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/lit/ - Literature

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17584056 No.17584056 [Reply] [Original]

Worst blue board on all of 4chan coming through.

>> No.17584058

But mine is black.

>> No.17584066

based niggerscreener
Unfathomly based

>> No.17584071

18 years running

>> No.17584074

if you think /lit/ is bad, go here to witness true depravity and wrack of the human spirit.

>> No.17584081

I didnt know a pony board existed wtf why would you show me this?

>> No.17584090

Holy fucking shit
How new are you faggot

>> No.17584091

It was done as a way to stop pony posting. The one time a containment board actually worked.

>> No.17584093

Wanna hear the funniest part? The pony board has more writing and focus on writing than /lit/

>> No.17584096

Okay, but why tf do those people exist? How is this allowed in a society?

>> No.17584101

You really are a newfag. 4chan is the internets containment site.

>> No.17584103

Oh no! Not depravity! Nah, moralfag larpers and pseuds are worse.

>> No.17584108

That's nothing
Pay a visit to >>>/trash/

>> No.17584110 [DELETED] 

Dilate ponyfreak

>> No.17584159


>> No.17584179

That's true, /mlp/ has written multiple fanfic books which are longer than all of the writing /lit/ has produced combined.

>> No.17584193

Lots of people here write so I doubt it.

>> No.17584222

That was before Gardnerposters saved it.

>> No.17584223

/jp/ exists so no.

>> No.17584225

Hard to gauge, they have a board full of writing threads which are filled daily, but I assume many of us write daily and we just don’t post it on the board. I’d say they definitely have written more FOR THEIR BOARD than we have.

>> No.17584228
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Honestly I think the worst blue board on the site is /co/. Their mods are insane petty tyrants who will ban people for the most random things, and the average /co/ user is an extremely insufferable bog-standard Democratic Party voter. I'm more right-wing myself, but I'd genuinely rather hang out with /lit/'s unironic communists than ever hang out with the average /co/ user these days.

>> No.17584232

I'm fairly new here but /lit/ is by the far the best board on 4chan as far as I can tell
>/tv/ and /pol/ are dogshit
>/x/ is retarded
>/a/ and /v/ are boring

>> No.17584246

The worst boards can be measured by their white supremacists/chud frequency. A loud minority here, left unchecked, they’ve drawn more of their sort over time. Hence the increase in empty memer crap, trad-cath-fash larps, and general non-readers ragging on core litizens

>> No.17584247
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>Go to /tv/
>IQ decreases 20 points

>> No.17584251

/x/ and /pol/ nearly gave me an aneurysm. And /tv/ sucks.

>> No.17584261

Stay there nigger

>> No.17584264

The worst boards can be measured by your presence.

>> No.17584265
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I have been posting on /a/ for almost a month now, and it is so much more enjoyable, laid back and relaxing I rarely come here anymore.
I wish /lit/ had more generals that would form their own incubation enviroments free form the toxic elements of bait/ twitter screencap, etc. threads in the catalog.
Similarly even /pol/ can be bearably if you have a recluse newfag filter general to immediately enter. (RIP /sg/)
I cant even say I learn more here than on a manga board anymore thats how shit /lit/ has become desu.

>> No.17584280


>> No.17584281

The heyday of /3gdg/ on /pol/ was some of the most fun I've ever had on this site.

>> No.17584284

gardnerian posting will soon reach all corners of the internet, only when all posters are gardnerian will we truly be saved. until then true gardnarianism has never been tried.

>> No.17584291

Then go.

>> No.17584294

based butters

>> No.17584299

Yes just checked, they have 8 active writing threads up right now. Kek

>> No.17584300
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absolute autism literally following the hourly progress of a random dam in the middle of china like a learning intern but never getting paid kek

>> No.17584301


>> No.17584320

/tv/ is fun in general and you can get pretty good comfy threads and good reccomendations if you're in the right threads

>> No.17584325

Holy shit, those spergs are pumping artworks into the anus of Internet.
I wonder if they will be remembered for their art work

>> No.17584329

Holy shit just leave

>> No.17584343

Not him but I have gotten good reccs from /film/

>> No.17584348

Eh some of their more popular fanfics get a ton of views/reading, hell I even see a pseudo-terza rima divine comedy-pastiche where the ponies go through hell purgatory and heaven.

It’s pretty funny honestly and they’ve been going stronger and stronger for years, I think it’s because the show itself has so little to speak of/discuss and they all like the vague/light world, they had no option but to write their own schlock, and as time goes on and less and less there is to COOMSOOM they’re forced to pump out more of their own OC. And again from what I understand it’s still a pretty decently large group.

>> No.17584363

>mlp 150 archived threads
>lit 1000 archived threads
Furfags win

>> No.17584365
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counter argument: /vg/

>> No.17584368

>Frater goes to /mlp/
Wow why am I not surprised?

>> No.17584375

so you are saying that the final redpill is to have an autistically limited pool of major influences, not only so you can quickly exhaust the amount of procrastination you can do for "inspiration", but also because you now have a genuine drive to produce something simply because you want to see it as opposed to wanting to "make an impact"

>> No.17584377

>I have been posting on /a/ for almost a month now, and it is so much more enjoyable, laid back and relaxing I rarely come here anymore.
/a/ is garbage. The only fun part about that board is evading bans and baiting shonentards.

>> No.17584391

True, I been trying to get anons to help make a collaborative effort to write a new dictionary and mods took down my post and warned me.

Why does Frater know so much about /mlp/?

>> No.17584393

>make /vmg/ because mobile games are flooding /vg/
>still allow them on /vg/
>/vmg/ is dead
I don't get it

>> No.17584394
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>I wish /lit/ had more generals

>> No.17584397

So this is power of weaponised autism?

>> No.17584403

Oh no, let's not disrupt the endless repetition of Deleuze memes.

>> No.17584406

They will be remembered, maybe even studied by future historians, but it will probably be for the strangeness, the board archives might be a widely cited source for most studies, maybe they will even call them functional, by the standards of this website at least. You gotta give it to the weirdos, they get shit done, even if it's MLP fan fiction novels. Unlike this great board, previously known as less shitty /His/.

