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17585111 No.17585111 [Reply] [Original]

Books about China and their plan for world domination (or something related)?
Never really heard of any scholarly works on this besides just histories (I'd take some good recs) but it's become an increasingly prevalent topic in the 21st century discourse and I've recently become pretty fascinated with this dystopian nation. I'm pretty convinced that we're all fucked and I'd love to get deeper into this subject.

>> No.17585135

The complete works of Plato

>> No.17585160

Does he talk about the Chinaness?

>> No.17585161

If you want to learn more about the SCS i would recommend Creemer's article 'China's Social Credit System: An Evolving Practice of Control'

>> No.17585337

Look up Dengism

>> No.17585380

There are at least 50 books on this holy shit just type china into amazon
Try hidden hand to start

>> No.17585503
File: 396 KB, 220x220, cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I guess amazon/goodreads is a good place to find recommendations. There is indeed a fuckton

>> No.17587062

Did they actually make a cat do that wtf?

>> No.17587112

Why is there a new thread asking about China every day?

>> No.17587125

China discord

>> No.17587757

why not?

>> No.17587789

I'm not trying to troll, how is social credit different from normal credit

>> No.17587796

Ways that are Dark

Also any books that tell you about the recent Chinese fixation (since the 90s) on Strauss and Schmitt. Their elite intellectuals are all reading that shit and retarded about it, they think they're fighting 10th-dimensional warfare because they have a rickety ethnostate that is really a medieval tier authoritarian dystopia and the west is full of parasites who are actively supporting them for money

If the west wakes up at all and begins removing the parasites from positions of influence and power, China will shift into a conventional aggressive mode and get annihilated while trying to scare people with its shitty nukes probably. Its long term "Schmittian" 500-dimensional chess strategy is to hope that corrupt western plutocrats keep selling out their own sleepy governments and peoples, but the instant this stops, China dies. Belt and Road already failed miserably lol. China's entire economy is predicated on an economic bubble so massive it has its own sub-bubbles that make the dotcom burst look like a joke. It's a potemkin empire. Read Brenner on it, and Victor Shih.

If you want to beat China, wake up Europe. As soon as the overton window shifts to a "tough on China" policy, the plutocrats will start freaking out like morons and overreacting just like they did against Trump, and this will accelerate the process of reaction against their parasitism.

Also keep your eye out for shills. Way more common than you think. If or when this happens, there will be a sudden shock as Chinese "spies" are found everywhere, everywhere. You literally know Chinese "spies." They are like the old Cold War spies, but shitty at it. No long term strategy.

The other day some guy was on Jimmy Dore talking about how we need to be "suspicious" of "deceptions" about China's human rights issues because China is the only one standing up to American imperialism. They are astroturfing hard but they don't know how to do it right.

>> No.17587886

how can you say this shit with a straight face when the USA is global criminal empire that spies on a bunch of people (not just its own) while china is largely on the backpedal taking controlling measures to preserve its sovereignty in the face of hostile and unreasonable imperialism.

>> No.17587903


>In 2020, it was revealed that the Swiss company, Crypto AG, which provided secure communications services to ~120 governments throughout the 20th century, was secretly ran by the CIA and West German Intelligence. The CIA and later NSA were able to read encrypted communications for many countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Italy, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Jordan and South Korea.

>> No.17587952

>Its long term "Schmittian" 500-dimensional chess strategy is to hope that corrupt western plutocrats keep selling out their own sleepy governments and peoples, but the instant this stops, China dies
Ah yes so it just has to stop, easy enough

>> No.17589394

At the end of the day, what can you do but pick a side? Shit like >>17587903 makes me think that the US will still come out victorious. Both countries have perpetuated atrocities. Modern Chinese culture still seems like a bad US knock off.

>> No.17589429

Social credit runs way deeper. It determines what schools your kids can go to, if you have the right to travel abroad or travel at all, how many hours of internet access you're allowed, it gives you discounts on first class tickets and other stuff if the score is good. All that stuff is determined by how well you're integrated into society, which is to say how much of a good boy you are. If you cross a street at a red light (even on foot) you get penalized for example.

>> No.17589456

>how we need to be "suspicious" of "deceptions" about China
Oh shit I saw that lol. It made me mad suspicious that they were supposed to be talking about internet censorship or something and the guy goes all "China eradicated poverty"

>> No.17589486

I'd pick the americans over the chinese because the americans are in a position where they have to atleast give lipservice to noble ideas of freedom and individuality. The amount of times I've heard chinese people say that democracy just doesn't work for them is frightening. As if they admitted that they were to retarded to cast votes or something. And they were gleeful about it.

