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17557808 No.17557808 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why fascist literature has an obsession with Rome and an imagine trad chad past? Any books on history would reveal that Rome was: degen af, gay, racist towards thee germs, became christfag only during it's decline amd collapse.

>> No.17557819

what the fuck is this post

>> No.17557826

Rightwing ideology is directly correlated with insecurity about one's masculinity. Once you understand this you can dismiss all of it as purely primitive idiocy.

>> No.17557842

You people are getting dumber honestly. Your bait isn’t even actually bait anymore.

>> No.17557843

An 18 year old has arrived to fight the culture war against the alt right

Save me Ben Shapiro

You promote men lopping off their dicks

>> No.17557849

Fascists (original type, not bourgeois /pol/tard fools!) are gay and anti-christfag though.

>> No.17557854

Not him, but I am a TERF and a Marxist-Leninist. Get fucking with it nerd

>> No.17557868

Denialists continue to pretend that the primary sources just don't exist and that history started in 1800. Sorry queer the youth are reading the classics!

>> No.17557877

Being an actual TERF and a communist is basically the most correct you can be ideologically.

>> No.17557892

It’s an obsession with the symbols of power without the slightest understanding of the content of those symbols. Thus they fetishize Rome without ever knowing anything about Roman policy (but they can rattle off their war facts!). Everything a fascist does with the past is fetish. They like the sharp jaws and the mean Roman stares. They don’t understand the grain dole that sustained the empire or the process of naturalizing citizens that expanded the empire to its heights. They will call immigration the cause of the fall of Rome without knowing that Rome only dissolved into regional fiefdoms due to the centrifugal transfer of power from the central government to landowning nobles (in the West, there was an opposite process in the East) and they will totally ignore the fact that Rome received immigrants throughout the entirety of its history. Why single out immigration at the end? It serves a political end and turns a complex historical event into a fetish.

>> No.17557893

Because, surprisingly enough, Roman history is not a uniform blob and there are periods of incredible vitality as well as periods of decadence.
Also take your meds schizo.

>> No.17557894

Less about insecurity and more about romanticizing it.
The ideas of a strong man single handedly making his way through the world with his own two hands is great. Promotes a lot of good traits in a person too and gives them self sufficiency.

By itself it's not inherently bad. It just isn't really how the world works, and pretending you can just pull yourself up out of anything and everything just indicates how blind you are to the world around you.
You should be self sufficient with what you can be, but at the same time a single person ain't gonna do shit against a rich faggot who can just slap you in the face with a wad of money and have you arrested.

>> No.17557902

>Not him, but I am a TERF and a Marxist-Leninist. Get fucking with it nerd
Well at least I can agree that trannies are shit. Regardless I must assume you are an actual bio woman so: post tits or gtfo commie bitch.

>> No.17557907

>Anything you value for its strength or positivity is just you SECRETLY BEING A DEGENERATE!! Everything is secretly degeneracy! There is no nobility, no optimism, no straightforwardness in life, everything dissolves into secret perversions of the unconscious and neuroses! Join us instead, the correct people with healthy minds, the trannies and faggots and polygamists! By the way, families are bourgeois! Gender roles are bourgeois! Religion is just a fetish!

Hmm I wonder why your worldview is failing to satisfy anyone

>> No.17557917

Thank you.
Typical Greek man actually, I’ll post my hairy muscles if you want

>> No.17557918

Fetish does not mean a sexual fixation. Look it up before you project. Also, what is my worldview again? I prefer a fact-based approach to history over political peacocking.

>> No.17557927

based retard.

>> No.17557928

>Typical Greek man
You don't know how accurate that is. LOL. My country literally busses in gay Greek anarchists to prop up its left wing protests. It's hilarious. You guys are a disaster.

>> No.17557936

>get excited for the next all new worldview where only things I like are allowed, and I only like good things

>> No.17557943

>Everything is secretly degeneracy! There is no nobility, no optimism, no straightforwardness in life, everything dissolves into secret perversions of the unconscious and neuroses!
Yes, stop being a mental child.

>> No.17557946

I know the Marxist definition of fetish, alienation and reification, my point stands. Your hermeneutics of suspicion is a runaway process with no endpoint. That's why it can't even retain Marx, who hated Jews and bourgeois effeminacy, or classical Marxist-Leninists, who hated bourgeois effeminacy more than anybody. Both would be considered "fascists," "fetishizing" virility, and be kicked out of any communist movement today.

Your ideology is mostly terminally online trannies. You will soon be crushed between actual workers, who despise you, and your state and corporate allies, who don't care about you.

Enjoy your antifa druggie dens burning down black neighborhoods periodically. Revolution's coming any day now, comrade.

