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/lit/ - Literature

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17558110 No.17558110 [Reply] [Original]

>1984 is a cautionary tale against the political institution the librhuls want to establish

>> No.17558115

I am a mute

>> No.17558120

>what other people do is none of my business

>> No.17558124

Ulysses is a top 10 book of the 1900s
Ulysses isn't bloated as fuck
James joyce is better than virginia woolf.

>> No.17558137

>Don Quijote is a parody

>> No.17558138

>creating a thread titled 'Post the dumbest take you can imagine' on /lit/ is a good idea and will improve board quality

>> No.17558146


>> No.17558148

>Blood Meridian is edgy

>> No.17558150
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he's right you know

>> No.17558157

Hey I've got one
>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.17558173
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>1984 is referenced by normies all the time, therefore it has nothing to do with society under neoliberalism because i find the references boring

>> No.17558194

>Orwell wrote 1984 after working at the BBC but it obviously doesn't describe any aspect of media, power, or life in 2021

>> No.17558204

>the dumbest take you can imagine
>reading philosophy is a good use of your time

>> No.17558205

pick one

>> No.17558568

>the material is more important than the spiritual
if you don't understand, then start reading

>> No.17558831

>1984 is not a cautionary tale against the political institution elected Democrats in the modern US, right now, want to establish.

>> No.17558843

take your meds

>> No.17559396

>Ayn Rand proved female authors can right great literature

>> No.17559534

We know though some anons will hate him for it/

>> No.17559590


>> No.17559759

pick both

>> No.17559764

no you

>> No.17559785

Rent free

>> No.17560105


>> No.17560111

>Odyssey > Iliad

>> No.17560132

Not being able to call black people "n*ggers" on twitter isn't the same as being physically tortured until you accept the love of a supreme, omnipresent dictator anon

>> No.17560139

it 100% is, shill

>> No.17560145

Does your mother know she gave birth to a retard?

>> No.17560156

does your mother know she gave birth to a faggot?

>> No.17560164

I'm not gay but if I was she wouldn't care

>> No.17560173

that single fact about your upbringing explains everything wrong with you

>> No.17560199

I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer as truthfully as you can - have you ever been physically tortured for you political beliefs?

>> No.17560236


>> No.17560256


Parents say this but inside they feel turmoil. I thought I would be the same way but having kids now I realize how pathetic it would be for my son to be a faggot. Even my daughter being a lesbo would be shit.

>> No.17560267

Then twitter rules and 1984's world aren't the same thing then

>> No.17560279

>1984's world relies purely on physical torture and not at all on censorship

>> No.17560286

>>1984 is a cautionary tale against the political institution the librhuls want to establish
This is unironically true tho

>> No.17560309

Political censorship through the threat of physical violence, which for the most part doesn't exist in our world

>> No.17560333

>for the most part doesn't exist in our world
this is incredibly optimistic

>> No.17560360

If you live in a liberal first-world democracy, then you can say basically anything short of outright calls to violence without being oppressed by the state apparatuses. In fact, the very fact you're on here and able to say whatever you feel like without a government operative knocking on your door is proof of that.

We're worlds away from the nightmare world of 1984.

>> No.17560402

>Goethe merely seethed at Kleist

>> No.17560469

why are they contradictory?

>> No.17560474

>Life has meaning without God.

>> No.17560483
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>We need everyone to stop reading white authors because they are white.

>> No.17560484

>”Ayn Rand is bad not because of her prose but because her characters are fanciful and her ideas about capitalism hurt my feelings”

>> No.17560489

>the death of the author

>> No.17560492

Retard doesn't understand that oppression is gradual

>> No.17560520

>A Brave New World was unintentionally dystopian. Aldous Huxley wrote what he hoped society would become.

>> No.17560657

Here you go

>> No.17560726

Were closer than you might think, and its fairly obviously to someone to shitniggling around.
People already receive enormous social and political "violence" for their beliefs. It's literally a matter of years before it's physical violence.
This is obvious to me, but then again I graduated high school and also read books.

