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/lit/ - Literature

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17554387 No.17554387 [Reply] [Original]

Which English translation of the Qur'an is the most accurate one? Which has the most literary quality? Is there a translation with a decent combination of the two?

>> No.17554415

There's zero point reading the translated Qu'ran because any time you try to talk about it you'll be told "bruzzer it can only be truly understood in Arabic".

>> No.17554502
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know about the Quran.

>> No.17554512
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17554534

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Arberry's is I think the most accurate and literary, I wrote an explanation here

>> No.17555473

Only lazy people want “the most accurate one.” Most verses, and this applies to other holy books too, are not complicated and any translation out there is likely doing the job. The tricky passges are tricky because they have a lot of nuance and interprative room, which can only be understood by reading multiple translations, or deeply understanding the language and cultural context yourself (often a degree of both are required). You can’t expect to read scripture and just understand it without putting any thought or effort into it, that’s how we got Young Earth Creationists. So pick one that seems well-regarded and NO MATTER WHAT, be prepared to research into any verses which interest you or don’t seem to make sense. This means consulting other translations (online) and looking into commentaries.

>> No.17555498

Arberry or Pickthall

>> No.17555509

This is incorrect, classical Arabic simply does not translate easily into Englis. What you're generally reading is an English gist. Furthermore as a Muslim I have to stress that the political issues surrounding Islam mean that almost always well regarded means promoted by a certain political interest. This is one reason why I like Arberry, because it is a truly apolitical translation

>> No.17555555

Allah SWT chose Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) to reveal his revelation to because the Arabic language was the best language to convey His message. It is impossible for each word of the Holy Quran to be translated accurately into other languages so Allah SWT chose the language best suited for divine revelation. If you read translations you will never understand the message unless you have a teacher to guide you. So it doesn't matter what translation you have, they will always be inferior and not the true revelation.

>> No.17555590

That’s what I was saying; none of the single translations will be as all-encompasing as OP wants. He needs to consult more than one and/or learn the language and cultural contexts himself.

>> No.17555602

This being said, translations can be a suitable starting point for one to gain interest in the Quran and the faith. “Just learn a language” is an inadequate response to someone looking for a gateway into Islam, or any general topic.

>> No.17555612

>English translation
Doublenigger. Learn a language and culture to read their literature or go to fuck.

>> No.17555634


Stop arguing, this anon has clearly won.

>> No.17555658

okay fiver

>> No.17555687

Some anon said that the foretold --555555 message will contain a big truth that is world changing.
And at last here it is. Man, maybe the arabs were right all along. I've always had this weird itch in the back of my head regarding the arabic world. The fact that my oldest dream is walking into the desert could also be a thing.

Or maybe I'm a schizo who is looking for patterns.

>> No.17555698

>those digits

>> No.17555753

Let’s let the digits settle this, then.
If 17777777 (let’s call that an inseption) makes any reference to theology, you convert immediately. If not, you were just a schizo.

>> No.17555805

>be ex-muslim
>genuinely know fuckshit about actual islam because my dad likes christmas and not sending me to mosque
>tfw nobody will ever believe me because of takoyaki

>> No.17555818

Truth should permeate reality. We shall see.

>> No.17555877

Not arguing, nor even disagreeing. Dubsfags are illiterate.

>> No.17555914

like poetry

>> No.17555931


>> No.17556001


>Any time you try to talk about it you'll be told "bruzzer it can only be truly understood in Arabic".

They say it even to Egyptians in Egypt, even though Arabic is the most commonly used language in Egypt.

To those apologetics I say: Guess what? I am an Egyptian in Egypt, and I say: etla3o barra 4chan ya wlad el2a7ba, mesh 3ayez kosom sal3ami wa7ed fiekom yerga3 le 4chan.