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File: 231 KB, 776x1200, IliadCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17558682 No.17558682 [Reply] [Original]

This is so satisfying to read. No weak males, no numales, no onions, only strong, burly men fighting each other for honor and behaving like men, their bodies dripping with sweat and filled with energy. A society where men are strong, with a purpose in life, without hedonism, and where women know their place as the inferior sex, but are still intelligent and not merely pets. Why did men stop being like this bros? I think the demonization of war has made us weak. Clearly war not only makes us take cares out of bodies, making us more beautiful and strong, but also gives us a strong purpose to live. I think humanity should allow itself to be at war at least every once in a while, it seems clear to me that it's written in human nature that war invigorates the soul, and would explain the pathetic current state of men who live aimlessly without a purpose and are completely lacking in masculinity.

>> No.17558692

>without hedonism
>kings fight over sex slaves for half the book

>> No.17558707

war became pussified with the industrial revolution and would no longer have the positive effects you hope for

>> No.17558712

so true bro you should start larping as a mycenaean greek (preferably in public)

>> No.17558717

>makes us take cares out of bodies, making us more beautiful and strong

This does not mean what you intended it to mean but is the only halfway interesting thing in the post.

>> No.17558721

I think the men who endured thousands of shells every hour for months at a time were the opposite of pussified. No soldier of the past could have endured that.

>> No.17558722

Getting a bit too homoerotic there my friend

>> No.17558724

> I think humanity should allow itself to be at war at least every once in a while
Even the trojan war was disliked. The greeks didn't enjoy war. Hell, read Herodotus and Thucydide and you'll see that even the Spartans disliked war.

>> No.17558726

OP says all this, yet the very heart of the poem is a moment of supreme weakness: when Priam comes, dirty and begging, to plead with Achilles for the body of Hector back, and Achilles, in a moment of softness and mercy, relents of his anger, and gives back the body.

>> No.17558729

You are the prime example of a weak male. You can't possibly understand that one can look at the bodies of fellow men and admire their beauty and strength without homosexual thoughts.

>> No.17558734
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe. Achilles panted for Patroclus thighs.

>> No.17558736

You made a very good point right there. I invite you to read Plato and take this hellenic attitude a step further.

>> No.17558742

>t. didn't get the Iliad

>> No.17558756

Yeah, the book ends in a bittersweet way with everyone unhappy in some way. Also have the book is people getting mutilated and dismembered in gruesome ways. I do not think you would actually want that. OP probably envisions himself as Achilles and not as chariot driver #23 who gets impaled on a spear.

>> No.17558780

I wanna be that guy that got stabbed in the bladder. I fantasize about reincarnation so I can die as many horrible deaths as possible.

>> No.17558789

Overrated desu

>> No.17558790

This guy thinks the last 20 years of modernity was all of modernity

>> No.17558796
File: 58 KB, 600x620, C1DD6390-2B5C-4C8D-8013-AF27672B195D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17558797

may your armour clatter around you and darkness fall over your eyes

>> No.17558800

im begging you PLEASE have sex

>> No.17558803

Those guys are smarter than brown people lol.

>> No.17558807

is this the virgin "trad wife" take on The Illiad?

>> No.17558803,1 [INTERNAL] 

Then, probably, you onward to listen to Wagner's pieces and read Nietzsche's books.

>> No.17558814

Pretty hard now thanks to Tinder, hypergamy, and sexual revolution. Another reason men were healthier and stronger back then is that nearly every male had a healthy sexual life, whereas now it's only accessible to 5% of men.

>> No.17558818
File: 245 KB, 1600x718, tomb-of-the-chariots-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another reason men were healthier and stronger back then is that nearly every male had a healthy sexual life

>> No.17558822

Homosexuality wasn't common and was seen as degenerate by most greeks. These paintings are cherrypicked and used for propaganda.

>> No.17558827

How do I know you've never read the Greeks?

>> No.17558830

bruh go outside get off 4chan get some friends this isnt healthy

>> No.17558880

>haven't read the greeks
You shouldn't talk about things of wich you know nothing.

>> No.17558882

>without hedonism
You're such a fucking faggot holy shit.

>> No.17558887

>no weak males
Did you even read it?

>> No.17558900

>muh Symposium
He never argues in favor of homosexuality, that's just misinformation and a bad reading.
He was physically strong, which is all that matters.

>> No.17558918

There’s a lot more than the Symposium dummy

>> No.17558925

It's time to come out of the closet sweety. It's okay.

>> No.17558927

Paris was a cuck through and through. He could barely even fight Hector, and you lead me to believe he was strong? Maybe for today's standards, but he obviously was the Greek rendition of a s*yboy.

>> No.17558935

>give gymbuddy a brojob
>cry about my mortality
>pray to the technokrats to give me lifeprolonging vaccines and medication if I stay subservient to them
Fuck yeah Achilles is my hero.

>> No.17558942

I think the key difference is the change in agricultural technology. With industrialized agriculture the ability to centralize control increases and the "elite" positions demand more understanding of accounting methods and law. Learning these things requires a desk-bound adolescence.

>> No.17558953

>No weak males, no numales, no onions
Am I supposed to believe there's some huge muscular Chad behind the screen making these threads?

>> No.17559021

I'm somewhat muscular. I'm not op though.

