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/lit/ - Literature

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17539127 No.17539127 [Reply] [Original]

Time to vent, lads.

Tell me why is it that you ended up here, where exactly your life took a wrong turn. I'm curious as to what led you start posting in 4china (and more specifically when it started). Has your life improved so far?

>> No.17539163

I needed a website where i could say Nigger

>> No.17539223

I was always a weirdo as a kid. On top of that, I was raised with my mom and two sisters who made me suck their toes as a joke (I was around 4 or 5 years of age). Before puberty my uncle diddled me which turned me into an anxiety-riddled cunt, which eventually manifested as sex addiction.
I got better after my early twenties but I'm still scared shitless that some people can see right through me and figure out how much of a cunt I actually am.

>> No.17540177

When I was a tween I was on other forums where people were reposting 4chan memes, but I didn't know they were from 4chan. I loved watching anime and playing video games. I didn't feel like I was similar to other people in terms of personality.
I didn't go on 4chan for a long time after that. I started going just to look at stuff on /gif/. Then later I started reading /r9k/ for some reason and that eventually led to going to a bunch of other boards.
I looked at 4chan alternatively as a like-minded community (which it turns out it really isn't) and as a place to learn a lot from, which I did. But I realize now that if you identify with 4chan too much you're going to let it take over your life, and this has rarely gone well for many people who post here.
So now I keep some distance between myself and it, because I am getting a life and 4chan is largely a waste of precious time that nets you too little benefit for what you have to put in.

>> No.17540221
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This is the best embedded programming book I'm aware of

>> No.17540222

I don't like talking to people. I'm not ugly and people always told me they thought I was very funny or smart or handsome or whatever shallow compliment, but I just want to stay at home, read my books, listen to music, and shitpost with my autistic brethren. I used to want to be normal and tried hard to seem normal, then I realized I hated social interaction and trying to be popular eventually

>> No.17540239

I'm a chronically depressed, semi-alcoholic and occasionally suicidal (but very sexy [but extremely single and alone]) 31-year-old tranny who is 4 years into my 8-year PhD program (at a very prestigious school [in a useless humanities field.]) I'm addicted to 4chan and social media and I want to jump off a bridge. But I feel like it would be a waste of my objectively verified 147 IQ and subjectively apparent creative genius, so I persist in living.

>> No.17540242

When I was in my first year of high school I stumbled on /v/ since I was getting into anime and stuff like Persona. I left /v/ some time later after coming across /lit/ which is the only board I really visit from time to time now since I've always read quite consistently.

>> No.17540260

we're snowed in and its covid where tf am i gonna go

>> No.17540285

society just let me down, not that much more to it

>> No.17540304

I avoided going to prom

>> No.17540309

yes, based.

>> No.17540310

Someone posted a 4chan link in Yahoo! Chat back in 07.

No, my life has not improved. Wish I never found this place, though I doubt it would have improved my life not finding 4chan.

>> No.17540318

>I was raised with my mom and two sisters who made me suck their toes as a joke
Y-yeah anon, that sounds awful hahahahaha who would want that?

>> No.17540320

whats your phone number

>> No.17540322

Was expelled from school in middle school which made me lonely and depressed. I was an oldschool forumfag who used to bitch at the mere existence of embedded images and youtube links, but by the early 10s most forums had died off or been taken over by idpol drones, so I moved here. When this place is gone I'll probably quit internet communication entirely.

>> No.17540328


>> No.17540338

idgi, someone explain the joke

>> No.17540339
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>31-year-old tranny

>> No.17540360

how much cuck porn do you post on /gif/?
also dilate

>> No.17540373
File: 90 KB, 795x768, 58e0a3983c26f86b1f69706e2a538679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yah that's a funny pic. but i don't look anything like that. none of the guys i've dated have ever known or suspected until i told them.
what do you have to offer that my 3,147 tinder matches don't?
i only read /lit/, /fa/, /out/, and occasionally /mu/.
thanks for the reminder, i need to do that.

>> No.17540375

I was always shy and am an only child and was not forced by my parents to mature up when I should have on most things and felt alienated from my peers, and being shy I did not talk to people, and not talking to people led me to spend my time browsing the Internet and reading about weird shit. Plus I have a monotone autism voice and everyone thought I was a future school shooter

>> No.17540381

I always end up posting here when I have nothing else going on in my life, and I don't have the motivation to work on anything in the moment. So I come back in periods when my life slows down or when I get tired of doing anything else. In general, this place is a cesspit which doesn't outweigh the occasional positives I get from having constructive discussions with the odd anon.

>> No.17540383

"Gifted" kid who burnt out hard in high school, smoked copious amounts of weed and did a lot of shrooms/LSD and fried my brain. Was always an outcast weirdo and enjoyed reading a lot. Discovered this place around 2012

>> No.17540389

Trust me, they knew and didn't care enough to tell you. I suggest you seek help before you turn 40 and end up looking like a middle-aged man in a wig and dress.

>> No.17540395


>> No.17540396

You don't have to belittle me, I'm already highly suicidal lol. But I doubt most of these guys knew, I know genuine shock when I see it.

>> No.17540410

Do you exclusively hunt virgin men?

>> No.17540415

Unlike your therapist, I'm actually trying to help you instead of feeding your delusion. How can you trust yourself enough to recognize genuine shock when you're mentally impaired?

