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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 320x500, 6759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1753280 No.1753280 [Reply] [Original]

The forums are up! You can register here: www.litinfinitejest.org/forums/
(There is also a link on the homepage)

For those of you who haven't heard, we will be reading Infinite Jest over the summer. We will read ~75 pages a week from June 11 to mid September. We will meet on the site to discuss what we read.

You can check out the previous thread here:

>> No.1753294

You could have gave the website a more ambiguous name incase you decided to do this again with another book.
Hasty OP is Hasty

>> No.1753302

I was thinking the same thing, but meh. If it works out and we want to do another book, I'll just buy the domain "litreadinggroup.org/com" for $10 and have litinfinitejest.org redirect there.

>> No.1753308

eh I think this is a minor detail. I can't afford to buy IJ and I don't feel like reading it off a screen. Maybe if I can get some money up and not spend it on other things, I'll catch up @ some point.

>> No.1753310

I think you should just keep the domain in any case. "infinite jest" is a good name for a reading group--maybe a little bit quirky but w/e I think it's nice.

>> No.1753313

I plan on having an Infinite Jest wishlist thread in June for those who want to participate but can't get the book.

>> No.1753314

Getting a replacement kindle soon since my old one broke, this sounds interesting.

>> No.1753315

I'm in...but not at that snail's pace. I'll be reading ahead and posting spoilers.

>> No.1753323

I'll be moderating the forum for spoilers.

The pace is intentionally slow. Some people have jobs, school, and/or other things to do over the summer that don't permit a whole lot of time for reading.

>> No.1753337

Hold on to the URL. You could make a few bucks off of it if the author comes after it.

>> No.1753340
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The author killed himself in 2008.

>> No.1753345

Well you know how after a person dies anything tied to them becomes more valuable.

>> No.1753376

I registered.

>> No.1753399
File: 19 KB, 400x300, squints crazy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in, just registered on the forum.

>> No.1753408
File: 15 KB, 180x180, arts_lynch-blue-velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

Also, I'm not sure whether we should have biweekly or weekly discussions, so I have a poll.

The poll is here:

>> No.1753433

That's an interesting idea ! I just have to find a copy of this book.

>> No.1753436
File: 101 KB, 315x274, dale cooper shocked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i'm the only one who has introduced themselves in the forum

i even dug out an old piece i made on photoshop and trimmed it down to use as my sig...

>> No.1753458
File: 46 KB, 1077x419, maclachlan blue velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience. It'll happen.

FYI, I posted :3

>> No.1753481

12 members.

Pretty good.

>> No.1753488

I registered and voted. I usually read my books in French, I hope I'll be able to understand everything in this one.

>> No.1753538

I'll give this thread a nice bump

>> No.1753560

im down ill go register now

any problems with me reading it on my nook though? idk if the pages will get fucked up

>> No.1753563

The readings will be posted as pages, Kindle locations, and chapter titles. You shouldn't have much trouble.

>> No.1753570

I encourage everyone who wants to participate to introduce themselves here:

>> No.1753609

>i registered
>i registered
>so i did i
>oh lol
>it's awesome

>> No.1753612


>> No.1753625

Are all of the versions the same?
I have the one with the green writing on the front, if it makes any difference.

>> No.1753635

All print editions of IJ have the same pagination.

>> No.1753645

Gonna register tomorrow, I'm shattered. Might read Oblivion: Stories in preparation beforehand too, anyone else up for doing this and creating a thread on the forum about it?

>> No.1753652

I'd do it but I'm already reading Brief Interviews With Hideous Men (pretty good, btw) along with some other books. I might read Oblivion in like early June before we start Infinite Jest, though.

>> No.1753673

Brief Interviews is the only one I've read by him so far, I really enjoyed it. The stories about sex and the power dynamics within relationships struck a chord with me.

>> No.1753684

why would we read that rather than
war and peace
the karamazovs

>> No.1753688
File: 32 KB, 257x212, cool guy doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can read any of those books as well!

aren't choices fun?!?!?!

