for slandering the official reigning monarch of /lit/ (PBUH), i could have to excommunicated for seditious promulgations.

>> No.17593272

>he thinks River Forest is posh

It's literally a stone's throw from Maywood, retard.

>> No.17593314

fixed, pardner.
thx. you may have to clear your cookies to see the change.

>> No.17593318

I wrote "who were you". really happy because this is my first published piece, any anons wanna tell me their thoughts?

>> No.17593328

is the coupon code its only good for today.
now this is for SURE advertising!
i'm soo BTFO

>> No.17593346

I'm assuming maywood is a bad area. Most good neighborhood's are relatively close to bad ones. Especially if they're near any big cities.

>> No.17593352
File: 41 KB, 720x711, 1608162809391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have control over the coupon code shit so i'm not tryna drive that by making it only one day.
i'll kill myself stat.
i have to go to the airport and leave so i'm not going to be online for a a few hours maybe tomorrow. if the thread dies then remember the soldiers who gave their lives for us, boys. all glory to god.

>> No.17593361

literal doggerrel
knew this mag was shit
>inb4 heh you bumped my thread
I didn't newfag. Now takes this shit to reddit where it belongs.

>> No.17593369

>only 1 person on /lit/ could be opposed to my heckin epic magerino!
You're a fucking narcissist. This brook fag was probably right about you. Though your both shitlords for being a part of this toilet paper factory.

>> No.17593380

Anon...I have news for you. You weren't actually published.

>> No.17593381

my haiku got an entire page to itself. Very nice OP, thank you.

Also, one of the classified ads lost the periods or something

>> No.17593387

I mean, he was. It's just that there really are no standards for this rag so getting in not some feat.

>> No.17593393

I mean yeah not exactly published but this is the first place I've submitted my work too. I'm happy nonetheless, this is my first step into publishing my own work.

>> No.17593407
File: 394 KB, 403x527, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know. you guys are right.
we're huge faggots and believe me, we DO want to kill ourselves over this. like i said, i have to fly out of town, and stupid Hiro won't let me delete the thread. if you guys could just stick around and make sure that anybody that comes here knows what huge faggots we've been by working on this collaboration together, then hopefully after we all kill ourselves, you guy(s) can enjoy 4chan in peace.

>> No.17593408

Thank you pardner

>> No.17593475
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 8E207810-303A-42BB-8FA0-716214C856E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17593508


>> No.17593573

I guess this explains all the ads.

>> No.17593672

4chan ads aren't that expensive

>> No.17593703

$20 a day sounds expensive to me. It's been months.

>> No.17593764

It's not $20 a day to advertise on one board. It's about $20 a month for that.

>> No.17593860

Who doesn't use adblock? The only reason I even know about Gardner's ads is from the threads he made screenshotting his ads

>> No.17593926

Based, it's out! Looking forward to reading it

>> No.17593994

We could just take out an ad every month as a sort of announcement, and then just have containment generals. Should be able to fund something like that very soon.

>> No.17594001

Awww damn ‘Face of Salem’ didn’t make it after all. Oh well.

>> No.17594032

Man I missed you too; i was supposed to email anons that got bumped to 005.
There were a few long pieces that got bumped due to room. ‘Salem’ is safe! I’ve got your copyedit as well. Sorry for the disappointment I promise you weren’t left behind.

>> No.17594063

Oh no worries dude I figured, it was pretty long. I may do some more work on it in the mean time

>> No.17594079

>River Forest
Overpriced for its location. Got a lot of bad neighborhoods nearby.

Your better off living in the north side. You get the water and the proximity to downtown.

>> No.17594484

Hey OP, you should involve some sort of coupon. Like a $10 discount for anyone who contributed to this edition for a physical copy. You have the emails of everyone who contributed so it's possible to do.

>> No.17594681

You really expect a grifter to allow a discount? It's already free online! What more do you want?

>> No.17594709

Stupid fucking reddit nigger stop spamming the same link. You only need to post it once asshole. Fuck off with your reddit shit.

>> No.17594748

how long till the next issue big guy ?

>> No.17594775

Unfortunately magcloud is very expensive for printing & shipping so it's already at production price and we can't reduce it any further on that platform. I'm one of the editors and I have shit load of free time this month so I'll try to work out the appropriate PDF wizardry to upload the mag to a different printer for lower fees, should cut the price by a few buckaroos

>> No.17594788

0 days

>> No.17595226

I could do that once we start selling the magazine ourselves. Should be able to do that by June.

