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17580891 No.17580891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books explain the anime tradcath zoomer phenomenon?

>> No.17580913

Contrarianism. Every tradcath zoomer would have been a Dawkins atheist 10 years ago.

>> No.17580922
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>> No.17580954

People looking for redemption, that's something despicable according to Twitter and 4nihilism.

>> No.17580973

Wow, this image sure btfo'd 19th century marriage standards!

>> No.17580975

Any existentialist book

>> No.17580978
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It is a hilarious phenomena.

>> No.17580980

more important is the tradcath zoomer to muslim pipeline

>> No.17580989

Post-ironic contrarianism. They want to “own” the other side but they bought their own marketing.
Also they want to invent personalities for themselves.

>> No.17581006

>everything I don't like is nihilism
>if you disagree with me you're a nihilist
So this.... Is the power.... Of tradcath zoomers.....

>> No.17581014


>> No.17581031

>another thread about tradcath
Why are you so obsessed

>> No.17581063

Very lazy take. It’s more like these people are stigmatised for views that are considered antiquated and therefore unload them and engage with people about them through an anonymous chaotic-anime persona, which is the twitter equivalent of blurring your face.
The reason it comes out as mixed up as it does is because these people are trying to figure this stuff out and embracing it through enquiry rather than the dogmatic way it was passed down only 3-4 generations prior.

>> No.17581077

anime is the vogue modern movement for youths
tradcathery is a reaction to wokeness

>> No.17581145

People are looking for meaning and you cry? That's what I call a nihilist.

>> No.17581165

> Noooo you can’t be both Gen Z and a Catholic. You’re just being an ironic meme.

The irony is that you guys, the ones who post here, you, yes you, are the real memes. You are the same people that enter threads, post literal gibberish, total nonsense, and exit, you undermine and discredit every author on this board. You render just about every conversation impossible. The only “phenomenon” here is you, anon. It’s you.

>> No.17581176
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An individual enjoys things. They find pleasure in both anime and being a mind-slave to an ideology. Not too different from the "left"-wing mind slaves. Anime does not contradict the doctrine they hold over themselves.

>> No.17581181

These people would mock their own family at their funeral. They’re the real phenomenon but we’ll never get them to realize that.

>> No.17581187

>These people would mock their own family at their funeral.
And you know this because...?

>> No.17581193


>> No.17581205

trad zoomers are memes because they know nothing about christanity except that it's based and call random people they don't like heretics

>> No.17581213

Anime and tradcath are both mediocre, these guys should watch old cop shows or art films or something and grow as individuals.

>> No.17581294

Wow, very spooked. Although my knowledge, physical power, social power, and willpower may expand and contract, I am always I. The perfect individual, the Unique one, all in all, and undefinable. I am already the most grown I can be.

>> No.17581306

I honestly do pity anyone if they genuinely believe in "spooks".

How lacking in every dimension of thought, how un-emotionally developed they'd have to be.

>> No.17581325

Because that’s the type they are.

>> No.17581333
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None of these "anti-tradcath" types have actually gone to a traditional catholic parish. If they would they would see healthy large families and good people. But there is in all seriousness a problem with these online trad type people. In truth, these anime profile twitter handles don't even go to mass every sunday. They probably aren't even baptized.

>> No.17581348

I go to OCA liturgy and see better people so your criticism is invalid

>> No.17581363

I wasn't comparing between the two anon

>> No.17581378

traditional catholics and twitter anime avatar zoomer larper trad caths aren't the same thing

>> No.17581391

That is what I said

>> No.17581438

don't assume people criticising the latter are remotely interested in or talking about the former

>> No.17581476
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Tradzoom-Musloom pipeline

>> No.17581499

lefties will always accuse people of LARPing to obfuscate the fact that their whole ideology is a LARP and that they actually ARE the liberal status quo; much like the USSR after Stalin actually was a client state of State Department.
Their legitimacy however depends on being "rebels" so they "rebel" against those that their masters have forced into complete political irrelevacy since decades and faithfully answer every zoom call from their actual bosses with zeal and abnegation.
While in the throes of such a complex LARP, they will assuage their feelings of seething inadequacy by calling the kids smart enought as to search and find an alternative to the depraved world system that has cucked them beyond repair LARPers, in this being absolutely equivalent to the poor conservative boomer, constantly cucked himself by the eternal neocon/Sabbatean, who answers in the end to the same bosses that also fuck the lefty.
Indeed there's just one ulterior step of separation between the liberals in the left and in the right from the same exact fucking people, but to the poor lefty pretending that step means anything substantial is litteraly everything; and after all Projection since forever has been one of the cores of leftist thought like when they accuse priests to be pedophiles and protect teacher unions pediphiles or when they criticize globalization of business but help defend it with all their energy and might, or when they call people racist and build abortion clinics in the hood.
In short fuck you, and fuck the unhallowed hole in the ground which vomited you out at the beginning of time, may st Michael exorcise the demons of leftism from your barely functional deluded brain.