>> No.1753723

If this goes well, we'll read more books.

If you want to read more DFW, I highly recommend A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. It is nonfiction that is funny, quirky, and fascinating.

>> No.1753737

>cool guy doubles

my god.

>> No.1753758

Just finished reading this today actually


I'm totally down to do it again though!

>> No.1753759

>posting about doubles
You did that on purpose, didn't you ?

>> No.1753768

This thread is already testament to the faggotry this idea will rapidly descend into.

Nice that you're trying though.

>> No.1753776

Nice! You must have enjoyed it if you're willing to reread it so soon.

Have some faith.

>> No.1753785

I was planning on reading a ton of other shit this summer... but since the pace is so slow I may well do this. All depends on how a job works out for me since I just quit mine and have very little money. Been trying half-heartedly to get another job, but since I really don't want one all that much, my efforts will most likely go in vain.

>> No.1753796

It was so good. I'm absolutely amped this group has come up.

I'm Incandenza on the forum

>> No.1753887

Hey Op, maybe after you finish IJ we can read some Pynchon?

>> No.1753894


>> No.1754010

Bumping this thread so more people can see it.

>> No.1754027

Do you need any mods or anything? I'd jizz myself at the opportunity. Also, I feel like a general chitchat/get to know each other category would do well for the time leading up to June 11th. That way it gives people a reason to come back to the site and not forget about it.

>> No.1754036

I'll likely have openings for one or two mods. I don't think people will misbehave, but if for some reason I don't be able to post a discussion thread one week, I'd need a mod to handle it.

Good idea on the chitchat forum. Making it now...

>> No.1754042
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>> No.1754047
File: 24 KB, 470x354, amadeus2501_wideweb__470x3540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is now an off-topic forum for the members to use to get to know each other.

oh u

>> No.1754108

We now have digital copies available for people who can't buy the book to download.

The formats provided are: .mobi, .epub, and HTML.

>> No.1754137

i'm down for this but i've owned the book for years and have probably read half of it in non-linear order. there's just something about a super-long book that really brings out my restlessness and housefly-caliber attention span. i'd like to tackle it all the way through though and peer pressure seems like a great way to do it.

i've also owned gravity's rainbow since about 2004 and haven't read beyond the first few pages and random excerpts that i flipped through. huge books fuck me.

>> No.1754335


>> No.1754344

DFW isn't my thing but I admire what you guys have got going on. Hopefully it works out.

>> No.1754352

Thanks ^_^

>> No.1754555

Aren't you just ripping off Infinite Summer?

>> No.1754562

Yes, right down to the schedule

>> No.1754580


But I've already read it three times!

>> No.1754634

Fourth times a charm?

>> No.1754699

I signed up! This is very exciting.

After this, we should read The Brothers Karamazov! Fuck yeah motivation for long books!

>> No.1754717

Not to jump the gun, since we're not totally sure this group will work out, but that is one of the booms I'm considering for next time.

Other potential books are Gravity's Rainbow, 2666, The Master and the Margarita, and Mason & Dixon.

But like I said, we have to make sure this works first.

>> No.1754727


>> No.1754728

>/lit/ book club

>> No.1754733

Yeah. I'm hoping that it will work, though.

>> No.1754734

Shut up, Quentin.

>> No.1754768

I'm approaching it a bit differently.

First off, we're reading pretty slowly at only ~75 pages a week. In the Goodreads bookclub (no offense to Brownbear), there was a lot of "I've been too busy" and stuff like that. This should avoid that because, even if you do get behind, you can easily catch up.

Also, we will have weekly or biweekly discussions. With both the Goodreads bookclub and CourageWolf's, they basically just said "read this entire book and then we'll discuss it". Frequent discussion should motivate most people to read.

Also, for what it is worth, it is self contained on a website. 4chan is used only for advertising. This eliminates trolls since they can easily be banned.

>> No.1754792

I just deleted you, Quentin.