>> No.17584407

>Why does Frater know so much about /mlp/?
Because he's a Girardfagesque autist that has way too many interests at once.

>> No.17584423

I just checked /tv/ to see what you're talking about and they were all Coomer threads talking about nothing.
I couldn't even find the Arthouse general, the only good shit on there; it was too buried and I didn't care anymore.

>> No.17584426

He is an obsessive highly smart autist. I wouldn't be surprised that he has some weird obsessions.

>> No.17584430


>> No.17584433


>> No.17584440
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>> No.17584441

/mlp/ is right next to /lit/ on the list of boards, it's not surprising that someone who lurks /lit/ knows about /mlp/ just from misclicking from time to time. It happened to me.

>> No.17584442

I know about it because while I was on discord, a friend of mine wanted to get some fresh blood for a raid, so he told me had a server filled with Nazi Bronies, so I go in thinking I will find the most turbo autists possible.

So I go in and I find that the mods know Greek and study obsessively the classics like Homer, and I’m just sitting there surprised that some of the best discussion I had on the server are on this place. So I stick around and speak to the smarter ones and shitpost and raid and so forth with them.

Pretty much, pure libido/desire drive. >>17584391
Man, I just want to have knowledge about everything.

I don’t believe I’ve ever interacted with him, would I like him?

>> No.17584449

Why do right wing literature threads always get deleted or auto archived?

>> No.17584455

>Acting like an arbiter of ideologically quality
>Is an Ancom

>> No.17584457

legit never has happened to me in +6 years
more likely a freudian missclick on your end

>> No.17584464

All tripfags want is attention. Don’t interact with them.

>> No.17584477

Jannies are trannies. They do it to apolitical threads on masculinity, too.

>> No.17584482

You're right, Anon

>> No.17584485

No, it's easily /mu/. Not only does everyone like music which already makes the board more prone to retards, music also takes no effort to listen = more /pol/tards. If you think the /pol/ colony is bad here, try /mu/.

>> No.17584486

God, I wish I had the willpower to become a non-cancerous poster, IE read, I'll finish crime and punishment eventually, someday.

>> No.17584491

my dick stays hard
you pussy niggas soft
got a milli on my wrist
you dusty niggas stay broke
got a new bitch on my dick
you ugly niggas stay woke

>> No.17584492

There’s nothing wrong with anarchism.

Don’t talk to him. He only craves attention.

>> No.17584500

It's because /a/ still has a board culture. But generals are cancer and we shouldn't invite them.

>> No.17584519

Yes the anarcho-capitalist variety
>Don’t talk to him. He only craves attention.

>> No.17584521

Stop being so ass blasted over nothing

>> No.17584523

>generals are cancer and we shouldn't invite them
This is true. Generals have the potential to absolutely kill a board. Look at /mu/, that board is a barren wasteland because the generals have completely sucked the life out of the board.

>> No.17584526

groovy groover

>> No.17584527

give me on argument against /german idealism general/ , /attica philosophy general/ , /german, english, french, russian, spanish, etc language ltierature general/, etc. ?

>> No.17584528 [DELETED] 

worse than childish extremists like nazis and anachists is that guy who is dedicating all his free time to making the wwoym thread have some kpop feetpic bullshit. since those threads are always the entry point for me to posting on 4chan, it really will drive me to quit this site which is good i guess bad in the sense that it makes the board objectively worse. wwoym threads used to have a variety of images, often paintings or other aesthetically engaging things, now it's just a chance for some neet to indulge is lame fetish

>> No.17584532

Anarchism is retarded, and the only one that could technically work is egoism and meme variants, but that's just because egoism is just sociopathy: The ideology.

>> No.17584539

>So I go in and I find that the mods know Greek and study obsessively the classics like Homer, and I’m just sitting there surprised that some of the best discussion I had on the server are on this place. So I stick around and speak to the smarter ones and shitpost and raid and so forth with them.
Kek, this is so interesting

I would love read a book like Meetings with Remarkable Men or the way Gurdjieff writes but about the strange shit on the internet.

>> No.17584551


>> No.17584554

How about you shut the fuck up and go lick some boots you massive faggot

>> No.17584563

>t. enjoys scrolling through 10 pages in the catalog to find the two worthwhile threads
you probably enjoy the /pol/ catalog too dont you

>> No.17584564

Based /TV/ haters. That board sucks shit

>> No.17584578

Look at /qa/ if you want to see the absolute nadir of the human spirit

>> No.17584585

You first overly naive tranny

>> No.17584592

Because I'm not a newfag redditor that needs every single thread neat and compartmentalized.

>> No.17584595

How about the /s4s/ pill?

>> No.17584600

Rent free

>> No.17584603

i didnt say make /litg/ you fucking retarded nigger. 5 consistent generals (outside of /sffg/) up all the time would seriously improve a lot, especially by taking the steam out of the bait threads.

>> No.17584607

I think the only time generals are needed is when either a single topic doesn’t have enough interest, so much so that its lone threads would easily slide and then die, or if a topic is overwhelmingly popular and a general is needed for containment.

Example, poetry threads don’t last very long alone.

>> No.17584611
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>Arthouse general
>the only good shit on there

>> No.17584614

>e needed is when either a single topic doesn’t have enough interest, so much so that its lone threads would easily slide and then die
>or if a topic is overwhelmingly popular and a general is needed for containment.
also no
imagine the possibility of there being a medium.

>> No.17584617

Atleast /tv/ don't hide that they are mindless consumers.

>> No.17584630

Fair, would a theology/Religious autism general work? It's starting to fucking annoy me.

>> No.17584633

Oh dude my time on discord has been odd, before I took off I had a server with a bunch of dudes all with a similar amount of study as I in various fields, I infiltrated the major tranny server that harasses /pol/ I found the dudes who bait /r9k/ I found hive after hive of thousand-men large schizophrenics, places which felt like old 4chan, places where they would cut chunks out of their limbs and record and post it. So many oddities. Most of the oddest servers either require an invite and aren’t advertised, or they’re really odd and niche interests.

>> No.17584640

/his/ is far worse.

