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17551541 No.17551541 [Reply] [Original]

>/science-fiction and fantasy general/
Thread topic: Wizards behaving badly.

Previous Thread: >>17540440 #

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.17551551

Sanderson is shit.

>> No.17551553


>> No.17551562

do you fags know some good Mediterranean and/or desert fantasy book/setting

>> No.17551565

Prince of Nothing checks out

>> No.17551567

My diary desu.

>> No.17551570

then publish your diary

>> No.17551579

>Thing with Malazan is that it's not really character-driven


>> No.17551580
File: 640 KB, 450x675, Screenshot_2021-02-15 children of dune - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all think of Children of Dune, anons?

>> No.17551583

I had so much fun reading the Witcher books. It was a breeze. Story was interesting but also super action packed. Worldbuilding is detailed.

A lot of philosophical stuff is discussed. Not all monsters are evil and many of the human are the real monsters.

Also every wizard is an asshole and they are mostly responsible for most of the big shitty stuff happening.

Some brainlets have claimed the series is not for beginner readers but I found it one of the easiest to read.

>> No.17551586

Yes. Erikson kills most of the MCs without mercy.

>> No.17551587

That guy is clearly retarded.

>> No.17551605
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Anyone read Roadside Pincic, inspiration for the film/game Stalker? Reading it now and it's pretty fucking good.

>> No.17551612

It's okay... Definitely a rare case where the film is much better though.

>> No.17551615

Reading it right now. I somewhat enjoy the abomination idea, but it does get a bit weird at some points.

>> No.17551616

it's actually less rare than you think

>> No.17551631

It really isn't.

>> No.17551632

I did enjoy the film more but I think it is really different. Red is not the contemplative character that the Stalker is in the film. It is a bit more of a comedy with Red trashing the bar and Gutalin as hist oddball evangelical friend buying artefacts just to hide them and Red probably going and getting them again.

>> No.17551634

It is the consensus in sffg that God Emperor is the last book one should read in Dune series.

>> No.17551636
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I watched the older dune movie today trying to rip off the plot for space wuxia chink fiction.

When have wizards ever not misbehaved.

>> No.17551641

I thought that the shift from Alia as ally to villain was really cheap.
Paul's closest ally in Messiah apart from Stil and now arch villain out of nowhere.
Did Frank run out of ideas or something?

>> No.17551647

yeah, I am about to hit that next and am very excited for it.

>> No.17551650

are you writing that?

>> No.17551668

Finally thread without prose discussion

>> No.17551684
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I'm trying too, space cultivation has sorta crept into the back of my mind recently.
>replace spice with true essence stones
>worms with high energy beasts

I feel like so many amateur authors have ripped off dune that there should be plenty of frameworks to build off of. Could even isekai it and start the story after paul wakes up in the crashed escape pod with his mother.

>> No.17551701

>too many authors are ripping off Dune
>rips off Dune
How about originality

>> No.17551710

There’s nothing left to discuss.

>> No.17551722

>Could even isekai it and start the story after paul wakes up in the crashed escape pod with his mother.
now we are talking

>> No.17551733

I guess its not completly out of nowhere. She always struggled with the past lives, its just that she finally broke now.

>> No.17551760

It is the consensus that you suck dick

>> No.17551767
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I feel like the last Dune book one should read is Dune itself, everything after that is a real let down and it also feels like a retcon, I was really looking forward to galaxy wide jihad and I got a bad love story in the sequel and then it just gets worse.

>> No.17551783

Yes, but it walways felt jarring and a bit of a switcheroo to me
>Messiah: her and Duncan looking off across the dunes and vowing to keep Arrakis and the Imperium safe for the twins
>Children: lmao goy I am gonna fuck my vizier and live forever as a space babe and witch lol, fuck leto and fuck ghanima
Just never felt that the girl that cut the Baron's throat and the girl that helped Paul uncover the conspiracy against him was gonna end up like this.

>> No.17551786
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I didn't say too many, I said so many. I'm not against being unoriginal, man reaches heavens by standing on the shoulders of giants, don't need to reinvent the wheel, etc

yeah it would really mesh the plot lines together and I might re-use it for my hook when I eventually create something original.

>> No.17551798
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I've read hyperrion, is the rest of the series any good?

>> No.17551812

roadside picnic is anime now

>> No.17551824

second one closes the story off so that is probably worth it. I didn't pick it up after that as it felt finished. 2nd book is not as good but worth it.

>> No.17551840


>> No.17551847

Agreed, I would've preferred if she managed to fight the inner baron off (well maybe she does, I'm not through yet).

>> No.17551864


>> No.17551867

Holy shit, I hope it's good, I might just watch that.

>> No.17551918

Speak for thineself fool
Heretics of Dune is the best Dune book. You would do a disservice to yourself not to read it.

>> No.17551939

Chinktrash readers should be hung from the circumfix

>> No.17552044

Is that like a big T or what?

>> No.17552096

>Some brainlets have claimed the series is not for beginner readers but I found it one of the easiest to read.
Well, when a bunch of barely literate retards think of Sanderson as the default entry point, of course something as basic as the Witcher will be "too advanced" for them.

So glad I grew up in a time when LOTR was still considered the tooth cutting of getting into fantasy.

>> No.17552112

Yes, that’s how the sandersoy spent hundreds of dollars.

>> No.17552140

So obsessed. So sad.

>> No.17552181

I know. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on sandershit.
Cringe as fuck, ngl.

>> No.17552231

warrior whit balls

>> No.17552243
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This is a circumfix

>> No.17552245

it's even yuri lol

>> No.17552333

Obligatory "The Hussite Trilogy is mich, much better" post.

That trilogy is Sapkowski's Magnum Opus (at least when it comes to his novel-length works) and its a shame that it'll be largely forgotten here in the West because Am*ericans don't even know who the Hussites were.

>> No.17552547


>> No.17552556

I read this recently as well as God emperor and I'm just starting Heretics. Children of Dune is pretty average and primarily serves as a set up for God emperor. Much like Dune, the first half of CoD is really slow and drags on. The only reason to read it is so that you can read God emperor. If I ever re-read the Dune series I'll probably skip CoD.

>> No.17552561

The Seven are the best gods because they gave humans steel plate armor.

>> No.17552563

one of the best sf books of the 70s

>> No.17552567

I imagined it as a vitruvian man.