>> No.17581516
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Shut the fuck up

>> No.17581543
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Is tradcath the new fad? thought it was orthodogs?

>> No.17581563

no, you.

>> No.17581583

begome orthdoge :) is still a thing and still retarded, you can spot one when they recommend the "orthodox study bible" (not endorsed or related to the orthodox church in any way)

>> No.17581585


>> No.17581587
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Zoomers pretending to read Aquinas have more in common with your strawman than you can apparently imagine.

>> No.17581596

Cunny would be allowed in any sane society (with the approval of her father of course)

>> No.17581616

for better or for worse, it is a natural reaction to atheism and the problems it caused

>> No.17581632
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Uh huh.

>> No.17581645

>they actually ARE the liberal status quo
Christianity represents 2.4 BILLION people. You aren’t a based free thinker for adopting it. Wanna be an edgy free thinker? Try Zoroastrianism.

>> No.17581670

that's clearly a falseflag, no larper would put the word reactionary there

>> No.17581674

like 1 million of them are true christians.

>> No.17581700

its all about being contrarian. your average tradcath zoomer virgin is just a more extreme version of the kind of kid who watches SWJ owned compilations to feel superior.
this post honestly sums it up perfectly.
found one

>> No.17581707

>no true christian
But the anime avatarfags who whack off to trap hentai and scream nigger at everyone are the true Christians and not LARPers.

>> No.17581708

So because the Church doesn’t recommend it Orthodox people can’t recommend it?

>> No.17581715

This is ultimately why a traditionalist and reactionary worldview is not good by itself. What makes it good is what form of traditionalism you have. I was born and raised a traditional catholic but I do not remain so because it is traditional. I remain there because I believe it is true.

>> No.17581719

Absolutely correct.

How many are represented by scientific atheism?

>> No.17581722

We are talking about a western phenomenon. Where trad christianity is not the norm among young people(Especially in Europe). Its against the grain in a western context. Religious "extremism" in general is fringe by definition.

>> No.17581724

it's NT is just the NKJV, but those same larpers will call it (NKJV) a bad translation because they don't know that.

didn't say they were schizo

>> No.17581737

The image is like four years old back when "Reactionary" was something you wanted to call yourself among the Right.

>leftist shilling anti-white garbage
>writes a fucking paragraph when "i love jew dick" would suffice
Checks out.

>> No.17581767

>Where trad christianity is not the norm among young people(Especially in Europe). Its against the grain in a western context.
r/atheism doesn’t represent the West or young people. I see just as many zoomers shitting on Christianity as I see calling it “based and redpilled.” This shit is just another facet of your gay culture war.

>> No.17581821

That doesn’t answer my question.

>> No.17581879

im not a tradcath but I am certainly not an atheist like I was as a teenager. are you saying people cannot change as they grow older?

>> No.17581911

>no one talking about him sneaking in the shit about 12 year olds
twitter is literally a farm for crazy people

>> No.17581937
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Because its based and makes the libs seethe.

>> No.17581940
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It's ok to be Catholic and zoomer.

>> No.17581956

seething commie detected

>> No.17581985

Not really a take, the interest might be sincere but the beliefs are dubious commitments at best. Like the guy said, just angsty contrarianism

>> No.17581986

unironically Nietzsche

>> No.17581998

Man's Search for meaning,

>> No.17582039

Dude where do you think catholicism comes from? Go see how many italians or spaniards or french aren't catholic

>> No.17582063
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cope, everything is cope

>> No.17582159

Very much no. If you actually read traditionalists, and conservative revolution thinkers, you notice that the internet trads don't know what they're talking about. If you go to church you don't really find zoomers there, its mainly boomers and other older people. Its literally what antifeminism was few years back, and atheism before that.

>> No.17582169

nothing wrong with being catholic and a zoomer but why do these guys have to make it so gay?