>> No.17557956
File: 22 KB, 240x334, Cato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Plutarch.
So much bullshit. The Roman republic was not a shining village on the hill and it wasn't a nation of immigrants either. All citizenship extensions were either granted to allied cities or plainly extorted as it was the case after the social war. As for Caracalla it was basically a way to extend the tax base. in neither case had it anything to do with immigration. If something actually caused mass immigration to Rome, it was unironically slavery. You can also read Juvenal about this.
Keep your liberal retardation in your time and place.

>> No.17557965

>Your ideology is mostly terminally online trannies.
I am literally not a leftist. You are just a retard.

>> No.17557977

I have never read Marx. That usage of fetish is the original, sociological usage from which the sexual usage sprang. I hope the word “sociolgoical” doesn’t spin you into a fit, lol. The Roman world was virile, and its study is interesting and useful. But it is nothing like fascist revisionists will tell you (neither is it anything like what leftists will whinge about!). You KNOW that fascism uses symbols of Rome and distorts its history as a political tool, which is why you’ve tried to demonize me as some kind of political enemy (and deranged extremist) instead of disputing any of the historical facts I’ve mentioned. This is the world that fascism promises us: historical research is thrown away in favor of the party line. Leftism promises the same, sure, but that’s not what this thread’s about.

>> No.17557979
File: 382 KB, 1600x900, 1608994526335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your ideology is mostly terminally online trannies. You will soon be crushed between actual workers, who despise you, and your state and corporate allies, who don't care about you.
Any day now...

>> No.17557981

Also this, but leftards must think Elagabalus was peak Rome.

>> No.17557983

>My country literally busses in gay Greek anarchists to prop up its left wing protests.
Our greatest export. But no, I am a proud KKE voter and Marxist-Leninist, not an Anarchist.

>> No.17558000

True in part. The massive slavery system was pretty much the lifeblood of the Republic and Empire. But I wouldn’t dismiss Caracella’s edict that way. The whole point of modern immigration is to expand the tax base. And the Roman route to citizenship through military service was how the empire survived. Why ignore that the influx of bodies and money this brought? Oh yeah, political ends.

>> No.17558005

Elagabalus is my favourite meme tier retard in world history. I don't mind leftist hegemony if we get more of those.
Kinda based but you probably shouldn't be communist. Materialism and progressive internationalism are really boring and soulless imo. I just can't see the appeal. Left wing economics are based but the social stuff? Blegh.

>> No.17558006

You aren't talking about fetish character then? The two aren't unrelated anyway:

The Roman Empire was not always virile and was even very sickly as time went on like >>17557956 says. The point is that modern "fascists" value Romanitas because it reminds them of virility. As Spengler says in the first chapter of Decline of the West, we all see what we want to see in the classical world. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting to see virtue and nobility, any more than there is something wrong with Marx and others being interested in the Ciompi rebellion, the Flemish weavers, or Wat Tyler, as symbols of rebellion against rapacious oligarchy.

>You KNOW that fascism uses symbols of Rome and distorts its history as a political tool,
Fascism uses symbols of strength to represent strength. Fascism never sought to resurrect the past, only to be as great as some past accomplishments had been.

>which is why you’ve tried to demonize me as some kind of political enemy (and deranged extremist)
No, I'm trying to show you what your ideology looks like to people who aren't as reflexively inclined as you are to deconstruction, out of some bizarre desire to be "non-naive." God forbid some lowly plebs with pop historical knowledge of Rome decide to remake their old Roman country during a time of crisis in the image of something that inspires them.

Thanks for admitting my premises. When Pepsi retweets your "fight the power" tweet and the Mayor of New York kneels in front of you, do you feel vindicated in your anarcho-communism or do you have an existential crisis? Are you even capable of the latter anymore? Nevermind.

>> No.17558011
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>> No.17558017

>Materialism and progressive internationalism are really boring and soulless imo. I just can't see the appeal.
Politics and philosophy aren't fucking trading cards you zoomer nigger.

>> No.17558020

Where did I imply otherwise? Or is finding something existentially dreadful and therefore unappealing a sign of "zoomerism"?

>> No.17558028

>God forbid some lowly plebs with pop historical knowledge of Rome decide to remake their old Roman country during a time of crisis in the image of something that inspires them.
The Fascists weren't exactly lowly plebs anon... but incorrigible romantics! bohemians! ex-socialists! bookish types!

>> No.17558033

I completely agree with what you’re saying about symbols but I cannot stress enough that I do not hold the ideologies you’re posting about lol. What does a study of the centrifugal transfer of power to local elites during the end of the Western Roman Empire have to do with postmodernism or Marx or degenerate sex?