>> No.17560748

anyone else genuinely, deeply saddened by how this latest 1984 meme has revealed
a) how few people have read it
b) how few people understand it even when forced to read it or think about it
c) how many people, even when forced to think about a book, don't happily discover reading, but instead only see an excuse to skim over the wikipedia article and resume posturing ASAP

i feel like if i were in the normiesphere, and LMAO BLONALD BLUMPFSTERS ARE READING THIS CLASSIC BOOK MOST PEOPLE READ AS A TEENAGER AND SAYING IT'S TOPICAL LOLLLL DRUMPSTLERS AREN'T EVEN SMART LIKE US meme was trending as an excuse for one-upmanship in the twitter culture war, even if i were a normie, i would still go "oh yeah books, i remember those, i should actually read it so i can discuss it with all my little normie friends and hate on conservatives more." then i would read it, like most people used to as teenagers, and my sleepy soul would wake up just a bit. at least a tiny bit

instead, this is proving that the normies and zoomers are so far gone that they can't even wake up from the coma anymore, even when a real book accidentally "trends" within the tornado of social media horseshit they inhabit. all we got from it was more silly women chattering with no interest in the actual subject, and zoomers rushing to wikipedia and youtube personalities to tell them the correct opinion to have in the endless war of edge, counter-edge, counter-counter-edge position-taking

i used to have all this panic about how bad the "stock" had become, how degenerated each successive generation had become and how hard it would be to reverse the process. i used to look at boomers, millennials, my generation, and think, it's getting worse and worse, my god we won't even have our collective wake-up call and begin fixing this until another generation or so, the graph of humanitas is going to plummet even further into the red, how are we going to reverse all that damage when the time comes? but zoomers broke me, the zoomer twitter era broke me completely, i no longer see people to be rehabilitated. something in me fundamentally shifted, i no longer see a stock or crop of humans to be re-planted in proper soil and laboriously nursed back to health and pruned of all its abnormal growth. zoomers are pure abnormality, they are the first true abominations in memory, i can only imagine something so formless existing in a lawless egyptian intermediate period full of bandit cannibals or some shit like that. zoomers can't be reformed, zoomers are going to have to be entirely, completely put out to pasture. they will have to be relegated to some kind of quarantine zone, fenced in, maybe given a bounded intranet so they can keep watching eachother "debate" on youtube and buying "merch." you can't fix that shit, so lock them up in a resonance chamber and let them have it, let them run out the clock and die and be forgotten. meanwhile select the few remaining sentient, non-zoomerfied humans, and start over.

>> No.17560791

You can find happiness in that no matter what kind of revolution happens in the end the upper middle class Marxists will face the wall.
Even if we race eternal suffering or death afterwards we can smile because it happened.

>> No.17560848
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>have you ever been physically tortured for you political beliefs?
yes, i am the old lady in this video

>> No.17560867
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i have been tortured i am this guy

>> No.17560913


>> No.17561936

>All these simple, obvious threads with very quick and subversive responses aren't bait/trolling at all!

>> No.17561945

Faggot leftists eternally seething at some average novel because it hits home too well. No one really cares about 1984, you cunts just screech about it all the time

>> No.17561951

Classic subversion. Why do you make it so obvious lmao

>> No.17561965

He forgets the events of the previous year, where shock troops of the democratic party were given a free pass. Most people kneeeeeeeeeled in response ahahab. And the absolute screeching when they finally got a taste of their own medicine, e.g violence, was hilarious

>> No.17562028

not yet

>> No.17562038

>God exists

>> No.17562076

The west is best because uhhh.... liberal democracy.... and uhhhh women's rights!

>> No.17562090

>Kafka is meant to be humorous and ironic and totally not the insane ramblings of a schizo jew

>> No.17562104

>1984 is finally starting to come true in the present day

>> No.17562123

Have you?