>> No.17595301


Hello I found this website board from a search after trying to find the people who billed my 84 year old mother for 1300 copies of something called amp. The people saying this is all about advertising are right. Just so you know what you are involved in there is a boiler room in Chicago and it is registered to someone named Gardner which is exactly what people here were saying. And they kept calling my mom and trying to sell her things. Her entire garage is full of boxes of this magazine and the guy on the phone told her she just needed to build a downline and then she could sell them to all of her friends and build extra money for her retirement. None of her friends are buying a magazine filled with smut I'm sorry. And the lamp thing is part of all of this too because they say they're giving her a lamp as a gift every time she buys more amps but it's seven lamps and none of them even work and they billed her more than $18,000 for all of this. This is not a luxury periodical it is called a pyramid scam and they won't quit texting my mom about the next issue and how much money she's going to make selling it. This is not just advertising it is exploitation and I won't stand for it. If you want to sell your magazine don't call elderly women and start telling them that they should invest in hyperlit that's not a real company I looked. My mom can't even tell me what hyperlit is but she won't stop talking about how I just need to wait for it to moon.

>> No.17595387

>People complaining about the complainer
Are you all newfags? Surely this can't be your first run in with a drama queen.
That said, anyway I can get in with the team? I have absolutely nothing besides schizo-tier rambling to offer but I like seeing things behind the curtain.

>> No.17595461

This happened to me also

>> No.17595556

>I have absolutely nothing besides schizo-tier
That's the bare minimum to be involved in an artless and masturbatory /lit/ vanity """""""""""""""""publishing""""""""""""""""" project.

>> No.17595801

Be cool mang

>> No.17595942
File: 49 KB, 325x469, ZangTumbTumb-1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo is the table on contents right on Coming Home For the First Time being on page 53? I think it's 54, and even then I can't tell since there's no title, or maybe I'm just blind. Whoever wrote the poem on the same spread as the gay story is a great poet though. Btw, does anyone think I should post a /hyperlit/ thread tomorrow? It's been awhile, there seemed to be less interest than there was initially.

>> No.17596186

I propose instead of hyperlit we do hyperlanguage, I did a couple friends the past couple days where we tried to write a new language called "Frennish"

>> No.17596196

I'm cool with you continuing to do that but I find /hyperlit/ to be more fun, we don't have to do one or the other. I will say that the language threads recently have been based though.

>> No.17596197

Why not just do Hyperlang as a section? Its not like there are page limits to it.

>> No.17596238

We're talking about making threads on the subject anon, /hyperlit/ started out as a continual thread (not a general tho) and made it into the magazine.

>> No.17596298

Oh snap gardeners gunna be in it? Im hyped.

>> No.17596415

Best piece is the "Dick Suck Dick Suck Dick Suck Dubs Decide if You Dick Suck" shitpost

>> No.17596881

Plane landing. I’ll check soon as I get inside. Thanks doggy.

>> No.17596896

dont know if it reaches the peak of 3 or 1 (the good the bad, the justice system) but there was more that i enjoyed here

despite the regular share of naked lunch ripp-offs and hegel cock-suckery, there was a good amount of highlights (deep under the covers, checkmate, super bowl, impossibility of breaking up) "novel" has a perfect conclusion but thats also its biggest problem pointed out. i enjoyed esoteric epstein too but i suspect thats solely because of my personal inclination towards mysticism and cunny

some errors i found:
from checkmate
>one color is to simple
>its a rather cold
>with out
>Happiness comes from within ones own conscious
>and he would like to take shower
from hegel and the social contract
>various individual and their interests
>but for the individual to achieve all
his goals must enter in relation to his fellow man
he must enter in?
>if my goal is to earning money
to earn money
>not only meeting others is a neccesary means
not only is meeting others a neccesary means?

>> No.17597223

A few pages in. DFW essay isn't good. Steal this story is worse than previous rounds. Snow story is splendid though. The naive poem in the hospital bed is also the best poem you guys have turned out.

>> No.17597719

This better be on issue #5, herr editor

>> No.17597942

I want to write a dream I had yesterday but im scared bc it involved my moms abusive ex bf

>> No.17598069

That fucking killed me.

>> No.17598139

New issue? Hell yeah.