>> No.17552580
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>> No.17552603

Not even American, but why does every shithole country beg for their attention invoking that obscure and short period in their history when they weren't being gangraped by their neighbors? Stop being mad that people liked the Witcher and didn't care about your feathered faggots on horseback.

>> No.17552634

Is Dunsany good? I already asked this question in the past thread but it got archived before I saw the answer, I like Lovecraft's dream cycle stories and I've heard they're just edgier Dunsany, so I'm considering getting some of his books, but I'd rather have someone else's opinion on the matter before I decide.
Also if you think it's good, any recs for starters?

>> No.17552644

Who will tell this American the difference between hussite and hussar?

>> No.17552650

read fall of hyperion, excellent sequel.

you can ignore endymion/rise of, unless you really like simmons, it's not so good

>> No.17552665

When it comes to culture, Poland has always been overshadowed by it's neighbors, Poles can't even claim Cossack literature as their own. And I think Hussite trilogy is far more greater contribution than the Witcher since the latter one is more or less a plagiat despite being more popular.

>> No.17552696

this nigga gets it

honored matres btfo by miles teg, badass bene gesserit darwi odrade

>> No.17552710


i don't get the hype over god emperor. it's just a book of leto shitposting. do all the incels here love it because they insert themselves in as leto, not realizing how while their ego is getting stroked it sows the seeds of their/leto's defeat?

>brutally squashes dissent for millennia
>muh golden path
>alternative means of creating spice --> straight to jail
>organically creating alternatives to the original landsraad/spacing guild/bene gesserit --> too much effort even though 10,000 year reign
>humanity will somehow explode into the universe after i've beaten all desire out of them

what am i missing here?

>> No.17552740

I jumped to hussars because of Sapowski's origin (and annoying pole shitposters), my bad. The hussites are interesting, but I thought they were a Czech sect. I've recently read about the Münster rebellion and the Anabaptists and the other radical Christian movements at the time and I found them fascinating.

>> No.17552922

Leto is written to be utterly incomprehensible on purpose, I don't think Herbert himself even really understands what the fuck Leto is talking about half of the time and just wrote his speeches to merely appear intelligent.

Leto is supposed to be the greatest tyrant of all time. I think he purposely acts in hypocritical ways to amplify how much of a cunt he truly is. I believe his intent was to be such a cunt that the second he died humanity would realise that he holds no power over them anymore and that they would then do everything he had not allowed (travel, primarily) as a massive fuck you to Leto, this being exactly what he wanted. To become such a horrible leader that humanity will never let it happen again.

Flooding the galaxy in a massive expansion was one aspect of the golden path, but the problem I have with it, is that humanity clearly has a significant amount of planets already at the beginning of Dune. More so, I think that part of the point of this was to breed his prescient cloaked humans in one place (hence the transport restrictions), so that when the scattering happened he would scatter the null genes throughout the universe.

I think that combined with the above points, God emperor is an appealing read because you get the juxtaposition of Leto being a God like being that is ultimately still human and has human failings, such as his desire for Hwi, anger/rage etc.

This was my interpretation. I read it recently, however I'm not an expert. It's a fun book, but not as deep or complex as it appears based on Leto's bullshit lectures. It boils down to
>Breed the null genes in to existence
>Jizz them all over the galaxy to give prescient leaders something to fear

>> No.17552940


Has some slow moments here and there but I honestly liked the whole schism plot line between Jessica and Alia. Paul and Leto also had some fantastic scenes together before the transitioning to God emperor started.

>> No.17552998
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>> No.17553277

They where definitely a czech sect, its just that Silesia (which is now part of Poland) was heavily involved in crushing them, so there was plenty of Chuch/Hussite involvement in the region--hence the trilogy being set there.

Also, Sapkowski probably wrote about the Hussites because they where, fundamentally, a failed revolutionary movement: and if Poles love anything, its failed rebellions.

>> No.17553326


>> No.17553356

In other news, water is wet.

>> No.17553408

Bakker's writing is obsessed with power, domination, and manipulation, and as such, lacks human warmth. It lacks generosity, it lacks humor, and it lacks emotions other than anger, dread, fear, and jealousy. The "love" depicted in his work is always conditional, always possessive, always fraught – a weak, contentious and shambolic kind of love. These, along with his strange and alienating conduct in regards to his fans, critics, and the literary world in general, make me quite certain he is certainly on the autism spectrum.

GRRM has many flaws as a writer, and lacks much of Bakker's depth and expansive vision... and yet the fat man can actually write compelling human characters with emotional depth, characters that love and sacrifice for others, characters that grow and change throughout the course of their journeys. In addition to a lack of human warmth and tenderness in his books, Bakker sucks at writing character development.... None of his characters really change from the trials they undergo – they simply become more hardened or extreme versions of what they were in the beginning.

>inb4 filtered

>> No.17553500

>None of his characters really change from the trials they undergo

>> No.17553535

Fall of Hyperion would be an okay sci-fi book, if it wasn't the sequel to Hyperion. The drop in quality is just too jarring and disappointment is everything you will remember from it.

>> No.17553547

They actually don't change.
He starts out as a depressed wizard worried about being cucked and worried about the world ending. He ends the series exactly the same.
Has very little emotional development, is essentially just a walking plot device who is used by forces greater than himself (the Amiolas, Yatwer) to accomplish their own ends. Pretty weak character desu.
He starts the series as a rage and hatred filled barbarian obsessed with vengeance, who can't deal with his own complex desires, and ends the series as a rage and hatred filled barbarian walking into the whirlwind obsessed with vengeance.

Don't get me wrong, I love the grandeur, complexity and insanity of Bakker's vision, but his lack of ability to write good characters is one of the biggest of his many flaws as a writer – perhaps his fatal flaw.

>> No.17553555


>> No.17553584

Samefag here. Proyas is actually the most interesting character to me because at least he changes from his trials... although it doesn't come from any internal volition of his own, and it literally takes his lord-and-savior buggering him to make him see differently.

>> No.17553587

I don't particularly like the writing style, I know that's because it's first person and Red's a bit of a cunt, but even so. Good concept, executed alright. Short, so worth a read if you feel like it.

>> No.17553622

>lacks human warmth
>lacks generosity
>lacks humor
>lacks emotions

Why would you claim these things without reading the books first?

>> No.17553628

You have been filtered.
Unironically Yes.