>> No.17558040

You're dealing with a coomer who became a tradzoom and will soon be a musloom

>> No.17558041


>> No.17558059

>The whole point of modern immigration is to expand the tax base.
Not really especially in welfare systems, where immigrants cost a lot.
>And the Roman route to citizenship through military service was how the empire survived.
True but veterans were rewarded with fields and disseminated through the empire, that's actually part of the explanation why the army regionalised and the Empire went to pieces.
Citizenship didn't mean they were to be brought to Rome to build a multicultural society, it just mean they were granted the privileges of ius civile.

>> No.17558073

Yes, fascism attracted people from all walks of life, but that included workers. Serving your nation and helping your fellow man is a universally good and desirable thing. Anyone who isn't irreparably broken is capable of seeing the goodness in it and even being healed by it. And the more people do it as a natural part of their lives, the less the state has to take emergency measures to promote it. Fascism was just a restart, a shrugging off of the rot of usury and capitalism, which had seeped down into everyone's hearts and demoralized them.

That's fine then, I apologize for being aggressive. I just think leftists are shooting socialism in the foot (which hurts fascism as well since it is a form of socialism) when they exclusively emphasize the deconstructive, degrading, degenerative legacy of leftism, the bottomless desire to mock everything and tear everything down, starting with the simple values of simple people.

"Lmao pathetic losers fetishizing Rome, don't even have a joint classical archaeology and critical race theory degree like me for $376,000 of debt my dad paid off" is the flip side of the same coin as "Lmao fucking flyover redneck losers still believing in god get with the program nerds we're trannies now, learn to shop at urban outfitters like me"

>What does a study of the centrifugal transfer of power to local elites during the end of the Western Roman Empire have to do with postmodernism or Marx or degenerate sex?
Lost you here though. How was there a transfer of power, other than the feudalization of the old estates as the regime disintegrated? Wouldn't you prefer a decentralized federal system like the Republic or Pax Romana, with its decurion elites?

>> No.17558075

Idk anon I just kinda don't care. What is there to do under communism? Ooooh we won't do any work. Nice. Then what are we gonna do? Sit on our asses all day? Sounds really fucking dull. Even more dull than what we have now, although a bit more comfortable. I can't be fucked to care about a future without a future. "The end of history", liberal or commie, is boring, drag and soulless. Have fun with that if you can. I think I'd probably blow my brains out if there was nothing high stakes to do.

>> No.17558082

>everyone who expresses any amount of conviction is LARPing
I wonder what you look like. I have an idea.

>> No.17558085

you people throw this around the same way other retards throw around leftist and commie, fyi

please just close twitter and turn off the news

>> No.17558090

Weve been in hard times for a while. where are the strong men

>> No.17558092

>Materialism and progressive internationalism are really boring and soulless imo.
I guess maybe when you don’t have a history of struggle and worker’s revolution in your country it can seem that way. The correct political paths of materialist dialectics and proletarian internationalism are beautiful and filled with soul. Personally, I find it hard to imagine not seeing the grand sacrifices and selflessness of socialists around the world and not getting teary eyed. I almost cry every time I sing the internationale, it is a beautiful song with a lot of meaning and soul, all partisan and worker’s songs are.
I think, you are American and you do not know of actual marxism. Sad for such a country with such a glorious worker’s history. You may forget, but we around the world will never forget the Haymarket martyrs who died for the international worker’s movement. Every May 1st we march for them, we march for you, we march for us.

>> No.17558094

>1st point
Immigrants provide cheap labor, cheap labor raises business profits, higher profits bring in more taxes. (Further I’d say the point of welfare systems is to expand the tax base too, but that would require too much argumentation to prove).
>2nd point
Disseminated or not, still citizens. You bring up some good points, but either way citizenship was the bait to get foreigners to fight for the empire and to make it money during its conquests. I can’t see dismissing such an integral part of the Roman body politic. And while Rome was never multicultural the way modern people think about it, these disseminated immigrants kept parts of their culture that fueled the centrifugal diffusion of power (which I think you’ve indicated if your post)

>> No.17558095

This poster's weight begins with '2,' and this poster is not overendowed with muscle.

>> No.17558096

>Fascism was just a restart, a shrugging off of the rot of usury and capitalism
As are all utopian ideologies. In practice... Not to say it could never have worked. But let's not pretend that Really Existing Fascism was really anything edifying. How many of its supporters ended up broken, battered, disillusioned? Reading the works of intellectuals sympathetic to fascism is always a nice blackpill.

>> No.17558103

Yeah communists really hate community... what are you smoking freak

>> No.17558109

>where are the strong men
doing BLM protests
/pol/ will never admit this though

>> No.17558112

>"Lmao pathetic losers fetishizing Rome, don't even have a joint classical archaeology and critical race theory degree like me for $376,000 of debt my dad paid off" is the flip side of the same coin as "Lmao fucking flyover redneck losers still believing in god get with the program nerds we're trannies now, learn to shop at urban outfitters like me"
Except only middle class retards! fetishise fascism on only image boards. not the salt of the earth poor.