>> No.17589627

Anon... Americans don't mind supporting non-democratic governments as long as it's in their interest

>> No.17589644

I live in Europe and we do the same. But we are nonetheless bound by public opinion. And those opinions believe in the fundamental dignity of every human. China does not.

>> No.17589670
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>> No.17589716

I don't think they're as respectful of Human dignity as you think they are, specially not the US. Most of the time people don't even know what the US is doing and don't even care to know.

>> No.17589735

I've seen enough chinese traffic cam videos to know what the chinese think of the value of human life. Have you ever seen western european prisons? Much nicer than anywhere else in the world because we believe in human dignity.

>> No.17589739

I don't think they're as respectful of Human dignity as you think they are, specially not the US. Most of the time people don't even know what the US is doing and don't even care to know. So far Americans has been a worse influence on the world than the Chinese, I don't think they'd be better, but none are good either way. I'm not so sure what Europeans and Americans are worried about, this is probably worse for us third worlders desu.

>> No.17589751

>has been
have been*

>> No.17589771

Lets just wage war against all east/southeast asians sans the japanese.

>> No.17589808


>> No.17589819

I understand your sentiment, but the fact remains that, atleast superficially (and thus factually in the minds of the masses) the west runs on principles of humanism. I will take rebellion in the name of freedom over slave-pilled filial piety any day.

>> No.17589822

Is it me that unironically thinks China is prettt based. I for one welcome their takeover. I think America’s world monopoly crumbling can only be a good thing on the whole. Less pointless wars hopefully

>> No.17589823

>The Republic
I hope you believe in totalitarian settings, you're in one.

>> No.17589836

Reminder Amazon is a book store.

>> No.17589841

Well, you're retarded. Why would you ever want to surrender control of your culture to someone else? Look at France before and after WW2. France used to be a good country with its own culture, identity, and arguably some say in world affairs. Now France is basically just another American toy. Why exactly do you think it would be better to be controlled by non-western imperialists over western ones?

>> No.17589848

America is the only thing stopping China starting pointless wars

>> No.17589862

If only Germany and Russia managed to forge a proper alliance.

>> No.17589882

The USA is the only reason you are not speaking Chinese in every European nation right now.

>> No.17589884


>> No.17589892

I guess time will tell, I can't imagine it being worse than how it was like in Latin America during the 20th century.

>> No.17589900

You could make same arguments with footages from inner city usa. Cherrypicking

>> No.17589940

Why is this a bad thing though? I’m not scared of learning Chinese. US has done more irreparable damage to the world than any other country

>> No.17589943

You can't, actually. Traffic accidents are THAT bad in China.

>> No.17589954

>Why is China conquering my nation a bad thing?
You figure that one out yourself.

>> No.17589957

I don’t think China’s goal is imperialism and total war. I think it’s a spook the same as the Cold War and Russia “taking over the world” it’s all to keep America in power. At least China is doing something different. For regular people neoliberal free market capitalism has failed for them, but has made the rich richer, so it’s succeeded in its design

>> No.17589962

What >>17589943 said. It's not cherrypicking when there's endless footage of drivers backing over a person 2 or 3 or 4 times to make sure they're dead.

>> No.17589966

I don’t have any personal connection to the country’s soil I was just so happened to be born on. My country (UK) continues to fuck over and leave for dead regular working people and I don’t think China “takeover” would be much worse

>> No.17589972

Do you vote in your country?

>> No.17589978

People in America get shot dead in front of their houses over snow. Shot in schools. I’d say that’s worse on the whole

>> No.17589981

Look into the social credit system. Atleast western countries don't have the audacity to tell me where I can travel to because I shittalked the ruling party.

>> No.17589984

I used to before I realised that “democracy” is a myth to make people think they have some say in a countries politics

>> No.17589993

The US has also done irreparable good to the world. It's easy to hate the big popular kid.

>> No.17590000

No that’s complete bs. The reason is China’s late industrialisation.

>> No.17590003

Like what

>> No.17590007

This. As much as I despise the americans for what they have done to commodify every aspect of human life, they have also instilled the values of individuality for which I am thankful.

>> No.17590016

>wtf these people have the right to own guns?
That's not worse than slavery by any measure.

>> No.17590022

Making people think they’re their own kings and not part of a bigger collective is one of the worst things the US has instilled in people. At least China understands that we need to work together collectively to progress

>> No.17590027

I feel you. But honestly seeing how totalitarian China is I'd wager that it could be much much worse.

>> No.17590037


>> No.17590038

I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit. I’m anti-gun (or at least anti- any retard can get their hands on a gun) and I’m arguing that shooting dead anyone that mildly upsets you is fucked up. Also slavery still exists in many US prisons

>> No.17590041

Nonsense. The americans have decided that the family is ultimately the biggest collective anyone needs. It's a return to ancient farmer-soldier values. China believes in autocracy and what is essentially neo-feudalism.

