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17582311 No.17582311 [Reply] [Original]

>Defund the Police
>Abolish prisons
Will the works of Angela Davis withstand the sands of time, like Xunzi and Machiavelli? Or will she just be one of the many forgotten political writers.

>> No.17582420

>Defund the Police
>Abolish prisons
>cheer for Kamala Harris

>> No.17582433


>> No.17582464

I don't agree with defunding the police. As a black guy who is studying to take over criminal justice administration I believe we need to diversify the police. I envision a repeat of the "Irishing" of the police in the past where enough of an ethnic group take over the profession for it to become a boon to them. There should be aggressive campaigning for African Americans to become police officers. We should focus on recruiting from the very inner city neighborhoods that they will then police. More black cops is the solution. A lot more.

>> No.17582781

What are your views on prisons? And is your community for the policies of Davis or against them?

>> No.17583698

She’s the most fucking obvious plant ever, can you even name a single other “dissident” in any other country in history that would be paraded on elite universities and neoliberal corporate magazine covers?

>> No.17583754

Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers

>> No.17583848

>on the cover of a well-known magazine
I don't care who you are, if you willingly do that and have any intellectual pretension I will not take you seriously, even if on principle I agree with you. That's why I can't take Houellebecq seriously, despite his apparent edginess he's just another creature of the media. It's frightening to see how many people read him just because he's here, that don't have really opinion on his books (besides the eventual cautious remark about his view on women). Gracq was right about how ridiculous and dangerous this whole "monde des lettres" is, only now it also concerns ideas and politics. I hate the world we're forced to live in because I love the real too much.
Thank you for reading my blog post.

>> No.17583857

Blacks will just see black cops as uncle toms and house niggers

>> No.17583966

Most "Abolish prison" people are complete hypocrites who will 180 when it comes to people they despise. The others are just completely insane and should also be disregarded.
The idea of prison abolition is so absurd that it cant really exist outside of the minds of deluded intellectuals.

>> No.17584117

Houellebecq at least doesn't claim to be a radical communist revolutionary and then does photo-ops with celebrities and bourgeois liberal activists to encourage voting for the Democratic party. He's just a pessimistic writer

>> No.17584190

Hey guys what if we replaced the police department with spontaneous citizen formations so instead of justice we have mob rule haha racist conservatives DESTROYED

>> No.17584826

Prisons in and of themselves are a bad thing but our system is far too punitive. Drug incarceration is absurdly bloated for something that is a health issue. Mandatory sentencing is bullshit that undermines the point of individual cases. Black people are hyper focused upon in society and I feel that we need to address that. The removal of voting rights and destruction of job opportunities for committing any crime no matter how minor retards the ability of ex convicts to reintegrate which leaves crime as a survival mechanism. We need prison reform and to experiment with better methods of incarceration that can lesson the load this is placing on our country. What we're doing is not working and it's reaching critical mass thus we need to try something else. I also think that the intentional cruelty of the prison system in America is very counter productive since American jails are hell on earth by design where you need to constantly fight off rape and assault and often join gangs for this reason. This will either mentally break people or make them into hardened criminals. Work gangs are unconstitutional and jobs are really being replaced not with immigrants but with prison slave labor (black or otherwise). We need to fix these issues to improve society.

>> No.17584829

Prison abolitionists should be made to have former inmates be their neighbors and housemates.

>> No.17584835

>Doesn’t know the difference between M-Lism and anarchism
We’re serious.

>> No.17584843

As a card carrying member of the CPUSA, Angela Davis was already on the way to irrelevancy by the 60s.

>> No.17584868

So we should just let criminals run around raping and killing everyone?

>> No.17584901

In anarchism we’d get everyone what they need, so no theft. Rapists and murderers would see an *actual* correctional facility that threats them for their problems. Unless you’re killing people in a more wild environment. In that case, you might find some free will believers who will tear you apart for molesting any of their children etc.
it would be nicer and get even nicer with time once state-capitalism is removed.

>> No.17584910

>facility that threats them
Treats them, TREATS

>> No.17584937

What an absolutely infantile Pollyanna world you live in. The "rehabilitation" theories of corrections have been shown to be more wishful thinking than reality literally 50 years ago.

