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File: 3.02 MB, 1319x2132, National Epics 5x6 Spøk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17563560 No.17563560 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read your national epic, /lit/?

>> No.17563585

Man Without Qualities is a bit hard and also unfinished I believe. I got through like 2/3s of it.

>> No.17563586

lol fuck off, Ossian is not Scotland's national epic, is this bait?

>> No.17563596

should probably have seen America's before responding...

>> No.17563635

>book of mormon
>not Moby Dick
>not Blood Meridian
A random fucking play

>> No.17563653

>book of mormon

>> No.17563662
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here's the REAL national epic of the US

>> No.17563668

Is it any good?

>> No.17563672

seethe religion hater

>> No.17563683

The Book of Mormon is a book, the play is the parody.

>> No.17563731
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Yes, I have.

>> No.17563745


>> No.17563746

Yo how could I forget
Tfw I need a haircut greaser

>> No.17563769

I'm lithuanian we don't have one. I guess the Latvian one is the closest.

>> No.17563774

not yet but I should start because I got it laying in my shelf somewhere

>> No.17563780
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Aw, no Canada?

>> No.17563782

>americans don't realise or won't admit how well it characterises them
take the first step

>> No.17563785
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>> No.17563819

Fathers and crows

>> No.17563851
File: 3.01 MB, 1319x2132, Hiawatha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually.... this is the correct answer.
A national epic needs to be about the actual natives.

>> No.17563862

Thanks! I'll check it out.

>> No.17563869

This. I would probably change it for L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics.

>> No.17563875

>the divine comedy
>an epic

>> No.17563891

Indians aren't the natives of the United States, North America sure, but that's like saying the Norwegians' epic has to be Sami

>> No.17563901

Yeah, wtf, it's obviously a comedy, like The Office.

>> No.17563924

You’re dumb but you’re also funny.

>> No.17563957

Norwegians are indigenous to Norway like the Sami. Neither is more ancient than the other.

>> No.17563975

>the book of mormon
Nah. If anything our national book is Moby Dick, i.e. utterly disjointed and slightly gay.

>> No.17563989

Mmm... I wonder why novels could not be national epic poems either

>> No.17564062

pan tadeus is lithuanian

>> No.17564105

They're all terrible except for Italy.

>> No.17564114

Wouldn't the Scottish national epic be something like The Brus?

>> No.17564119

Where is Huckleberry Finn?

>> No.17564123

Unironically yes.

>> No.17564128

Do gay retards really?

>> No.17564157
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the national epic of the pacific northwest

>> No.17564478

Not written by a canadian but it deals in the clash between the jesuits and the natives during the colonization

>> No.17564491

1. finn
2. no. not interested. but some day i will just to flex because i'm strictly of the belief you have to know the language if you're reading any epic

>> No.17564493
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>> No.17564545

In that case why don’t we throw out Beowulf? Literally none of it involves the English.

>> No.17564564
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I'm not sure what Brazil's national epic is, actually. I guess some would say O Uraguai, but it's rather localized and doesn't really capture the "brazilian spirit", whatever that is. Maybe Mello Mourão's "Invenção do Mar", but it's very recent (1997) and not at all well known. I'm not sure about a prose epic that represents the country, either; one could cite O Tempo e o Vento for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, but that's very restricted.
Can any BRanons help me here?

>> No.17564565

Isn't this the book that ends with them setting up a world government run out of Jerusalem? Sounds pretty America to me.

>> No.17564583

If you're a zoomer you probably won't even understand the Kalevala-tier finnish either because of the 19th century grammar case usage.

>> No.17564599

Do you think it'd still be worth trying?

>> No.17564633

Of course. Anything worth reading is usually difficult at least in parts.

>> No.17564671

Siento que los argentinos adoptando Martín Fierro como su epopeya sólo tiene sentido si lo vemos como otro caso de un texto que nadie lee pero a todos les gusta, más o menos como con el Periquillo en México.