Next time it is an IP ban.

>> No.1754795

what the fuck why

>> No.1754800
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 2m4auj7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we just need to do that on /lit/ too

>> No.1754803

If only....

>> No.1754806

so you're not going to say why then

that's it wrap it up folks this club is officially going no where

>> No.1754809

Are you kidding me? You just got kicked out. This club is finally getting started for real.

>> No.1754814

when you kick out the most important prospect of your forum things can only go downhill

>> No.1754815

Okay, I woke up. Registering now.

>> No.1754816
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>> No.1754821

good thing we didn't kick out our most important prospect then

>> No.1754825

Thanks for doing this BH. Is the site loading slow for anyone else? It's not terrible, just enough of a wait to be slightly annoying.

>> No.1754834

It does appear to be a bit slow right now, but I believe it is normally better.

>> No.1754838
File: 15 KB, 475x352, mfw botnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mfw welcome to the botnet

>> No.1754859


> nfw /thread

>> No.1754865

>mfw needle

>> No.1754889

we should read war and peace instead ;_;

>> No.1754894

>over the summer
>mfw you are all casual and I'd read that shit in few days if I'd like it

>> No.1754895

there's always a next time.

consider this the first in a series

>> No.1754921
File: 113 KB, 524x908, stop liking it its bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah with the goodreads club it#'s not so much 'bookclub for discussion' and more like 'read a book you wouldn't usually read' i guess, we give a month to read under 400 page novels haha

>> No.1754928
File: 52 KB, 350x348, Whitesnake-Here-I-Go-Again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harold Bloom says DFW isn't worth reading, so I'm not going to join this thing. If I were to read it on my own and like it, it might somehow make me an individual, and I hate that shit.

Instead of "Infinite Jest," I'm taking the summer to read all of Bertolt Brecht's works.

Who's with me?!

>> No.1754932
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>> No.1754937
File: 5 KB, 140x166, 1302997631500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read Mother Courage, so I guess my response is:

Holy godfuck hell no

>> No.1754939
File: 4 KB, 187x139, klaus2243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading his essay on Lynch right now, and his criticism of Dune makes me want to punch him in the face.

Kyle MacLachlan miscast? I am so angry right now.

>> No.1754944

Hey BB
you're not actually going to send me your stories, are you?

>> No.1754945


Pft, not a very good troll.

>> No.1754950
File: 49 KB, 180x181, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's looked into printing yet.
Even though I told him everything he needs ;_;

>> No.1754958

More scamp than troll.

>> No.1754965

More samefag than troll.

>> No.1754977

More useless than useful.

>> No.1754980
File: 774 KB, 917x902, anime black face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read mother courage
>not resistable rise of arturo Ui

Yes V Dubby i definately am!

yeah but it's hard to find a printer, gonna have a butchers in town later for a place that does it, checked out the usual haunt (hipster part) and couldn't see a dickie bird

>> No.1755004

Brownbear is a loser.

>> No.1755021
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>> No.1755037

31 registered members, that looks nice. The people that posted seem pretty cool, this could work.

>> No.1755045

forgot trip

seriously this article is bugging me

the thing about Tarantino copying Lynch's style was spot on though. Can't believe I never noticed that.

>> No.1755051


I deleted that cuz I misused the phrase 'shuck and jive'. I just have said 'minstrel act' or something.

>> No.1755254

I would do it if we were reading something other than Infinite Jest. How about Don Quixote or The Odyssey?

>> No.1755283
File: 43 KB, 614x461, lambchop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All signed up & just bought a used library copy of that them thar book. Time for book adventures!

>> No.1755289

By golly, is there anything more absurd than Anon deleting a post?

>> No.1755296


Even if/when misused, people don't use the phrase "shuck & jive" enough. Stand proudly by your mistakes, Anon.