>> No.17562133

Lack of authority is just as tyrannical, if not more

>> No.17562150

Back to twitter you third world minority

>> No.17562154
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Here you dropped this

>> No.17562155

>Implying physical torture has been used by spooks in the last 50 years. We've all been tortured for our political beliefs


>> No.17562193

unironically even though being a /pol/ack is retarded I'm glad the youth is becoming
"""redpilled""" because at least it is getting them reading and interested in both classical literature and culture

>> No.17562243

/pol/ is right about nearly everything though.

>> No.17562272


>> No.17562299


>> No.17562306

>the good guys won WWII

>> No.17562321

>no one was reading the classics or literature before the redpill fad!
OK zoomer

>> No.17562343
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come back

>> No.17562348

the same classical literature banned in western classrooms because it's """racist"""?

>> No.17562443

stop getting your politics from terminally online nerds on anime imageboards, idiot

>> No.17562511
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Zoomzoom here and I agree, unfortunately.

This is the stupidest strawman imaginable. PC-culture vs based-and-redpilled culture is a distraction from the real issues. PC-culture and social justice is simply the mask an insanely genocidal, psychopathic, authoritarian elite wears to hide its intentions, and the fringe right’s reaction to this PC monoculture is, for the most part, stupid, although understandable. Hillary Clinton will work to bomb the fuck out of some Middle Eastern shithole country, be married to some Epstein-Island pizza-aficionado fuck, and use the Clinton Foundation to accept bribes for sending foreign aid to countries, then turn around and say the hatred of her comes from “bigoted males who can’t handle a strong empowered female,” and a big chunk of the population will sincerely believe this.

A bigger issue than not being allowed to call George Floyd a nigger on Twitter is the censorship of and/or attacks on any claims that COVID-19 was bioengineered and released deliberately as part of a genocide program, or that the rushed vaccines are also a part of this program. As well as the censorship, belittling, deplatforming etc. of people objecting to inconsistent, over-the-top, and harmful lockdown measures.

As well as institutions like the NSA being weaponized against the entire US population as revealed by whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and William Binney, and now the modern demonization of “conspiracy theories” as being tied to a threat of domestic terrorism.

Reminder also that WTC 7 collapsed in freefall motion and didn’t even get hit by a fucking plane. White supremacy, the threat of radical Islam, it’s all the same crap, just another CIA/MI6/Mossad false flag to justify further control of the population, control of the news, Big Tech control over speech, more surveillance, more security. Eat your GM food, slave.

>> No.17562549

how can someone be so right and wrong at the same time, wow

>> No.17562553


>> No.17562574

In a society that's embraced false flags and "limited hang out" as much as ours has, most people are half-right and half-wrong about any given topic.

>> No.17562584 [DELETED] 

Lemme guess, the pizza, plandemic, and false-flag stuff was too much for you

That’s because your attention span has been fried by the Internet

>> No.17562598
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Lemme guess, the pizza, plandemic, and false-flag stuff was too much for you.

That’s because your attention span has been fried by the Internet and all the neurotoxins in your processed purple drank.

>> No.17562988

>Lemme guess, the pizza, plandemic, and false-flag stuff was too much for you.
partially. false flag operations especially those done by the US are well documented and obvious to anyone paying attention, the red scare for example.
assuming by "the pizza" you mean pizzagate, there is absolutely a problem with rich people abusing their near limitless power to fiddle with kids, no doubt about that. i dont know much about the whole pizzagate lore but it does seem to go into the absurd side of conspiracies, especially if you connect it with any kind of qanon grifting.
and the plandemic... come on man. the rich and powerful are as always the ones to benefit from our suffering and im sure big corporations and their CEOs are actually happy that it happened because it helps their bottom line, but the idea that it was all planned is ridiculous. it would require every single doctor on earth and literally anybody who is well versed in virology to play along, which is impossible. not to mention that countries with competent leadership or ones where money doesnt rule politics have managed it fine. also, vaccines work.

you seem to be intelligent but please try to discern actual threats, such as the power of the rich, false flag operations, surveillance, bombing the fuck out of the middle east for the profit of oil companies, etc. from made up bullshit like covid being man made.