>> No.17558113

How about you shut the fuck up, Stavros?

>> No.17558114

>Idk anon I just kinda don't care. What is there to do under communism? Ooooh we won't do any work. Nice. Then what are we gonna do? Sit on our asses all day? Sounds really fucking dull.
Are you fucking retarded

>> No.17558118

Yeah that feudalization of old estates is exactly what I mean. It goes back further before the “collapse”, which was really an extended process of feudalization as the emperor in the west depended more and more on the political support of rural nobles. Check out Arnheim on this, that’s pretty much who I’m going off of.

About the rest of your post, it seems like you spend a lot of time in politicized online communities. No one I know in real life thinks like this.

>> No.17558123

Most greeks that I met were weakling commies seems accurate. I notice that trend. Are you guys actually commies or the ones that go to migrate are prone to be liberal/commie types. How is Golden Dawn seen in Greece in general?

>> No.17558129

>strong men are impotently destroying their own neighborhoods while the state steps back and lets them burn out
Shiggy diggy doo.

>> No.17558130

Communists hate great causes, honor, and community? These are the pillars of communism. I really think you do not understand the first thing of communism, no offence. Now, I know you are American. This is very characteristic of you. I do not know where to start with this, it is incoherent. All I will say, you must research into communism for yourselves.

>> No.17558131

If trannies were trending in Rome all the senators would have been doing the chop..

>> No.17558134

>a thread pretending to be /lit/ related because the OP mentions "literature"
If you feel the need to prove how based and redpilled you are there is an entire board for that, where inevitably it will be decided that some variety of religious extremism is the best way to beat the monster of the week

>> No.17558139

Most BLM fags are white college liberals, they are weaklings(with the exception of niggers). They got rekt by police and trumptards. How is that strong?

>> No.17558141

But fascism doesn't/didn't exist in a vacuum, it was a response to the very real and completely concrete crisis of capitalism trying to turn the entire world into Bill Gates' vision of a "rationally managed" China 2.0. Those intellectuals saw it coming already back then, we're just closer to the maw of the beast now, yet somehow less prepared and less willing to fight back.

I'll take anything that kills the beast. Call it communism, nazbol, I don't care. What we're up against is a real threat and current China is just its beta test. Would you rather shrug and try to work within the "democratic system" instead, while the beast can hollow out your fellow voters and turn them into zombies faster than you can ever hope to recruit? And if that doesn't work, they'll just enlist the state to destroy you?

Thanks for the rec of Arnheim. I don't know what a politicized online community is. Twitter is for queers.

They were fucking ladyboys instead.

>> No.17558144

Nietzsche was also obsessed with the Romans and he was clearly not a fascist or 'trad'

>The Romans! Instinctive nobility, taste, methodical inquiry, genius for organization and administration, faith in and the will to secure the future of man, a great yes to everything entering into the imperium Romanum and palpable to all the senses, a grand style that was beyond mere art, but had become reality, truth, life .

>The Romans were the strong and noble men, stronger and nobler than any people who'd lived on earth up until then—or even than any people who'd ever been dreamed up. Everything they left as remains, every inscription, is delightful, provided that we can guess what was doing the writing there. By contrast, the Jews were par excellence that priestly people of resentment, who possessed an unparalleled genius for popular morality. Just compare people with related talents—say, the Chinese or the Germans—with the Jews in order to understand who's in first place and who's fifth.

>> No.17558145

>There is no nobility, no optimism, no straightforwardness in life, everything dissolves into secret perversions of the unconscious and neuroses
Is that what you really think?

>> No.17558147

Good post, don't let the dogpile of trannies get you down lad. Good instincts. Ever read Griffin's Fascism and Modernism?

I think it's in the DSA official manual. You know, the one that quietly excised #forcethevote after an opportunity to actually force the vote happened and made the grifter AOC and deliberately defeatist perpetual fabianism of Sanders look bad.

>> No.17558153

I'm not the other guy.
>monster of the week
Self-aware consumption is still consumption. Unhealthy habits lead to unhealthy mental processes.

>> No.17558156

The more I see posts like this, going completely offtopic, the more I assume they must be paid shills rather than just stupid polcels. Or even you seeking shit posters.

>> No.17558158

>Any books on history would reveal that Rome was: degen af, gay, racist towards thee germs, became christfag only during it's decline amd collapse
Ah yes, Rome was one continuous chain that was exactly the same all the way up to the 1450s

>> No.17558162

Old school socialism is dead, the new proletariat is supposed to be the coalition of everyone who's not a white male.

>> No.17558163

>Self-aware consumption is still consumption. Unhealthy habits lead to unhealthy mental processes.
Thanks, Buddha. Any other sage advice?

>> No.17558167

Give me a hypothesis. What is he shilling, and on whose behalf?

