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/lit/ - Literature

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17553642 No.17553642 [Reply] [Original]

What are your /lit/ goals for 2021?

>> No.17553649
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I want to read one (1) book

>> No.17553656

To kill myself.

>> No.17553657

It was to read Stirner but after 10 pages I decided "fuck this".

>> No.17553673

I did the same and I was told the first chapter is the only good one too.

>> No.17553680

Reading atleast 2 Dostojewski books, Man and his symbols, Herodotus and Thucydides, the greek playwrights, and a bunch more.

>> No.17553706

21 books for '21, bruh

>> No.17553742

>Herodotus and Thucydides, the greek playwrights,
You can do it in 2-3 months and they're all amazing.

>> No.17553937
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>> No.17553958

I hope to finish the Bible

t. Muslim

>> No.17553983

Y2k must have been easy.

>> No.17553994

To write my first novel

>> No.17554190
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To read some books

>> No.17554207

I hope I get struck by holy thunder which will rewire my brain to stop worldbuilding

>> No.17554214

>I hope I get struck by thunder

>> No.17554216

Read more ancient history. Improve my writing.

>> No.17554235

Finish reading the Bible for the first time

>> No.17554268

Finish my writing project and get it out the door to bask in the inevitable fanfare and accolades.

>> No.17554281

Put instrumentals under my poetry and make an album

>> No.17554311

Which version are you reading? Gotta be ESV with apocrypha for me.
Bonus question, which Qira'at of the Qur'an?

>> No.17554357

120 books by end of the year

working on nos. 11 & 12 at the moment

we're all gonna make it, /lit/

>> No.17554363

I've read Sophocles' Oedipus plays and Aeschylus' Oresteia already. I loved them, especially Aeschylus

>> No.17554376

i just want to stop hating myself and acting like a piece of shit. i drink and smoke fucking weed on the job, i fail my exams, i coom in towels and socks at home and have my momma wash them, i feel like such an absolute piece of shit, im a worthless human bean, and i have to either go through a complete psychological rebirth or KYS myself in this year of our lord 2021

i genuinely should never hsave been born, im a blot on this earth, but i want to be good and i fail all the time. fuck me, im gonna go get myself a 6pack and smoke some weed to feel a lil less shit

i locve u bros, fuck me and all of you

>> No.17554390

Same desu senpai

>> No.17554421

I bought the NSRV a couple of months ago. Should I be worried and buy another?

Not sure which Qira'at my current Quran is

>> No.17554490

>not reading them chronologically

>> No.17554611

big challenge

Are you limiting the lengths of your books? What if you read a 1000 page door stopper?

>> No.17554642

finishing the fucking greeks
I got meme into it and my autism prevents me from stopping
it's been 4 years now, I just want to read something else...

>> No.17554646

>implying I care
I read American Psycho between my readings of the Iliad and the Odyssey

>> No.17554655

but you didn't read odyssey before the iliad you retard

>> No.17554660

To read so much philosophy that I hopefully decide for certain whether or not I should kill myself.

>> No.17554670

/lit/ goals you fucking retard

>> No.17554674

Correct. So ? The Oresteia exists independent from the Oedipus plays.

>> No.17554750

Get as closed as possible to going thru 4-500 books.
Since mid Dec. I've finished ~190 books/series. By 'finished' I mean either completely read, or read enough to be able to appraise it according to my rating system and never go back to said title or author, if bad enough.

>> No.17554760

It's not an issue, I think the NRSV does try to use more inclusive/gender neutral language than the ESV for example, it shouldn't affect the substance otherwise though.

>> No.17555079

Publish a scandalous pornographic novel under a phony name so as to finance my drug habit.

>> No.17555192

outline a plan for a sketch of my first novel

>> No.17555425

I want to read a book a week. So far maintaining a decent cadence.

>> No.17555435

finish my manuscript and then
same as this based anon

>> No.17555478

I started with hindu texts(भागवत गीता, उपनिषद)
I would like to read some russian lit
Reading sons and fathers right now
Then maybe move onto psychoanalysis or greek philosophy

>> No.17555705

read 24 books
so far I'm at 0.15 books

>> No.17555736

>Reading sons and fathers right now
Based. This one really opened my eyes up. Too bad I don't even have a dad to share it with though :(

>> No.17555808

Get through the greeks and read the bible if I manage to get that done this year I will be more than happy

>> No.17555835

I started reading Tom Holland's Histories at the start of this month and I'm already past the halfway point I recommend this version.