>> No.17564685

Yeah, but Beowulf is just so epic it gets a pass

>> No.17564716

Our national epic is Leaves of Grass, not the Book of Mormon, you fucking faggot

>> No.17564733

No, I started reading the "Mío Çid chant", how we call it, and it was surprisingly good specially for the medieval Spanish and the character of the Çid, but I have better things to read before it

>> No.17564737

Cerrá el orto aguante el Martín Fierro

>> No.17564789
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>> No.17564815

>book of mormon
not epic
not poetry
but not poetry
>blood meridian
not epic
not poetry
not even 300 pages

America's national epic is Longfellow's Hiawatha you pseuds

>> No.17564825

>Iranians rely on the Sistanis they mock and ridicule to save them

>> No.17564842
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stay golden pony boy

>> No.17564848
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>tfw your national epic is essentially Sufi Romeo and Juliet
Though some claim ancestry from the blacksmith from the Shahnameh.

>> No.17564887

There are poetical elements in the Book of Mormon. I think one chapter is like a 70 verse chiasmus. Also the first Book of Nephi reads like a diary of a character in an epic.

>> No.17564888

I mean they also have The Conference of the Birds, which doesn't really work that well as a national epic, but imo it's the better book

>> No.17564957

The Aeneid traces Rome back to Trojan refugees, not natives.

>> No.17564959

no dije que estaba malo cabrón, se me hace la mejor obra del siglo XIX Latinoamericano pero no entiendo cómo pueden decir "wow el gaucho realmente es un ícono argentino" después de haberlos odiado tanto y haberlos masacrado a todos.

>> No.17565549

Technically Rome was founded by the descendants of both, as Aeneas and the Trojans married the native Latins.

>> No.17565686

Even within these standards the answer would be Leaves of Grass. Hiawatha is fine but nobody reads it and therefore isn’t really a cultural keystone the way Whitman is. This is the one time popularity matters

>> No.17566138

>Not listed
Ausbros... what do we do??

>> No.17566175

Was just thinking this. We have nothing. Maybe some bush poems?

>> No.17566192
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yes, it is this simplified

>> No.17566194
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>> No.17566239
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Stay Golden, Ponyboy.

>> No.17566241

By that logic the British are also Trojans.

>> No.17566274

Tfw my country’s epic is undocumented and lost to the test of time

>> No.17566367

lol BOM based as fuck. Honestly a beautiful work of art

>> No.17566620
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From the Philippines, this is actually not good epic. Though it is better to be read at Tagalog than the English translation, but I don't think there is.

>> No.17566656

I'm not a Pinoy, but why not Josie Rizal? I came upon Noli me Tangere in a sociology class and found it a bit congenial. I don't know how prose translates from the source, but the one I got is pretty enjoyable.

>> No.17566664


>> No.17566687

That's a shitty chart.

>> No.17566696

Well for one Leaves of Grass isn't an epic poem, its a collection of poems, and for two its a bunch of poems that suck off the very characteristics of the US that are currently tearing it apart

>> No.17566711


>> No.17566731
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>> No.17566743

It's certainly a very American book but it's not our epic. As he said it's either Blood Meridian or Moby Dick.

>> No.17566749

not all of those books in op's books are epic poetry. For god's sake le morte d'arthur is a fucking prose novel. The faerie queene should be the epic of Britian. It's almost like you poor niggas don't even read.

>> No.17566773
File: 22 KB, 220x314, 57B0E066-7EA7-4033-96EC-1DF4A9E7A7D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all dumbasses, the real nation epic is literally John brown’s body. It literally rivals every one of these American “epics” that’s been suggested by you guys

>> No.17566858

Noli me Tangere is not really a epic, but rather a novel. I've read it in tagalog and is not really something to be considered a epic.

>> No.17566862

What's the best edition of Leaves of Grass?

>> No.17566968

>its a bunch of poems that suck off the very characteristics of the US that are currently tearing it apart
Like the Aeneid, Metamorphoses, and Divine Comedy didn't do exactly the same. Most national epics reserve criticism for the nations or empires they represent

>> No.17566975

"Deathbed" edition

>> No.17566997

Which one of those books have an actually interesting story?

>> No.17567028

I've read parts of the Book of Mormon

>> No.17567034

The Poetic Edda, Mabinogion, Ossian's Poems, and Ovid's Metamorphoses, are all collections of poems and they get counted. Come to think some of these aren't even poems like the Mabinogion, Njal's Saga, and Heimskringla

>> No.17567106

Has anyone argued that Ezra Pound's Cantos might be the American Epic? I know he wrote them abroad, but there's something tangibly American about many of them, especially the John Adams poems.

