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17562419 No.17562419 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished 200 pages of The Critique of Pure Reason. Does it get harder to understand later on? It feels like it's too simple. I don't find myself disagreeing or having meaningful comments on a lot of it. It's almost like the book is just articulating things I already agree with. Is there something more? Also now that I've gotten this far, reading it seems more like a chore, rather than a treat which is what it started as. Would it be acceptable for me to either skip the rest of the book or move onto a different book for the time being?

>> No.17562458

No one says it’s a treat to read desu. It’s known to be a drag and chances are you have already become familiar with the subject matter since it has seeped in nearly all philosophy that followed

>> No.17562504

Such a fucking pathetic attempt at a cringe bait
You clearly have not read even past the foreword of the book
>It's almost like the book is just articulating things I already agree with.
imagine unironically saying something like this to the goblin's autism system.
kek fuck off with this shitty LARP faggot, best jsut go kys.

>> No.17562523

skip to the transcendental dialectic, see if you already agree with his critiques of rational theology, if so skip to where he expounds the transcendental Ideas and the parts about the structure of the architectonic right towards the end (i am similar to you in that I found the first half a bit boring, but the transcendental dialectic is much more interesting and will be directly relevant if you want to get into kantian ethics)

>> No.17562746

Anybody replying to this thread is an idiot

>> No.17562751
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