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17546873 No.17546873 [Reply] [Original]

>Jihad is an Arabic word meaning ‘struggle’ or ‘effort’. In religious teaching, it denotes any struggle against the lower, selfish tendencies of the ego. One dimension of this may be to struggle against one’s own selfishness and cowardice in order to defend one’s people.

>Under some circumstances, Muslim scholars will allow oppressed peoples to rebel against their oppressors. They might, therefore, classify the American War of Independence as a form of jihad, broadly understood. When Bosnia was faced with ethnic cleansing in 1992, the Muslim authorities there authorized the use of force to defend the country’s Muslim minority. The alternative would have been mass murder and mass rape, and therefore jihad was lawful. Furthermore, some Muslim scholars will permit a non-defensive ‘idealist’ war to establish justice and freedom in a neighboring country. This is analogous, perhaps, to the decision of the United Kingdom to declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939, in response to the German invasion of Poland. There are more recent analogies as well, including very recent instances in which Western powers have used force to overthrow tyrants such as Saddam Hussein.

How can one man be such an imbecile? Premodern sources are clearly state jihad is fighting to establish the religion of Islam. Ibn Taymiyyah even says Jews left jihad when they just fought for the sake of fighting oppression rather than establishing Sharia. He clearly has never written any premodern work on this subject. He just parrots. You can also see this in his criticism of Salafism, he says they're considered heretical for holding to tashbeeh when in fact Salafis and Wahhabism reject tashbeeh as heresy and it is Ibn Arabi (whom Murad says is "the greatest Shaykh") who says those who reject tashbeeh are heretics, tashbeeh is a fundamental doctrine of sufism, that's a major difference between it and Wahhabism. He also says Ibn Taymiyyah is a fideist who believes you can just use rulings through faith and don't need learning when Ibn Taymiyyah says reason is absolutely vital to religion and critizes Sufis for thinking mystical insight can be an alternative to learning and reason. Murad also says Muslims who harm kuffar who don't pay jizya get capital punishment which is a complete falsehood. Is he just a shill?

>> No.17546902

What is it with all the Islam posts recently? Who cares about the religion of some third worlders with no significant achievements that live in the dirt, enslave women, fuck kids and wish death to the West?

>> No.17546923

They've always spammed /lit/ despite religious and philosophical discussion of the Qu'ran being more appropriate for /his/. The issue is there's just enough incel pseuds here to entertain their shitposting.

>> No.17546936

As a Muslim I firmly believe the west wishes death on the west more than we do

>> No.17546946

>with no significant achievements
Islam gave us the renaissance

>> No.17546954

>"How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord! Bring us forth from out this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from thy presence some protecting friend! Oh, give us from Thy presence some defender!" (Quran 4:75)
>"How is it with you, that you do not fight in the way of God, and for the men, women, and children who, being abased, say, 'Our Lord, bring us forth from this city whose people are evildoers, and appoint t us a protector from Thee, and appoint to us from Thee a helper'' (Quran 4:75)
First is the Pickthall translation, second is Arberry. Abased communicates the same idea as oppressed, and I would say these are the best English translations. Read the part leading up to that if you think I'm taking it out of context.

>> No.17546957

Islam could only give what it had took from others, aside from their 4 innovations you're furiously typing right now.

>> No.17546982

This verse is specifically about the Muslims who are oppressed in the sense of being unable to practice their religion in Makkah

>> No.17547010

That being said, I think this is a bad argument. It's not like without our achievements the west was some barbarous hellhole, monasteries from Ireland preserved a lot of classical knowledge as well for instance. You don't need to defend the achievements of Islamic civilization, they are evident to everyone who isn't an overly online retard. Don't spread the myth of the supposedly horrific dark age in Europe.

>> No.17547015

So oppression is clearly a good reason to go to Jihad for.

>> No.17547037

No, it's just harb, not jihad unless the oppression in question is against practicing Islam and establishing Sharia. The American Revolution had zero to do with either

>> No.17547054

Yeah I agree sorta

>> No.17547069

Can mobileposters just fuck off?

>> No.17547075

Nice argument bro, but yeah I'm furious and seething lol

>> No.17547078

I'm not that guy, I just want mobileposters to die.

>> No.17547094
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>he's typing on his phone

>> No.17547096

Ah okay my bad. But also, I'll admit I've only been here for five years so by most definitions I am a newfag, but why does mobileposting have some mystical quality to it that supposedly males it low quality? Never made sense to me.

>> No.17547102
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Pisslam exposed.

>> No.17547106

>quality to it that supposedly males it...
Couldn't be a more perfect example.

>> No.17547111
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>> No.17547117

>But also, I'll admit I've only been here for five years so by most definitions I am a newfag, but why does mobileposting have some mystical quality to it that supposedly males it low quality?
Because you have to be some sort of faggot to browse 4chan on a phone lmao

>> No.17547119
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And yet 90% of the posters on this board make worse posts than I do

>> No.17547124

But why tho?
I mean people male spelling errors on their pcs as well.

>> No.17547127

Absolutely seething. Bet your phone is shaking right now.

>> No.17547138

Bet you have shit taste anon

>> No.17547153

>he can't stop replying
pure uncut seethe.

>> No.17547163
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>> No.17547177

Why are phone posters so insecure?

>> No.17547197


>> No.17547205

You're very mean, I'll downvote you :(

>> No.17547212

Remember to download the new 4chan App™.


>> No.17547224

That's right sweetie. You show those phone posters who's boss

>> No.17547225

This is a brainlet post. Islam is far more complex than that, and Islamic civilization has historically been very advanced and orderly.

t. Orthodox Christian that actually read the history of our Church under the Islamic boot.

>> No.17547233

It's just (You) :^)

>> No.17547253

This kills the disunity psyop poster

>> No.17547267
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This kills the phone poster

>> No.17547270

This has been answered in the archives.

>> No.17547283
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>> No.17547297

>Is he just a shill?
He is an academic working at cambridge. So yes.

>> No.17547303

CIA psyop.

>> No.17547753

Jihad is classified into inner ("greater") jihad, which involves a struggle against one's own base impulses, and external ("lesser") jihad, which is further subdivided into jihad of the pen/tongue (debate or persuasion) and jihad of the sword.

>> No.17547803

A shill for whom?

>> No.17547940
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>all that appeal to emotion
Historyfags are so full of shit trying to obfuscate the facts with their biases, everytime. This fucking midwit felt the need to point out that Muslims believe that Allah is responsible for the happenings of the Universe, like no shit???? The rant about Islam's 'anti-science' sentiment is also just anglocuck cope.

>> No.17548020

Muhammad ﷺ never debated anyone. He said accept Islam


>> No.17548852


Hitchens talks about you here:


>> No.17548879


The muslims destroyed the hellenistic world, eradicating almost all the knowledge passed on from the ancients. The Library of Alexandria was destroyed for having non-mudslime knowledge. The surviving greek works that came from the mideast were carried by christian refugees, e.g. after the fall of Constantinople. Mudslimes have not contributed anything to this world but rape and slaughter.

>> No.17549039

Destroying the Greeks is based, they pathologized civilization with their Platonism and Christianity