>> No.17553645


The list goes on.

>> No.17553654

I've read the entire series from the Prologue to Resumption, fools. I love a lot of things about Bakker's writing, and I shill for him frequently here, but let's be honest, his writing is not exactly "character-driven." In fact, he sucks at writing characters because of his gran autismo.

The worldbuilding, factions, battles, history, and religious shit are cool, though.

>> No.17553658

What's Greg Bear's magnum opus?
Which one is the best which I assume would be one of these: Eon, Moving Mars, Blood Music and The Forge of God.

>> No.17553659

You need to refine your bait.

>> No.17553681

The whole story is driven by Kellhus's character and his dad. Either bait or filtered.

Also: What the fuck does it matter if it is character-driven? Have you seen Malazan or Wheel of Time?

>> No.17553699

You don’t know what “character-driven” means.

>> No.17553743

Not bait. Just because I admire a writer doesn't mean I can't point out their flaws.
Lots of emotional immaturity on both sides. Basically a teenage relationship writ large. Akka doesn't really care about her as much as he cares about possessing her. Esmi loves him but ultimately her children and her security are her first priorities. It's like watching some bad teenage soap opera over the course of thousands of pages.
Weird. You never get the sense that they really care about each other. Actually Mimara is just kind of a weird and autistic character in general and basically functions as a vessel for the Eye.
Unconditional love meets cruel manipulation. Not very interesting. next.
Better. Actually Akka/Proyas and their eventual resolution is one of the more interesting relationships in the series, though it doesn't get a lot of screen time.
A son loves and misses his dead father. Yawn, next.

>The whole story is driven by Kellhus's character and his dad.
Kellhus isn't a character as much as a "Place." Granted, he's fascinating, but not in a human way; the Dûnyain are not human.

Yes I do. It isn't a big thing in a genre that's typically focused on battles with dragons and wizards and shit. But that's besides the point. Bakker lacks human warmth and depth that authors like GRRM and Le Guin have no problem conveying. That's my point and that's all I wanted to say. Seethe away.

>> No.17553759

>what am i missing here?
that you are a pleb who can't comprehend the god slugs plans.

>> No.17553773

wow its as though bakker is able to right realistic relationships, not fantasy princess/prince bullshit

>> No.17553776
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>human warmth and depth

>> No.17553781


>> No.17553786

Gagner la guerre from Jaworski, but you need to read french

>> No.17553788

>implying that nuanced character development is equivalent "fantasy princess/prince bullshit"
This is actually what being filtered means.

>> No.17553792


>> No.17553815

This desu

>> No.17553830

Are you telling us Akka is not nuanced? Real people are complicated, contradictory and most of the time idiots

>> No.17553842

Imagine being this fucking retarded. Holy shit.

>> No.17553852


Poor responses. I've read the printed page, every single book, and Neuropath as well. Why are Bakkerfags so sensitive? You're like the author himself, ultra-defensive at the slightest hint of criticism, even when someone is on your "side."

Akka is nuanced in terms of his internal struggles, but his relationships aren't, and he doesn't develop much if at all throughout the 20 years and 5,000 pages of the series.

>> No.17553877

Compare Akka to a more well-written character like Ged or Jaime Lannister. Like I said, no matter what he experiences, he doesn't change his outlook- he just doubles-down on how he was at the start. Bakker's stubborn AF personality seems similar, maybe this is where it comes from. The man needs therapy, and so do his fans.

>> No.17553895

i'll always have a soft spot in my heart for eon, even though it feels so outdated after the fall of the USSR.

i did not like forge of god when i read that in college. i think it felt like a rehash of other books/ideas, but that's perhaps because i read Bear after the authors/works he influenced.

haven't read blood music, but it's on my list.

iirc, hegira is by him and i found that pretty interesting and fun when i read it a long time ago, ymmv

>> No.17553901

Today I learned that a lot of people here don’t know what “character-driven” and “nuanced” is.

>> No.17554054

>tfw I like Akka because he reminds me of my dad
I miss him :(

>> No.17554091
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>Compare Akka to a more well-written character like Ged or Jaime Lannister

>> No.17554095

Eon looks to have that epic awe you get from mysterious alien artifacts, I think I will go with that one so anon.

>> No.17554107


This guy makes a good point on how realistic battles in asoiaf are: westeros jumped from siege warfare to air supremacy, skipping pike and shot, trench warfare, etc. But dragons couldn't be scaled up like the production of cannons and guns could, so they never moved up from feudal levies up to massive standing armies.

It still seems weird how they can keep these levies going for so long though. Maybe westeros has really good agricultural techniques.

>> No.17554120
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I like both GRRM and Bakker.

>> No.17554130

me too anon
i also love leguin, tolkien, and wolfe
just because you love something doesn't mean you have to put it on a pedestal and think it's immune to any kind of criticism.

>> No.17554135

No but really

>> No.17554147

Finished Hyperion last night, didn't realize it was a 4 part series. Is it worth reading the whole thing? I'm thinking about picking up a box set but all the copies I can find are the 5.5in pocket books and I like a larger book.

Also started The Shadow of the Torturer, 20 pages in and I can't figure out how I feel about it so far, planning to go 100 pages or so before I give up though.

>> No.17554159


>> No.17554188 [SPOILER] 
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Don't worry, I got the joke.

>> No.17554192

The first book is by far the best. I'd recommend picking up the second book Fall of Hyperion. It's not as good but it's still worth reading. The rest I'd only recommend if you really love the series.

>> No.17554199

The novel I'm writing has lots of battles, demigods and sorcery, but ultimately it's a story about two sisters and their complicated relationship with each other and their mother. Suck on that.

>> No.17554210

I'm only interested if there is incest.

>> No.17554223

how about you read the thread? (or at least the parts that aren't bakker/sanderson shitposts)

>> No.17554224

They have greenhouses.

>> No.17554254

Noted, I'll find a way to add some, though not between the MCs.
There is plenty of lesbian bondage, though.

>> No.17554458

Yeah he’s amazing.
The Sword of Welleran and other stories
A dreamer’s tales
These are the two collections that I would recommend as they seem to have been the collections that Lovecraft pulled the most inspiration from, in fact these two collections seem like the blueprint for all of the Weird Tales writers, like Howard and Clark Ashton Smith.

