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/lit/ - Literature

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17547681 No.17547681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who were some of the great femboy lovers of history? Any great femboy literature?

>> No.17547701

Dear god that thing is fucking hideous
I mean, most "femboy" lovers of history were just ordinary gay guys that were looking for excuses to have sex with other guys - see Greeks

>> No.17547708
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, 1613261145690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you find this hideous, you are extremely gay.

>> No.17547709


>> No.17547712


>> No.17547713

The gayreeks

>> No.17547718

That's a much better photo than the OP, one

>> No.17547730

Bertrand Russell

>> No.17547733

too attractive, he probably fucks niggers and has tons of worms inside his ass, would settle for something less and slightly more masculine

>> No.17547739

*fap fap fap fap fap*

>> No.17547741

Liking femboys is sublimated pederasty. In history these people just banged actual underage boys, rather than men imitating the aesthetic of boys.

>> No.17547757
File: 68 KB, 1115x894, 1608325585823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tranny
>Ugly obese tranny

Fuck all trannies

>> No.17547765

Not /lit/. Just because you tack on "any books" doesn't make it so.

>> No.17547769

that one that shakespeare wrote those sonnets for

>> No.17547778

Is your penis hard or something?

>> No.17547782

why isn't there porn of boys like this fucking/being fucked by girls

>> No.17547783

It's not hideous, but still not femme enough.

>> No.17547805

faggot trying to project

>> No.17547810

post feminine femboys

>> No.17547824

Yeah, gatekeeping and I'm diamonds.

>> No.17547826
File: 114 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17547838
File: 33 KB, 361x331, based-GATEKEEPER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17547852

based and bussypilled

>> No.17547856
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1582660312304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.17547869


id make that bussy moan books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. with my dick

>> No.17547914

Death in Venice

>> No.17547929

I wish i wasnt semi attracted to this

>> No.17547936

Just go with it bro opens up a whole new world of porn. Like you're 13 again and you saw your first titty

>> No.17547958

im trying to not do that, i know it will have that effect. I dont need more temptation in my life.

>> No.17547966

>just destroy your life with brain-numbing degeneracy bro because you couldn't control yourself, because you didn't have a limit
Yeah, no.

>> No.17547967

This. It's not even gay, I'm still not attracted to non-femboy males.

>> No.17547972

You have posted a person with some limited feminine beauty, but that person is a man. Judged by the standard of men, he is a total failure in every respect. Things that do not live up to their nature can never be truly beautiful, no matter how successfully they may emulate the beauty of other natures.
>brooooo get into it for the porn!
Incredible sales pitch, anon. Truly, if anything will enrich your life, it must be new types of porn.

>> No.17547974

Just read Plato, self-control breeds the most beautiful air of pleasurable contentedness. Thinking about Kant becomes more pleasurable than looking at mediocre women online.

>> No.17547978

Is there anything more ironic that the words "brain-numbing degeneracy" being posted on 4chan?

>> No.17547979

i fap 3 or 4 times a day only to 2d porn only to keep depression at bay, you're retarded

>> No.17547982

I read the Greeks and came to this conclusion.

>> No.17547992

t. Nigger who doesn't know what irony is

>> No.17547996
File: 78 KB, 552x768, image%3A661696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this much of a pseud.
>dude I like get mental orgasms from Kant bro!!! I hecking love philosophy!!!!

>> No.17548005

What's your fucking deal, why are you here doing this?

>> No.17548025

Stop being retarded and making yourself easy to make fun of and I'll stop. It's called basic self-awareness.

>> No.17548030
File: 63 KB, 1200x900, 1605027208970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh God.....

>> No.17548040

>my dependency on pornographic material in order to resist crippling depression proves that I am in perfect mental health precisely because of that dependency
Thank you for your contribution sure, this is going in my cope compilation.
>dude I like get physical orgasms from COOOOOOOOMING bro!!! I hecking love cooming!!!!
Same shit fren. It's not "manly" to coom, dogs and the heavily disabled can also do so. It's not a feat of masculinity.

>> No.17548045

Yes anon, I'm stating basic practical life advice that is simply true and doesn't need some sort of great cultural program or mocking meme to explain.

I'm not denying the Erotic, but too many people are caught in helpless sexual traps today.

>> No.17548057

>if you stop watching porn you'll suddenly become an upstanding member of society
yeah i know you're a normalfag fresh off the reddit boat

>> No.17548063

Have you ever tried not being a raging faggot?

>> No.17548092

>It's not "manly" to coom
>It's not a feat of masculinity
Literally, and I mean literally no one gives a fucking shit about this. The only people that obsess over masculinity are insecure feminine faggots projecting their lack of masculinity, instead of embracing it.
Your practical advice is:
Implying this will "destroy your life" is just straight up hilarious. There's no way you're not a porn addict also projecting his bullshit on everyone else. I fap to femboys all the time and do it MAX once a day. Most of the time it's like every 2 days. Not everyone is an addict like you.