>> No.17559053

it's not that hard to build muscles incel

>> No.17559077
File: 62 KB, 477x537, Dff7HZOXcAYI2z-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Utter cope. Homosexuality was ubiquitous and praised.

>> No.17559085
File: 37 KB, 317x512, patroclus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17559623

>barely even fight hector
Except for achilles, hector was the best warrior in the war. Not managing to faight against him doesnt make you a s o y b o y, even though paris was one

>> No.17559674

Do you remember what Achilles did to Hector's body? Achilles realized he lost control of himself and tried to atone for it the only way he could, having a final realization that Hector was just like him ultimately. You're also implying that men cannot experience emotion, which OP did not imply, nor does the Iliad - even beyond the final book with Achilles and Priam.

>> No.17559683

Additionally, you forget that it started with Zeus telling Achilles to accept the ransom from Priam. it was quite literally the will of the high god.

>> No.17559810
File: 36 KB, 436x396, rakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphic novel adaptation

>> No.17559823

>fighting each other for honour and behaving like men
meanwhile in the Iliad
a little while later
>He is tricking you fellow soldiers! He doesn't want to restore his brother's honour, he just wants the riches of Troy for himself, the greedy cunt
a little while later
>You want me, ME, the great Neoptolemus, to go out there for you? Atrides? You might get an idiot like Ajax but I'm not moving an inch

>> No.17560056

>No weak males, no numales
So you didn't read it.

>> No.17560063

I've read it and there isn't even one example. Even Paris, the most effeminate of them all, fights in the thick of battle.

>> No.17560505

This guy thinks only the last 20 years were modernity

>> No.17560528

... why? They were the exact same human. That's like saying a modern human couldn't endure a calvary charge. Some certainly could, those with dispositions similar to ancient men who would survive artillery.

>> No.17560543

post chin

>> No.17560582
File: 69 KB, 317x386, 1606386575452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is so satisfying to read. No weak males, no numales, no onions, only strong, burly men fighting each other for honor and behaving like men, their bodies dripping with sweat and filled with energy. A society where men are strong, with a purpose in life, without hedonism, and where women know their place as the inferior sex, but are still intelligent and not merely pets. Why did men stop being like this bros?
so you like repressed gays who cling to spooks and fight for them. Fucking kek, the west is dead.

>> No.17560609

>war invigorates the soul
War is essentially dysgenics: brave and noble men volunteer and die and the weak stay home and survive

>> No.17560720

So you go around calling others 'weak males' yet you are unable to have sex 'because of Tinder and feminism'?

>> No.17560789

>clearly war not only makes us take cares out of bodies, making us more beautiful and strong
That was when war was strong men with bronze swords walking on arid flats to conquer juicy oasises
Not when war is cowards flying drones for some jew's non-existing money

We need to go back to the past

>> No.17560807

>a calvary charge

>> No.17560814

This is a made-up stereotype. Gays don't like strong burly sweaty hairy males, they like weak pussified shaved slim femboys

>> No.17560953
File: 382 KB, 1600x900, 1609254088468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the faggot who has been spamming /pol/cel threads this week.

>> No.17561090
File: 28 KB, 750x751, polcel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real man. You have no jaw, you have no chin, you have no biceps. You are an incel twisted by far-right agitators and "thinkers" into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your flabby appearance behind closed doors.

Women are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed women to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even incels who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a woman. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk girl home with you, she’ll turn tail and bolt the second she catches a glimpse of your grotesque, saggy manboobs or microscopic baby penis.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a gun, write a "manifesto", post it online, and attempt at some random act of violence. Your parents will hear, heartbroken but relieved that you didn't get far in your fit of rage. You'll be buried into an unmarked grave, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will be non the wiser that you ever existed or accomplished anything. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is an unmistakably incel skeleton.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17561160

Just a reminder that Diomedes is the best.

>> No.17561210
File: 20 KB, 268x268, FCA3E6C1-BBD4-4B82-93C9-4AC52C576124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17561383

He instantly pussies out when challenged to single combat

>> No.17561464
File: 13 KB, 323x322, xiahftutbae31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op you sound like a faggot who would die first in a war

>> No.17562101

Trump lost
Get over it

>> No.17562298
File: 39 KB, 274x600, 274px-Lekythos_Dolon_Louvre_CA1802_n2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolon, the sneaky, treacherous little bitch

>> No.17562307

Imagine reading the capeshit of its times

>> No.17562322

>a graphic novel adaptation

>> No.17562334

>Why did men stop being like this
If you pay attention Homer explicitly says men of his time couldn't compare to the men of the Iliad. So the answer is that they were probably never like this since the Iliad is a mythical retelling of real event, and embellishes things.
Remember that the actual war of Troy was in all likelihood an expedition to gain control of trade roads.

>> No.17562393

>muh soulless materialistic view of history
Kys bugman

>> No.17562775

Junger did

>> No.17562789

Sounds like you hearing what you want to hear you faggot

>> No.17562804

This is a bait thread. Bugmen classic

>> No.17562821

It's another bait thread. As per usual this week. See above

>> No.17562839

That's not what that means. It means in the four hundred years or so since Troy men had got weaker. So 3000 years later we're even weaker. Men like that can exist, but not now.

>> No.17562861

Bugman retard

>> No.17562903

Most victories are absolute victories, not phyrric. The victors army would remain at a good strength. Not to mention the pillaging, raping and murder. You are wrong