>> No.17554509

>Esmi loves him but ultimately her children and her security are her first priorities.
I've never read a better female character in fiction.

>> No.17554560

I think the characters are very well written. Flow-of-thought as prose is his best aspect.

What about Sorweel and Zsronga? The Sorweel/Serwa/Moenghus triad? Nil'Giccas?

You say here
>Akka is nuanced in terms of his internal struggles, but his relationships aren't

What is a character but the internal narrative? We see Akka-as-such through his perspective. His character is stubbornness. Do you think a man who would sequester himself from something so important from his perception of his role in the Second Apocalypse to write a spiteful academic retort to the hard iron of reality is not an interesting character?

Akka is a bitter and damaged old man. His relationships have nuance, and I don't think you can criticize my portrayal of them.

>> No.17554616
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I like Bakker and I shill him almost daily but what I dislike is, Akka was basically an old foolish wizard at the beginning of the book, and an old foolish wizard 7 books later.
Not saying he doesn't have nuance. He IS the best representation of "old foolish wizard" in fiction.
I could scratch that because he does have a few attempts to become hopeful for the future, warm and happy. Around the first part when he is with Inrau and Esmi in her room talking politics, then when he is with Kellhus, Esmi and the others around the fires, and then at the end before Esmi betrays him.
I can't fault the man, when life throws so much shit at you there's little you could do to keep your chin up. Maybe I hate Akka's lack of character progression because he reminds me of myself. Eternally stuck inside your own regrets, not being able to move past them.

>> No.17554653
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>mfw I accidently read kingkiller chronicles

>> No.17554698
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>mfw I didn't really pay attention and I accidentally the whole wheel of time

>> No.17554712
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> S A N D E R S O N
> C O S M E R E
> R A D I A N T
> S H A R D S
> S P R E N
> W I N D S P R E N
> H O N N OR S P R E N
> C R E A T I O N S P R E N
> ...
> D E A T H S P R E N
> S H A R D P L A T E
> S H A R D B L A D E
> S T O R M L I G H T
> V O I D L I G H T
> T O W E R L I G H T
> W A R L I G H T
> P A T T E R N
> S H A L L A N
> L I F T
> K A L A D I N
> D A L I N A R
> B O N D S M I T H
> L A S H I N G
> G E M S T O N E S
> H E A L I N G
> F A B R I A L S
> I M M O R T A L W O R D S
> O A T H S
> D I A G R A M
> S A D E A S
> S A F E H A N D

>> No.17554718

Imagine there was virginity spren

>> No.17554728

Isn't that the Shard's internal joke? His fanbase?

>> No.17554787

First book is fine even with the NTR shit.

>> No.17554789

Fantasy with scummy and self-serving characters?

>> No.17554820


>> No.17554831

First law

>> No.17554841
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>when the author spends more time on twitch then writing

>> No.17554933

Probably for the best. The second book and Slow Regard were both pretty bad. I have no faith that his third book would be any good.

>> No.17555002

Where the fuck do I go after Bakker bros?

>> No.17555021

Blindsight by Watts, Non-SA Bakker, and Gene Wolfe.

If you somehow haven't read Dune, do that.

>> No.17555022

from the thumbnail it looks like he just killed a giant bald bearded jew

>> No.17555035

to the insane asylum, where you now belong

>> No.17555047

I was going to argue with you, but you're right.
So I'll finish it
> Patrick Rothfuss' fat ass crashed into the Inn killing Kote, Bast, Chronicler. THE END

>> No.17555049

I didn't care for Dune.

>> No.17555058

Maybe Sanderson is more up your alley.

>> No.17555096

>google resumption
SA not even suggested
>google resumption bakker
all medical research results
Bakker bros we got too cocky....
wtf how'd you know! Love Sanderson but I think Kingkiller Chronicles is better. Best fantasy since LOTR for sure

>> No.17555112

Doubt it.

Anyway, Dune is dumb. The porn was better than the book.

>> No.17555136
File: 1.43 MB, 720x720, 1606780066222.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read all the currently translated chapters of my chinkshit
>have nothing else to read

>> No.17555193
File: 52 KB, 900x900, 1612834824390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mostly agree with you but dont think grrm or especially leguin is much better. Bakker is probably my favorite fantasy author but is still 100% a fantasy author. I think his ability to write characters is quite good for the genre tbqh.

>> No.17555301

are we to then assume you've read nothing but YA trash??

wake up and smell the covfefe, bakker's writings have got some pretty big flaws. if you can't see that, you're not gonna make it

>> No.17555327

because you don't interpret subtext

>> No.17555347

Cryptic sorcerers who live in tall towers and wear flowing red robes
>Scarlet Spires
Their deadly enemies and ancient rivals, cryptic sorcerers who live in tall towers and wear flowing red robes

Why is Bakkaro like this

>> No.17555358
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, xiran jay zhao over the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you going to read her book based on Wu Zetian?

>> No.17555374

I will never read Bakker.

>> No.17555398

finally, salvation!

>> No.17555410
File: 735 KB, 982x655, 1378951897262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 30 and still haven't gotten a fantasy novel published
Is it too late for me bros?

>> No.17555412

Based Bakker showing snobby academics and ivory tower "intellectuals" are all the same, power hungry, self serving control freaks.

>> No.17555418

what chinckshit?

>> No.17555423

bakker finished the draft of the first trilogy by 23.

>> No.17555428

reverend insanity, the best chinkshit of all time

>> No.17555466

Sorry to hear bro. His spirit is with you still, protecting and guiding. Maybe you can still hear his voice, his laughter.

>> No.17555492

>The porn was better than the book.
The what now

>> No.17555514
File: 1.03 MB, 950x1352, 1842D465-1D51-44B7-88BC-8367B126608F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the Esmi-posting has given me a fetish for brown women.

>> No.17555520

Supermassive cope.

>> No.17555542

way too much makeup and plastic surgery mate

>> No.17555560

Wolfe didn't write his first novel until he was like 50 bro

>> No.17555576
File: 622 KB, 1274x872, Fantasy Flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through pic related and this is what I came of with

The Tower of the Elephan
Lud-in-the Mist
Wizard of Earthsea
The Black Company
Prince of Thorns
The Final Empire
THe Deed of Paksennarion
The Bone Doll's Twin
The Lions of Al-Rassan
The Golem and the Jinni
Red Rising
The Traitor Baru Cormorant


Favorite Vidya Series: Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy.
Favorite Movies: Jurassic Park, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Phone booth.
Favorite Bands: King Crimson, Led Zep, Queen.
Favorite Books: Caim (Saramago), The Stranger (Camus), Siddhartha (Hesse).
Favorite Series: House, True Detective, Manhunt.
Favorite Manga: JoJo, Gantz, Tenjou Tenge.

at least answer this OTHER THING: is there something like The Witcher (only played the games) and Elric of Melniboné but better?