>> No.17567131

Jack London - Call of the Wild

>> No.17567132

And before anyone says that most of the poems are about Italians and China, I will remind that the Iliad is set entirely in pre-Hellenic Anatolia and half of the characters are also Anatolian

>> No.17567146


>> No.17567163

>Book of Mormon

>> No.17567185

Whatever the American epic is, it is certainly NOT the Columbiad, and thank god for that.

>> No.17567340

>Blood Meridian
are you mentally fucking retarded?

>> No.17567366

>the Book of Mormon

I hope a boulder in Utah falls on you somehow.

>> No.17567370

Give the book of mormon a shot. It’s actually a good read, and pretty worthwhile.

>> No.17567618

Read a little about it on Wikipedia. It sounds dreadful

>> No.17567680

Native americans have nothing to do with the USA. it is a disgusting erasure of native cultures to suggest the nationstate that happens to exist in the place they once lived somehow characterises them or that they are somehow part of it. it's reducing them to a curiosity or aesthetic while being 100% european in system and worldview and culture.

>> No.17567686

involves people closely related to them and of the same cultural group (at the time)

>> No.17567806

>t.never read it.
There is no better work on manifest destiny AKA The true American Spirit, you zoomer

>> No.17567810
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>> No.17567826
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I read the first book in the trilogy, but it wasn't interesting enough to continue.

>> No.17567894

yeah, that and the Wallace

>> No.17567928
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ITT: Americans coping that they don't have a heritage that connects them to their land.

>> No.17568027

El gaucho es un icono aún así. Representa al macho argentino grasa, tramposo, orgulloso e irracional. El gaucho es nuestro Dionisio, así como Sarmiento nos resulta Apolo.

>> No.17568180

And what land would that be?

>> No.17568189


>> No.17568196
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>> No.17568211

>Britain: Middle English text from 16th century.
>England: Old English text from circa 10th century


>> No.17568221
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>> No.17569246

USA's epic should be Moby Dick. Book of Mormon isn't really epic.

>> No.17569762


Es un icono impuesto, sumamente forzado. Solo fue tomado como tal debido a la momentánea necesidad de forjar una identidad nacional. Como te dijo la otra persona, fue ampliamente odiado por la sociedad durante el siglo XIX, con una connotación sumamente despectiva. Incluso el mismo Sarmiento no los consideraba personas, así también como Alberdi. Siendo argentino te puedo decir que tomamos la peor figura posible. Y la mejor parte del Martín Fierro es cuando Borges lo mata en su relato "El Fin" (vengan de a uno).

>> No.17569810

my native epic Kalevala is swedish fanfic

>> No.17569848

Russia's national epic is Eugene Onegin, not that fake crap

>> No.17569935
File: 44 KB, 279x450, C6F9F950-CFAB-4E61-B482-8EDB7DC9AB86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best candidate for US’s epic

>> No.17570302

Sí gurí, pero fijate que ahora, es totalmente representativo. Es re peroncho el Fierro (y obviamente acá ninguno de nosotros debe serlo).
>Y la mejor parte del Martín Fierro es cuando Borges lo mata en su relato "El Fin" (vengan de a uno).

>> No.17570370

fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.17570377

Knight in the panther's skin

>> No.17570392
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>french title

>> No.17570507

Has anyone actually read Heimskringla or Frithiof’s Saga?

>> No.17570514


>> No.17570574

lithuania is not a real nation

>> No.17570602

>Le Morte d'Arthur
hahahaha idiot

>> No.17570615

>Hiawatha is fine but nobody reads it
It's genuinely enjoyable, unlike Whitman's diarrhea poetry.

>> No.17570650

The second book in a frontier adventure series? Yeah, no.

>> No.17570857
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Hello fellow Kurd. Our land is forgotten forever. Feelzbadman

>> No.17570868

any good turdish lit, my friend?

>> No.17570877

>A random fucking play
God you are hilariously retarded.
Never change anon. You being this dumb really made my day.

>> No.17570893

Yeah, ok, because that totally doesn’t describe The Odyssey.

>> No.17571099

Lamentablemente es un estandarte, pero solo en Peronia. Igual me atreveria a decir que mas que el Fierro los representa el Eternauta.
¿Que andabas leyendo compañero?

>> No.17571238

The Odyssey is an epic poem, The Last of the Mohicans is not. Critical thinking ain’t your strong point, is it?

>> No.17571882

I can't speak Kurdish so I wouldn't know sadly.