>> No.17584939

>Prisons in and of themselves are a bad thing

No, they're not. It is beneficial to society to remove certain individuals from the population; and, yes, there are some people beyond rehabilitation. Some people are unwilling to accept this.

>Black people are hyper focused upon in society and I feel that we need to address that.

It's constantly being addressed.

>The removal of voting rights and destruction of job opportunities for committing any crime no matter how minor retards the ability of ex convicts to reintegrate which leaves crime as a survival mechanism

Voting rights doesn't turn someone to crime: non-issue. Job opportunities can be an issue, however, and there are programs that help ex-convicts re-integrate. Yes, they do actually exist. However, the system cannot hand-hold every ex-convict to not commit crime or return to criminal behavior; that comes down to a personal responsibility.

> I also think that the intentional cruelty of the prison system in America is very counter productive since American jails are hell on earth by design where you need to constantly fight off rape and assault and often join gangs for this reason

The prison system isn't "intentional" in its cruelty. No idea where you get that from. Rape and assault in prison is an issue and prisons handle such things internally. And, no, defunding them won't help.

>Work gangs are unconstitutional and jobs are really being replaced not with immigrants but with prison slave labor (black or otherwise). We need to fix these issues to improve society.

Immigration ballooning the work force is an issue -- literally corporations sponsor flying in people via H1 visas because they are a cheaper solution. Fixing society isn't a one-step fix. It's too multifaceted to directly address.

>> No.17584977
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Nordic nations do this now. You’re quite ill informed.

>> No.17584987

Police are a joke and local penal institutions are entirely inept at ratting out the locals who are truly a blight to the population at large. Imagine if vigilante justice were still a thing and you could just go and lynch the local druggie alcoholic. Town would be booming again. Instead, degens infest every inch and corner.

>> No.17585095

To my knowledge, Irish became cops just because they were tough, burly sorts of guys. It wasn't a political contrivance.

>> No.17585197

First you actually have to show me a working rehabilitation program
Go on, anon..

After that I'd like an IQ improvement course and a dick length enhancer pls mine is vry small

>> No.17585249

Ah yes, the nations where taxes form over 40% of gross domestic product are examples of peak anarchistic society that rehabilitates their criminals.

Protip: anarchism is for room temperature brainlets to dream about, the second your hippie anarchistic society destroys local government you get absorbed by your much more rational neighbours.

>> No.17585255

Nordcucks are very different from everyone else.

>> No.17585273

I know you weren't born yesterday. So why do you believe in this naive utopian ideology?

>> No.17585303

this, imagine thinking that government wouldn't rebuild itself at the first possible opportunity

>> No.17585365

>in anarchism everything good

>> No.17585366

Butterfly, you can't possible think this is a good comparison? An anarchist society obviously won't be structured the same as a Nordic country, unless you think those countries are vanguards for anarchism like American socialists think China is the vanguard of socialism.

>> No.17585395
File: 105 KB, 423x600, 48D45F3B-0386-4146-8D42-D31764CBAE89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I’ve studied it.
This one’s really good. Give it a try.

Taxes? We’re talking about reforming psychotics
>rational direct democratic neighborhoods are a state
Okay Boomer.

Thought experiment. Imagine the removal of state and capital.

Dude. Answered above

>> No.17585403

That Mynmar woman who got a nobel

>> No.17585405

They are too low iq to think how the prison industrial complex could be dismantled, so instead its just close all prisons.

>> No.17585417

In anarchism I'd kidnap butters and rape her all day every day and she cant complain because she is getting what she needs.

>> No.17585504

I don't even fully agree with the original poster, but your entire post reeks of, "yeah it sucks but what can we do about it." His entire post is stronger than yours in that all you seem to believe is maintaining the status quo and trusting those who couldn't do their job to take care of things. Life doesn't work like that.

>> No.17585540
File: 167 KB, 572x579, FF1C56FD-44B0-493B-9E1D-2383C811F7C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmno. You’d be dead

>> No.17586078

I don't think I'm able to imagine a removal of the state at this point. Not when things are this complex.