>> No.1755612

I'm on the fence about the Kyle Maclachlan miscast thing. On one hand, Lynch is right when he says there is something about Machlachlan that makes you trust him and let him take you to strange places (which made him perfect for Blue Velvet and Twin peaks), but lets face it, he does look kinda nerdy.

>> No.1755618

I'll consider other books if this works out well.

>> No.1755633

******************ATTENTION EVERYBODY******************

Last night an innocent Quentin registered for the Infinite Jest reading forum, posted on it, and was BANNED WITHOUT EXPLANATION. When I asked him why HE STILL WOULDN'T GIVE ME A REASON. This kind of action must NOT be permitted to go on. The culprit responsible for this is BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h. I request that everyone put this at the end of their post as a sort of signature to spread word of BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h's ruthless actions.


>> No.1755638

you are the worst poster on a board full of bad posters

>> No.1755641

So would many of us, but we want to discuss that shit.

>> No.1755649

******************ATTENTION EVERYBODY******************

>> No.1755653



>> No.1755655

real mature

Last night an innocent Quentin registered for the Infinite Jest reading forum, posted on it, and was BANNED WITHOUT EXPLANATION. When I asked him why HE STILL WOULDN'T GIVE ME A REASON. This kind of action must NOT be permitted to go on. The culprit responsible for this is BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h. I request that everyone put this at the end of their post as a sort of signature to spread word of BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h's ruthless actions.

>> No.1755657

Im sure there was a reason.

>> No.1755661

Me! I would have guessed that!

>> No.1755664

A) Quentin was not banned, he was deleted.

B) He posted several stupid threads over a period of a few minutes (such as "if I can talk about anything in this forum can I talk about jews?")

C) Why am I responding to Quentin?

>> No.1755668
File: 24 KB, 398x500, grey375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one does it

>> No.1755673

There was. Quentin was bashing the idea and saying "hurr durr it won't work" and being a faggot in general. There might have been other reasons too. I'm not sure.

>> No.1755676

>B) He posted several stupid threads over a period of a few minutes (such as "if I can talk about anything in this forum can I talk about jews?")
Sorry i must have misread the part where it said I am "free to talk about anything."
Last night an innocent Quentin registered for the Infinite Jest reading forum, posted on it, and was BANNED WITHOUT EXPLANATION. When I asked him why HE STILL WOULDN'T GIVE ME A REASON. This kind of action must NOT be permitted to go on. The culprit responsible for this is BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h. I request that everyone put this at the end of their post as a sort of signature to spread word of BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h's ruthless actions.

>> No.1755678

That was one of the reasons.

The other reason was he posted a ton of stupid threads.

>> No.1755680

If only they would ban Quentin from this board too, it would be marginally better.

>> No.1755682

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.1755688

I used to like him for some reason but he really is pretty bad

>> No.1755701

i'm not a bad poster i'm an activist

Last night an innocent Quentin registered for the Infinite Jest reading forum, posted on it, and was BANNED WITHOUT EXPLANATION. When I asked him why HE STILL WOULDN'T GIVE ME A REASON. This kind of action must NOT be permitted to go on. The culprit responsible for this is BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h. I request that everyone put this at the end of their post as a sort of signature to spread word of BrianHerbert !!k1TdMbiPA/h's ruthless actions.

>> No.1755708

For what are you an activist?

>> No.1755779

I never really thought of him as that bad until today.

I mean, I knew he was bad, but not Tybrax or Stagolee tier.

>> No.1755923

Bumping this back to page 0

>> No.1755928

LGBT Rights

>> No.1755969


>> No.1756106

The forums have over 200 posts now!

Things are going well.

>> No.1756123

Yeap. This forum is pretty awesome as of right now.

>> No.1756187

I'm in.
I've been meaning to begin the behemoth that is Infinite Jest, and this seems like a very nice approach to it.
I salute you OP :)

>> No.1756203
File: 152 KB, 318x250, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, is there any girl in your 'reading' group?
If not, you're all gay.

>> No.1756243
File: 23 KB, 472x311, jerry-seinfeld-george-costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

>> No.1756561


>> No.1756671

There is a girl in it.