>> No.17584649

I don’t think so, it’s too massive. Religion/philosophy could take up a small board by itself.

>> No.17584650

>I couldn't even find the Arthouse general
Not him but there you go >>>/tv/146827455

>> No.17584652

/tv/ is just reddit with more racial slurs

>> No.17584656

Generals kill original threads with endless repetition of the same insular topics and memes. it neuters discussion within due to exhausting topics and erases it without because will seek out (or be directed to) the "appropriate" thread to post it. Generals have killed plenty of boards, most notably /int/. If you want an example of cancer caused by generals on /lit/ then look no further than the all-caps tripspreg pedophile that the spanish general lured here.

>> No.17584659

>Fair, would a theology/Religious autism general work?
Those are infinitely more interesting than any of the Philosophy threads.

>> No.17584664

That’s just liberalism 2.0
How is bitcoin going to save the environment?
A humorous barb.

You’re talking about Stirner or Rand? Because “ego” is apparently a poor translation. Read Graeber’s Direct Action. Anarchism is everybody, not sociopaths. That’s liberal capitalism.

I pay nothing to post here.

>> No.17584670

>it neuters discussion within due to exhausting topics
>german idealism being axhaustible
fucking kek

>> No.17584675

/qa/, /s4s/, and /bant/ are like the same board but it's interested to see how they've diverged
/qa/ is like /tv/ shitposting, /s4s/ is the most like old /b/, and /bant/ is mostly like anime /b/

>> No.17584676

When he says he checked the catalogue, he really meant to say that he looked at two OPs and came back to seethe

>> No.17584684
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[s4s] is the zenith

>> No.17584692

Butter why do you even react back after all these years.

>> No.17584699

You might be on to something.
It would probably be boring because reading the book would be a simulation of a simulation. Ready Player One got away with it by having the kid in a matrix-like thing where fantastical nonsense occured. A whole book of a guy sitting at a fucking computer reading text and memes would only shine a light on just how pathetic our lives have become.
Again, you might be on to something.

>> No.17584703

Go back

>> No.17584713

You first

>> No.17584714

What the actual fuck......cutting chunks? What the fuck. I don't fucking believe this.

Man I am begging you to write a book about your internet experiences. You deeply understand the writing process so please do it under a pseudo name or some shit.

>> No.17584734

You do someone once posted an online ad looking for someone to eat... And then they met up, and he killed and ate him.

>> No.17584738

I mean I believe anarchism, in general, is a huge fucking meme, some are funnier than others, like fascist anarchism, or queer anarchism, I don't know, I feel like it's overly naive, like a relative of mine who was communist once described it.

>> No.17584746

Is /lit/ the only board that encourages avatarfagging?

>> No.17584748

Do know*. Might add the act was completely voluntary.
Basically everything exists in the net, I'm just surprised it's on discord now.

>> No.17584752

This board seems by far the least retarded on average to me. /g/ is sometimes alright but mostly just full of pedophiles and the same 3 bait threads over and over now.

>> No.17584769

There are tons of crony stories on YouTube about deepweb and shit like that. But still there is nothing which is of a literary merit.

>> No.17584785

Are there any on /lit/?

>> No.17584800

Bruh, really? Truly, please tell me you can't be serious, you are the king of autism, Jesus fuck, if it's true that I wish it isn't, write a fucking book, but don't market it, the media will probably have an internet shut down over the contents, Jesus christ.

>> No.17584814

The tripfag impostor as far as i can tell has been going for over a year

>> No.17584819

Based. Reading Call of the Arcade now. I'm kinda inspired knowing this guy came from here.

>> No.17584822

Marxist-Leninists always think this, about everyone even. They’re ivory tower snobs that think China is doing really well.
Anarchists are capable of embracing large sections of the population and actually advocate a rational well defined alternative that works for all. Loners, communal, environmentalism. It can work, it will just take a little more effort than I’m sure people will give.


>> No.17584831

tripfags aren't avatarfags

>> No.17584842

>What the actual fuck......cutting chunks? What the fuck. I don't fucking believe this.

Oh dude, let me explain. my trolling/raiding group once again infiltrated a tranny group (we would usually infiltrate basically cults or look for pedophiles, collect dox information and then usually give it to authorities or scare them off entirely, usually destroying the cult/group, hardest we went was a military medic satanist who was going for a 13 year old.) anyways, they were trying it convince this dude that he could take his knife and just go ahead and castrate himself at home. So while I’m edgy enough to troll I obviously told the dude to get away, since he’s going to kill himself.

One of these dudes posts a video with name and everything, cuts a chunk out of themselves goes pretty deep, puts it in a pan, cooks it and then eats it. Not enough to remove their leg but still a chunk, all to convince someone to cut their genitals off.

Discord has a shit reputation but you sometimes in rare times normal cool folks, the rest of the time it’s a similar feeling (for me at least) like watching mister metokur or kiwi farms. I’ve left discord basically just to read more.

>> No.17584845

I always find it strange that people browse /qa/

>> No.17584850

Oh dude really, I don’t think I would write a book about it but I mean, that shit still goes on. If you spend some time in discord you’ll find a ton of freaky stuff. Key is you gotta make a little safe zone server where you and the lads search for weirdos.

>> No.17584860

I can't stand that guy. No one can. Fuck. Even without a trip you would know it was him.

>> No.17584865

It's sfw old /b/

>> No.17584870

Fuck and yet I got bans for being in moderately right wing political servers. What the fuck
>(we would usually infiltrate basically cults or look for pedophiles,
You should look into CORE. its a sissy hypno tranny cult on discord and tumblr. Its pretty well established and preys on a lot of people

>> No.17584871
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Why hate?

>> No.17584878

By the way, creating that server with a bunch of dudes of similar study wasn’t easy but yeah it’s doable.

I think the only way to write such a book would be to isolate the stories and re-tell them as if they occurred outside of the internet.

>> No.17584880

I feel you are larping but I am also inclined to believe you, very sick people live on this planet.
My relative doesn't about china, he probably doesn't consider it communist, he lost and he knows he lost, pretty sure that's why he believes it's very naive if movements like his failed, why would something as utopian as anarchism succeed.