>> No.17548096

Biological parasite

>> No.17548110
File: 35 KB, 450x600, C5F94BC7-0E6D-4F31-B1B4-556783502854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuteboys > femboys. Soft masculinity, not femininity.

>> No.17548114

My diary desu aged 16-20
desu I miss getting railed and facialised but I found out that having sex with women feels better, plus I wasn’t really using my dick much as a femboy and it’s too big to waste

>> No.17548122
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1527039894322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanking once a day to tranny porn
Sometimes I just don't understand the mindset of shitposters.

You're getting (You)'s, but they could be any other anonymous shitposers (You)'s, there's no originality. It's just a meaningless image on a screen. Also yes it has become obvious you are posting bait.

>> No.17548125

You will burn in hell.

>> No.17548130

Based Ubermensch faggot

>> No.17548132

>breathing well isn't a sign of healthiness, unhealthy people can do it too

bruh if cumming isn't manly i don't know what is. best thing you could probably say here is fatherhood but you can be a terrible damn father if you choose to. if you say being a good father, then that is more about being a good person than it is about being a manly person.

>> No.17548137

You probably won't. You're likely hopeless in far more ways than a simple dependency on porn. For example, your coping suggests you're a delusional neurotic as well.
>Literally, and I mean literally no one gives a fucking shit about this. The only people that obsess over masculinity are insecure feminine faggots projecting their lack of masculinity, instead of embracing it.
Second part of this is a strawman, but sure, let's roll with that then. It seems we are in agreement that there is nothing impressive or virtuous about cooming. Why do people do it then? For the sake of loving their partner? For procreation? Neither of those explains pornography. Pornography can only be understood as a parasitic influence that slowly weakens and undermines the will of individuals until they lose control to their animal instinct and then try to groom people on image boards for example.

>> No.17548139

>claiming masturbation is comparable to fucking heroin like a redditor because you can't keep your hands off your dick and projecting this onto everyone else
There's nothing wrong with tranny porn. Keep coping.

>> No.17548143

>You probably won't.
Yeah no shit, and you happen to be a normalfaggot on an anonymous forum for social outcasts, get the fuck out

>> No.17548148

this anon is lying, i personally spoke to god and god said hell doesn't even exist. i'm being completely honest. i have no mental illness and have been found to have average intelligence.

>> No.17548152

>Average intelligence
Sorry, I don't listen to midwits.

>> No.17548165

>>breathing well isn't a sign of healthiness, unhealthy people can do it too
Obviously inadmissible comparison since life and health are inescapably intertwined with breathing. No such connection exists between masculinity and cooming. Caesar would be no less impressive if he was a virgin.
>best thing you could probably say here is fatherhood but you can be a terrible damn father if you choose to. if you say being a good father, then that is more about being a good person than it is about being a manly person.
Not sure why you are bringing fatherhood into this, but a father is necessarily male and a male role model, therefore fatherhood is a matter of masculinity as well, yes. Effeminate fathers raise their children poorly to the extent that they come to believe the sexes are interchangeable and identical in every way other than genitalia.

>> No.17548167

>Why do people do it then? For the sake of loving their partner? For procreation? Neither of those explains pornography.
This literal fucking idiot can't think outside "love" and "procreation" for anything sexual. Bro it's not the Middle Ages anymore. Jesus Christ.

>> No.17548171


>> No.17548173

>Caesar would be no less impressive if he was a virgin.
The Romans wouldn’t have thought so.

>> No.17548177

Hell is a disconnection from God, I reached connection from apotheosis after months of study and meditation that came after cooming inside teenage girls (legal) and middle-aged business women changed my outlook to be more productive. Why do I find women between the ages of 23 and 35 unappealing but 16-21 and 40-55 is so great?

>> No.17548190

Why must you insist on shitposting? Literally get a life.

>> No.17548196

Forgive your mother.

>> No.17548207

Based, I have significantly above average intelligence and God told me the same thing

>> No.17548218


>> No.17548223


>> No.17548228

Have you ever seen a naked woman? Way better IMHO.

>> No.17548236

your definition of nature does not fit into any definition in any dictionary or as is used in the sciences. nature either means everything or everything that is not directly caused by humans. that plus nature is chaotic anyway so there's no point in trying to "fit" with it. that plus beauty is completely subjective and even conventional beauty which is somewhat objective changes drastically with time.

ted is based but i dont know why hes relevant here, pretty sure femboys could exist in primitive societies.

>> No.17548247

>Ted is based but i dont know why hes relevant here

Because he was a tranny and a faggot.

>> No.17548254

>cumming is not directly related with masculinity
>fatherhood is

you cant be a father without cumming, how does that even work?