>> No.1757360
File: 65 KB, 430x286, dale-cooper1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just got two new moderators!

>> No.1757416
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>> No.1757429

maybe you could talk some sense into that ruthless dictator-admin of yours
you know what i mean

>> No.1757431

two girls are in it.
at least.

>> No.1757436
File: 54 KB, 446x500, metalasuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brownbear has changed. He's no longer about reading, ideologies or criticism. He's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by changing IPs and greentext. Brownbear, and his consumption of time, has become a well-oiled machine. Brownbear has changed. ID tagged posts carry double-tagged quotes, use ID tagged reaction images. Janitors inside the board enhance and regulate his posts. Posting control. Information control. Emotion control. Anger control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. Brownbear has changed. The age of deterrence has become the age of control. All in the name of averting catastrophe from constructive discourse. And he who controls the posts, controls history. Brownbear has changed. When the battlefield is under total control, Brownbear... becomes mod.

>> No.1757457

he's no mod, never was
he's just an old troll hired to do some wet work

>> No.1757467

He's not a soldier or an assassin.

He's just an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill.

>> No.1757470


a snail..... on a straight razor..... that is brownbear..... that is my nighmare

>> No.1757479

David Motherfostering Wallace, I'm in.

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again is also really good. I will be looking for his thoughts on entertainment and TV in IJ.

>> No.1757485

sorry that's clearly off topic, this is a thread about posting whatever stupid thing comes to mind. tellk me,d o you like an ynaimes?


>> No.1757496
File: 626 KB, 639x630, dhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, the last few years of the postmodern era have seemed a bit like the way you feel when you’re in high school and your parents go on a trip, and you throw a party. You get all your friends over and throw this wild disgusting fabulous party. For a while it’s great, free and freeing, parental authority gone and overthrown, a cat’s-away-let’s-play Dionysian revel. But then time passes and the party gets louder and louder, and you run out of drugs, and nobody’s got any money for more drugs, and things get broken and spilled, and there’s a cigarette burn on the couch, and you’re the host and it’s your house too, and you gradually start wishing your parents would come back and restore some fucking order in your house. It’s not a perfect analogy, but the sense I get of my generation of writers and intellectuals or whatever is that it’s 3:00 A.M. and the couch has several burn-holes and somebody’s thrown up in the umbrella stand and we’re wishing the revel would end. The postmodern founders’ patricidal work was great, but patricide produces orphans, and no amount of revelry can make up for the fact that writers my age have been literary orphans throughout our formative years. We’re kind of wishing some parents would come back. And of course we’re uneasy about the fact that we wish they’d come back–I mean, what’s wrong with us? Are we total pussies? Is there something about authority and limits we actually need? And then the uneasiest feeling of all, as we start gradually to realize that parents in fact aren’t ever coming back–which means “we’re” going to have to be the parents.

>> No.1757510

dude what the fuck stop banning me

>> No.1757517

quentin maybe if you don;t want to get banned, you should stop trolling

just a thought, hth

>> No.1757525
File: 53 KB, 460x320, wild_at_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin, each time you register I give you a chance to participate and to not troll, but you can't seem to get it right.

>> No.1757535

Quit being an autocrat, bro.

>> No.1757536

there has to be a sovereign and brianherbert plays that role. AUTHORITY BITCH

>> No.1757544

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.1757553

i haven't been trolling at all with my last few accounts
what gives

>> No.1757559

Maybe you're just naturally a massive faggot ¯\(°_o)/¯

>> No.1757566

>banned for being a faggot
wait til my lawyers here about you guys

>> No.1757576


> last few accounts

It's been around for about two days, you got banned, and you've made SEVERAL MORE ACCOUNTS. That's why you're a troll, and why you're not going to get let in. Also, there's nothing to indicate that you have anything to bring to the party.