>> No.17558174

>I guess maybe when you don’t have a history of struggle and worker’s revolution in your country it can seem that way.
I live in the former Warsaw Pact.
>Personally, I find it hard to imagine not seeing the grand sacrifices and selflessness of socialists around the world and not getting teary eyed.
Ironically nothing about sacrificial idealism is materialist, all the slogans are about abstract ideals like "the people", "freedom", "equality" etc. All empty rhetoric, of course and moreover all put to work for an economic revolution. The funniest part is that from a materialist perspective all that sacrifice doesn't really matter, it's just a blip on the radar and the inevitable drive of history.
>I almost cry every time I sing the internationale, it is a beautiful song with a lot of meaning and soul, all partisan and worker’s songs are.
Maybe you have such inclinations or maybe you have developed a taste for it. I have never in my entire life cared for some vague, abstract, international brotherhood. I know my brothers and my cousins and my friends and the friends of my friends. I love them and wish they may have a happy life and I want to work for a society that is good for them. But I didn't care about people over the border at all, until international politics forced me to. Now I only sympathise with other people like me who live in other countries but face the same opponents that I do.
>I think, you are American and you do not know of actual marxism.
Grandpa was a mid level communist official. My other grandparents all got screwed by the communists.
It's not the 1920s anymore retard. "Communists" aren't illiterate, backward people whose world is their neighbourhood anymore. Communists are cosmopolitan "intellectuals" who love their intellectual systems and the ideal of "the people", but don't actually care about the people. Stalin himself uprooted and deported entire peoples, put aside communities. Children were turned against their parents. You guys are rootless. Me, I am a smart grug. Don't talk to me about what is and is not community.
No they are not homo, stop larping. I visit your place, speak to your kind and read the theory that your comrades don't. Stalin was the only person who breathed in even a sliver of communal values, honour and cause into communism and even that he did out of pragmatism, in order to cement his power and strengthen the Soviet Union during the war. The average "communist" loathes me, people like me and my values. They like "workers" so long as they do exactly as they are told and value exactly what the intellectuals say they should value. As soon as we actually express ourselves, we are reactionaries in need of reeducation or worse. >>17558147
>Good post, don't let the dogpile of trannies get you down lad. Good instincts. Ever read Griffin's Fascism and Modernism?
No, I have admittedly read little fascist literature.

>> No.17558176


>> No.17558177

51% of Greece believes in the strength of a planned economy as opposed to the market, I saw in a latest poll. The KKE is one of the oldest and most respected forces in Greek politics, it is also a great force in the international communist movement, working to found the IMCWP which is the largest meeting of communist parties since the Third Internationale. The SYRIZA won the election with the broad support of the people, and even won a referendum to reject the eurozone and EU austerity. They, however, were too afraid and let the EU walk all over us. Voter turnout was down last election and the right was energized to vote for New Democracy and get a majority. The unions and student movements, however, are still very strong, of course, and we are fighting back against them at all opportunities. We hope the recent exposure of SYRIZA and reformists as opportunistic centrists to strengthen the KKE, it seems this way right now. That is the political situation in Greece. Golden Dawn, a neonazi party, which unpatriotically celebrates the subjugation of the Greeks by the Germans in WW2, is hated by the great majority of Greeks. They are murderers and recently were declared to be a criminal organization. They are an increasingly irrelevant force in Greek politics despite small success during the crisis.
This is the situation in Greece from my perspective as a KKE voter.

>> No.17558191

>le snarky smarm response
You've never been in a fight. There is a certain strain of peacocky and embarrassing behavior that is a tell, 100% accurate, for someone who has talked shit his entire life and never been hit- someone raised by an anti-bullying school system and never had this "I am the quipping protagonist" streak corrected by his peers.

>> No.17558199

Some government agency seeking to radicalize young men, in either political direction, only thing that matters is that anger and politics fill their mind.
ASIO pays 80k a year to people with a three year psychology degree to sow discord online.

>> No.17558209

I do not even begin to think with this. Very sad for you if this is all true. I still find it hard to believe you are “from” a warsaw pact country, very sad for you. I think, you need to read the socialist works, you do not have a great handle on materialist philosophy from the socialist perspective. Which country, if you mind my asking?

>> No.17558215

Yeah, you're right. Every real man is an emotionless automaton who speaks like a celibate priest 100% of the time. Real salt of the earth people don't constantly bust each others balls and make snide witty jabs at each other.

>> No.17558219
File: 31 KB, 1024x625, 1613339351399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet tough guy defends internet tough guy ideology (extremely online fascism) by calling other people weaklings.
Have you converted to some variety of Islam yet so you can repress all your enemies?

>> No.17558220

I am not a communist. I agree with a lot of what you said, but your nonsense post here >>17558075 is just silly. The whole theory side of this shit is about the actualisation of human relations. It's like you're mixing up Stirner individualism with Marxism.