>> No.17548270

strengthens my faith to hear this from others :)

>> No.17548272

god i wish conversion therapy worked

>> No.17548277

Gyno, lose weight

>> No.17548297

>"i-if you don't fap to traps you are a normalfaggot!"
An elegant attempt at sidestepping my argument, you've done well to attempt dismissing me out of hand. Why else then? The obvious answer is pleasure, right? What's so pleasurable about watching someone get sodomised, though? What compels people to watch that? What enduring value does it impart in their lives? It's a self-perpetuating dependency. If you don't believe me, try quitting porn for six months or a year and see how that goes. It's just pleasure, right? You can choose when you enjoy yourself and when you don't, can't you?
I am sure you knew every single one of them in person so you have the authority to say that, anon. Well, I disagree with "the Romans". Furthermore, I recommend you look into the various coomer emperors throughout the ages and tell me how "glorious" and "manly" they seem to you. Look into Egalabalus. Look into the late Ottoman sultans who'd waste away in their harems while their moms rule the empire. Look into the story of that one Chinese emperor who grew so bored with fucking women that he would ride a little goat-pulled cart through his harem and fuck whoever lived in the quarters at which the goat would pause. See what happened to their empires, their characters, moral virtues.
What are you on about anon
>your definition of nature does not fit into any definition in any dictionary or as is used in the sciences. nature either means everything or everything that is not directly caused by humans. that plus nature is chaotic anyway so there's no point in trying to "fit" with it. that plus beauty is completely subjective and even conventional beauty which is somewhat objective changes drastically with time.
Men exist and women exist. What makes them different? Their natures as men and women respectively. A man is always strong than a woman. A woman can give birth. Just two of the main differences between the sexes to demonstrate their natures. A man who tries to be something other than what he is will always fall short of his potential and of the nature he is trying to usurp.
>you cant be a father without cumming, how does that even work?
Technically you could, adoption etc. The point is that raising another person is a responsibility that requires manly virtue. Copulation does not. Pigs copulate. Dogs copulate. They don't have manly virtue.

>> No.17548315

>A man is always strong than a woman.
straight up wrong. but yeah men are generally stronger than men. I just don't see how limits like that matter outside stuff like sports. Once again beauty is subjective and there are evidently people who like a woman who's been born a man and vice versa.

>> No.17548330

You're a normalfaggot because you keep moralfagging on an anonymous korean basket weaving forum full of porn and all sorts of gross fetishes, you're the absolute antithesis of what this degenerate website is, go back to your tradfag facebook group so you can LARP as an epic doomer loner while having a social life and being a fucking normie

>> No.17548340

>Well, I disagree with "the Romans". Furthermore, I recommend you look into the various coomer emperors throughout the ages and tell me how "glorious" and "manly" they seem to you. Look into Egalabalus. Look into the late Ottoman sultans who'd waste away in their harems while their moms rule the empire. Look into the story of that one Chinese emperor who grew so bored with fucking women that he would ride a little goat-pulled cart through his harem and fuck whoever lived in the quarters at which the goat would pause. See what happened to their empires, their characters, moral virtues.
All I’m saying anon is that, viz. Caesar, he existed in a culture where penetration was correlated with masculinjty. they did like to make fun of him for supposedly having been a catamite...

>> No.17548341

This is /lit/. What you're saying is applicable to another board, like /b/, but not this board.

>> No.17548363

>manly virtue
you know what, this isn't something either of us could convince each other on. since it hinges purely on what we think the word manly even means. can't stick completely a dictionary and can't stray too far away from it but the middle is all blurry. wrestling is another stereotypically manly thing to do which animals can only do a primitive version of, i did that and i would rather call that sporty rather than manly. but that's just me.

and oh if it's all about virtue anyways, can't a woman exercise the same virtue and be a mother and father at the same time then? if masculinity is something women can also practice, that takes away from how much sense the word makes.

>> No.17548366
File: 168 KB, 496x699, 1611713047716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dwelling in abstract concepts like femininity and masculinity and trying to fit in
be like water my friends

>> No.17548368

Kek this

>> No.17548386

>straight up wrong. but yeah men are generally stronger than men.
A man will always be stronger than a woman in normal circumstances. The only way to arrive at the inverse would be by comparing disabled or extremely emaciated and weak men to the strongest and fittest of women.
>I just don't see how limits like that matter outside stuff like sports.
This is because you have internalised contemporary egalitarian thinking where we are all shapeless, faceless "individuals". A male individual can not be conceived separately from his maleness or a female one from her femaleness. Few women (or men, for that matter) will be charmed by a peppy, dolled up man in a dress, just like few men will appreciate the company of aggressive butch bull dykes. This is because by nature, we judge all things by their proper standard. A man has to live up to the standard of men and a woman to the standard of women. This does not mean that these standards are always understood correctly and objectively on a mass level, but that does not mean that such standards don't exist at all.
>Once again beauty is subjective and there are evidently people who like a woman who's been born a man and vice versa.
Yes and that would be a decay in taste, in spirit.
I am not moralfagging, homo, I don't care about you. I am simply expounding a perspective for those who would like to hear it.