>> No.1757582

>Also, there's nothing to indicate that you have anything to bring to the party.
maybe because you guys keep deleting all my posts and you can't see all the great discussions i try to start

>> No.1757588

Here are examples of posts you've made:

"if I can talk about anything here can I talk about jews?"

"who is your mancrush?"

"what do you mean 'reading' i hate reading"

None of those are productive.

>> No.1757592

yeah that's 3 out of like 30 that i've made
i'm a walking satire so obvi i'm gonna make some edgy posts

>> No.1757593
File: 21 KB, 522x399, reactionHURRRR (1288230332871).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a walking satire

>> No.1757596

it's just one of those things that you have to keep in mind

>> No.1757601


don't post threads involving weed, that would help

sry abt continuing derail

>> No.1757605

you seem to be getting my 4chan posts mixed up with my constructive posts on the infinite bummer ™ forums but that's ok

>> No.1757612


> infinite bummer ™ forums

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.1757614

Fucking balling. I graduate this spring so I basically have nothing to distract me from this. Been wanting to read more Wallace for ages yeeeee~

Color me excited

>> No.1757616

oh wow banned again
what did i do this time guys

>> No.1757625
File: 27 KB, 349x304, Reaction Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>am i crazy or is sex overrated
>by gold mine gutted » Sun May 08, 2011 10:43 pm

>i'm a virgin but i can't see sex as being a good thing unless you're only in the relationship for sex, but then it's bad for the other person because they're being used. also i don't like how girls at my school are having sex at this age it makes me really uncomfortable and insecure about my own insecurity (like jake barnes). i wish i could have sex with a girlfriend or something but i think by the time i get the chance to lose my virginity again it'll be too embarrassing and i'll just back out of it and cut my balls off and just become a eunuch or something then i'll have a real excuse

>> No.1757626
File: 6 KB, 118x141, bateman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also what the FUCK is the point of having a "chitchat" forum that's directions are to:

"Use this forum to discuss things not directly related to the reading group.

You're free to talk about anything "

if i can't talk about things not directly related to the reading group or if i'm not free to talk about anything?

>> No.1757627

>try to not get detected by using proxies and unrelated names
>still get banned
Refer to:

>> No.1757632

that's a legitimate topic 3rd...i don't see what's so bad about it. so what if i include a little personal experience

also see>>1757626

>> No.1757633
File: 26 KB, 470x317, david_lynch_wideweb__470x317,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related.

>> No.1757638

whatever. if that's your only reason then i advise everyone posting on this forum to rethink what they're doing because if they plan to have a personality on that website they should also expect a ban

>> No.1757641

If you want to stop this group, why don't you stop trying to sign up and start a thread protesting it?

>> No.1757645
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>> No.1757648

because that would be taking up space on a board about literature with a thread that isn't related to literature

>> No.1757652

You're doing that right now.

>> No.1757653

i didn't make this thread

>> No.1757657

This thread is related to literature. It is promoting literary discussion, albeit on a different site.

>> No.1757659

that's great i never claimed it didn't and i wasn't implying that either

>> No.1757661

>i wasn't implying that either

Yes, you were.

>> No.1757665

no i wasn't and i'm gonna attempt to explain it to you but if you haven't understood anything i've said in this thread so far chances are you'll be too stupid to understand this as well.

>i said that i didn't want to make a thread
>you said that [making a thread] was what i was doing
>i said that it wasn't
>you start talking about your own thread out of no where

>> No.1757672

No, I said what you're doing is taking up space on the board. Your posts do take up space.

>> No.1757675

don't give up quentin, i'm rooting for you

>> No.1757681

>implying i don't know i'm taking up space on this board
>implying i need that pointed out to me
>implying "taking up space on a board about literature with a thread that isn't related to literature (which is what i actually said)" is what i'm doing
>implying you didn't totally select only part of what i said to fit your argument

>> No.1757705

My goodness, over 60 people signed up. I didn't even know there were that many people browsing /lit/.