>> No.17582189

Why is it always catholicsm?

>> No.17582196

>Go see how many italians or spaniards or french aren't catholic
Italy may be an exception to the rule. But not spain though.


>> No.17582208

the trad coomer fixation on feminine purity leads inexorably to pedophilia, christcuck converts are honestly worse than trannies

>> No.17582230

who is going to larp as a protestant.

I'm a protestant and it's nice knowing that any prot I meet on the internet isn't a larper, all the churches in my country are extremely pozzed "our mother and father in heaven" etc, but I can't bring myself to begome gatholic because praying to mary is so retarded.

>> No.17582238

it's not even trad coomer, christianity for 99% of its existance was obsessed with both male (though to a lesser extent) and female purity, and that's a good thing!

>> No.17582247
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>because praying to mary is so retarded.

>> No.17582275

don't try and debate me, you will get btfo, there's literally no reason to pray to mary if you can pray to gold directly. Catholics will literally

>but bro mary is like way more holy and now there's 2 people praying for you instead of one

go pray to your pagan idol

>>O Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, look down in mercy from Heaven, where thou art enthroned as Queen, upon me, a miserable sinner, thine unworthy servant. Although I know full well my own unworthiness, yet in order to atone for the offenses that are done to thee by impious and blasphemous tongues, from the depths of my heart I praise and extol thee as the purest, the fairest, the holiest creature of all God's handiwork. I bless thy Holy name, I praise thine exalted privilege of being truly Mother of God, ever Virgin, conceived without stain of sin, Mediatrix of the human race. I bless the Eternal Father who chose thee in an especial way for His daughter; I bless the Word Incarnate who took upon Himself our nature in thy bosom and so made thee His Mother; I bless the Holy Spirit who took thee as His bride. All honor, praise and thanksgiving to the ever-blessed Trinity who predestined thee and loved thee so exceedingly from all eternity as to exalt thee above all creatures to the most sublime heights. O Virgin, holy and merciful, obtain for all who offend thee the grace of repentance, and graciously accept this poor act of homage from me thy servant, obtaining likewise for me from thy Divine Son the pardon and remission of all my sins. Amen.

>> No.17582298
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>catholics trying to find Mary worshippers in early christianity be like

>roman judeopapists ignoring Jesus told Mary to fuck off more than once and stop bothering him

>> No.17582317
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that feel when i was raised catholic and went to Sunday school.


>> No.17582332

how is not? their trad identity is a consequence of them being coomers. normal people don't talk endlessly about anal sex and intact hymens

>> No.17582372

I will never bow down to romano judeopapists

I will never kiss the ring of a pedo priest or pope

I will never allow a pedo priest to shove his fingers down my throat during communion

I will never pray to anyone other than GOD.

I will never pray to "Saint Anthony" to help me find my lost keys

I will never put the word of some so called "church father" or "Bishop of rome" above the holy scriptures.

I will never purchase an indulgence

and I will NEVER worship the so "coredemptrix, Queen of Heaven, Mother of God, Ever Virgin" Mary!

I worshipJesus Christ, the Lord God and the Holy spirit. Not Popes who have sex with prostitutes ok! Spurgeon and Gurnall not Ratzinger and JPII.

Simple AS!

>> No.17582388

they may well be coomers but I meant the obsession with purity is a true christian thing in general

>> No.17582403

The TV show "Family Ties." This shit is cyclical. Kids grow up liberal to spite their conservative parents. Their kids grow up conservative to spite their liberal parents, etc. etc. ad nauseum till the end of the world.

>> No.17582413

>All generations shall call me blessed (Luke 1:48)
The versicle that no Protestant dares to pronounce.

>> No.17582432

>mary worshippers and muh pagan idol
nice strawman
>catholics trying to find Mary "worshippers" in early christianity be like
I wonder what the sub tuum praesidium from the 3rd century is?

>> No.17582440
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based! fight for israel!!!

>> No.17582445

Shhh don't let the zoom zooms ruin orthodoggsee :DDD

>> No.17582462

Pretty sure Jay Dyer already did that for you anon

>> No.17582470

reminder that all larpers on this site come from twitter and they all should go back to their reddit tier circlejerk twitter groups

>> No.17582471


>> No.17582475

3rd century is pretty late bro

>> No.17582484

I'm not american

>> No.17582511

But it's before the Constantine Catholics bro!