>> No.17558228

I want to do the opposite of radicalize people. Violence is retarded and is exactly what the establishment wants. Why do you think they're provoking it at every turn? They want some depressed redneck to go shoot up an applebees so they can legitimize their dystopian kleptocracy and galvanize the military against a "domestic terror threat." The best possible thing to do is nothing. They know nobody likes them or trusts them anymore. Their hegemony is collapsing and for the first time in memory, they have no idea what's going to happen next election cycle or how to control or steer it. They are scared.

What I really want is for people to go rejoin their local church, stop being depressed, get involved in their community, get back in touch with their family and smooth over differences, build bonds again. Only get involved in politics in the most boring way, by getting experience at grassroots level and pushing the Republican party further toward populism.

>> No.17558233

Nothing says "salt of the earth" like crippling, neurotic self-awareness.

>> No.17558238

Who are you talking about

>> No.17558239

>reverts to 'only a LARPer would disagree with me online'
So long as we're doing this on the levdl of Twitter, go ahead and poast fizeek with a side of timed stamp

>> No.17558243

(You), or whatever faggot is cruising through this thread calling everything by gay tvtropes shit

>> No.17558247


>> No.17558255

>I do not even begin to think with this. Very sad for you if this is all true. I still find it hard to believe you are “from” a warsaw pact country, very sad for you. I think, you need to read the socialist works, you do not have a great handle on materialist philosophy from the socialist perspective. Which country, if you mind my asking?
Bulgaria. As I said, I have read socialist theory and I do not find it appealing. Marx and the major Bolsheviks are fun and often insightful writers, but their values are repulsive to me.
I used Stirner's terminology because I found it convenient, not because I am unaware of the differences between Marx and Stirner. The fact remains that Marxism reduces literally everything about human experience down to economics. The "actualisation of human relations" that you brought up are conceived entirely in a materialist and soulless fashion. These human relations are qualitatively the same as the relations between a herd of cows. There is nothing genuinely human left in them.

>> No.17558256

Epic, simply epic

>> No.17558262

Based lifelong KKE chad strikes once again

>> No.17558266

>only someone who has never been in a fight would say x
Sorry, wasn't that you earlier? Now I have also noticed you flipped out after being compared to Buddha, for saying consumption ruins your mind. I do wonder what you are consuming that has ruined your mind, given your awful habit of lashing out and pigeonholing everyone who disagrees with you.

>> No.17558275

Bulgaria? Your position is interesting. It is a fundamental disconnect here, I suppose, in how we understand socialism. To me, I find the materialist ideology liberating and deeply human. To know that the world is in our hands, that all we have to do as a species is come together and we can eliminate so much pain of starvation, illiteracy, etcetera, it is empowering. This is despite still being a Christian. I think the spiritual and materialist philosophies are complimentary in this way, that they empower the human to do good, to improve their world.

>> No.17558279

;) ! I have posted here before

>> No.17558282

Alcohol. Now post 'zeek, Mr. rage-against-the-Smith-machine.

>> No.17558286
File: 31 KB, 495x396, This tweet basically explains 99% of conservatism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rightwing ideology is directly correlated with insecurity about one's masculinity. Once you understand this you can dismiss all of it as purely primitive idiocy.

>> No.17558290

And they achieved what they wanted

>> No.17558294

Please explain concisely what they wanted.

>> No.17558300

This almost reads like a bait post but the sad part is that I actually know exactly what type of people you are referring to here. You are either one of those Puritan Anglos who have redirected their zeal to "humanitarianism" or you are some form of Latin American liberation theology Catholic.
>To know that the world is in our hands, that all we have to do as a species is come together and we can eliminate so much pain of starvation, illiteracy, etcetera, it is empowering.
We already know that the world is in our hands, though, anon. Moreover, none of the things you listed are exclusively communist. Liberals brag about the same statistics. These are extreme cases too. I have never been that poor, but I have lived being really poor and honestly I didn't care much. I had clothes, a roof over my head and food. I didn't need anything else. What I have needed all of my life, however, is the opportunity to do stuff that I find valuable. I only care about economics insofar as they enable or prevent me from doing so.

>> No.17558301

Why are you posting a tweet penned by a neoconservative Jew? What does "right-wing" mean to you?

>> No.17558305

Yeah the Podhoretzes colonized and destroyed the actual right, they aren't right.

>> No.17558311

Are you the same person I have been talking to? I am Greek. KKE communist and Orthodox Christian. American? No. You are very cynical and sad. I do not blame you, I am sad too right now, it is why I am on here.

>> No.17558319

Bruh this dude like 60 or something lmao why he posting this

>> No.17558342

Holy shit you're still the KKE guy? I assumed some other dude jumped in. You are truly a strange man. Greek, Orthodox, TERF and communist. You may be one of a kind.