>> No.1757714
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>> No.1757715
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> mfw the 'only three people here' myth finally dies

>> No.1757732

Yeah, I'm really impressed. This will be a wonderful summer. =D

>> No.1757737

Jesus. That's kind of awesome!

>> No.1757844

I'll give this thread one final bump before bed.

Thanks to everyone who signed up!

>> No.1757867
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>> No.1757870
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>> No.1758082


>> No.1758331

The forums are going well! We have over 300 posts!

>> No.1758346

so, i go on lit, expecting the usual stuff... you know, the kind that makes you wanna go up to the attic with an appropriate length of rope and so on... then I see this thread.

What the fuck guys, seriously... have some self-respect.

>> No.1758510


>> No.1758540


DFW looks like the lead singer from ST.
Just sayin.
169 Indys forever

>> No.1758545

Been wanting to read some DFW for some time and then saw this so I signed up. Gonna be an interesting way to read a book that's for sure.

>> No.1758584
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Indeed it will be.

He does!

>> No.1758660

>secretly wishes the book was 2666, so people could read it and see how awesome it is

>mfw you're only reading 3 pages a month

>> No.1758669

lol i never realized but that is so true

crzy. gonna imagine they're the same person now.

>> No.1758680

>mfw someone on /lit/ actually has good reading tastes

>> No.1759257

Three pages a month?

>> No.1759258

>mfw i literally finished reading this book yesterday
goddammit lit why do you ruin everything that would be potentially good to me

>> No.1759286

We have a participant who literally finished the book last week. You can still participate.

>> No.1759289

I finished it 2 days ago, i'm giving it another go.

>> No.1759295

>75 pages a week
>MFW that's what I read in a day

Been meaning to read Infinite Jest for a while, anyone have a good Kindle version?

>> No.1759321

We've got a good copy on the forum, check it out.

>> No.1759365
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Thanks bro. From the sound of things I'd be better off reading the html version.

>> No.1759598

It is because of posts like this that I have finally made the complete switch from /b/ to /lit/

>> No.1759612

I sincerely hope not.

>> No.1759613


>going to /b/ in the first place

>> No.1759614

I'm starting to root for him too. Fuck the police.

>> No.1759619

What board was I supposed to go on? There haven't always been good boards on 4chan that aren't /b/.

I know, I know. /b/ was never good.

>> No.1759620

Wow! I guess the entirety of the /lit/erates signed up.

>> No.1759624

It can't be...3 pages?

>> No.1759628

If you haven't voted for weekly or biweekly discussion, I urge you to do so now.


>> No.1759834


>> No.1760384

Bumping this again.

>> No.1761231

TO 0!!

>> No.1763090

Final bump

>> No.1763156

Hi guys. I'll be joining you.

>> No.1763161


>> No.1763162

welcome to our club
welcome to our club
welcome squidward welcome squidward welcome squidwad

>> No.1765508


>> No.1765515


>19 hour bump

>> No.1765524
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>> No.1765529

because i was working my way back from page 15 reading topics of interest as i always do, and i stumbled across this towards the bottom of page 15 and decided it would be worth bumping it.

>> No.1765530

Why not? Most /lit/izens consider this a significant betterment for the community.

>> No.1765542


Agreed, this is something I'm genuinely interested in. I really hope this works out.

>> No.1765573

Cause we're fucking awesome.

>> No.1765584
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With book 2 of Don Qioxote near knocked out, and Tropic of Cancer then Tropic of Capricorn in the queue, I will follow with reading Infinite Jest this summer. But, unlike you cock-smooches, I'm not gonna drag it out 70 pages at a time.


>> No.1765588

You're encouraged to read other books on the side.

>> No.1765605

I'm in, OP. Finally some motivation to start reading it. When do we start?

>> No.1765723

Signed up.

>> No.1767554

June 11

I figured I'd post some statistics for those who care:

In the 5 days the forums have been up, we have acquired:
600 individual posts (79.97 posts a day on average)
82 users (10.9 new users a day on average)
89 topics (11.83 topics a day on average)