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File: 2.59 MB, 576x1024, christcucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17592154 No.17592154 [Reply] [Original]

Post progressive christianity (LGBTQ, furry and black inclusive) books in this thread. Here's a list of LGBTQ+ inclusive christian books i found while surfing the net

>> No.17592172

>Gluttonous priest
Shouldn't that be the first warning sign

>> No.17592184

Thomas Aquinas was a hambeast and he is worshipped on a daily basis by christians

>> No.17592220

yo dis nigga be woke af

>> No.17592224

He was big boned!

>> No.17592226

I'd go to this priest's church. He seems cool.
In fact, the last time I went to church I didn't return because the priest's homily went on and on about how gay is wrong. Not exactly Christ's teachings, father.

>> No.17592285

Why do these people pretend to be Christian? Is it just mockery?

>> No.17592292

Kingdom of god is within you by tolstoy

>> No.17592315
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Why do you?

>> No.17592357
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Gays need to be cared for and loved as all people. “Righteous” hatred has no place in the kingdom of our lord.

>> No.17592360

Let's ignore that Social Justice is just the logical progression of Christianity under (((Liberalism))) for a minute here:

Who the fuck watches these? Even if you're a Progressive Christian (AKA a Protestant), do you really some fat nog shucking and jiving with text on the screen entertaining? Why does anyone find this garbage genre found solely on tiktok entertaining?

>> No.17592382
File: 282 KB, 463x618, rod_dreher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're not down with Rod you're not down with God

>> No.17592399

I am a progressive orthodox. My role model is the priest who joined EAM-ELAS and the communists to fight the nazis in WW2

>> No.17592913

There's two real camps of what /lit/ calls "Progressive Christians".
The former is the sort of person who thinks God is a good feeling or whatever, they give no fucks about any sort of orthodoxy at all, and they adore this kind of TikTok cringe bullshit because it's the same sort of political posturing that they do in every waking moment of their lives.
The latter is the sort of person who might read Sarah Coakley or any of the theologians from the Radical Orthodoxy movement, they might be fans of Florovsky, etc. They're going to be orthodox [as in, they care about the Creeds, they read the Fathers, they feel their beliefs on sexuality make sense in what they believe is a proper reading of the Fathers without contradicting them] and they're generally really bothered by the former group.
Sadly, there's a lot more of the former than the latter online, since at least the latter is Christian in a meaningful sense.

As for why people find it entertaining, it's on TikTok, it has a black person (so now you can't dislike it anyway), it's "hip and fun" (so look, the priest is cool!), and it postures progressive values. It's a combination of everything the former group jerks themselves off to.

>> No.17592947

Cope, the Bible has been interpreted wrongly for 2000 years, God loves trannies and gays

>> No.17593054

Agreed. Love the sinner; hate the sin.

>> No.17593151

Have you even seen how big his bones were?
They are on display.

>> No.17593334
File: 157 KB, 968x681, osama-bin-laden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslim here: what do you make of the fact that the Bible portrays Allah and His prophets as hating His enemies?

>> No.17593423

Can you tell me more about the latter group and what they believe about sexuality?

>> No.17593447
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>> No.17593456

There are gay couples who never have sex. I think it's so prevalent among lesbians that there's a term for it.

>> No.17593468

>let's torture ourselves and refuse to enjoy life because of some dumb superstitions
Mental illness

>> No.17593473

Yes imo open homosexuals are the chastest of the chaste and tend to exercise considerable sexual restraint

>> No.17593504


>> No.17593517

Aren't lesbians typically less promiscuous because
women have less of a sex drive compared to men?

>> No.17593583

These people aren't Christians.

Recognizing reprobation is not hatred. Advocating and encouraging reprobation is hatred.

>> No.17593600

Hear hear. Anon who doesn't go to church and masturbated to shota twice today has spoken anathema.

>> No.17593602

Blessing someone's path to Hell is not an act of love.

>> No.17593613

lol who fed you that line?

>> No.17593626

Who is this bullshit supposed to attract? Most lefties hate Christianity, they would sooner become Muslims or Jews or Wiccan.

>> No.17593642

You should take a few days off of the internet every now and then.

>> No.17593643

Morally supporting and defending these "pastors" who adorn their "churches" in signs of sodomy is horrible. You and they should stop LARPing as Christians. You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.17593669

They aren't attracting anyone. All of these congregations are small and dying. They're only kept open as activist fronts through donations from billionaire slush funds.

>> No.17593678

Unlike you I'm not pretendong to be christian. Btw they aren't half as gay as you moral outrage grand stand.

>> No.17593717

Christianity has always been a tool for power. Throughout history Christianity poses as the absolute virtue of pure goodness. However, trying to make something all-goods creates the means by which only evil can come forth. This guy is just trying to be the most virtuous.

>> No.17593795

I'm not outraged. I'm only mildly disgusted. I lived around godless liberals my entire life. I understand they're the worst people human history has ever produced and they'll continue to drag the rest of society down with them in their nihilistic death spiral. I have no emotional reaction to that except vague repulsion and pity. I got out of their society and I don't have to be around them anymore. I sometimes see pictures like OP from my home country and it's like a recollection of a bad dream. I understand that's what happens to societies that reject God, and I rejected thst society. You'd actually bother me if you weren't just a meaningless voice online, as meaningless as the howling of demons, and were someone I had to deal with in daily life. Ultimately it's you who has to cope with the horrific reality you've turned your life into. I'm just an outside spectator, like a passerby in a zoo, glad this glass separates me from the smell.