>> No.17562997
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>t. janny

>> No.17563015

Twitter bans are literally NOT censorship.

>> No.17563034

>violates twitter terms of service
>gets banned
>goes on national tv to complain about being censored
many such cases

>> No.17563177

Lmao has someone claimed that unironically

>> No.17563373
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>the idea that it was all planned is ridiculous. it would require every single doctor on earth and literally anybody who is well versed in virology to play along, which is impossible.
No, it just requires bioengineering and releasing the virus, then using one’s massive influence and connections with the top levels of academia, Big Tech, and mainstream media news outlets to push the same narrative and censor or criticize those pushing counter-narratives. Herd mentality does the rest, the nail that sticks out gets hit first.

> also, vaccines work.
I won’t get into that (neither confirming or denying it) but this is an entirely new type of vaccine (mRNA) with, by definition, no long-term studies of its effects having been carried out yet. We’re the guinea pigs for it.

> also, vaccines work.
I won’t get into that (neither confirming or denying it) but this is an entirely new type of vaccine (mRNA) with, by definition, no long-term studies of its effects having been carried out yet. We’re the guinea pigs for it.

One example of what I’m saying about how the herd mentality can work to effect a coverup — in the early days of the pandemic, there was a doctor who made a YouTube video talking about how ventilators were harming patients, and how, based off of his medical expertise and what he saw of the effects of COVID, a ventilator wasn’t indicated for them. He went so far as to say it was killing them. When he tried to talk to others about it, they ignored him, brushed him off, told him they were following orders from above. Video taken off of YouTube for going against WHO/CDC guidelines. Eventually, the media and doctors finally catch up on it, a few mostly overlooked articles are put out which talk about how ventilators may have been “overused” to treat COVID patients.

Nobel Prize winner, Kary Mullis, who won it for discovering the PCR technique and died in 2019, is on video tearing Fauci a new asshole for thinking PCR tests can be used to diagnose diseases (this is before the COVID pandemic even happened). The PCR test picks up and amplifies genetic material, it can take the smallest RNA fragment and use it to deem you “positive” for having a virus when you don’t even have enough viral load to be sick or contagious.


>> No.17563502

He's not wrong. You guys are useful idiots for China Communists whether you know it or not. You've brought Hell to us all by cheating in the elections.

>> No.17563505

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): Doctor, on the issue of the vaccine, tonight, Anthony Fauci, on this network, actually said that 75 percent of Americans are going to have to get vaccinated to reach what they call "herd immunity". Do you -- do you buy that?

DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI (GUEST): What utter nonsense. I know that Dr. Fauci is a renowned --

INGRAHAM: --immunologist.

BHAKDI: -- medical scientist and immunologist. But what he says has to be wrong. And this is also what we have taken great lengths to explain in the book. And why -- you know, someone who says this, has not the slightest inkling of the basics of immunology. And this is very, very surprising for someone of Dr. Fauci's standing. And I would dare to defy him anywhere in the world at any time. But I cannot do this in 2 minutes.

INGRAHAM: Well, so you believe that the COVID vaccine is not necessary?

BHAKDI: I think it's downright dangerous. And I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom. And it's so, so unnecessary.

>> No.17563549

This is the only intelligent post in this thread.