>> No.17584893

Yeah, I figured. It's like modern folk tales and urban legends. And they are less imaginative than ever.

>> No.17584894

Sounds terrible, if I remember I’ll tell the lads about it and see what they can do about it when I return to discord. >>17584880

Nothing to larp about, these are Nazi trannies if I remember right, one of the channels on their server was a compilation of all those articles about Nazi germany having cross dressers and trannies, which they would use as justification for themselves existing.

>> No.17584907

You know I heard this a couple of times but I never looked into it and I seen he recently said he’d make kids read lolita in the English class thread (I assumed it was just edgy humor.)

How do we know he’s a pedo? Does he just admit to it and I haven’t seen?

>> No.17584925

Telling those stories outside of the Internet would boring. Internet is the spirit of this age and a good artist must capture that. See the video Jon Rafman did for OPN and released it on /mu/. He is a post-internet artist you deal with this type of decadent internet shit.

>> No.17584928

I see, I guess it's bound to happen, why do people become living contradictions? Who knows, especially contradictions as regarded as nazi trannys, I once an Iraqi siegefag white supremacist who worships war and bases his ideology after a manifesto made by an Uzbek, it isn't as far of a stretch.

>> No.17584935

My no effort bait thread getting 132 replies perfectly demonstrates the point. QED, retards.

>> No.17584936
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Don't do this to me frater, it is devastating

>> No.17584945

No one can resist a meta thread

>> No.17584960

Problem is, I feel the kind of stuff which captures this right doesn’t really lend itself well to ornate art. Example someone like Jreg or the various other meme based hyper ironic types are pretty popular and consider themselves as very artsy. I think stuff like that is very out of my wheelhouse personally and it has by its nature to appeal to various low impulses in the coomsoomer.

Do you have any idea how many Turkish satanist and Turkish Nazi pagans and jihadis I’ve seen on discord? I know from my Turkish m8s on discord that there’s a ton of Turkish only Nazi satanist servers.

As in that /lit/ is so bad? Is what it is, or concerning why I know such. I answer why throughout the thread.

It’s honestly pretty funny that they spend more time than most here writing. Kek.

>> No.17584962

Ex-tankies from eastern bloc countries still harbor the disdain for libertarian-socialists. They don’t read up on it. If they did they’d see it’s a huge, multifaceted program. Almost too unwieldy

>> No.17584963

...he's a literal pedophile. Is this bait?

>> No.17584969

this is off topic but i looked at your blog and it seems like schizo ramblings am I missing something

>> No.17584971

I must have missed this, does he really just straight up go around parading it?

>> No.17584976

go back to r'ddit

>> No.17584988

Oh, rei. I thought you were talking about me.

He posts a lot of underaged girls. He doesn’t espouse it much as far as I’ve seen. Creepy

>> No.17584999

My blog is basically a diary, the articles aren’t written so that anyone else can understand them, they’re just my interior thought processes written down. They’re easily comprehensible if you study all of the occult and religious and philosophical and poetic strands I have. And I know that sounds cringe and pretentious BUT, it’s because the blog is written not to explain to others, just to contain my raw and models/structures.

I usually write a large post when I get a massive breakthrough or reformulate some part of my phenomenology/ontology, thus no time to write it in a way the normie will receive it. Just have to write it in a way I can understand in the most clear cut and precise way possible.

Makes sense, I basically ignore most image posts if they’re not art and if they’re not a meme/thread relevant. I also just ignore all posts in Spanish.

>> No.17585010

I would never say that about you, butters.

This and one of the pics was a grown man with his hand on a girl's chest. I literally can't think about it; I want to kill him. Ban me for that, jannies.

>> No.17585012

Nah, mate, /an/, /lit/ and /tg/ are the only places worth visiting on this Godforsaken site.

>> No.17585013

Who gives a shit about it being not "serious" art? Just do a little side project. Or anonymously submit your greentext/simple stories in lamp or some shit.

>> No.17585015

Every board seems cool for the first month

>> No.17585024

He isn't an ex-tankie from east Europe either he's from Latin America.
No, I didn't, I know myself and I'd rather not get involved with those types of niggers, strangely enough, that Iraqi was oddly convincing, he even got me to read siege.

>> No.17585028

Full of trannies and chronic masturbators.

>> No.17585037
File: 101 KB, 873x1332, 3BD3CE83-A907-43E3-A20F-3CA1DAE99F16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W/e. Statement still stands, it isn’t naive, it’s everywhere and nascent

>> No.17585039

Oh fair enough, maybe I will anon I haven’t given much thought to it.

Damn dude, yeah tripfags are usually pretty bad (myself included, I admit I spam, am pretentious and so forth) I don’t blame folks when they shit on them. >>17585024
Eh, I’m a stubborn autist, writing and solidifying so much of ideas and opinions into lists, essays and so forth kinda immunizes me from the majority of rhetoric.

I once read siege when it blew up just to see what it was, they were shilling about how rednecks are good but they’re not edgy atheists and so forth, so obviously I considered it absolute shit and used what little I did read of it to mock siegefags.

>> No.17585047

worst board is /mu/

>> No.17585061

No, it's /gif/. /gif/ is the absolute worst board on this website, anyone who thinks otherwise has never been there.

>> No.17585064

That pedo subhuman is also an orthodox Christian Nazi vegan.

>> No.17585065

I like /mu/. Kpop posters are self aware at least.

>> No.17585069

Been there. Can confirm. Saw gore.

>> No.17585075

I guess I honestly never really tried to approach him in conversation, I see him sometimes in rec threads and poetry threads

Gores really not that big of a deal. Used to be HUGE. There’s still some boards that have a good deal of it commonly.

>> No.17585077

/gif/ it's not a blue board

>> No.17585085

No he is an actual pedo, or minimally a hebeophile
on /lit/: >>/lit/thread/S17210135#p17220113
on /int/: https://desuarchive.org/int/thread/126099677/#q126101473

>> No.17585094

Counter argument: /his/
Legitimately the worst board I've seen
>same 20 threads daily with slightly different text (either meaning bots or schizos)
>obvious b8 threads get 100+ replies while actually good threads get 30 at most
>/hit/- Hitler and Humanities
>jannies don't do their job at all

>> No.17585096

An aerage 4chan user then

>> No.17585103
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guaranteed replies

>> No.17585120

coronavirus lockdowns ruined /lit/.