>> No.17582584

If you want other examples of intercession being asked by early Christians before Constantine see the inscriptions in the catacombs. For example, the Catacombs of Priscilla has a picture of mary on it. Also the Grave of St Peter has graffiti that asks for him to pray for the dead.

If you are interested: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03417b.htm

>> No.17582608

and that is why you're a moron it's not about being contrarian, you are projecting.
It's about truth.

>> No.17582621

>anti white garbage
hmmm no.

>> No.17582630
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after vatican 2 its pretty much a larp to be trad cath. the vatican is filled with pedos and mafia

>> No.17582683

The only Protestant sect with any influence right now are Pentecostals. Even the other Protestant sects are embracing elements of Pentecostalism to try to survive. I think Anglicanism had a chance at a revival in America but the sect that broke off from the Episcopal Church kept bullshit like priesthood for women which ruined their chances at communion with Catholics and Orthodox.

>> No.17582696

Trad cath is a reaction to all of that.

>> No.17582704

All this sectarian shit is such cancer. Thats why i'm non denominational

>> No.17582727

ACNA is pretty based

>> No.17582738

communion with catholics is a pipe dream anyway

>> No.17582744
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>Thats why i'm non denominational
I am too anon

>> No.17582753
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Two reasons:
It's a reaction to the widespread ennui caused by modern life and late capitalism. Just like leftoids see the evil hwyte man as the culprit for this state of affairs, tradfags blame technology and wish to return to an idyllic past they see as free from all the tiring complexity, confusion, supra-information and loss of community

They don't realize that technology is just a direct extension of the ₑᵤᵣₒₚₑₐₙ human capacity for creativity, abstract reason and his natural striving for better life conditions. This is what Uncle Ted didn't understand: even ifwe would all agree tomorrow to destroy all technology and go back to the middle ages, future generations would naturally create and innovate improvements

Two: they usually come from the political extremism pipeline, so they feel the intrinsic need to belong to a greater ideal much stronger than others. Religion is perfect for that:
>they feel loved
>they have a transcendental ideal
>feeling of belonging
>dissolves any blackpill, since in the end their 'side' will win

>> No.17582782

I've said this in another thread and I'll say it again: young tradcaths can be much more edgy than fedoras and this makes the latter group confused.
Zoomer tradcaths can be as modern as possible while rejecting the nihilism of the 21st century and all of the degenerate attempts of coping with it.
Zoomer tradcaths are unironically an unmovable force.

>> No.17582811


>> No.17582814

>religion makes people feel better, therefore it's not true
you're only cynical when it's convinient, just like any good atheist

>> No.17582854

>morality is defined by physicality
Lmao. I guess it's morally right to beat up a mute quadriplegic because they can't fight back or say stop.

>> No.17582870

It's not. A lot of orthodox churches in america are hesitant to accept new converts because of how many are ebin tradRussia larpers

>> No.17582884

Waiting until marriage for intimacy seems like a good way to feel very special to someone.

>> No.17582891

I guarantee you 99% of the Christ LARPers have never been to Church and the 1% who have were forced by their parents when they were kids.
Must be nice to supposedly believe in religion and get all the cosmic benefits but commit to none of the responsibilities that being in an organized religion entails. Best just to sit on 4chan bloviating about how much more intelligent and wise you are to “nihilists” who live functionally identical to you.

>> No.17582919

christians should go to church and atheists should kill themselves.

>> No.17582964

Tradcaths go to church and follow its precepts more often than ordinary form goers do. This has been statistically proven.

>> No.17582987

Yeah, how?

>> No.17583007
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>An individual enjoys things. They find pleasure in both anime and being a mind-slave to an ideology. Not too different from the "left"-wing mind slaves. Anime does not contradict the doctrine they hold over themselves.

>> No.17583020

Is Islam immune to larpers? I don't expect these people to even bother to pray five times a day.

>> No.17583019

>doubling down

>> No.17583058

prots are gay and let femoids lead churches
orthodox is too obscure for non russians

>> No.17583085

Stfu I speak in tongues and was baptised as a teenager not as a dumb baby

>> No.17583094
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If St. Augustine was born in the XXI century, and he repeated his redemption cycle where he began as a pagan sinner who lived in concubinage and he ended as a bishop in the Catholic Church, what would 4channers do? Yell meme words like LARPer, make a psychoanalytic diagnostic, call him contrarian, incel, reactionary, etc etc, in other words, roll in their own disbelief and hatred towards anything sacred like the possessed man among pigs in the Gospels. What none certainly knows, and you should take note of this, is that from those zoomer anime traddies a new St. Augustine might appear someday. And the bunch of Pharisees who are now gathered in this thread boasting about their own "sincerity" and "conventionalism" might be completely outshined by the future glory of some of those "tradcaths" who found a way to sainthood while everything and everyone was against them.