>> No.17563649

It has been well over a decade since I read 1984 so correct me if I'm wrong but
>the most oppressive element was not the torture but the omnipresent surveillance and the face that, even in your home and whilst you sleep you were still being watched. Torture, in fact, was a comparatively brief part of the book and, regarding torture, it was not the physical harm he was subject to but the fact that he was broken, forced to adopt the state's beliefs, and sent back out into society so that everyone could see it
>in this vein, individuals in public would act in place of the authorities, enforcing arbitrary social laws outside of the presence of the state (a main feature of totalitarianism)
>another striking moment was the 2 minutes of hate wherein the people exhausted all their rage in controlled environments (echo chambers, one might say)
There's a bunch of other shit but thats the most striking. 1984 was one of Orwell's most trite works, however

>> No.17563786

>1984 is a cautionary tale against the political institution the librhuls want to establish
>It would establish and permanently fund the Department of Anti-racism (DOA) comprised of formally trained experts on racism and no political appointees. The DOA would be responsible for preclearing all local, state and federal public policies to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity, monitor those policies, investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces, and monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas. The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policy and ideas.
>How to be an antiracist, New York TImes best seller

>> No.17564028

bahhahahaha you are such a jackass

>> No.17564047
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>> No.17564058

liberals aren't leftist

>> No.17564214

i too saw the huxley got it right not orwell comic on le interwebz anon

>> No.17564360


>> No.17564408
File: 126 KB, 750x383, 46E3E9C9-D873-48B3-9F63-91C79350C86A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This simulation of a coronavirus pandemic performed on October 18, 2019 brought to you by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and the World Economic Forum.


>> No.17564460

It doesn't exist because the media has managed to corrupt the minds of the youth to such an extent that censorship has become self-perpetuating and ingrained in western culture. It's even more destructive than physical violence because the oppression is not obvious to the average citizen and the censor is not aware of his actions.

>> No.17565391


>> No.17566896


You also can't say there was voter fraud or that lockdowns are shitty unscientific theater or that coronavirus might have come from a lab or that Hunter Biden is a corrupt kleptocrat.


>> No.17567533

It horrifies me but this is unironically true.

>> No.17567556

Parents feel an obligation to show unconditional love. Of course they are terribly disappointed and ashamed but they also don’t want to hurt their child.
Don’t hurt your parents guise. Don’t be gay.

>> No.17567560

I agree with this post although as an oldfag I can't verify the claim that zoomers are past the point of no return.

>> No.17567905


Imagine think Neil Gaiman is the problem.

>> No.17568734

>Nietzsche was actually a liberal humanist

>> No.17568819

but it is. They're showing it

>> No.17568821

Pride and Prejudice is a good book.

>> No.17568828

This isn’t discussing literature, you mongoloid.

>> No.17568835

This but unironically. Imagine believing that Democrats are communists.

>> No.17569431
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>what if socrates really was corrupting dem youth tho

>> No.17571135

I am not based

>> No.17571307

I'm mildly optimistic about the zoomers long term because I think the millennials will ensure they get a fair shot once millennials are the oldest generation. Mind you I am talking about when millennials are 50-65 and zoomers are 40+. It's gen alpha that has me terrified. That is an entire crop of kids raised by the YouTube algorithm. If you think the zoomers are abnormal you haven't seen anything yet.

>> No.17571333

aren't zoomers something like 2000-2020 babbies? or 96-2016 or something? ie. there aren't any gen a yet really

thought it was roughly millennial 80-00, x 60-80, bb 40-60, give or take 5 years for various boundaries

>> No.17571436

I thought you drowned

>> No.17571631
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>> No.17571635


>> No.17571663
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>> No.17571672

penis licker

>> No.17571681

Unimaginably based, dubs-pilled, and accurate.

>> No.17572018

>Don Quixote bad

>> No.17572094


>> No.17572127

Neoliberalism is an authoritarian ideology Anon.

>> No.17572272


>> No.17572424
File: 104 KB, 861x845, 2A0BCD5A-B074-4B10-8D56-3E04D225ADC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was 1984 about then anon

>> No.17572813

>censorship of and/or attacks on any claims that COVID-19 was bioengineered and released deliberately as part of a genocide program
COVID hasn't impacted the world population enough to be a population control scheme.