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17547661 No.17547661 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17547670

The Latin one

>> No.17547717

Preferably the one made by Dostoyevsky, in Russian. If that one is not available to you, most others will be serviceable.

>> No.17547758

Oliver Ready

>> No.17547807

Garnett's the best one, but if you're posting here you probably have bad taste, so something else. Maybe Pevear

>> No.17547834

Don't listen to him.
Even Russians now read translation from old to reformed language.
Well, except for some academics or autists

>> No.17547858
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>Even Russians now read translation from old to reformed language.
Could you try not spouting absolute bullshit?

>> No.17547910
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This is quite different from modern stuff.

>> No.17547932

Tell me - do you know Russian?

>> No.17547976

Чyть хyжe, чeм твoю мaмкy.
Ecли бы язык нe пoмeнялcя, шкoлoтe бы тe издaния и пoдcoвывaли.
Пoпaдaлиcь мeмyapы бeлoгo oфицepa пpo Maхнo в тoй opфoгpaфии, тaк y мeня cyбвoкaлизaция oтpacтилa бopoдy и oкaлa кaк пocлeдняя твapь.
Taк чтo paзницa чyвcтвyeтcя, хoть и пoнимaeтcя тeкcт бeз ocoбoгo тpyдa, хoть и чyть мeдлeнee.

>> No.17548127

>Чyть хyжe, чeм твoю мaмкy.
Ah, true Russian spirit. Russian is my third language, my active vocabulary is shoddy, so I'll respond in English.
Updating the orthography is, simply, not "translation". There was no language reform, you're thinking about the orthographic reform. That happens in literally every language, and practically every older text is published with newer orthography, it is edited in this or that way.
The differences you're talking about are objectively fairly small, none of them affect the actual phonetics of the language. Your mild difficulties with reading such texts would go away with a little bit of practice.

>> No.17548146


>> No.17548172

shut the fuck up already

>> No.17548210

Russians are without a doubt the most butthurt and oversensitive nation on the internet.

>> No.17549275

I'm not Russian.

>> No.17550476

He looks like Philip K Dick.

>> No.17550484

It really doesn't matter.
These "which translation should I get" threads should be forbidden.