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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 541 KB, 750x1096, B38E89A4-8368-4E55-8EAF-22DE9A5F1D0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17563005 No.17563005 [Reply] [Original]

Fake science tards btfo by based kantbot.

>> No.17563017

This makes no sense

>> No.17563028

Oh is it “highly illogical”, you fucking reddit stemtard?

>> No.17563036

Take your meds. Or pray. Whichever calms the voices.

>> No.17563053

Everything the little goblin says is like this, meaningless and vaguely intellectual takes designed to make people seethe.

>> No.17563056
File: 227 KB, 800x1224, neo-babelic_reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17563104

This post kills the S*pir-Whorf incel

>> No.17563113

/his/ has been trying to colonise this place recently. so now its /pol/tards seething about women and atheist midwits spamming retarded polemics.

>> No.17563139

this guy is the Moviebob of right wing twitter

>> No.17563148

You forgot the christcucks

>> No.17563152

kantbots twitter is extremely entertaining
thats all he is though, basically an intellectual lolcow similar to mr land

>> No.17563166

People are always saying “kantbot is just __” and it’s always something different. I guess he’s everything, like the true spirit of poetry. Thank you, kantbot.

>> No.17563173

I really hate these kind of "look what some Twitter retard said" threads. If I cared what Twitter retards said, I would be there and not here.

>> No.17563178

>kant bot
>right wing

>> No.17563181

>I guess he’s everything, like the true spirit of poetry
that is so tryhard im inclined to think kantbot actually wrote this
go back to writing theoryfiction about the CIA on twitter at least thats fun to read

>> No.17563195

I’m merely a student of the master pseud.

>> No.17563198

And the ominpresent JIDF, ever-ready to jump into a Merchant of Venice thread.

>> No.17563202

The real literature comes from twitter these days. Stay mad, illiterate.

>> No.17563236

they've been here longer than your lot.

>> No.17563332

So that's why there are so many neetch redditors.
>t. neetch redditor

>> No.17563362

I don't even mind nietzche as a thinker, I have enjoyed a lot of his stuff and even really agree with him when he talks about stuff like spite. But for some reason he attracts intellectually juvenile people who read him once and become weird dogmatists, even though most of them don't even understand him. Is it zoomers watching youtube videos about him or something?

>> No.17563727

you imitate him quite impressively

>> No.17563784

can anyone tell me what Neo-Babelics views on Sapir-Whorf is?

>> No.17563855

>Neo-Babelics is the theory that is central to Gorkoniker's brand of Bantic philosophy. Which if you're not already aware Banticism is the philosophy of speech-based communication and how interlocks itself into the religion and evolution of peoples. Gorkoniker was a Jewish theologian, and Neo-Babelics was his theory that speech is one of the most important and prominent portals in which we make contact with God. Of course there's a lot more to it and it's more complicated than I am capable of expressing, but that's the basically the shotgun explanation of it.
>Actually more like an anti-Sapir-Whorf theory. Banticism is acutally more focused on explaining how our history, psychology, religion, etc affects our conception of language, not the other way around. (Again it's more complex than that, but that's what I got for you.)
From a previous thread where another anon explains it.

>> No.17563888

Just chiming in as a lingfag. Linguists have not seriously entertained Sapir-Whorf in a while. But Chomsky is also a tard with universal grammar.

>> No.17564486

>man who cannot even count calories dislikes "Science"
Who could have seen this one coming

>> No.17564504

what kantbot needs is a good punch to the face