>> No.17548389

yeah doin the "right" things is usually far too complicated to focus on any single standard or limit yourself to it.

>> No.17548392

>What you're saying is applicable to another board, like /b/
That's bullshit, this website was a forum for autists and social outcasts until hordes of normalfags overran it after the 2016 elections and that doesn't apply only to /b/

>> No.17548405

anyway bro shit that's your life

>> No.17548407

>This is because you have internalised contemporary egalitarian thinking where we are all shapeless, faceless "individuals".
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus

>> No.17548408


>> No.17548415

>I am simply expounding a perspective for those who would like to hear it.
If we wanted to hear about how porn can allegedly ruin your life from a schizophrenic we'd go to /pol/ or /x/. Porn's got nothing to do with being a fucking loser in life because those people already had mental and social issues before getting addicted to it.

>> No.17548421

I don't disagree but your argument needs to leave out the degenerate example. Telling trannies to fuck off from this board and lecturing them on their lack if morality is perfectly acceptable behaviour on this board regardless of the poster being a normie or not.

>> No.17548433


>> No.17548463

>Telling trannies to fuck off from this board and lecturing them on their lack if morality
4chan is responsible for perpetuating the crossdressing traps fad, and most irl traps are on HRT, plus this website used to be always the home of the degenerates until
zoomer faggots and newfags decided that fapping a crime

>> No.17548464

>All I’m saying anon is that, viz. Caesar, he existed in a culture where penetration was correlated with masculinjty. they did like to make fun of him for supposedly having been a catamite...
Penetration and masculinity certainly share a relationship, but not a causal one.
>you know what, this isn't something either of us could convince each other on. since it hinges purely on what we think the word manly even means. can't stick completely a dictionary and can't stray too far away from it but the middle is all blurry. wrestling is another stereotypically manly thing to do which animals can only do a primitive version of, i did that and i would rather call that sporty rather than manly. but that's just me.
I certainly don't believe that the ideal of the "macho" is representative of true masculinity, of that's what you are thinking of. Masculinity is a complex matter that can be discussed and debated in various ways. Everyone is free to have his own take on the matter and no force on earth can deprive a man from that right. I have found, however, that a lot of men today use that right to form a very superficial take.
>and oh if it's all about virtue anyways, can't a woman exercise the same virtue and be a mother and father at the same time then? if masculinity is something women can also practice, that takes away from how much sense the word makes.
They can't practice it, they can at best emulate and mimic it, which is not the same thing. Manly virtue is manly because it is manly in principle and manly in practice, vice versa for female virtue. A woman can be an excellent mother, but she can never be a father.
Taoism is based.
Never thought I'd see this line used in this way. Are you some sort of Methodist? I should emphasise, however, that your quote specifically says "in Christ". Not "in life", "in practice" or "in principle", but "in Christ". In other words, it refers not to equality or sameness, but to unity in spirit. See the Christian rules on crossdressing and see how inapplicable your quote truly is.
>If we wanted to hear about how porn can allegedly ruin your life from a schizophrenic we'd go to /pol/ or /x/. Porn's got nothing to do with being a fucking loser in life because those people already had mental and social issues before getting addicted to it.
I don't care homo, it's factual that porn makes it worse, not better. I am free to say so and others are free to listen or disregard me. Furthermore, you should address your complaint at the coomer who has posted A FUCKING FEMBOY THREAD ON A LITERATURE BOARD.

>> No.17548467

no one is posting cute femboys :(

>> No.17548480

gross as fuck. looks like a confused abomination.

>> No.17548483
File: 153 KB, 1034x1293, @sayurimattar 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17548497

>you should address your complaint at the coomer who has posted A FUCKING FEMBOY THREAD ON A LITERATURE BOARD.
Half-naked girls pics and straight coomer baits get posted all the fucking time but the butts of the faggots on this board go on fire only when gay stuff is posted, you're hypocrites and insufferable assholes

>> No.17548515

go back to /b/ you faggot. /lit/ was about books and was a slow board that wasn't shackled with you faggots until recent. tranny and trap shit is practically mainstream now anyway thanks to twitter and discord anyway.

>> No.17548536

Would suck her little dick before I split that round ass in two

>> No.17548552


>> No.17548563

I find the ones that post women to be even worse since they are actually attractive a lot of the time. Pretty sure lots of folks feel disdain for jezebelposters.

>> No.17548580

Finding this attractive is Trad.

>> No.17548614
File: 118 KB, 828x1472, @sayurimattar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