>> No.17590049

The entire country of China is a slave to the communist party.

>> No.17590070

>I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
Pot, meet Kettle. You do know that shooting people in the USA is a crime punishable by death/life sentence right?
You know what else is punishable by a life sentence? Helping someone who was hit by a car in China.

>> No.17590078

I don’t think that’s true anymore than the whole of America are slaves to their capitalist overlords

>> No.17590104

>the whole of America are slaves to their capitalist overlords
This is not a statement grounded in reality. It's tin-foil hat tier.

>> No.17590105

So me arguing that Americans being needlessly killed by any retard with a gun is me assaulting “muh freedoms”? Shooting innocent people is an American right you seem to be saying? Stop being so spooked by western yellow peril propaganda and read further than /b/ rekt threads where a Chinese person runs over somebody

>> No.17590110

I despise bureaucracy of all colours, but better a bureaucrat whose job is to count profits rather than one whose job is to decide the validity of your life.

>> No.17590127

Oh my sweet summer child. Read Marx and it will open your eyes. In western “democracy” you can choose capitalism...or capitalism. No actual change, no other system to try, this is what you get. You work to make business owners obscene amounts of money. And you think that’s tin-foil tier? Why? Have they duped you that badly?

>> No.17590137

You can choose to live in a commune or in the wilderness on your own too.

>> No.17590150

One day, hopefully. Forestanon has got it right I feel

>> No.17590160

France is still a major power in European and African affairs. What are you talking about?

>> No.17590364

>France is a US puppet
France isn't as powerful as the US, but it still has autonomy in most things. Iirc the EU was originally a French power grab. No one remembers though because they got cucked so hard by Germany.

>> No.17590378

The UK is the US puppet.

>> No.17590396

I would consider the US, UK and Isreal to be one country. For better or worse.

>> No.17590502
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Once more a wholesome gift to the world courtesy of perfidious Albion.

>> No.17591022

Why do retards believe China wants to conquer the world when history shows empires are pointless and extremely costly memes

>> No.17591041

The EU also was a CIA project

>> No.17591057

do we really need a thread about china every fucking day

>> No.17591075

China's future is going to be the technological society at its next step and other nations will follow since major figures strive for power over the populace.

>> No.17591500

Will highly technophillic nations like China use it as a form of coercion or will it eventually become a great equalizer when things like superintelligence or some shit like the third impact takes the stage? Why even have human cattle at that point? I just wonder what the 'P'RC's idea of utopia is or if they're planning something spooky.

>> No.17592113

can you retards just shut the fuck up, it’s like if there were chomskyfags shitting up your place with threads about u.s world domination

>> No.17592476
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OP here I haven't lurked /lit/ in a while; had no idea we had a daily China thread, never really would have guessed honestly
But thanks for the recs lad. Some of these seem really interesting

>> No.17593579

>I'm pretty convinced that we're all fucked and I'd

anyone have heard of some sort of active measures regarding economic competition in time of peace that is weaponized. i know china buy ressources businesses and land everywhere. . . are we doing something similar, like , invest in automation in china that would have the side effect of destroying many jobs of every sectors of every industries ... the displaced jobless workforce would have all sorts of problems:use that to craft policies to prevent such a thing locally like proper taxing of corporation, redistribution of ressources etc

>> No.17593871
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>If the west wakes up at all and begins removing the parasites from positions of influence and power, China will shift into a conventional aggressive mode and get annihilated while trying to scare people with its shitty nukes probably. Its long term "Schmittian" 500-dimensional chess strategy is to hope that corrupt western plutocrats keep selling out their own sleepy governments and peoples, but the instant this stops, China dies. Belt and Road already failed miserably lol. China's entire economy is predicated on an economic bubble so massive it has its own sub-bubbles that make the dotcom burst look like a joke. It's a potemkin empire. Read Brenner on it, and Victor Shih.

>> No.17594175

they literally don't. they talk about freedom while bombing kids and installing dictators who have death squads.

you can easily complain about china but the fact remains china isn't a rogue state with a big list of global atrocities and i doubt it will ever be. although self-serving, it appears to aim for the overall betterment of the world, which is a huge step up from the USA who keeps much of the world in perpetual chaos and collapse. literally anyone else would be better, is what i mean, and china would seem to be a lot better than most.

who gives a shit about democracy if the world is run better in a particular context, stop being attached to words on their own. your 'democracy' means 'regimes that imperialists like'. liberal democracies have always been bullshit too. oligarchy with no one held accountable.

>> No.17594633

Why are wumaos so incompetent and obvious? Is it the butthurt?