>> No.17558437

The Triumph of Will. HH brother.

>> No.17558530

>Explain to me why fascist literature has an obsession with Rome and an imagine trad chad past
it doesn't

>Any books on history would reveal that Rome was: degen af, gay, racist towards thee germs
i agree. everyone is biased because of roman culture's importance in particular the latin language and christianity (christianity is the main reason for the spread of roman culture and language in medieval europe).

>became christfag only during it's decline amd collapse.
there was no such collapse. also, as far as i know fascists are somewhat hostile towards christianity and have always been. it is tolerated only as far as it is part of the general culture.

>> No.17558538

how convenient for you

>> No.17558552

>christianity is the main reason for the spread of roman culture and language in medieval europe
Lol it's the "I made this" meme in real-time. Yes we can thank Christianity for spreading "Roman culture" in "medieval Europe," as if before Christianity it was confined to a few swamps in Latium and had not spread from Britain to the Balkans.

>> No.17558560

>Explain to me why fascist literature has an obsession with Rome and an imagine trad chad past?
It doesn't. Fascism and Nazism are revolutionary ideologies that seek to forge new futures. This is pretty basic. I think you have some reading to do, my friend.

>> No.17558571

Displaced by pagan germanic tribes. Dead and irrelevant. Same goes for roman culture which included the latin language and christianity in general. The church spread it along with christianity. Where does everyone get the latin alphabet from? Christianisation and establishing a native clergy is by far the most important for spreading Roman culture, whether or not it had spread before is irrelevant because it died. It would be almost completely irrelevant without christianity and europe would look very different.

>> No.17558623

This is like congratulating the Arabs for "preserving Greek philosophy." Wow, there's one thing the new regime didn't burn down because it seemed useful. Truly such wise conservatorship.

>> No.17558631

Fascism is essentially nihilistic power-worship. It should make sense if you realize that

>> No.17558638

You are delusional. The British inherited far more than a script or a theology from Rome - infrastructure, knowledge, crafts, legal systems, so on and so forth.

>> No.17558791

You cannot be a Greek and a commie at the same time. Also KKE is hundred times more unpatriotic than GD ever was, there's a reason why it was outlawed for decades.

>> No.17558845

"Rightwing ideology"
"Insecurity about one's masculinity"
Lolno, certain types of people are attracted to more macho ideologies because that's what their genetics dictates. Similar to how goblin-tier fags are often seen at black-bloc riots, it's just in their genes to be insecure about attacks on whatever cause they got tricked into supporting.

>> No.17558849

Good lord what a fucking retard

>> No.17558865

okay soiman

>> No.17558877

Yes soi liberal tranny!

>> No.17558879

Easter euro low iq mongs truly are the niggers of the white race

>> No.17558923

Great series of posts guys, keep it up.

>> No.17558937
File: 22 KB, 334x500, 81k0GEx49OL._SY500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you obsessed with dicks?

>> No.17558962

>You promote men lopping off their dicks
No if you read the post carefully you'd find out anon was trying to tell you to be comfortable about your dick, yet you are so insecure you think he must be one of those evil lefties trying to chop it off, unintentionally proving anon's point.

>> No.17558969

>You promote men lopping off their dicks
You mean we promote the only treatment for gender dysphoria we have so far for "men" that are less than 1% of the population. No one's coming for your dick buddy, unless you're a closeted tranny.

>> No.17558998

Anorexia is also a kind of dysphoria and you don't let people starve themselves to "cure it".

In clinical psychology there's a classic case of schizophrenic man who was convinced that they are blowing poison gas through the keyholes and forced his family to wear gasmasks for his psychological comfort. Guess if his therapists later were wearing masks to provide him with comfort as well.

The only reason why this is not an analogy that's commonly made is because psychological association are full of people who got taught that it's somehow good that these things happen. And they're here because the older guard was once upon a time intimidated by homosexual terrorists who were throwing bricks at their windows, slashing their tires and sending death threats until they declared their disorder to not be considered disorder by them anymore.

>> No.17559004
File: 1.96 MB, 855x1282, TYVtEgx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is commonly noted that the RW understands LW but LW has no idea what RW is about and this thread is full of evidence for that. Keep being retarded, at least that's something you can be, because guess what - you'll never be women!

>> No.17559136

"If you were really secure about your masculinity you would chop off your balls, inject estrogen and turn into a woman"

>> No.17559139

the brain of the degenerate leftist.
>Rome was degenerate
still less than you Muhammed.
fucking Greek femboys isn't gay
>racist towards thee Germans
good, G*rms are just northern niggers.
>became chrustfags
therefore creating the civilization you can now parasitize and demean at every turn.
Each and every point of your ideology is an heresy of Christianity, a point of dogma deprived of everything else and taken to illogical conclusion.

