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17569467 No.17569467 [Reply] [Original]

God filtered by Nick Land
>"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:
>‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’
So what's the tradcath larper argument against this? Because he just btfo your God.

Based atheist general. Expose religion for the social control apparatus it is. Long live reason!

>> No.17569527

*sighs* wandering the dialpidated desert that passes for intellectual discussion on this... hellhole... I did NOT expect to find an oasis of grey matter; hello! I too, am of course (if my intellect didnt clue you in) an atheist. And while I do not read books (they are simply a waste of time; why glower at printed ink when youtube can deliver the same knowledge in a matter of 10 minutes?) I have to admit I *do* peruse this palace of perdition to BTFO the occasional fundie. My favourite authors are vsauce, academyofideas, the yogscast, hitchens (the good one!), of course dawkins (pbuh), and biting intellects like the guy who writes black mirror. Together, dare I say, we will end superstition and kill sky wizard. Hurrah!

>> No.17569538


>> No.17569649


>> No.17569684

why the fuck is 4chan of all places becoming some christcuck central all of the sudden? is it just contrarianism or /pol/ ruining the site even more as per usual? im seriously baffled
like you fucks dont understand that if christians were still in power this site and all the edgy humor you giggle about would be gone in an instant, are you all just little bitches begging for sky daddy to spank you and discipline you? pathetic
i'll say it because im not fucking afraid

>> No.17569703

Bro how the fuck did you get this triggered

>> No.17569710

so brave. so powerful. so edgy.

>> No.17569712
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>> No.17569718

"God", "immortality of the soul", "redemption", "beyond" -- Without exception, concepts to which I have never devoted any attention, or time; not even as a child. Perhaps I have never been childlike enough for them?
I do not by any means know atheism as a result; even less as an event: It is a matter of course with me, from instinct. I am too inquisitive, too questionable, too exuberant to stand for any gross answer. God is a gross answer, an indelicacy against us thinkers - at bottom merely a gross prohibition for us: you shall not think!

>> No.17569720

*wipes tear from eye* bravo! bravo! when science gets us to mars, when mankind takes wing to his DESTINY in the universe, let THESE WORDS resound, rebound, echo from every star! in all my years of listening to joe rogan I dare say I have NEVER heard something as profound as what your synapses just compelled your fingertips to type. you should publish; nay, theyd never let you... ahead of your time I dare say. we shall slay santa clau- oops, I mean "God" yet, my friends, with minds such as these by our side! Upvote!

>> No.17569735
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>> No.17569765

>look mum im LARPing as a christcuck on the 4chinz isnt that fun lolololol
whatever retards, I guess I'll wait for this dumb fad to end so we can have proper discussions back in this board
fucking idiots

>> No.17569813

but im agreeing with you! would you like to discuss the latest vsauce video with my discord? your brain could give some powerful insights

>> No.17569824

It started with Jordan Peterson a couple of years back.

>> No.17569829
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>> No.17569842

heckin' valid and brave!

>> No.17569872
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science never lies.

>> No.17569922

I'll pray for you brother

>> No.17569942

religious bodies are just disguises for child molestation rings

>> No.17569952
File: 166 KB, 772x1200, PL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only some dipshit athiest could write this well. You might have a point.

>> No.17570401

Good job Nick, you wrote a shitty passion play. Seriously, what do atheist retards think when catholics refer to the Eucharist as a sacrifice.

>> No.17570429

I didn't think Paradise Lost was well-written. In fact, he throws a bunch of apostrophes in just so the syllables fit. I thought it was hackwork, and I'm surprised anyone thinks otherwise.

>> No.17570445


>> No.17570446


>> No.17570447

Christianity made me a leftist.

>> No.17570453

Milton was a total hack. Donne is the superior religious poet

>> No.17570493