>> No.17598290

the dfw essay is ok; interesting but it (the style, the voice) reads rather juvenile, and perhaps I was expecting something more/else from the title of "problem of writing as work."
the prose poem(?) mauve blood is somewhat confusing, it does not have the quick humor some of the other pieces have and is therefore harder to read, but the feeling of it intrigued me at the same time, stuff hidden in there i might not have caught
le poème en français m'a plu
esoteric epstein as a modern-day gilles de rais: it's kind of obvious by now (to me), but very interesting still, nevertheless
the gay bear-man sex scene in deep under covers was funny
the hypochondriac is just an absurd piece of burgerpunk; i can imagine he's breaded and deep-fried now kek
coding in grocery story was cool; otherwise okay
I really liked checkmate, despite the numerous typos; also, I have no knowledge of whether those chess moves make sense, I assume they do.
essay on Dutch literature: the tone is a bit sentimental but I get it, and mostly the dutch suck.

>> No.17598654

Thanks anon, I wrote the poem.

>> No.17598744
File: 1.51 MB, 3768x2442, 1355605731852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you see the Super Bowl? Asking for a friend...

>> No.17598748

Or I believe I did, I’ll have to read more thoroughly the magazine to make sure.

>> No.17599733

did the [s4s] page really come from them?

>> No.17600101

I liked it. Its being film footage/describing it cinematographically has been done too often I think; though ( - which does fit with the former - ) I like the uniform declarative sentences. The phrases: "the men are young, they are happy, and they are the Wehrmacht", and "The man answers in German 'Yes' " I thought to be kinda funny, in a good way anyway. What's the relation to the title, though? It's supposed to be an Audi ad shown during the Super Bowl?

>> No.17600663

Kill yourself

>> No.17600818

Based fucking OP.
You're saving this board.

>> No.17600876
File: 633 KB, 1600x2282, 11743dbf31ec342abfb254a3591c4246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved that one. Bonus nazi era audi poster that i couldn't fit into the final design when editing it, most of the auto union posters featuring the wehrmacht were of motorbikes, really nice stuff

>> No.17601932


>> No.17602102

OP here
Thanks man.
Checkmate wasn’t even supposed to be in; It was submitted through the slush pile, And there wasn’t enough room for it so you can tell that the font point is fucking tiny and the last column is a big chunk; And apparently I have a bunch of mistakes in it. Disappointed in myse if for rushing that.
So I’m actually still tied up for another 12 hours or so here, but as soon as I get a moment tonight I’ll will fix those errors. Thanks for pointing it out. Prussia if you’re reading this feel free to do fix those.
Maybe Blood is one of my faves; it is the design I spent the most time on working it out with the writer. It is very dense with reference and allusion. Good stuff.
I am working on a video of the chess game that accompanies that story. Wish I could get ahold of anon who wrote it. Also thanks for reading.
I only wrote 2 articles for this issue, the interview (about which I was so stoked (I was obsessed with the guy for years)) and the /hyperlit/ article; neither are huge. Also I have to say the French poem is pure kino in my opinion.

>> No.17602290

>feel free to do fix those
Got it, will be fixed in half an hour

>> No.17602362

King among men.

>> No.17602378

If you have someone else editing the magazine for you, what exactly do you do? Just copy and paste?

>> No.17602418

Also boys I apologize about the errors again. Seems that I always have something to fix after the initial release and it IS my job as the editor to edit, so all I can say is thanks for your patience and to the anons fed up with ordering misprints I offer my renewed attention and suggest waiting until the actual 1st of the month to give me room to be a faggot.

>> No.17602452

Submissions usually come in a raw document, so we create designs for them. Actual editing (copyediting) has not been a huge focus (clearly). We are getting better though. I knew I had to leave town this weekend so I considered delaying the release until next but decided to push it out with the rushed version of Checkmate. Next time I’ll do my job.

>> No.17602933

hey, RPV here, thanks! the issue looks great and I've enjoyed what I read so far

>> No.17602998

Checked. Great job.

>> No.17603407

am i dumb or where does the money from print go to

>> No.17603416

This music seems to fit the look of the magazine methinks https://artfluids.bandcamp.com/album/figure

>> No.17603422

that's MagCloud's cost, there isn't any profit to the mag from the print edition

>> No.17603428

Does our submission have to be PoMo themed?

>> No.17603431

why not pirate indesign or some shit

>> No.17603486

idk, ask OP

>> No.17603496


if anyone has access to computers on a college campus this could be done very easily

>> No.17603536

Thanks dude, I appreciate the feedback. It's supposed to be a Super Bowl ad. One of those ads where so much is going on and people are trying to guess what the product is.

Thank you! I love the design on it. It adds an element of uneasy to it. The design in the whole magazine is terrific.