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17573760 No.17573760 [Reply] [Original]

General Discussion of their philosophies.

>> No.17573776
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boo get off the stage

>> No.17573787

Except that if the right one is actually right about everything, the left one isn't.

>> No.17573789


>> No.17573790

Evola fixed Nietzsche in "Ride the Tiger."

>> No.17573793

Philosophy is dead tho, no point in arguing

>> No.17573798

Does OP realise they're insulting Nietzsche when they discuss him alongside literal whos like Evola?

>> No.17573810

Evola is by far the last person to associate Nietzsche with. Why is this board so obsessed with those 2 together, it makes 0 fucking sense

>> No.17573812

Do you worship Nietzche like he's some saint or something?

>> No.17573821

They both idealized the warrior, action, transcending the limits of (then-contemporary) Christianity as well as secular humanism.

>> No.17573843

I mean yeah, but one is an hinduist who loves tantric sex and the other despised all that shit

>> No.17573846
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>They both idealized the warrior, action, transcending the limits of (then-contemporary) Christianity as well as secular humanism.

>> No.17573856

They were both human males, they probably ate food and slept at least some of the time.

>> No.17573863

Both were libertines. Nietzsche had sex with prostitutes. He also said semen retention gave people powers, so he had at least one tantric sympathy.

>> No.17573865

you post on 4chan. you are not an aristocrat. stop being a class cuck.

>> No.17574000

>"General discussion of their philosophies."
So basically, you have absolutely nothing insightful to say about their work. Nice.
Because large parts of Evola's worldview are based on Nietzsche and he uses Nietzsche's works in his framework.
Read before you comment on something.

>> No.17574009

These two guys aren’t compatible, you fucking midwit. Nietzsche is purely modern.

>> No.17574012


>> No.17574028

>Read before you comment on something.

I read Ride the Tiger, its a cringe hinduist version of Nietzsches philosophy. Nietzsche was against all types of transcedence you retard, and especially having "a spiritual plane of pure action"

>> No.17574031

So is Evola

>> No.17574040

Please don't embarass Nietzsche by comparing him to that meme

>> No.17574060
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We really need a /bookpol/ or /schizo/ board at this point

>> No.17574061

t.left-Nietzsche psude.

>> No.17574073

Only retards take a "Post-Nietzsche" Stance, Deleuze, Foucault and all those faggots are idiots, and so is Evola

>> No.17574087

>you must be a leftist if you dont take a man who thought he could cast spells seriously

>> No.17574110

Which is the Hinduist part of Ride the Tiger, exactly?
>Nietzsche was against all types of transcedence you retard, and especially having "a spiritual plane of pure action"
Yes, he was. Evola critiques and adapt's Nietzsche's thought. There's nothing particularly hard to grasp about that concept.

>> No.17574112

where did Evola say he could "cast spells"?

>> No.17574118
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>was he based
>was he redpilled
>was he left
>was he right

>> No.17574120

>Evola critiques and adapt's Nietzsche's thought.

Its a retarded critique which only shows he's a pseud

>> No.17574134
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>tfw to smart too believe in magic

>> No.17574141

That's it then, Evola is clearly btfo. You have finished him anon. The critique of Nietzsche's inconsistencies in his claim to have gone beyond good and evil? The messianic function of the Ubermensch? Obviously none of this matters, Evola is a retarded cringe pseud and that's the end of that!

>> No.17574181

Half of his work is inspired by Nietzsche. It would be really great if just once, you guys actually read the books you spend so much time talking shit on. This board is rapidly becoming as bad if not worse than /tv/ or /a/.

>> No.17574198

If you’re interested in Evola’s thinking as it pertains directly to Nietzsche you might be interested in his essays on Magical Idealism, Theory and Phenomenology of the Absolute Individual, and his commentary on Carlo Michelstäedter, all of which can be found compiled into English by indie publishers.

>> No.17574328

I've read him and you're still wrong

>> No.17574352

You haven't read shit.

>> No.17574354

>being right
Pick one.

>> No.17574375

>philosophers can't be "right" because my philosophy claims there can be no objective truth and my philosophy is the one which is actually right

>> No.17574436


>> No.17574465

nietzche was a bisexual degenerate with no purpose in life
he was depressed and shitty all the time
evola was a Chad. he was never depressed. even after he lost his legs he still wasn't depressed. he saw more to life than just life itself.
I hate neitzch

>> No.17574478
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You talkin' shit, dogmatist?

>> No.17574489

Not that anon but I have mystery of the grail, the hermetic tradition and introduction to magic vol 1 on my shelf, finished.
Or is that the "other half"? Because if you've read evola, the contents of those three books is representative of all his work.

