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17585849 No.17585849[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

damn, feels good to be christian

>> No.17585859
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Why is the modern female like this?

>> No.17585861

Based roastie deterritorializing spiritualism

>> No.17585865

This is very sad, hopefully she wakes up from her desperate delusions some day.

>> No.17585868
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why is everyone so nihilistic bros

>> No.17585869

OP this is a great example of spiritual materialism. The ego is everywhere.

>> No.17585872

I think you might be projecting a little friend

>> No.17585881

What is it that draws women to this kinda shit?

>> No.17585886

How is it not just the female version of Evola, Guenon, etc.?

>> No.17585890

dog penis

>> No.17585900

She's getting there.

genesis 1-14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for -----signs----, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

>> No.17585903

In the same way that men toil over droll, boring novels about nothing to reclaim and illusion of mastery and control, women skim websites on astrology and then make tik toks. Maybe our way of doing it is more cerebral, but I don't know that it somehow makes it more effective.

>> No.17585904

>only women are into commodified mysticism and spiritualism
look at half the catalog rn lmao

>> No.17585907
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crystal tarot chicks are based

>> No.17585914

I hate this new age hippie shit as much as the next guy, but why do they make my dick hard?

>> No.17585920

this is your brain on burgers
and what I mean by burgers is being socialized to a commodified culture debased from its traditional origins and removed from anything natural

>> No.17585924

Non-Christian religions are so disgusting and satanic. How does anyone think this is cool? Does her woman brain go CrYSTalS pRetTy and now she's a satanist?

>> No.17585929

Since when did Satan give a shit about rocks?

>> No.17585933


>> No.17585935

Yes, just like you went "ChRiStIan AeStHeTiCs PRetTy" and decided to LARP as a Christian.

>> No.17585942

Those hippie new ages chicks are often more genuine and interested in their practice than most """"Christians"""" I've ever seen.

>> No.17585945
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Repeating after me is not a good argument. And no I became Christian because I read this book.

>> No.17585949

Based anon who wants Christians to be more genuine in their practice.

>> No.17585950
File: 85 KB, 600x600, 7BEB4D0A-69D3-4A79-9F46-C4099F404CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being a human today and thinking “damn, I really wanna do what so-and-so is doing”.

>> No.17585975

They are returning to the pagan practices of TRUE EVROPE/\NS

>> No.17585982

>he's one of the 1.329 billion christians? IMPOSSIBLE! he must be a larper

>> No.17585991
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I sought a standing in Time; it was uninhabitable. When I turned to Eternity, I lost my footing altogether.

>> No.17585994

I messed it up, allow me to do it again:
They are returning to the pagan practices of TRVE EVROPE/\NS

>> No.17585995

I grew up Christian so I know very well just how fake and petty most of them are. If you're legit then good for you, but lets not get too detached from reality.

>> No.17586018
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divination doesn't work for me, and I don't know what the crystals are supposed to do, but meditation and occult rituals are comfy. I do the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar Exercise every day

>> No.17586035

stop and take an IQ test before you continue

>> No.17586039

Male astrology is libertarianism

>> No.17586046

Since they could be used to deceive people into believing in lies.

>> No.17586052

That's a tranny

>> No.17586073

Occult. Cringe. You're going to follow some fake shit elites created to blackmail eachother.

>> No.17586075

Cuz new age hippie sluts are extremely good at sucking dick.

t. have dated a few

>> No.17586087


>> No.17586099
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>> No.17586147

This is definitely a thing, and I suspect there's something real there beyond them being anti-trad and very "open-minded". That's part of it, but I don't think it's all. I get the sense that there's something particularly feminine about all this esoterica that attracts all the most feminine women, although what that is, I can't say.

>> No.17586155

They can't accept Christ or else they would have to cease, admit, and repent their degeneracy (mostly to do with immodest clothing, birth control, and sleeping around). Stars are pretty and they crave deeper meaning in their life to fill the gap where Jesus should be.

>> No.17586210
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>> No.17586231

The fact that these things tend to be quite nature-oriented and egalitarian is what is feminine about them.

>> No.17586233

>damn it feels good to be a smug self righteous bastard.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.17586302

I've already done it for months and it has a good effect. I can feel my energy and it helped heal some of my injuries. And the Golden Dawn versions work with the archangels and the Judeo-Christian God, so the theories linking all this to Satanic elites are nonsense

>> No.17586312

Attractive young women that you perceive as both stupid and promiscuous are bound to make your dick hard at least a little bit anon.

>> No.17586320

Christians limited themselves so badly when they chose to eschew their esoteric traditions, but I reckon the Church wanted to maintain it's monopoly on knowledge.

>> No.17586350

All religions r gae
Schizos need not reply

>> No.17586378

Coomer moment

>> No.17586383

why am I a smug self righteous bastard?

>> No.17586525

You are defining yourself and your faith by what it is not instead of what it is/you are and use that to judge others.

>> No.17586538

Made for BBC.

>> No.17586555

>everything I don’t like is satanic
>twitter meme in post
go back

>> No.17586563

A lot of women are into this shit. I'm a huge loner and I personally know two girls who are deep into crystals and their spirit animal and shit. Its a surrogate activity for raising a home and children. Simple as

>> No.17586587

first mutt

>> No.17586658

whats her @

>> No.17586967


>> No.17587000

>In the same way that men toil over droll, boring novels about nothing to reclaim and illusion of mastery and control
Yeah, I'm thinking you got filtered by Henry James. HARD.