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17571096 No.17571096 [Reply] [Original]

I am a conservative writer and struggle to fit archetypes in. they have seemed to really successfully define bad as right wing and good as left wing. even me, a conservative, falls into this when I write. makes me question who really is the good guys when it is archetypal.

>> No.17571114
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>I am a conservative writer

>> No.17571146


>> No.17571165

Explain your reasoning as to how you think of evil being right wing and good being left wing. Can you think of an evil in fiction that is more liberal-minded than conservative?

>> No.17571172
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jesus fuck

>> No.17571177

yes like in my story I made the villain a corrupt billionaire corporatist. and I made the hero fight the girl's abusive boyfriend.

this is stuff that is plainly liberal. rich=bad. men=abusive.

>> No.17571178

>I am a conservative writer

>> No.17571181

>character loves his country
sheesh that's kind of fascist anon
>book is about a white couple
sheesh kind of antiquated anon
>it's a heterosexual couple
sheesh don't you think others deserve a voice too, anon?
>man is passionate about something
sheesh a little too much of toxic masculinity anon
>woman is not perfect
sheesh are you a misogynist anon
>POC does something bad
sheesh are you a racist anon
>white person does something good
sheesh stop enforcing whiteness anon
>jews aren't portrayed as perfect beings
sheesh are you an antisemite anon

there's a bunch of stuff you have to dodge if you ever want to get published

>> No.17571184

Read “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut? Not that great of an author but it’s a very easy story that could fit into the thing you don’t think is possible.

>> No.17571210

Is this what /tv/ does to a brain?

>> No.17571214

Rich billionaire corporatists are mostly all democrats tho?

>> No.17571264

You can make the villain a corrupt politician, who wants votes instead of dollars, and emphatize the hero's maculinity as physical protector. Done and you just barelly have to change a thing.

>> No.17571358

Dude just read anything written before the 18th century. Read "The Frogs," ffs, whose theme is literally "old ways good, new ways bad."

>> No.17571408

Wouldn't 95% of soviet literature hit all of those points?

>> No.17571428

>fighting greedy tyrant
>saving damsel in distress
Are you sure you aren't a liberal instead of a conservative? Because primordial archetypes are left wing for you.

>> No.17571443

Yes. This is also ultimately why Leftists are far more likely to riot than Rightists - they genuinely believe that they're "on the right side of history" whereas conservatives are almost always self limiting. The archetype in general has been co-opted by the Left. It has been this way since at least the sixties; the Church was slow to respond.

>> No.17571447

Shouldn't you be paying respects to Saint Rush?

>> No.17571474

Care to define "right" and "left"?

>> No.17572796

good at conserving energy

>> No.17572806


>> No.17572821
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>I am a conservative writer

>> No.17572833

Read Bernay's and Ellul's Propaganda.

>> No.17572843

>esl conservative writer
Literally the worst archetype

>> No.17572882


>> No.17572885

*storms the capitol building in your path*

Each are determined by their opposite.

>> No.17572893

English as a second language.

>> No.17572900

elephant squirrel peanut

It's a kind of insult on this board like saying that you aren't intellectual or patrician.

>> No.17572905

I meant why did you think OP is ESL

>> No.17572913

I guess cause he said "who really *is* the good guys"? that just sounds like an isolated mistake, the rest of his post doesn't read ESL-like

>> No.17573429

No caps. Ends sentences in prepositions. The use of is as previously mentioned. Poor adjectives, awkward construction, needless clauses. The whole thing reads like repeatedly bumping your shin into furniture in a dark room. It was painful to read and impressive how poorly constructed the entire thing was. Either OP is ESL, an uneducated zoomer in high school, or flat out retarded. I’d hate to read anything else he’s written.

>> No.17573505

How's that conserving going bro?

>> No.17573506

I didn't, but now that you mention it.

>> No.17573516

Some folk call it jam.

>> No.17573624

lol, what the fuck are you smoking, retard. the conventional story in popular genres tends to affirm traditional roles

men like stories about warlike, knightly heroes defeating villains, protecting innocents, and saving damsels in distress

women like stories in which the audience avatar is courted by these types of men

>> No.17574174

>storms the capitol building
lol no - a few die hard Q fans walked around aimlessly and took pictures

>> No.17574186

Breaking shit and killing a cop while on federal property with handcuffs at the ready is just tourism. I see now.

>> No.17574195

So, trespassing?

>> No.17574242

Conservatives appreciate what we have (i.e. the greatest human civilization of all time) and understand that only a small subset of 'change' is actually productive.

The problem is even in the GOAT civilization, no one escapes the realities of death and meaninglessness. "If I'm not perfectly happy, this society is evil!" On top of that, we've taught a generation of snowflakes that every single disappointment, imperfection, setback would be avoidable if not for white male supremacy, so of course we must overthrow everything. Perhaps we should implement a communist troon utopia!