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17548609 No.17548609 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it to get a degree in linguistics? I love learning languages and the history of them. I don't live in the US so uni fees aren't an issue. What potential jobs can I get with a degree in the field?

>> No.17548631

Linguistics isn't about learning new languages.

>> No.17548654

Starbucks barista

>> No.17548659

Your job options outside of academia are essentially nothing. Maybe you can get a job as some HR or generic office wagie, but thats your limit.

>> No.17548663

Do a minor in compsci and get a job in Computational Linguistics in industry

Genuinely the only way to make bank as a linguist from what I know of

>> No.17548792

Linguistics grad here. I went back to school to get a master's in computational ling afterward, because ling by itself is not very marketable. But I now have a cushy job that straddles the line nicely between my passion for language and the STEM meme that makes money. Also, >>17548631 is right, the majority of ling majors are monolingual and are more than happy spending their whole careers either doing fieldwork on some endangered indigenous language or autistically drawing english syntax trees over and over. It's more about learning how languages work under the hood, less about learning a specific language.

>> No.17548849

compsci with an autistic passion for linguistics here what are some good jobs that combine the two?

>> No.17548943
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Got a degree in linguistics with the hope of being a translator. I'm fluent in four languages. I work in retail. That should tell you all.

Not that I regret the degree.
These guys have it right. Unless you're lucky and land a comfy job translating (very, very unlikely for someone with a bachelor's), this is the best route. That said, I've received hundreds of nudes from Brazilian women online, so there are some benefits to studying linguistics and mastering languages!

>> No.17548984
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>I don't live in the US so uni fees aren't an issue

>> No.17549040

I got a degree in linguistics, and honestly I don't think so. There's not really anything you can do with a linguistics degree that you couldn't do better with something else. I tried to become an actual linguist, went on a Ph.D. track, etc., which was a bad idea because the job market is trash and academia is a pyramid scheme with no path to a stable career. If you just want a B. A., I think the superficiality of undergraduate education makes it not worthwhile anyway.

But if you really, really, want to be a linguist, and have your heart set on it, then yeah, you should. You should just be prepared for the disappointment (no career advancement opportunities) now, because your professors won't be as honest with you as I'm being right now.

>> No.17549049

You can also do speech pathology, not that I'd ever want to, but just an extra option if you want to take it further&take some related electives on the way.

>> No.17549068

>I'm fluent in four languages. I work in retail.
Are you lazy or do you just not like money? There are translation jobs everywhere.

>> No.17550419

>It's more about learning how languages work under the hood
i wish. it's more about their specialised syntactical autism than even consulting how languages actually work or checking if their ideas are right.

>> No.17550438

I have a bachelor's degree in linguistics/philology. It's definitely not worth it.

>> No.17550894

In the UK having a degree allows you to enter grad schemes and do something totally unrelated to your degree as a career.

I did a psychology degree (lel) and ended up becoming an accountant. Check whether or not a similar culture exists in whatever country you live in. If it does then I suggest you do what you enjoy then think about careers later.

>> No.17550924

>Is it worth it to get a degree in linguistics?
No. You can learn languages perfectly well by yourself, or by taking courses outside of university.

>> No.17550972

Where? I'm in the same boat (no degree tho) and the last three years have been drifting between unemployment and menial labour.

>> No.17551389


Google translation work, there are lots of websites where people post work and a rate then you apply for it.

Sometimes it’s like a dollar a tweet, other times it’s subbing a Slovakian TV series. You have to build a rep taking the lower paid stuff on those sites.

>> No.17551789

learn about artificial intelligence instead!