>> No.17574529
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>> No.17574538

>nietzche was a bisexual degenerate with no purpose in life
Absolutely based. Meanwhile, Evola was a coping fraud and the definition of a pseud.

>> No.17574564

>Because if you've read evola, the contents of those three books is representative of all his work.
Not at all.

>> No.17574567
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People are unironically still comparing Nietzsche with an hinduist who tought you could cast magic spells with your dick

>> No.17574610

No, they’re not actually. At least, I don’t think they are. You are still posting frogs though.

>> No.17574618


>> No.17574716

I don’t believe so, no.

>> No.17574758

>Or is that the "other half"?
Yes, anon, incidentally it is. Evola read Nietzsche in his youth and that got him thinking about the problem of nihilism. He carefully scrutinised Nietzsche's work and was dissatisfied with his solution (the Ubermensch). He slimmed down Nietzsche's doctrines to what he considered to be absolutely true, then looked for a solution to the problem of nihilism. The solution he settled on was Traditionalism and transcendence.

>> No.17574762

You're thinking of Socrates.

>> No.17575742
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>> No.17575756

>He carefully scrutinised Nietzsche's work and was dissatisfied with his solution (the Ubermensch).
So he's a fucking retard that completely misread Nietzsche, got it.

>> No.17575761

Mystery of the Grail was originally outlines for Revolt

>> No.17575771

Nietzsche's solution to nihilism wasn't the Übermensch, this is literally the most reddit interpretation of Nietzsche

>> No.17575772

Ok. That’s still just 2 books.

>> No.17575775

How about Spengler?

>> No.17575783

If you read his idealist stuff you can see he was really interested the will to power.

>> No.17575788

Can someone explain why Evola and Nietzsche aren't reconcilable together?

>> No.17575832

are they?
Riding the Tiger, Eternal Recurrence, Kali Yuga, Will to Power, Aristocracy of the Soul & the Übermensch seem reconcilable to me

>> No.17575838

They are. I don’t know you and others have been led to believe they’re not. They might ultimately depart in some ways but that doesn’t mean in other ways, they’re not able to be synthesized. Evola had a ton of essays on Nietzsche and mentioned him in many of his books. You can read the man yourself if you’re interested in this.

>> No.17575858

you don't have to agree 100% to everything they wrote to extract meaning from their writings

>> No.17575869
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>> No.17575875

Oh okay, the thread made it sound like they couldn't be so I was curious. I'll read Evola eventually, got a lot of other authors I want to get through first.

>> No.17575893

Eternal Return is actually one of the things they necessarily have to depart from each other since it’s not compatible with a conception of the infinite. Evola necessarily rejects Nietzsche’s metaphysics and his naturalism in totality along with his atheism, obviously. He seems very interested in the Nietzschean will to power in his early days and at one point seems to explored the idea as it pertains to tantra, but abandoned it. That’s actually not so clear. Both of them were however ultimately concerned with self transcendence. Both of them were concerned with a view of absolute morality. Both of them were concerned with this view of will to power or the Superman, morality beyond good and evil however with the departure that Evola believed these to be meaningless unless derived from a higher power. Evola goes through a lot of trouble to actually point out what he sees as misinterpretations of Nietzsche, specially calls to anarchy or identification with another -ism, be it paganism or whatever so it’s probably fair to say a lot of his experiment was being inspired by Nietzsche to “purify” Nietzschean thought into something he considered of a higher order. That’s why people think they are either reconcilable or irreconcilable. In truth, it is both.

>> No.17575909

well, i disagree with that part

>> No.17575915

You disagree that Nietzsche was an atheist or that Evola wasn’t an atheist?

>> No.17575958

that Nietzsche was an atheist

>> No.17576001
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>> No.17576011


>> No.17576026

t. Dawkins

>> No.17576036

Are you serious?

>> No.17576076

atheists men are beta males craving power trips

>> No.17576101

While true, theist men are also beta males, but they crave God's power instead. Only God transcends theism and atheism and thus betaness too.

>> No.17576134

Nietzche is a real philosopher. Evola is a hack pseudomystic.

>> No.17576143

I'm curious. Where does God possibly fit in Nietzche's metaphysics?

>> No.17576161


>> No.17577079

i love the chaos going around. this is exactly the sort of discussion neetzch wants. just bickering and skepticism broiling. evola would probably not detest this either as it is furthering is process of spiritual action.

so, win win for both dudes.

>> No.17577525


>> No.17577982

Then what do you think he was?

>> No.17578003

>dude just do whatever you want and fuck the rest of the world
Honestly not surprised sociopaths like Nietzsche

>> No.17578014

The advocate for being assertive, not being a sociopath

>> No.17578027
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Aren't you missing someone?