>> No.17586102

How will they pay for their “defense”? How will they collect taxes on a currency no one wants? How will they find enough willing slaves and to keep them in luxury amongst all the freedom lovers with gun and will to live free or die? There will come a day. I hope it’s soon enough for us to sort ourselves out and not set off an extinction event

>> No.17586198

>we'd get everyone what they need, so no theft
Jesus Christ...

>> No.17586209

How do you think theft happens? Why?
Even if there’s a kleptomaniac, you wouldn’t need half the shit he take back as you can just get another. But again, the locals would get him treated for his derangement

>> No.17586217

I meant to say not a bad thing typo

>> No.17586244

Touch grass

>> No.17586262

Hardly any theft in the first world is done out of "need". It's just gimme dat shit.

>> No.17586269

>>Defund the Police
>>Abolish prisons
read Resurrection, by Tolstoy.

>> No.17586305

What does he have to say about it?

Also. Crime and Punishment, Voltairine de Cleyre

>> No.17586850

Is that YOUR hand in that pic???!

>> No.17586877
File: 76 KB, 500x375, C8271A43-3F07-4BEA-95C2-A8E04AD80979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17586897
File: 184 KB, 500x450, 5903ef32f88bdb6f9220f57d7f607164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, “Wow, three for free!” and the nice friendly McDonald’s worker laughed and said, “I’m going to call you 3-for-free!”.

Now the staff greets me with “hey it’s 3-for-free!” and ALWAYS give me three packets. It’s such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald’s restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I’m in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it’s delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.17587004

A tranny.... AND a book-conoisseur? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

>> No.17587057

The attacks against police are just part of a wider attack on any blue collar position without a college degree requirement. It's not about race its about class, and the poor people are loosing (like they always do).

>> No.17587060


>> No.17587073


>> No.17587110

Most people like currency and luxury, and states have sophisticated military complexes while all you have is a bunch of wishful thinking and cope.

>> No.17587122

>But again, the locals would get him treated for his derangement
You realize "treated" in this context means being lynched in the streets, right?
Nobody likes being robbed and if it becomes a serious issue the person will just get done. Thats how this works in every society without a strong centralization of force, and its sophisticated version is tribal warfare, honour killings, and duels to the death, not whatever hippy drum circle you have envisioned.

>> No.17587149

Decentralization is possible, but "anarchy" only during some kind widespread technological collapse and even then it'll be temporary. BTW I know you live in California so I'm preparing for that day, too ;)

>> No.17587434

>The others are just completely insane and should also be disregarded.

>> No.17587490

>>In anarchism we’d get everyone what they need, so no theft.
this sentence is proof atheists can't think, and have no critical thinking

stick to watching cape shit

>> No.17587559

only in america.

>> No.17587574

>Abolish prisons
Yes! YES!!! Fuck prisons. Reinstitute corporal punishment/fines for lesser offences and permanent banishment to Central Africa or Arctic Wastes or whatever for major ones.

>> No.17587578


>> No.17587587

And she just got cucked by her own military, so no, america is the only one because as it turns out politics are not real in America it’s just an industry and even the radical dissidents are celebrities

>> No.17587611

>and states have sophisticated military complexes
Like Syria, and Iraq did as one point...

Oh you’re right. We should all vote to leave the crazies in our streets so they can pick us off one by one. Wouldn’t be anarchism without that, right?
Nobody will rob anyone because they can have anything and they weren’t raised by sheep to obey clown bullies. We’re really talking about a whole other kind of world when you take away that one odious aspect.

You have a mental blockage and think I can’t think?
What do you think motivates theft?

>> No.17587697

>It's not about race its about class
Lmao. Retard

>> No.17587705

Why are you awake at this hour, my love

>> No.17587708

Leave it to lit to have some faggot going on about anarchist revolution ahahahahahahahahahahha

>> No.17587725

>Thought experiment. Imagine the removal of state and capital.
You have an interim period of anarchism before a new state emerges.

>> No.17587755

Why target police and not doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, university administrators, or any of the other jobs that institutionally fail black people?
You don't think it has anything to do with the fact that policing is the one respectable unionized job someone can do without a college degree?
Wake the fuck up.