>> No.17593864
File: 123 KB, 640x788, image_5ynsr5zan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this zoomer shithead who just discovered christianity from twitter memes and believes he's some tradfag crusader, you're disgusting and I'd take the godless liberals' side any time to crush your faggotry and burn your sumptuous churches to the ground. The current aversion towards Christianity is only a consequence of being oppressed by the yoke of judeo-christian dogmas for 2000 years and all christians are responsible for this.

>> No.17593888

They think they are doing good by modernizing Christianity to appeal to the younger generation and keep the Church from dying, though they will never admit this.

>> No.17593893

u mad

>> No.17593934

So you're telling us you're gay.

>> No.17593980


>> No.17593997

You sound unsurprisingly unbalanced.

>> No.17594002

One Christian book these people definitely aren't reading is the Bible. And therefore they aren't Christian.

>> No.17594050

>tradfag crusader
From reading that anon's post, he comes off as someone who wants nothing to do with liberal society anymore and wants to check out, which is far from a crusader, but your blind seething couldn't pick up on that.

>> No.17594098

I've been struggling with this. How can something be forgiven if everything is permitted? How can there be forgivness without penance?

>> No.17594177


It will not be okay anon but Jesus loves you. So it will be okay afterward.

>> No.17594753

They are less promiscuous on average nowadays, not because they have lower drive but because women pursue partners less than men; they are less sexually aggressive than men. This is also in large part why gay men are so promiscuous, nearly all of them want sex and look for it a lot, so they find it constantly and easily (there are other things as well that cause this). I think lesbians used to be more promiscuous when most were butch and only the really lesbian lesbians were out, now that most are actually bisexuals they’re more typically feminine, plus lots of them are neurotic and borderline autistic

>> No.17594900

The other anon's image nailed it pretty well. They'd argue (through works such as Coakley's The New Ascetism) that homosexual marriages—complete with sex, mind you—may be a means of directing oneself towards God, just like heterosexual ones. They tend to support pretty much any other tradition sexual ethic such as no masturbation, no premarital sex, etc.

>> No.17594919
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>> No.17595272

looking at a few of the figures on the left, King denied the divinity of Jesus and Simone Weil refused baptism (???). perhaps they aren't so far from the types on the right as you'd think. One of the most common characteristics among "left-wing Christians" is the holier-than-thou mindset.

>> No.17595342

Did ya?

>> No.17595353

Ye I hear particularly during the 1980s.

>> No.17595443

I can't imagine that's fun to watch, though. If we conjure up the opposite, some 9' Aryan ubermensch in an Odinic temple headbanging to black metal while pointing at "GAS KIKES" and "FAGS GET THE BOG", I can't imagine anyone would want to watch that even if they agree with it because it's fucking boring.

As to this second kind of "Progressive Christian", I have to ask why they call themselves "Progressives" if they have no relation to (American) Progressivism ala John Dewey and the like. Or is this some kind of translation of a Russian/Greek term or something?

>> No.17595448

how could cristianity be anti-black in teh first place?!

>> No.17595475

Ignoring the whole Curse of Ham thing (Which is ultimately just part of the Jewish condemnation of all gentiles), there's a conceptualization of Christianity as a "White" religion. However, the White-Black dynamic in the US is really just an importation of the Norman-Irish dynamic in Britain, which has a deep intertwining of race with class.

This just feeds into the Puritan mindset of Love Thy Neighbor, as the Puritan has to make up for the sin of White Supremacy and what not by loving Blacks even more. To put it another way, Christianity HAS to be anti-black in order that the Puritan can use it as an excuse to bring Blacks into their churches. It also leads to whacky shit like Kwanzaa, which has literally no reason to exist.

>> No.17595621

Don't forget, the vast majority of the former are like the Twitter libs who care far more about performative "justice" than causing any actual change. It's not just for fun, but rather to create things that are to be shared and show off how progressive and openminded someone is (even if they never actually do anything). However, I'm sure they get some kind of joy out of seeing performative shit like this.

The second kind isn't really that progressive, certainly not by the Weak Theology standards of the former (which is part of why Radical Orthodoxy is somewhat popular among the latter group), they're just sometimes called progressive because they might be leftists (in the actual sense, not the Twitter sense) and, more importantly, they tend to be fine with homosexuality/transsexuality. I ended up diving more into the term Progressive Christian and explaining too much about the two groups that /lit/ lumps together than answering the question about who watches it. The latter kind I mentioned might be like "okay, cool, good for you" but they're not obsessed with posturing and generally find these sorts of videos to be tiring, but they also wouldn't call themselves Progressive Christians, even if /lit/ would.

>> No.17596049
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Here ya go.

>> No.17596067
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>> No.17596892

being overweight doesnt mean ur unhealthy, obese on the otherhand...

>> No.17596899

he was a scholar so he his occupation tended towards sedentariness not necessarily because he was gluttonous or lazy.

>> No.17596911

Do these "pastors" even read the bible?

>> No.17596920
File: 46 KB, 688x360, ephesians-5-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17596924
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>> No.17596933
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based priest

>> No.17597995

It means that you're ugly and that you can't take responsibility for yourself.

>> No.17598441

Lesbian bed death is a real thing. After a while they just stop having sex and start beating each other up because just like their male counterparts, they also have a significant problem with domestic abuse. I don't know how anyone with a sane mind can look at these people and tell themselves that it's a good way to live. It's like looking up at the sky and calling it green.

>> No.17598575

In awe of the size of this lad.