>> No.17555581

The Mandate wear red robes?

>> No.17555587

Most fantasy writers are old fucks anon. Tolkien was ancient.

>> No.17555592

He got published at 34
Took im 9 years to get there.

>> No.17555614

that image is peak reddit

>> No.17555616

No. He is just an idiot who, like all idiots, reduce everything down to their base level.

>> No.17555622

>Favorite Books: Caim (Saramago), The Stranger (Camus), Siddhartha (Hesse).
What are you doing here? At least half of the books on your list aren’t even worthy of your time.

>> No.17555636

>What are you doing here?
I'm a Lawyer. I need to read something easy, fun and to chill.

>> No.17555643

Mandate does wear red robes, idiots. Did you read the fucking books?
The whole first few chapters in Carythusal I was like “why didn’t he just give the Mandate blue robes? what a confusing/autistic stylistic choice.”

>> No.17555660

I don't remember every visual detail like some autist. Hence why I asked the question.

>> No.17555671

I’m not even sure if you’re joking or not. That chart is literally YA Reddit Tier.

Just read the Second Apocalypse by Bakker.

>> No.17555673
File: 76 KB, 564x564, 1591291946049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said that the foretold --555555 message will contain a big truth that is world changing.
And oddly enough, here it is. Man, maybe the arabs were right all along. I've always had this weird itch in the back of my head regarding the arabic world. The fact that my oldest dream is walking into the desert could also be a thing.

Or maybe I'm a schizo who is looking for patterns.

>> No.17555683

Don’t fall for all the jihad shilling that’s spamming the board lately. It’s just another made-up religion that attempts to wrangle spiritual truths into a system of control over Men. Did Bakker teach you nothing?

The last thing I want to see is some tender-headed /lit/ autist wearing a kufi and a scraggly beard standing on a street corner, calling me “my brother” and trying to sell me perfume oils.

>> No.17555690

I'm not joking, but thanks.

>> No.17555709
File: 903 KB, 1125x1037, 1592759696135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with "The Darkness that Comes Before" . Go into it with an open mind. It's definitely worth it.

>> No.17555715
File: 1.32 MB, 1784x1349, 3ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17555727

Read Lord of the Mysteries, the actual best chikshit.

>> No.17555748
File: 411 KB, 226x213, hypercbig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again this fukken image

>> No.17555751

There's always Unlimited Bloodcore.

>> No.17555761

it’s unironically me. i kind of regret posting it since now a lot of people have saved it and repost it frequently. i’ve literally become a meme.
i hope it helps bakker in some small way, though.

>> No.17555764

proofs or gtfo

>> No.17555769
File: 2.14 MB, 3024x3024, 1602027841494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17555775

if this is true (and it's prolly doesn't) if there are no face there's no problem whatsoever

>> No.17555780

I think I'm just looking for direction in regards to my own spirituality and I latch onto things that I can understand and I interact with daily.

>> No.17555784

it was posted before, a new really confirming proof it is needed; anyway who cares rofl

>> No.17555787

Regret what?

>> No.17555789

wow someone saved my proofs pic. insane

>> No.17555795

>jihad shilling
honestly creepy wtf

>> No.17555807
File: 766 KB, 921x652, da0o21o-71a0bfad-d641-4bf7-a2eb-f42401bed00c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not impressed.
Either bear your weight as an anon, or bear OUR weight as a woman.
Either stay a fucking anon, or post tits the way a woman ought. Everything else is frankly irrelevant and only becomes less and less important the more it goes on.

>> No.17555811

read it, also very based

>> No.17555812

There has a been an increase in islam posting as of late, in outer lit and 4channel in general. Even I noticed it.

>> No.17555819

He wanted to be a writer, but apparently he didn't really want to write books. And that's fine, people should be able to change.

>Prince of Thorns-up-my-ass right next to Black Company
That chart can go fuck itself. But you should try Black Company.
Out of the books you mentioned some of them are intended for a younger audience (Red Rising and other YA there, look them up) and might not be as satisfying a read for a pseudo-philosopher such as yourself.

>> No.17555823

i sniff a trans tho

>> No.17555826

>the whore has a rare darkthrone cassette which is also their best album

>> No.17555841
File: 1.53 MB, 1242x1126, 1594563822572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow someone saved my proofs pic. insane
You know that everything that's posted here is saved in a giant archive, right?

>> No.17555855

many archives actually, lot of fat guys hdds, phones but who cares lol there are lot of tits in teh whole fucking internet

>> No.17555861


I wasn't speaking about a specific person, but ok.

>> No.17555867

But very few tits holding the holy writings of the Blessed Aspect-Author.

>> No.17555899

Dude, I posted
>favorite vidya
Just because I read /lit/'s beginner's books I'm a pseudo-philosopher? Anyway: all those books are
>rated T for teen

>> No.17555903
File: 250 KB, 640x787, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons who have written a book (not published). I mean ACTUALLY written, like you have a complete, fully publishable book on yourself right now.
What are you doing with it?

>> No.17555912

Don Quijote de La Mancha

>> No.17555941
File: 363 KB, 700x729, twelve talents.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.17555942

i speak a romance language (italian) already maybe i can try lol. i found written french understandable, spoken freach on other hand... i also live in the gallo-italic part of italy and french is gallo-italic

>> No.17555966
File: 1.33 MB, 1653x3074, A5DA0B9F-9803-4A8A-9A4D-30223B835245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked up picrel. Any other good warhammer books? I was planning on reading the horus heresy series next

>> No.17555973

c r i n g e

>> No.17555977

how the lore of age of sigmar going?

>> No.17555983

sitting on book 1 until I finish my first draft of book 2. Then I'm going to get to heavily edit it, send it to an agent, make the edits they want, send it to a publisher, make the edits they want, and then get it published. It's a long fucking road ahead of me, I hope I can get some inspiration from the process

>> No.17555994

quick summary of the setting/plot?