>Oh you’re right. We should all vote to leave the crazies in our streets so they can pick us off one by one. Wouldn’t be anarchism without that, right?
The hell are you even talking about? As someone who's actually been victimized by crime, and lived in countries without a strong centralized authority, I can tell you with complete certainty that the first reaction of someone who's been wronged is to seek blood.
The whole concept of a centralized state isn't some boogyman thats held humanity back since the dawn of time, it's a very recent aberration from the norm. You can observe today parts of the world without a state-held monopoly of force and almost all of them operate according to tribal law and tit-for-tat violence. Stop being such a naive moron.

>> No.17588226

Pretty much that, they don't actually know what they stand for, just follow whatever some influential figure is saying

>> No.17588266
File: 221 KB, 1200x1500, cortez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a sociopathic gaze

>> No.17588659

>What does he have to say about it?
the whole book is about how the prison and judicial syststems are a farce made to keep the old social order going.

>> No.17588673

There are still people who read Voltaire and believe what he says.

Yes she'll withstand the sands of time because there will always be someone willing to champion her ideals and we live in an era where literary loss, unless deliberate, is incredibly rare.

>> No.17588698

>his post is stronger because you're pessimistic
what lmao

>> No.17588710

This, I'd really love to hear what anarchist fags have to say about that

>> No.17588933

prefer nandos me

>> No.17589110
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>> No.17589166

Yes butterfly, theft is out of need, which is why theft is only ever of food and never of luxury goods

>> No.17589176

That just means that evidently she was a real dissident.

>> No.17589192


>> No.17589207

Leftists were a mistake.

>> No.17589312

Lmao who knew a tripfagging dyke who's in her 40s and single would be this retarded? I didn't see this coming at all.

>> No.17589341

Almost everyone who writes in this era will be forgotten. In fact, our entire civilization is the most likely of any to totally disappear without a trace.

>> No.17589348

Why don’t African-Americans just start actually behaving just like everyone else does? There. Problem solved.

>> No.17590043

Needs and wants. Satisfied once state capitalism is thrown off.

>aaaa, it’s too complex
Read what I’ve recommended

>> No.17590304

>Satisfied once state capitalism is thrown off.
How so? You think all desirable goods will just magically exist in unlimited quantities?

>Read what I’ve recommended
That's not an answer, how do you stop people from forming gangs which oppress everyone else? Answer: You can't because you'd need something like a... Police. You know, the very thing anarchists hate. Let's face it: your little utopia is a pipe dream

>> No.17591056

Because they are poor and uneducated as a result of recent policies like jim crow laws, segregation, discrimination, their neighbourhoods being bad and no schools around, etc

>> No.17592210
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>> No.17592244

readin books? that be fo bitch niggas, fuck outta here with that soft shit

>> No.17592281

Black cops are MORE likely to shoot blacks than white cops you dumb coon.

>> No.17592317

>We’re serious
No you aren’t. And by that I do not mean that you’re joking, I mean that you aren’t seriously considering the issues. You are like a /pol/ fascist who actually thinks it’s possible to pull a NatSoc revolution in the USA. In order to be serious you have to have an actual concrete understanding of the situation and you had better be able to explain to me every step in how you intend to bring about your intended outcome.

And of course you cannot do this because you aren’t serious.

>> No.17592344

Anarchy is a transitionary period between authoritarian systems. You’d get a Franco within a week of the state’s collapse.

>> No.17592363

Nordic nations are fucking WHITE you retard.

>> No.17592368

not anymore lmfaoooooooooooooo

>> No.17592388


based and libidinal economy pilled

>> No.17592501

Fuck anarchism it's had centuries to fail to make good on its promises. 3-for-freeism is the real path to political liberation.

>> No.17592816

>There should be aggressive campaigning for African Americans to become police officers. We should focus on recruiting from the very inner city neighborhoods that they will then police. More black cops is the solution. A lot more.
This is based ONLY if black police exclusively police black neighborhoods. Other than that I understand your line of reasoning anon, makes sense.

>> No.17592831


>> No.17592882

For a Nietzsche fan, you sure do love the rabble huh...

>> No.17593150
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Lads, this is b8. Stopp falling for it

>> No.17593865

you're so unfathomly retarded I don't even know where to begin