In short you can't even conceive of how chad Rome is, it's so chad it has fucked retroactively 2700 years ago by being founded and you were born seething for it without knowing why.
Pedicabo ego te et irrumabo.

>> No.17559167

>he said as the pubescent boy, dressed as a politburo officer, stepped on his dick

>> No.17559177

how convenient that you were exposed as a clear hipocrite only to reveal that you are part of the most isolated and irrelevant part of the left, the TERFs.
Since you're a terf, get into the kitchen and make us a sandwich.

>> No.17559183

they do with the bible they can do it with anything.

>> No.17559192

yeah, that is litteraly the Jewish cultural influence right there.

>> No.17559958

Another bait thread and surprise surprise, some of the first posts are bait, manufactured replies

>> No.17560000

>Rightwing ideology is directly correlated with security about one's masculinity.
You write wrong security, so I fix it for you.

>> No.17560017
File: 342 KB, 900x713, 1605534456902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only treatment
You know that the bullets exist, right?

>> No.17560025
File: 50 KB, 669x1024, 1612825719954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17560037

Apart from nationalist reasons, fascism has an obsession with Rome (and greco-roman world in general, you can see this also at nazis) like all modern ideologies have, all of them see the greeks and romans as an evolutionary major step, they are fascinated by their statues, big buildings, etc. Is just a materialistic fascination. As a matter of fact, scientific racism is also materialist. In conclusion, there is nothing trad about fascism so please stop associating tradition with modern subversive ideologies.

>> No.17560049

See, posts like this are why the right is continuously losing the culture war. Whatever good points you do make (excess post-modern relativism belies an important need for meaning and confidence in life) are completely drowned out by your shitty, overly-emotional strawmanning of your opponent.

By generalizing everyone with an actual interest in historical analysis as onions-drinking funko-pop collecting leftist manchildren you completely lose all intellectual credibility and prove to basically everyone that you lack any sort of argumentative integrity and rely, ironically enough, on effeminate emotions to do your arguing.

Grow the fuck up. Stop being a fucking victim. Gain an actual nuanced interest in history or fuck off.

>> No.17560051 [DELETED] 
File: 435 KB, 720x720, 1609736925634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Explain to me why fascist literature has an obsession with Rome and an imagine trad chad past?
You have never read any fascist literature.
Fascists were more concerned with "palingenesis" rebirth than returning to the past.
Fascism is not utopian, Musso was a Nitzschean so he didn't really care about "utopia" he cared about his power and strong Italy.

Anyway I'm eyeing this thread and haven't seen a single book recommended. Start with Mussolini's Intellectuals, then read it's bibliography. Fascism is basically Hegel + Nietzsche + Sorel. The only type of degeneracy that fascists were concerned about were keeping men from becoming effeminate faggots and privately owned banks being the issuing power for currency.

>> No.17560074

>only treatment
aside from the fact that you just said that gender disphoria is a condition to be treated which puts you at odds with the narrative as it stands today.
It's not the only fucking treatment, for instance you could actually TREAT it, which would require not abiding to the patients delusion and doing some actual psychotherapy.
Imagine if we treated schizophrenia as we treat gender dysphoria, telling people to trust the voices in their head.

>> No.17560112

>a single person ain't gonna do shit against a rich faggot who can just slap you in the face with a wad of money and have you arrested
Precisely. You're so close.

>> No.17560490
File: 298 KB, 640x573, 1612880527297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to rebuke this tranny but they've already tweeted about how they hate 4chan and terminated their monthly tourist trip to /lit/

>> No.17560561

>Whatever good points you do make (excess post-modern relativism belies an important need for meaning and confidence in life) are completely drowned out by your shitty, overly-emotional strawmanning of your opponent.
can you imagine the balls, the pure undiluted brass balls, the fucking BRAGGADOCIO it would take to write this.
You are Constantly strawmanning the right, day doesn't pass when everyone to the right of fucking Lenin isn't painted in the least forgiving light possible by the entirety of the media, and you come telling people you would magnanimously take them seriously if, if only! they stopped for a fucking second from strawmanning you!
Jesus Christ how deep into your ass your head even is? You have contributed personally (because I have 0 doubts that you did) to poisoning the well for fucking ever, you have partecipated to litteral interned lynchings, you come to me to tell me to stop being mean?
Go fuck a kid on Epstein island you degenerate fuck, I hope kuru disease makes your dick fall off.

>> No.17560645

this is a leftist larping as a right winger

>> No.17560686

you are a retard LARPing as a moron

>> No.17560934

How is it exactly failing to satisfy?

>> No.17560944

>, posts like this are why the right is continuously losing the culture war.
Yeah it's because of 4chan posts, not because of the gigantic complex of powerful institutions and people promoting progressive culture. There is no culture war, it's a just a slowed down humiliation ritual