>> No.17556004
File: 1.02 MB, 765x1008, Conan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All wizards are assholes

I love how this is one of the central themes of the Conan stories. Even when wizards are NICE to Conan they balance it out by being massive dicks to other people. Conan fucking hates them because every time he meets one of them there's always bullshit not far behind.

>> No.17556014

not that Conan isn't a huge asshole

>> No.17556027
File: 37 KB, 1153x739, 1590916373110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also interested in a quick blurb if you could oblige. If you post yours, I'll post mine :3

>> No.17556033

Dunsany is great. Start with his early short stories - there are a lot of collections available - and go from there. Some can be hit or miss, but they all read in a dream-like, fantastical style that has been beaten out of modern fantasy like slag from iron. Sure, it made the literature harder and stronger, but it lacks the same naturalism that Dunsany mastered.

>> No.17556134

and what about Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.17556183
File: 2.96 MB, 2180x3300, soltana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewrites. Got 2 books done and a 3rd about 30% done. Got it on Royal Road. May link it here if any anon is interested. I want to push for publishing after book 3 is done and complete rewrites for book 1 is complete. Been commissioning illustrations as well. Here is one of the protagonists.

>> No.17556208

post royal road link please
i looked on there at another anon’s recommendation and it looks like 90% of the stuff on their is fanfiction tier. hope yours is better anon

>> No.17556217

Here you go, anon. Hope you enjoy.


>> No.17556229

clark ashton smith is the shit

>> No.17556231

Very cool. Thanks, anon.
Will you publish anonymously or pseudonymously?

>> No.17556232

Are any of the people in these threads working on their own fantasy novels? If so how are they going

>> No.17556246

little by little it’s coming together.
>have been worldbuilding the setting in detail for 3+ years
>plot is fully outlined for 3 books, chapter by chapter
>actually sitting down and writing the damn thing is my stumbling block.

>> No.17556274

Probably pseudonymously. Or at least my middle name as it flows better.

>> No.17556286

You've done great, anon. I had the general ideas and wrote it by the seat of my pants. Suffice to say rewrites are my bane. Better to measure twice than cut once, but I don't regret the extra writing at all.

>> No.17556337

Proud of you anon.

>> No.17556348

Thank you for sharing, I'm reading it now. I like it so far but I think "the body then fell to dust, startling Gideon" really deserves something more. It's the first stunning, not-normal thing we see. Bodies, even ancient ones, don't just do that! I will keep reading, again thanks for poasting, when I have more of my novel written I will do the same

>> No.17556353

Thanks frens. You’ve given me encouragement to get writing. Description comes naturally to me, but I always get stuck on dialogue....
When I have something substantial, I’ll post it for you all to read like this anon >>17556217

>> No.17556377
File: 68 KB, 328x500, 61LNjc6xjEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why in the actual fuck is the war fought in the swamp? Lascanne is defending against invaders, so why are they meeting the Denlanders in a fucking swamp instead of setting up defenses right outside of it? The invaders literally have to get to them, not the other way around. This seems retarded.

>> No.17556382

Are you me? I can write descriptive stuff all day long, but dialogue is not my main strength!

>> No.17556395

Thank you. Sometimes having the ideas in my head for so long, I think of them as normal to the story but forget that to the reader it's a 'what the fuck' moment.

>> No.17556401

Guess everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. I can world build and do character descriptions like the back of my hand but I struggle with writing plots. Especially battle scenes. I have genuinely no idea how to write large scale battles.

>> No.17556429

Endymion is definitely not as good, but I think it's still worth a read unless you have something more pressing. That said, I'm enough of a Simmons fan to have first editions of most of his bibliography so I'm not really judging in a vacuum.

>> No.17556461
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, fucking no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish he would just come out and say the Doors of Stone isen't and will not be coming out.

What the fuck is it with popular fantasy authors and not finishing what they started?

>> No.17556482

Bakker finished his series.

>> No.17556522
File: 127 KB, 520x656, 131e776741d3a2d0e65490ff6b588c5b~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R.R. Martin was a painter
>"Ah fuck it, good enough."

>> No.17556580

Recommend me a zero to hero story where the protagonist falls in love with a villainess

>> No.17556626

I should clarify that the two books are mostly unrelated (book 1 started as an early attempt to write a short story in book 2's setting that completely diverged and turned into something else, though the same character archetypes reappear)

book 1 is about a fortune teller's daughter who wants to be an astrophysicist. the story revolves around her learning magic through the lens of science while investigating her mother's murder

book 2 is about a one-armed boy who gets on the wrong subway and ends up trapped in a magical city thats too surreal to sustain human life. worse yet, the birds, the strays, the rats and the sewer gators are perched on the brink of war with each other, and unlike any of the other more able-bodied chosen ones caught in the crossfire, the magic inside him is pretty much only good for culinary applications

>> No.17556658

Once upon a time, my political opinion > your political opinion. Also there was magic and shit.
the end

plz r8

>> No.17556684

It's a choke point. They lose the entrance, the armies in the mountains to the North or wherever get fucked, and vice versa.

>> No.17556724

Reminder that the dragon having three heads relates to three people being burned or nearly burned for Jon's resurrection; Edric, Monster, and Shireen.

>> No.17556762

tolkien, wolfe and bakkerfags will never recover

>> No.17556841
File: 26 KB, 262x380, Ventus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying this.

>> No.17556853

Basic sffg canon

>start with bakker
>resume with Martim
>ends with Wolf

>> No.17556866

wrong order
> first tolkien (incl. silmarillion)
> then dune
> then wolfe
> then bakker.
i stand by this 100%. reading bakker too soon will ruin everything that comes

>> No.17556881

Bakker is doomercore shit, is a very good fantasy, but is bleak as fuck, I prefer start with bleak shit then ending with a sweet bloomer note.

>> No.17556899
File: 356 KB, 1000x1111, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17556902
File: 82 KB, 700x892, 346732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.17556906

There is no better passage anywhere else in the genre.

>> No.17556918

>25 year of (yet to finish) of his magnus opus and that is peak Martim


>> No.17556923

why is that bait..?

>> No.17556926

I like how he consistently uses the word mound to describe female genitalia.

>> No.17556929

I love down-to-earth fantasy so much more than stories about magic and elves, so much more relatable.