>> No.17585127

You just described /lit/. Just change hitler to right wing literature/zoomer tranny phenomena

>> No.17585133
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simultaneous best and worst board coming through

>> No.17585143

That's the shitskin board

>> No.17585144

based pajeets run that board fleecing money off pimply neets

>> No.17585152

i like white people AND butterfly and there is nothing you can do to change it

>> No.17585165

Based and redpilled.

>> No.17585205
File: 30 KB, 303x255, chrome_H5HcXJcaME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think of the pajeets as being like the immune system to keep out the low iq and the redditors. any experienced bizraeli will automatically mentally filter the pump and dump flavor of the week and the discussion about blockchain tech and its implications can be really interesting. there are some really smart fuckers that browse that board. the average person will take one look at all the pajeetery and turn 360 degrees and walk away.

>> No.17585221

/m/ is the best blue board for the level of knowledge of the average user. /lit/ should have a high barrier to entry but philposting has destroyed it. Also rec threads take forever to get archived and get posted very frequently despite the plethora of charts. /mu/ is probably the worst blue board because it's an infinite dick measuring contest of shitting on review sites that most posters seem to use.

>> No.17585248

>Just change hitler to right wing literature.
Shut the fuck up, board is still majority Marxist

>> No.17585267

I am white and like being white, love the Greeks and all that, but I am not a supremacist no matter how proud I can be. I can be just as ashamed of some aspects of so-called “white culture”.
Our successes and degeneracy can be chalked up to geography and resources

>> No.17585329

There are like 4 marxists. One half is chinese and the other half hasn't even read Marx

>> No.17585331

We need a philosophy and religion board to ship all the autists to

>> No.17585378

As much as I’d enjoy one, I think that would gut /lit/

>> No.17585487

That would only leave everything to the Gardnerposters.

>> No.17585510

>hating /tv/
Literally the best board

>> No.17585512

Ah, failed ideologies, perpetually on the rise since their creation 200 years ago

>> No.17585534

Nah, pretty much what /lit/ used to be.

>> No.17585588

stay there

>> No.17585591

>I am white and like being white
ok bigot

>> No.17585629

It's by far the best if you ignore
>all religion threads
>all Nietzsche threads
>all Marx threads (even those are decent sometimes)
>all /pol/ bait threads
/mu/, /tv/ and /v/ are by far the worst. I haven't gone on /ck/ in months but that's also a good one generally.

>> No.17585682

I actually think /lit/ is better than it was a few months ago. The Guenon spam has died down and these self-published books that are getting spammed instead are a pretty funny new meme.

I've noticed that /lit/ kind of goes through cycles. Sometimes it's really, really shitty, sometimes it's better. The trend overall is downward, but there are troughs and peaks. I think we're in a relative peak right now.

>> No.17585695

Because we live in a society

>> No.17585710

>It's by far the best if you ignore all threads

>> No.17585737
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Globalism is withering. Commerce is (purportedly) poised to be decentralized... something is happening. It is going in the general direction I had hoped for. We’ll see.

>> No.17585756

There were a while ago but they gone now

>> No.17585764

I actually wouldn't mind if fanfiction could be discussed on /lit/. Obviously I don't want it to take over the board, but a little here and there would be nice. Maybe a single dedicated fanfic general.

>> No.17585855

/lit/ has never been worse than it is now

>> No.17586037

I love how easy it is to identify the gormless outsiders by their implication that quantity is of greater value than quality.

>> No.17586049

Obviously, anon, they’re going to be writing worse stuff. It’s just funny that they write more.

>> No.17586053

Why on earth are you using /gif/ when /wsg/ exists?

>> No.17586131

Been here since 2007. Have spent significant time on (made my primary or secondary board over the years)


The only board that I never stopped using was /sp/. Even though it was far better 10 years ago (what board wasn't? /sp/ in particular used to have no flags and no generals. Huge change.) That leads me to conclude that /sp/ is a board full of people that don't take themselves so fucking seriously.

>> No.17586142

Filthy weeb. Half the threads are waifuposting

>> No.17586156

/lit/ is much better than /tv/ because literature is a better medium than television.

>> No.17586169

/sp/ is still a great fucking board even though it's not as great as it used to be. Years and years later, I still have a blast in the NFL and NBA Playoff gamethreads.

>> No.17586177

spam filters fucked /sp/. bring back spam.

>> No.17586189

Yeah even in decline I consider it the best board. Once you've posted long enough and on enough boards you can start to guess the average age of a board. /sp/, alongside perhaps /ck/, are the oldest boards I've ever used. /lit/ is certainly younger. /lit/ at times feels very, very young.

>> No.17586193

Oh and /vr/, before the rule change. Now they can discuss Gen 6 so the board is a lot younger.

>> No.17586199

Low bait

>> No.17586202

/sp/fags might have the lowest iq of any board. Their humor got old 5 years ago but they don't realize it.

>> No.17586206

Did you see the F Gardner ad with the butterfly?

>> No.17586211

On the contrary, they're far more intelligent than the average /lit/ poster because they not only realized the ultimate purpose of a 4chan board (wholesome fun with your bros) while also self-policing so the name of the board has meaning. Most boards only manage to do one of these things, and that's why people constantly make meta threads. I can't even remember the last time I saw a meta thread on /sp/.

>> No.17586225

>oldest boards
/diy/ is the 4chan geriatrics ward.

>> No.17586237
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... noo.

>> No.17586238

To add to this, /lit/ is a board that has done neither of these things. It's not fun, and it isn't self-policing. It's a literature board where people don't read books, argue in bad faith to "win" a "debate", and where half the threads in the catalog violate the rules, but the jannies have surrendered because they are outnumbered.

/sp/ would never have a meta thread, nevermind a 150 post meta thread. /lit/ has one every week. So who's smart?

>> No.17586250

/tv/ is the funniest board on here because they all fully acknowledge that most media today is utter shit.