>Amongst Heidegger’s Nachlass (the papers left behind after his death) a handwritten note has been found in which the philosopher quotes a passage from Friedrich Bauer’s 1935 German translation of Revolt Against the Modern World (Erhebung wider die moderne Welt). Here is the passage as Heidegger copied it out:

>Wenn eine Rasse die Berührung mit dem, was allein Beständigkeit hat und geben kann — mit der Welt des Seyns — verloren hat, dann sinken die von ihr gebildeten kollektiven Organismen, welches immer ihre Größe und Macht sei, schicksalhaft in die Welt der Zufälligkeit herab.

>And here is a translation:

>When a race has lost contact with what alone has and can give it permanence [or “stability,” Beständigkeit] — with the world of Beyng [Seyns] then the collective organisms formed by it, whatever be their greatness and power, are destined to sink down into the world of contingency.

>We immediately notice two things when Heidegger’s handwritten version is compared to the original. First, Heidegger has rendered Sein as Seyn. [17] Second, Heidegger replaces a colon with a period and omits the last part of the sentence entirely. The part after the colon can be translated as follows: “[to] become prey to the irrational, the changeable, the ‘historical,’ of what is conditioned from below and from the outside.” Why did Heidegger make these changes? Fully answering this question will allow us to see that Heidegger actually rejects Evola’s Traditionalism in the most fundamental terms possible.

>> No.17578043

This thread is such a shitshow as was to be expected, but imagine what could have been if people actually would read (I mean read, not misunderstand) both authors.
Yes, but he explains in Path of Cinnabar how that changed when he encountered Tradition

>> No.17578100

Meanwhile you are a retard who doesn't even read. Nice.
Enlighten me, anon.
Nietzsche exalted nature, life and the ontology of becoming everywhere. Evola, on the other hand, maintains the ontology of absolute being. Some people seem to believe that this makes these two thinkers completely mutually exclusive, even though Evola arrived at his position by starting with Nietzsche's premises.
>Eternal Return is actually one of the things they necessarily have to depart from each other since it’s not compatible with a conception of the infinite.
Evola was not opposed to the concept of Eternal Return, but he conceived of it in more existential than metaphysical terms. He viewed it as a test of strength to the personality.

>> No.17578122

That's Stirner nigga

>> No.17578465

Go elaborate

>> No.17578475

Ummm actually sweaty Evola was an Inc3l who refused to care for his own kids and rode the tiger in his wheelchair

>> No.17578489

>dude just do whatever you want and fuck the rest of the world
Yes, and?

>> No.17578505

he's dead

>> No.17578531

Or maybe you need to go back to redit

>> No.17578600

The left was, the right was right about some things, but mostly just a good character study and a necessary step in the breakdown of mainstream religion.

>> No.17578603

Imagine Nietzche but as a holy crusader instead of a bomb-throwing anarchist.

>> No.17578646

yeah I can't imagine it. instead of talking in generalities I was hoping you'd go into detail

>> No.17578658

Evola's aristocratic warrior ideal would be the passion and strength of a warrior but tempered with traditional piety. Nietzsche was more of a wild-man, by contrast.

>> No.17578661

Nietzsche simply rejected the notion of the judeo-christian "God" and his "afterlife" as inherently nihilistic and a toll of the priest caste while standing in awe of the true divinity of 'being'

>> No.17578681

>while standing in awe of the true divinity of 'being'
He rejected Plato and Kant too though

>> No.17578699

Seems more like Evola than Nietzsche. Nietzche was more interested in sense-perception as the apex of life. Evola was more interested in "being" as the apex of life. Both would agree that victory is greater than humility.

>> No.17578804

Evola is one of the greatest thinkers of all time to be honest. It's even better that midwits are put off by him due to his political associations. It's great because it means they never cover his stuff in (((universities))) and it stops his ideas from being polluted and appropriated by cultural marxists kind of like Nietzsche's works did through philosophy degrees. It's amusing because BG&E is one of the most anti-egalitarian works ever made yet these professors somehow spin it into a web of leftism.

>> No.17578830


>> No.17578935

>It's amusing because BG&E is one of the most anti-egalitarian works ever made yet these professors somehow spin it into a web of leftism.
Parts of Human, All Too Human can easily be appropriated for leftism. The reason that Nietzsche has been abused is because his ideas are so radically individualistic and can be interpreted as anti-authoritarian. I do actually think Evola addressed many of the flaws in Nietzsche correctly.

>> No.17579175
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>It's amusing because BG&E is one of the most anti-egalitarian works ever made yet these professors somehow spin it into a web of leftism.