>> No.17556932


>> No.17556937

Never expected to see a Quino strip on this general

>> No.17556949

Can't believe this obese hack borrowed a line straight out of fucking Austin Powers. "I'm sad because I eat, and I eat because I'm sad."

>> No.17556956

>”her sex”
>”his manhood”

>> No.17556986

Thine cunte

>> No.17557011

This is actually what the ending to the TV show is loosely based upon.

>> No.17557022

And to think it all started with his diarrhea musings from dairy overconsumption in his diary. You really can achieve anything if you just try hard enough.

>> No.17557077

Now there's some speculation I've never seen before. Too bad we'll never know.

>> No.17557095

how do you fix Sanderson, bros?

>> No.17557123

I have a sudden urge to write a fantasy novel that in reality is just one giant shitpost and publish it on Amazon. All I know is that it starts with a Bar Wench shooting lasers out her nipples in a tavern and things just go from bad to worse from there.

>> No.17557125

delete shallan

>> No.17557132

Read it some time ago and it got me interested in their other works. I liked Monday begins on Saturday but it’s more lighthearted. It’s interesting to catch a glimpse of the Soviet sphere of scifi compared to US/Euro authors at the same time.

>> No.17557139

10mm lead injection to the cerebellum

>> No.17557141

What's her backstory? Did she have a one night stand with the wizard from a generic group of adventurers and suddenly found herself with laser nipples? Will she hilariously track the adventurers and attack them from behind while they're trying to save the world from the dark lord?

>> No.17557156

is it a parody

you should try to make it so bad its good. if you can do that, i will shill it on reddit and try to get it big enough as a meme that some shit studio strapped for money makes an adaptation

>> No.17557166

No backstory and everyone in town is freaking out. Imagine being the barkeep when suddenly your Wench is shooting red magic means from her tits and is destroying your livelihood. As she casually leaves you save what little you can and run outside only to discover she's just wandering and destroying everything. Eventually the local guards attempt to subdue her but her lasers penetrate everything.

Over the course of the next few days, word has spread of a Bar Wench with tits that can kill a man...

>> No.17557175

So RoboGeisha.

>> No.17557181

I don't see what's there to fix since I haven't read a single book by him.
Are his female characters whores like most modern fantasy women?

>> No.17557191

By adding Sanderson and every variation of his name to your filter list.

>> No.17557204
File: 210 KB, 930x1500, 17536439076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a few times here about this book as I was reading it and complained about the long stretch in the middle which was just an explanation of how assembly lines work and economies with currency get started.
Come the end I'd turned around and it had a satisfying conclusion that went back to being fully about the characters rather than what they were building. It was good.
Larry Niven's big novel is Ringworld, right? Should I read that?

>> No.17557207

Anyone? Are there any stories about the hero falling in love with the villainess and being morally conflicted on ehat to do?

>> No.17557220

I guess. Soon the king calls in his best and brightest, wizards, sagey hermits with hidden knowledge, young men prophesized to do great things and tasks them with stopping her.

The wizard of course dies first because arrogance, and again, things go from bad to worse. Soon a Demon tries to make a pact with the bar wench only to discover that her tits can harm him.

She effectively is a walking natural disaster and the story ends with the promise of books 2 and 3, and like all great fantasy novelists, they will never come out

>> No.17557223

Perfect. Looking forward to the HBO fanfic conclusion.

>> No.17557264

>Larry Niven's big novel is Ringworld, right? Should I read that?
I read it years ago but I remember enjoying it very much. Some of it was hard sci-fi but nothing that couldn't be elucidated (or at least vaguely understood, I'm a mathlet) with a little research. I found the exploration of the Ringworld itself and the interaction with the various humanoid species very entertaining and also weird af. I don't remember the story in detail, I'll have to give it a re-read sometime.

>> No.17557275

>you should try to make it so bad its good. if you can do that, i will shill it on reddit and try to get it big enough as a meme that some shit studio strapped for money makes an adaptation
I'll do what I can. I think the key is to write as if I consider this a serious story. I've never seriously written before so the story should be dry as fuck, poorly plotted, with characters like 'Toba Mett' which is really just Boba Fett cut and pasted and changed just enough to avoid copyright and keeping with the setting. Coincidences will be abound, I'll allude to mysteries I never plan on answering, and if I do my job well enough, I'll be shitting right atop of suspension of disbelief and begging the reader to ask themselves why they started reading a story that his friend has told is 'what if a women with tit lasers was the equivalent of 10 Chernobyls but in fantasy'.

>> No.17557304

>Are his female characters whores like most modern fantasy women?
all women are whores, anon

>> No.17557310


>> No.17557318


godspeed anon

>> No.17557324

I wish I still cared about fantasy, or anything really. I used to get so much joy out of this stuff but reality leeched me dry

>> No.17557334

I feel the same.

>> No.17557336

This is why my own novel will have traps as love interests and the greatest source of conflict is going to be the need to develop magical artificial wombs.

>> No.17557344

i'm following the
procession of trilogies. help.
>1 did okay to set up the story, but 2 was so much better
>3 didn't do it for me like 2 did, but it was still better than
the only way for a trilogy to be remembered as good is if it goes
everyone knows this

>> No.17557352

could be interesting

you should add a character that thinks all that shit's crazy too and is ridiculed by his trap loving friends for liking women

>> No.17557370

I had a genuine idea for a sword and sorcery story where a harem of traps is a plot point, but I can't get motivated to write it because people will just think it's either a weird insertion of my fetish or somehow hateful to queers and trannies.

>> No.17557371
File: 17 KB, 540x305, 1d996512d2919b369188390d9144675a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chad sanderson vs the virgin bakker

-Makes you cry with his stories
-Put women and minorities in the battle field
-Mental health in general

-Nobody knows what his books are about, in fact, I never read one
-Main character is a mary sue
-A lot of rape, not very friendly towards women

>> No.17557410

can’t tell if bait or just mentally retarded

>> No.17557423

I would read a fantasy story that's hateful toward queers and trannies.

>> No.17557445

Ironically Bakker: be a fag, burn in hell.

>> No.17557456

>be basically anyone at all, do anything manipulative in any way, burn in hell.

>> No.17557457

Who doesn't burn in hell in Bakker's shithole?

>> No.17557458

Reading Bakker before Tolkien or Dune is pure stupidity.

