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/lit/ - Literature

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17572799 No.17572799 [Reply] [Original]

Has literature changed your attitude to wealth and power? Do you desire and pursue wealth any more or any less now?

>> No.17572809

The more I read, the more I learn about how awful having power and wealth is for other people, how temptation corrupts even those with good intentions, and how there will always be a sociopath there to ruin everyone else’s good time.

>> No.17572810

Dunno, I definitely care less about wealth now that I can pirate books. Not sure about power.

>> No.17572864
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I worked in a soul destroying sales job for a while. Constant pressure, long hours, but great money. Then I underwent a conversion to Christianity, started reading again, and decided to live my life based on principle. Went to uni for a degree in English Lit because I wanted to pursue the subject that saved my life, my passion. Finishing a Master's with a view to going into journalism in an attempt to uncover corruption in some small way (naive and idealistic, I know, but the potential is there).

However, a buddy of mine is an account manager at an ad agency and says he'd vouch for me for a junior copywriter role since I've had a few things published and done a couple of freelance bits. The temptation to use my writing to earn astonishing amounts of money in comparison to journalism is overwhelming, giving my gf the big house, nice car, etc. But it feels like a corruption/perversion of my talent and I don't know if my soul could square with chasing money all day, trying to get people to buy things, capitalism, materialism, blah. Maybe I should stick to journalism.

>> No.17572929

Not exactly. It’s more like it’s accelerated and given form to a change in attitude regarding wealth and power.

>> No.17572937

basically this

>> No.17572944

I like your story. Unfortunately, I already graduated with a degree in a major I loathe, economics, and I’m kind of stuck with it now but I would’ve done what you did, if I’d have done it at all. I just want to escape working in finance and in an office now. I can’t speak from authority at all but I’m not sure you’d find what you’re looking for in copywriting.

>> No.17572961

I never cared about making money. I'm an only child NEET from a rich family so I've never had a job and don't plan to get one ever. I just stay at home and read books, write music and learn languages. "getting a good job" is a poorfag cope.

>> No.17572972

I never cared and if you do you have mental problems

>> No.17573039

Thanks anon. I wasn't really expecting anyone to come in with meaningful advice. What do you dislike about your current situation? A friend of mine did economics and got a comfy civil service job. It's office based, but safe, decent pay, with lots of remote working.

>> No.17573046
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I too have taken the Proust-pill

>> No.17573057

A lot of things. I fell into that degree almost by default because I didn’t know what else to do and had no clear path. I’ve always hated this world of economy, finance, sales, business and all that for many reasons but here am I sort of stuck in it. I disliked university but I find office professional type jobs just unbearable. I can’t say it’s been “comfortable” for me but it’s almost hard to explain why.

>> No.17573078

>Has literature changed your attitude to wealth and power?
No; I have always regarded power in general, and wealth in particular, as means to an end, and individuals who viciously misuse them, as cringeworthy.

>Do you desire and pursue wealth any more or any less now?
No —I pursue it organically, precluding, or minimizing, any detriment to my wellbeing.

>> No.17573110

Wealth? No
Power? Yes, because I know that I would make a better job of ruling than the greedy geriatric politicians we have today.

>> No.17573194

The pursuit of wealth is the most Normie brain dead uninspired NPC baseline of pursuits. I think I have more admiration for the freaks who pursue Stamp collections or logging sightings of rare trains since at least they have the three - dimensionality to fashion their own desires. Literally you cannot take a single penny of it with you.

>> No.17573220
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less. to have enough to feed clothe and shelter myself and to afford more books is sufficient.

>The supreme good is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying to.
It is content with the low places that people disdain.
Thus it is like the Tao.

In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don't try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.

When you are content to be simply yourself
and don't compare or compete,
everybody will respect you.

>> No.17573242
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With your degree you could work in journalism, or pursue a PhD and become a Doctor of Literature, try and land a rare academia spot, or get snapped up by one of the prestigious prep schools, Catholic schools or New England-type Liberal arts colleges where you get to read and write and live your passion to your heart's extent. You literally have all of Literature open to you in terms of career. You said your friend works for the civil service - you could pull a Goethe, getting a civil job yourself while writing etc. You could do anything. So why choose to be an ad man in the rat race? Judging by the tone of your posts I do feel like it will be a betrayal of the principles you're talking about, and I'm really jealous because my degree was in Physics and now I work as an auditor. I wish I could rewind and follow my passion instead.

>> No.17573472

Life has made me realize how necessary wealth and power is to live a decent life.
Literature has made me realize it's also necessary to live a virtuous life.

>> No.17573693

Probably more now that I understand books will never make me happy.

>> No.17573703

No, I just realize those who the public sees as brilliant are actually just playing a game. Professor's are just ordinary students who read a-lot and couldn't find another job.

>> No.17573726

I have only ever pursued a decently comfortable life. Never have I desired to be wealthy, only to not be destitute. Reading literature and philosophy has only reaffirmed this attitude as the correct one.

>> No.17574001


>> No.17574033

Yes I support a communist society unless the alternative is my social class being included in the privileged portion of an extremely unequal state.