>> No.17586276

By that standard /qa/ would be the funniest blue board because they all fully acknowledge that all boards today are utter shit

>> No.17586278

Someone must’ve saved it.

>> No.17586286

That just makes them one of many boards who revile their board topic, which is not a good thing to be.

>> No.17586300

They revel in that without focusing on the good media that came out in the past. In addition they take the racism memes too far, not in the absurd edgy way that many of us might appreciate, but in a way where they use it to completely dismiss what could potentially be a work of art.

There's a reason why the most prominent meme they've got right now is an old throwaway Simpsons joke.

>> No.17586303
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>> No.17586315

it is a butterfly but it's not a reference to you

>> No.17586323

I thought it was a rack of ribs. Gardner should really spend more than 30 seconds drawing these things.

>> No.17586326

>/qa/ would be the funniest blue board
It actually is.

>> No.17586329

Is it? Maybe I’m looking too much into it.

>> No.17586330

that wouldn't be very gardner of him

>> No.17586333
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Oh okay

>> No.17586335

/qa/ is basically /trash/-lite. When a mod moves your threads there he's basically saying "fuck you."

>> No.17586341

Why else would he have drawn it? Assuming it really is a butterfly.

>> No.17586351

I suppose it is one because of what looks like a little head with antennae. But the wings are drawn so badly that for days now I thought he was eating a piece of meat. I'm all for simplistic crayon drawings but you gotta get anatomy right.

>> No.17586356

it's from the book, call of the crocodile. you can find it on amazon. it used to be 99c but i believe he's upped the price.

>> No.17586357

leaded petrol

>> No.17586384

You can read them for free on Unlimited. I wonder if he’s losing money doing that. Why do writers put their books there?

>> No.17586386

No shit

>> No.17586396

/lit/ is unironically the highest quality media board. OP is probably a dumb brainlet that got triggered by something posted here.

>> No.17586398

hmm. i have no idea how it works. i assume there must be an incentive for authors.

>> No.17586401

Compare that to /lit/ though, no one on this literature board actually reads so the overwhelming majority of content here is not only bad but boring. /tv/ knows that they don’t care for media so it’s just nonsense that’s usually entertainingly bad, they don’t pretend to care unlike /his/ or /lit/

>> No.17586404

Who encourages it?

>> No.17586505

I would say /tv/ is worse because at least /lit/ afford the possibility of encountering someone equally passionate that you can have a dialogue with.

>> No.17586552

/lit/ has actual trannies i've noticed so i stopped coming here

>> No.17586578

son, i have some bad news about literally every other board.

>> No.17586597
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>endless repition of Deleuze memes

>> No.17586711

Not bait, browsing /lit/ has made me a better /tv/ poster. It also made me realize how shit most of /tv/ is.

>> No.17586736

Only problem with /lit/ is that it's slow in my opinion. But that allows for more time to research ideas before posting.

Personally, I tend to get exposed to more interesting ideas on /lit/ nowadays compared to /tv/. /tv/ does have its good threads on specific good shows. Sopranos threads and Twin Peaks threads are always comfy as fuck.

>> No.17586932

The higher the post rate the lower the quality. /lit/ should be 1/3 the speed.

>> No.17587010


>> No.17587117

>Only problem with /lit/ is that it's slow in my opinion. But that allows for more time to research ideas before posting.

>> No.17587185


>> No.17587268

They write about ponies so all their "work" is automaticall discarded.

>> No.17587285
File: 184 KB, 500x450, 5903ef32f88bdb6f9220f57d7f607164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, “Wow, three for free!” and the nice friendly McDonald’s worker laughed and said, “I’m going to call you 3-for-free!”.

Now the staff greets me with “hey it’s 3-for-free!” and ALWAYS give me three packets. It’s such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald’s restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I’m in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it’s delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.17587343

>Only problem with /lit/ is that it's slow in my opinion
It used to be much slower

>> No.17587709

Basically, /mlp/ is the single best and prolific board.
/mlp/ is the only board where the 2012 4chan spirit survived on this entire shit ass website.
/mlp/ has
>created an AI to preserve their characters.
>created an AI to make greentext on demand.
>created their own boorus.
>have the biggest archives of fan matieral on 4chan.
>have their own Pastebin.
>have their own youtube.
>have their own file upload.
>continued to have a concept of an Anonymous character.
>continued to make other 4chan users ass mad of their existence.
>continue to have VA's and writers still have contact with the board nearly ten years later.
>continued being the boogyman within the fandom.
>have their own board con to celebrate our content.
>continue to produce our own content even though the show is finished.
>never adopted the wojak and sadfrog.
>never adopted the basedjacks.
>continued using pony memes dating back to 2012.
/mlp/ became nine years recently, so they reflected upon their board a little itt: >>>/mlp/36567666

>> No.17587759

/pol/ was great before the 2016 American election, and /a/ manages to stay pretty much the same throughout the years so its kind of good. Surprisingly /vg/ has few generals that are pretty comfy. I gotta say that I miss the slow /lit/ of the past.

>> No.17587803

Any other Fimfic thread lads around here?

>> No.17587946

Now the truth is out.

>> No.17587996

/mlp/ have a nice system where their generals are not active permanantly, but a new one gets made once a month at a set date. In the time that the general is down, they produce more content for when it comes back. It is efficient.

>> No.17588409
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>> No.17588423
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>>created an AI to preserve their characters

>> No.17588424

Lmao my dumb bait thread is still going. You fucking retards ahahahaha.

>> No.17588444

You are far more cancerous than the random thread on Turner Diaries or someone posting that the modern publishing industries focus on identity of author over content is poisonous.

>> No.17588458

Oh I’m aware. I’ve studied the depths of terrible fan fiction, got hooked on investigating the worst examples from a site called topless robot where the dude would find the worst stuff he could and lightly go over it, had a real SomethingAwful feeling about it. I don’t go through the dens of filth anymore really but I’ll occasionally look around to see what’s the big autistic project. Example that titanic sonic crossover that’s longer than Proust’s work.

