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17557763 No.17557763 [Reply] [Original]

What was Shakespeare thinking?

>> No.17557787

Wait so a white female fucks a BBC in a Shakespeare novel? Are you sure it's not a pozzed modern translation by a liberal BBC addict for virtue signal brownie points and funded by Soros to spread racemixing propaganda? I've never read him but if it's true then he was a bluepilled pozzed degenerate and I'm never reading him now.

>> No.17557798

you have a percentage of nigger DNA in you regardless of what you do.

>> No.17557933

Shakespeare was just the first to come up with the idea of a based black guy who owns the libs (Muslims). If you wouldn't let even one based black guy into the ethnostate, you're too racist my friend.

>> No.17557947

this is a joke right? No one actually writes like this right?

>> No.17557949


>> No.17557961

Moors aren't black

>> No.17557978

Othello is racially ambiguous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Othello#Race

>> No.17557996

Whiteboi cope

>> No.17558346
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>> No.17558379

Why is this board the worst at picking up written sarcasm?

>> No.17559893

pretty excellent bait

>> No.17559930

Have you never heard of autism?

>> No.17560069
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>> No.17560094

tbqh some people from the evola guenon camp writes like this