>> No.17583097

what did he mean by this

>> No.17583098

Not really. You're just less likely to see it in westerners unless they're hardcore into Guenon or something.

>> No.17583100
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I'm not an atheist fren. Actually I like that they believe in objective goodness and beauty and they want to protect their people. I just don't agree with the whole traditionalism bullshit and the fact that some of you are easily influenced and change ideologies like socks, without much introspection. Also, a lot of you are autists. Go outside and do things, stop arguing over politics and being such a partisan fag, there's nuance in everything. Here's a Nicholas Roerich painting

>> No.17583108

Its not immune but muslims have an active base of under 35s who still practice on a regular basis. It doesnt make you special being young and muslim like it does being young, male and catholic.

>> No.17583117

So true. The real contrarians are in fact the people in this thread. In all fairness though they need to get off twitter and stop embarrassing themselves.

>> No.17583124

ACNA has some decent high church parishes and apparently some of their bishops are challenging the women ordination so ACNA might actually purge some of the leftover garbage from their group.

>> No.17583129

>this has been statistically proven
Pretty easy to understand if you aren’t ESL

>> No.17583151
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>> No.17583199
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>Nicholas Roerich
good taste, I love his art

>> No.17583208

ctually I like that they believe in objective goodness and beauty and they want to protect their people.
>I just don't agree with the whole traditionalism bullshit and
>and the fact that some of you are easily influenced and change ideologies like socks
not sure where you got that from
>Also, a lot of you are autists. Go outside and do things
already do, but I just pretend that everything is fine because sunsets and beaches.

>> No.17583216

>Did your parents attend
>Vast majority say yes
So these are generational Christians, not edgelords on 4chan rebelling against their evil atheist parents and “embracing based Christianity” to “own the libs” like everyone in this thread and on /lit/ and /pol/.
Give me stats on the 4chan converts and the anime “tradcaths” and I’ll cede you the argument.

>> No.17583260

>Give me stats on the 4chan converts and the anime “tradcaths” and I’ll cede you the argument.
Sorry I didn't know I had to operate under your specific definition of tradcath. Hold on let me find the 4chan/twitter convert study for you real quick...

>> No.17583329
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Agreed, lovely stuff.

>> No.17583340

>What books explain the anime tradcath zoomer phenomenon?
they see the degeneracy of this world, but instead of actively combatting it with virtue and an unchangable set of values, they cuck out and just pretend to be catholic while grandstanding about how trad they are. They don't go to church, they don't read the bible, they're catholics in nothing but name

>> No.17583352

Whether tradcath zoomers are larpers or not, it doesn't change the fact that
>purpose of marriage is procreation
>women are fertile as young as 12
>there is nothing morally wrong with marrying a 12 year old

>> No.17583366
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>Why are there age limits? why is it illegal to marry a 12-year old? Helen of Troy was 12. Juliet and Cleopatra were still teenagers when they became famous. Most heroines of classic novels and poems were underage by today's laws. Thomas Edison married a 16-year-old. I am not advocating anything, just stating facts. Medical studies show that the best age for a woman to have children is between 15 and 25 (lowest chances of miscarriage, of birth defects and, last but not least, of the woman dying while giving birth); while the worst age is after the mid 30s. And the younger you are, the more likely you are to cement a real friendship with your children; the older you are, the more likely that the "generational gap" will hurt your children's psychology. Therefore it is more "natural" to have a child at 16 than at 36. In countless countries of the world women have their first child at a very young age, and stop having children at a relatively young age. This is all illegal today in the USA, while it is perfectly legal to get pregnant at 40 or (thanks to medical progress) even at 70. Note that all of these forms of marriage were common in ancient times before the introduction of Christian "morality". Therefore one could (could) find stronger arguments in favor of these forms of marriage than in favor of homosexual marriage (which has been relatively rare throughout the centuries and is penalized if not outright persecuted in just about every society of the world).
Based and scaruffi-pilled