>> No.17588637

Go away nigger

>> No.17588990


Been there since 2016 and the board's decline is sad. A quarter of the threads are trannies idolizing 14 year old fictional characters because of their sexuality, its just creepy. /co/ along with /his/ has been claimed by sjw's.

>> No.17589003


>> No.17589011

Ive left /lit/ for a long time. How bad has it gotten? How many tripfags do we have now? 50?

>> No.17589016
File: 54 KB, 226x219, 1613510322355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racism not allowed off /b/ newfaggot

>> No.17589024

dunno i just returned from a break myself

>> No.17589039

It's more like the internet's beating heart, full of the most dangerous poisons and worthwhile elixirs.

>> No.17589057

Based /tv/ shitposter.

Generals are good and all, for the reasons you say, but they also have a tendency to atrophy and lead to cancerous communities where you "know" people.

>> No.17589072

/Film/ is literally more retarded than the rest of /tv/, wherein if you find a knowledgeable or intelligent anon, he doesn't feel the need to be a pseud and LARP as an intellectual.

/Film/ literally thinks film is the greatest artform, and cinephiles literally never know shit all about traditional arts so they're just obnoxious retards.

>> No.17589172

/tv/ created Bane?posting, one of the most legendary memes on this forsaken website. Nullifies every statement about /tv/. It has such meme magic it caused a plane crash somewhere in Europe a couple years ago, and every now and then it re-surfaces. Name one other cross-board meme that has survived throughout the ages that's not pepe or wojak. Even moot himself, the gay bitch, is forgotten.

>> No.17589281

This is too based

>> No.17589686

I didn't know this was a thing and i've been stuck here for 7 years.

>> No.17589747

/tv/ is worse, there's barely any tv/movie discussion just screeching over twitter screenshots of actors political tweets and about black people being cast in movies

>> No.17589752

Back to >>>/pol/

>> No.17589779

Bitch, I am gay and I hate /pol/.
/lgbt/ is still objectively horrific though. It's a cesspool of insecure, mentally ill trannies parading their fetishes, depravities, suicidal tendencies and loathing of themselves and one another. That board is like a car crash in slow motion; I can't read it for more than a minute without closing the tab.

>> No.17589788

Holy shit.

>> No.17589793

uh /lit/ bros? Are they dabbing on us?

>> No.17589833

I appreciate how completely blatant political threads on there are. They don't even make it slightly tv related or put any effort to disguise, just straight up off topic politics.

>> No.17589842
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I miss them desu, their posts were always really high quality

>> No.17590175

three active ones actually, four if you count rapture but he doesnt seem to tripfag nowadays. Tranniefly and Caps-lock pedophile mexican tradlarper, and Frater but Frater is actually cool and effortposts.

>> No.17590191

Butterfly isn't a tranny

>> No.17590258

you will never be a woman

>> No.17590272

It's still MLP

>> No.17590275

Yeah thank God I am not a woman in this 3rd world poohole

>> No.17590281


>> No.17590702

I don't

>> No.17591055

Eternal Summertember
You thought gg and the 2016 election were bad?

>> No.17591538

/lit/, /sci/, and /x/ are the good boards.
/pol/ and /mu/ are awful and have made me question both disciplines completely.
In conclusion, Plato was right we need to ban the flute.

>> No.17591623

shut the fuck up

>> No.17591647

>good board

>> No.17591722

lmao fucking saved

>> No.17591793
File: 54 KB, 500x662, 89a955ac9748e2182e4c6d7c91fffcbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty. I expect these places to all be shit. Misanthropy a bitch and Heraclitus was correct. Humanity isn't worth the effort.

However who cares though? This shit is all a joke. The absolute absurdity of the world makes me laugh.

Also all the stuff Frater is saying isn't even surprising. I expect there is always a time or place where the most stupendous people gather together and do things they value which the alien party would want to annihilate. Which is fair as they are applying their might to destroy such things with what they have.

I find no meaning to doing that though. I keep things to myself and /lit/ is only a place I use to get my results. Which is figuring out my virtues and see where they stand in the world.

The worst board doesn't exist per say, but the board I value the least are ones that are typically vain in their pursuits, but then again I don't even try to go to those places. As I'm not curious enough to value the existence of those on those places. It is a waste. I prefer to live life my way and no one elses way.

Butters also is an obnoxious clown. Not that I hate you. It is just an observation.

All of the anons here are fun though, for the most part. I get a rise from the absurd and whacky and clownish kerfuffles that arises.

It is akin to a basket of flowers having graffiti scattered accross from it. meanwhile having the stank of mustard sauce eating away at it akin to an acidic blast.

Basically keep being stupid. I love it.

>> No.17591799

The muses communicate through schizos

>> No.17591813

/x/ used to be good, now it's faggy
/pol/ used to be amazing, now it's cringe
98% of nu-/pol/ hasn't even read mein kampf

>> No.17591842
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>Plato was right we need to ban the flute.

>> No.17591866

My favorite boards are /his/ and /lit/. Everywhere else I lurk for news or only post very rarely on certain threads.

>> No.17591876

what's your haplo?

>> No.17591909

Never got a DNA test, but I'm an Easterner in origin.

>> No.17591914

easterner as in chink/jap? russian?

>> No.17591926
File: 44 KB, 600x300, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ peaked with Trump and has been circling the drain ever since.
The final nails in the coffin seemed to be the_donald being shut down, qboomers treating everything with eschatological fervour, trannys gays and their corporate backers inverting puritanical morality into a sabatean frankist bachanal of transgressive sin.
These differing currents have coalesced into a uniquely American sociopolitical shitstorm which pervades a solipsism into everything it touches, and which has come to typify much of the discourse throughout the 'West', certainly anything coming from America.

>> No.17591942

Chink/Viet, although on my moms side there is a missing link with her father. as he is an unknown. So, I suppose getting a DNA test would be good to clear that sort of thing up.

>> No.17591970

very true, Trump campaign era was probably when it peaked. memes were spicy and there was real political discussion back in 2015. then it slowly descended into twitter screenshots and mundane political news instead of 'politically incorrect'

>> No.17591983

that containment thread cracks me up. i'll shitpost from time to time about the supremacy of the Norman yoke and there's a couple autists there who get mad.