>> No.17557486

What if I just couldn't stomach the boredom that is Tolkien but watched at least one movie adaptation of both Dune and TLoR?

>> No.17557510

I'm writing a sci fi screenplay that has a crazy scientist on an island in distant space who captures dudes and cuts off their dicks against their will to make neovaginas.

>> No.17557515

literally the plot of the film 'the wild boys' by bertrand mandinco

>> No.17557543

yeah but it's not a major plot point in mine. just kind of added freakiness

>> No.17557570

Does that count as hard scifi?

>> No.17557575

fuck that cradle series, it's too addicted. like a soap opera of sorts

>> No.17557578
File: 35 KB, 600x600, carloso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does that count as hard scifi?
depends on what kind of stuff you're into.

>> No.17557670

So you need a new fix and the wait is killing you?

>> No.17557684

of course not lmao
yes, any suggestions?

>> No.17557703
File: 36 KB, 480x480, skarsgard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kellhus starting build
+10 INT
+10 CHA
+10 ATK
+10 DEF
+10 SPD
+20 to Charm Person
+10 to Predict Future
True Neutral
Starts game with rare Nonman sword

How is he not OP

>> No.17557735

He is OP, but he's the villain

>> No.17557749

Imagine being a big enough retard to fall for the character development meme

>> No.17557755

Read Chinkshit.
Lord of the Mysteries is the best one and is even better than Cradle.

>> No.17557793
File: 3.38 MB, 1920x1080, thegreatOrdeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that a nuclear bomb went off during the battle of Dagliash and that those that are involved in any way with tekne/technology are damned for all of eternity

>> No.17557925
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Any greenpilld fantasy? Im deep into late PKD as is looking for something a bit different

>> No.17557931

Is this 2014?

>> No.17557945
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Are there any fantasy books were the MC is an Orc??

>> No.17557954

what themes are explored?

>> No.17557972

It's actually been a really long time since I read any fantasy and I'm writing a fantasy novel. Of the following books/authors I've never read, what should I read first to get my noggin jogging?
The Name of the Wind
The Black Company

If you were adapting Bakker to the screen would you make the symbols that appear on the bomb Arabic numerals to emphasize the similarity of the Inchoroi's creators to modern Faustin man?

>> No.17557974

time is an illusion

>> No.17557986
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>> No.17557998

what fucking stat system is that? It looks like a fucked up mix of 3.5 and pokemon made by someone who doesn't understand how either works

>> No.17558216

Should I gear my novel towards a YA readership for better publishing chances and/or sales potential? It doesn't have any extreme "adult" themes, although it's very morally complex. (Not that other good YA isn't, just take Garth Nix's work.)

I don't want to dumb it down, in content or language. But maybe there's a dearth of smart, original YA fantasy lit?

>> No.17558490

By "wizards", do you really mean "incels"?

>> No.17558537

You can't be published in YA without extremely simple prose.

>> No.17558634

is there any decent ancient egypt themed fantasy?

>> No.17558645

>tfw you trusted hi–

>> No.17558804

Why doesn't S*nderson understand that no one gives a fuck about his world if he's characters are shit? I can't name a single character from that way of kings bullshit because he just kept tossing literal who doo doo characters at me.

How can a man write books filled with so many characters who aren't endearing in the slightest?

Mistborn did better but not by much. Also he dropped his spaghetti after the first book.

>> No.17558810


>> No.17558826

Unfortunately, tons of people care for some reason. Sanderson is pretty much the biggest fantasy author around nowadays aside from GRRM and Urban/Paranormal shitters.

>> No.17558838

At my local bookstore, there was a big display of Sanderson books. Also lots of NK Jemisen and hotlisted woke sci-fi. And then a handful of random B/C-tier shit and classics. Not a whiff of Bakker of course.

>> No.17558840

His books are just so sterile and he acts like he's fucking shakespeare. Don't tell me how to write books, asshole. Go fix yours.

I respect GRRM much more even though he won't fucking finish his.

>> No.17558859

As a writer, I actually feel bad for GRRM.
>Series got too big too fast, stole his beloved concept and turned it into a stupid mass-market franchise, which butchered the final season while simultaneously spoiling the big ending.
>Fat man has written himself into a corner. He's got too many threads, too many prophecies, too many characters. Since HBO spoiled the ending, what's the point of wrapping up every single one of these plotlines?
His life's work was to finish ASOIAF and make it into a groundbreaking TV series. The miniseries happened too soon and it killed the books. If this happened to my novels, which I've been preening for years, I'd be really depressed.

>> No.17558875

He's presented with a golden opportunity. Look at the shit the fans did not like In the last season, and simply not do that.

If he hurries the fuck up, they can refilm the season with the book ending and retcon the other like the snyder cut is doing to joss whedon's justice league before the actors get too old.

>> No.17558897

wow are you me

>> No.17558899

That would actually be based if that really happened, but I think GRRM has just given up. Unless he magically pulls his shit together and churns out a book a year (ha!), a 2022 release date for WoW means this charade will drag on another eight years or so. IF he manages to live that long. He won't.

>> No.17558920
File: 49 KB, 640x640, george-rr-martin-game-of-thrones-1592946055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I am spending long hours every day on The Winds of Winter, and making steady progress. I finished a new chapter yesterday, another one three days ago, another one the previous week. But no, this does not mean that the book will be finished tomorrow or published next week. It's going to be a huge book, and I still have a long way to go ... I have bad days, which get me down, and good days, which lift me up, but all in all I am pleased with the way things are doing."
So in other words he is still stuck in the weeds of meandering through every possible happening involving every single character.

>> No.17558960

Does that imply Kellhus activated the bomb?

>> No.17559142

I know it's all subjective, and contradicting popular opinion is a bad idea, what's wrong with his characters? I see the reliance on mental illness being a common complaint, but that's 2 characters in a single series. What's actually wrong with *all* his characters, keeping in mind "not being very good" is not the same as being bad.

>> No.17559315

btw fuck bakker

>> No.17559323

You do realise that they won't refilm shit, right?

>> No.17559328

thread slave get to work

>> No.17559334

Whom do you prefer instead?

>> No.17559387

>tons of people care for some reason.
Because his books are the written equivalent of Marvel movies. Sterile, meticulously inoffensive, puerile garbage.

>> No.17559444

Something that doesn’t get me filtered