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/lit/ - Literature

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17545783 No.17545783 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>buy the Schmitt
>it's full of typos
Goddamnit I try to support small racist presses but they just fuck everything up

>> No.17545791

>low iq

>> No.17545835

Tbh this is part of the growing pains, as idealists without mentors take the step of publishing things few will. I think you should still support them, some may reach Arktos levels of quality ( which might not be 100% perfect but at least their editions don’t come off as just a self published labor of love).

Have you ever considered contacting a small press to volunteer proofreading work? I’ve considered doing this myself, since my skills do run towards qa type bullshit.

>> No.17545845

They will fail because they are racist dipshits who will spend all their money on heroin

>> No.17545877

I have the same book and there really weren't that many typos, I don't know what you're complaining about. The only thing that kinda annoyed me was a repeated sentence in Political Theology.

>> No.17545900

Dude I noticed like 5 fucky wuckies in just the first essay of PT. There's a "was" for "what," a parenthesis that closes but never opened, etc.

>> No.17545911

>Have you ever considered contacting a small press to volunteer proofreading work?
Yeah, yesterday. I would never ask for my money back from small time racists, I would probably send them a marked-up copy and a donation and ask for a new copy when they've fixed it

>> No.17545933

Yeah PT had a few, but The Concept of the Political and Theory of the Partisan seemed better. It was nowhere near the reprint of Storm of Steel. I'm willing to give a little grace to a new start-up publishing house being run as a side project.

>> No.17545950

Yeah I'll still buy more. It's our whole people's racism, only criticize if you want to help

>> No.17546003

I'm personally working on getting a small press off the ground so I can proselytize my own special brand of fringe proto-nationalist ideology. So far I've got a couple of books formatted, and have several 'bookshelves' worked out that focus on different subjects.

Is there anything you'd like to see out of small presses? My focus will be on limited edition runs and high quality binds, as opposed to print on demand shit, and I've been making heavy use of CC media material to pack the books with lots of pictures, literary criticism, and reference materials. Its a niche industry tho, and I want to stand out.

>Have you ever considered contacting a small press to volunteer proofreading work?
How do you feel about monotonous formatting jobs?

>> No.17546466

>Is there anything you’d like to see out of small presses?

I think if you’re really small and just starting I would focus on just a few works that are similar in scope, focus, authorship, etc... and just do a few works really really well at first. Quality workmanship, and modern formatting and typeset (none of that scanned in bullshit). I think that approach and working slowly on really well done works would get you to a point where people would start to respect your press. It sounds like you have this approach already in mind so I would say keep that in mind. Definitely get a second person to proofread, I think having few typos speaks volumes for quality of a book.

To be fair this is just me as a consumer would like, I know very little about the real details of publishing and what goes into it, so also take these with a grain of salt.

>> No.17546490

Better than being a libtard dipshit who spends all their money on weed

>> No.17546520

I would like to set up a small in-home book printer for older works that for whatever reason don't have good editions. For instance, untranslated Latin books or other important works. Would /lit/ be interested in getting one for under $10?

>> No.17546542

>Goddamnit I try to support small racist presses but they just fuck everything up
These small publishers are not printing thousands of books, so you could easily contact the publisher and tell them where the typos are so they can correct them in time of the next edition, or in the ebook version if they have them.

>> No.17546844

Thanks anon, that's my plan now.
My focus is mostly on trans-pacific-rim literature concerning eastern China, Russia, Cascadia that's gone out of print (or in the case of China, never was printed in the west in the first place).
All publications will be done in proper traditional binding with folios, so hopefully that will draw people in.
That said, I really would like to grow enough to commission translations. Some portions of Wang Huning's book were posted here but the whole thing has never been translated in full. I feel like that would sell if done well.
Do some publishers really do scanned books? I was thinking it would be fun to sell some facsimiles of old books, but just scanning and printing is over the top.

Sure. You have a book printer?

>> No.17547116

Not really

>> No.17547642

>untranslated Latin books
These exist?

>> No.17547665

>Goddamnit I try to support small racist presses but they just fuck everything up
Imagine wasting your money on dumb shit like that

Can you actually print decent quality books on a small scale for $10 a piece?

>> No.17547823

It's pretty easy actually. If you use printer paper you could conceivably sell them for half that.

>> No.17547836

What Schmitt do they publish that isn't available elsewhere?

>> No.17548162
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I bought Imperium and I checked the last page they printed it the same day I ordered it

God bless their wignat souls

>> No.17548183
File: 68 KB, 1115x894, 9B899F1D-127B-4D59-B793-3197F8D70A13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low IQ racists just don’t know how to hide their biases better

>> No.17548583

Most printers will sell you books for $3-7 or so.
Initially, it might be about $10 but once I get everything going, the price should drop as well as materials are extremely cheap.

>> No.17549269

That’s Amazon’s print on demand service nigga

>> No.17549391
File: 115 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 2-14-21 at 7.17 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't print and bind his own books himself
Never gonna make it OP