>> No.17591995

nice. /his/ haploautism is so goddamn funny. they should really spin off a separate board for it.
can you imagine all the possible haplo /generals/
it would be pure autism

>> No.17591997

>Harem later on

>> No.17592047
File: 118 KB, 736x853, 763d59873c7410d9f46b00f97cf8a953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely yes. People going into yelling matches at which Haplo has the biggest cock size is always a riot. I don't usually attend, although when I see a thread. The insecurities and rage brings out such a joy out of me. It is wonderful.

Although most of the time on /his/. The threads I enjoy the most is when everyone takes a joint position on educating each other and arguing a few points. Eventhough it sounds cringe, but I really enjoy the threads where people shitfling about which military strategian has the biggest dick energy. It gets to the point of homoeroticism. quite funny.

>> No.17592059

It's hard to believe, but /lit/ used to be a slow board.

>> No.17592076

Seriously though. I’m not even really an old fag and I remember when it got 1/10th the posts

>> No.17592084

>which military strategian has the biggest dick energy
give me your top 3

>> No.17592093

You're walking on thin ice there, better hope the j*nnies don't see this

>> No.17592123

>no matter how proud I can be
>ashamed of some aspects
Imagine having feelings towards your ethnicity

>> No.17592146

Ah fuck mannn. Belisarius is one of my tops. Napoleon is self explanatory. And Alexander The Great, but this is mostly due to the fact that one of my first exposures of understanding strategy came from me understanding Alex first and foremost. I just feel sentimental about his ability of doing things that not even I as young could've done.

>> No.17592157

true, people should stop taking the internet seriously
the moment anything starts to bother you on a site like 4chan is when you need to log off for the day and do something else
I used to be like that but I've improved at it a lot, what helped was getting more into my actual hobbies

>> No.17592167

>getting more into my actual hobbies
such as?

>> No.17592186


>> No.17592201

That’s /tv/ sneed

Gay ops modalities, physician dilate thyself

Brony phenomenon is almost entirely glow-wrangled, less surprising than it would appear

Legitimately horrific kino, deserves a book. Literary Hassle Doctrine

>> No.17592214
File: 127 KB, 306x302, -----.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hobbies such as...
i'm going to hazard a guess he's into literature.

>> No.17592284

I'm a tranny and that's pretty much why I stopped browsing this shit board. It's legit sickening.

>> No.17592287

i'm guessing (s)he is more of a hentai drawfag

>> No.17592337

learning japanese
playing visual novels
making music

Having multiple hobbies is good since you can rotate between them when one starts to get boring

>> No.17592342

cute and valid

>> No.17592350

how's the nihongo coming along?

>> No.17592471
File: 3.81 MB, 4032x3024, 20210129_135333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad. I have some paperback novels which I mean to read, Dazai isn't hard to understand but I still need too look up words often. I also read a short story by Yoshimoto Banana recently and it was good, I might read some more of her work. Literature is a good motivator to study since traveling to Japan became impossible with covid, and it might be a while before there's another chance. It'd be cool to try living there for a while but I don't know if a job in IT or something is possible for gaijin even if they speak the language.

>> No.17592499

oh shit so you're already reading proper japanese novels. very nice.
they've eased up on work visas n shit so you definitely have a good chance. however, I must warn you, speaking Keigo is much much harder than elementary jap. some corporations will provide you classes for that though. go for it bud

>> No.17592515

I need to read Mishima in japanese. I used to be fluent but totally neglected it and can't speak it well anymore. only reading and listening

>> No.17592521
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>> No.17592588

I thought /lit/ trannies was a myth

>> No.17592599

who do you think spams all the Marx and Foucault threads?

>> No.17592613

Naw I'm right here

>> No.17592625

I spam the Foucault threads to shit on him

>> No.17592645

post feet

>> No.17592657
File: 547 KB, 3264x1468, 16074528262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17592669
File: 78 KB, 750x561, 1597171045438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>have their own board con to celebrate our content.

>> No.17592700

I hope I can. The JET program never sounded appealing but Japan has a lot of companies with foreign branches in the States and that's supposed to be a realistic way in for people who want to live there. I dunno if it would be permanent but at least a year or two sounds like a wonderful time.
That's pretty cool if you were fluent. You can get these books really easily on Amazon, they have a lot of Japanese classics, and you can import the books that are hard to find otherwise through a proxy like buyee. You should go for it.

>> No.17592720

can i ask you something? how old are you?

>> No.17592738

I thought you meant you're transitioning

>> No.17592742


>> No.17592799

since this thread has reached the bump limit, I got some good advice for you in terms of getting a job in japan.

look into the Boston Career Forum. It's for Eng/Jap bilingual people who want to work in Japan. It's fucking huge and they hold an event every fall in Boston. I highly suggest you look into it, I'm sure there's something out there that will line up with your interests. Even if that's not the case, it's a good way to get your foot in the door to Japan.


>> No.17592847

Estrogen doesn't fix bone structure

>> No.17592922

22. Why?
Thanks man

>> No.17592937

alright cool, then yeah check out that link. i didn't know if you were some weirdo 45 otaku weeb or something lol

>> No.17593020

I'm a uni student who's going to graduate within two years, so it's a really good spot to be in with this goal in mind. I was more or less assuming it would be too hard to find a career within my skillset (degree is computer engineering) but there may be something if I look I guess. Even If I have no experience in my field yet I guess I'll try that site's seminar this year and see if I can get some contacts. Looks like a good entry point actually

>> No.17593043

oh yeah then BCF is perfect for you. it's really more for entry level positions but you can get internships there too. aim high, you'd be surprised. my brother got a job at goldman sachs through it.

>> No.17593097

i think your feet are pretty you should paint your nails and send me pics :)

>> No.17593350

lol where would I even send them to?

>> No.17593388

I have no idea, i'm married anyway, just get excited sometimes

>> No.17593589

>Having multiple hobbies is good since you can rotate between them when one starts to get boring
Are you me?

>> No.17593603

Your wife is cheating or has cheated on you anyway so might as well go for it, dude. Men make better women after all