>> No.17540430
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>virgin guy approaches 4chan lurking 31-year-old tranny
>"Oh my, you're surely a girl! I'm not gay!"
>skip to bedroom undressing scene
>"Golly gee, that's a wiener! I would never be able to guess! Might as well suck it, right? After all, you're so feminine"

>> No.17540455

Thanks for your genuine concern and charitable outreach, Anon. I actually don't trust myself or my perceptions. I don't trust reality at all, I am convinced consciousness/materiality are illusory. But do I have a sense of men, maybe because I "am" one. I also started hormones in high school so I look like a girl. And none of these guys was a virgin, I can assure you of that...

But you have no reason to trust me, so mock away... For all intents and purposes I'm a hairy linebacker in a wig. Anyways, gotta run, I need to go jump off that bridge I mentioned earlier.

>> No.17540468

If it makes you feel any better, I don't mind traps. If you have a cute feminine face and a thick ass, that's good enough for me. The dick or vagina does not bother me.

>> No.17540485

>Anyways, gotta run, I need to go jump off that bridge I mentioned earlier.
based, good luck!

>> No.17540498

I've been posting here since 2005. I have nowhere else to go.

>> No.17540586

>gifted kid

>> No.17540589

yeah probably

>> No.17540758

>Tell me why is it that you ended up here, where exactly your life took a wrong turn.
i made the mistake of being born, and it's all been downhill from there.

>> No.17540807

I live in a latinamerican shithole, which means college is filled with socialists; they went full 'cancel culture', 'me too', etc etc, the whole circus.
So this is a friendlier place, in the sense that there's free discussion of ideas, so I found it appealing

>> No.17540836

I went here of my own volition, because the site overall is a hothouse of extreme opinions and sometimes obscure and interesting information. Anyone interested in philosophy would be interested in this site.

>> No.17540844

I fought hard to be normal or “cool” through high school and most of college. Spent a lot of time inserting myself into situations I didn’t want to be in, hanging out with people I didn’t like, going to events I felt anxiety about before/during and relief when they were over. After college I stopped and slowly the normal people in my life melted away. Left with a few weird friends but a mostly loner existence. Came back to 4chan as the only place where this is even an acknowledged way of being. Originally browsed /b/ occasionally as a highschooler in the early 2010s when I thought edgy humor would help me socially. Came back to /biz/ in 2017 for the crypto spike. Finally back to /pol/ for the early /cvg/ days where it was the only place to get [what seemed like] real information on the situation. Now mainly /lit/ and trying to wean myself back off of it so I can go back to being a normalfag.

>> No.17540875

Evening boys,
Rough childhood, moved 6 times in 6 years. Mild sperg. Only child. German Mom is a sweet but spergy and sometimes hysterical woman. Love her but still resent her for mistreating me as an outlet whenever my dad mistreated her + letting me go to elementary school in girl's clothing. Glad she taught me fluent German. Dad's an Iraq War vet. Super outrageous personality, hits on every waitress and forced me to play sports and would show up to the games and yell. But he was also deployed + bedridden with chronic illness for large chunks of my childhood. And after I turned about 12 he rarely got outside the bedroom anymore. He's hilarious but genuinely frightening. Some extended family in town who are nice folks but I feel a bit distant from them. Try my best not to. Still have ok relationships with them. Elementary school was rough and tumble, got into lots of fights and was pretty high strung. Became a super mellow class clown in middle school, never had to study because I was far and away the smartest person anyone at those schools knew. Family pooled money to send me to a rich private high school. Everyone there hated me. Total fish out of water. Got depressed by sociopathic rich people who had been groomed for a board room since age 5 and started to slack on school. Went to punk shows. Met my first girlfriend there. I was unusually lucky to be 6 feet around 8th grade and was kind of pretty so she was a babe despite my terrible awkwardness. Wrecked my car with her in it, lacerated her leg, she broke up with me via text. We get back together a year later. Find out she'd been raped and tried to kill herself. Institutionalized for several months. At first it's great but she gets more fragile and unhealthy. We amicably split before college, now she's an unrecognizable shaved-head lunatic who probably has not much time left to live. My best friend's dad had a breakdown and abandoned his family. He became a violent neo-nazi (I'm not but it showed me another side of politics and gave me a more nuanced perspective which I'm glad for) and worked for the cartel a bit, then got better. I'm in college now had severe stomach problems for 2 years which set back my STEM ambitions by wrecking my grades. Doing OK now though. Most of the worst is behind me and girls are into me. Still bummed about my employment prospects once I graduate and my puny web of connections. But it's alright really. Life goes on. It's all temporary, remember that you faggots. Make the most of it while you can

>> No.17540891

also a /cvg/ head since the earliest days.... remember when we thought the world was ending? now it just sucks. just wait two weeks bro

>> No.17540911

I cannot read in anything but absolute silence. If I even try, I get super irritated, especially if people are talking. That’s why I read at night but now I’m fucking tired, fuck me.

>> No.17540923

Also always loved reading, read Dickens and Catch-22 when I was about 10. Karamazov when I was 16. This site is kino, esp this board. I'm really a /mu person at heart but that board has degraded pretty badly and with covid I got more into reading again and came to appreciate the level of discussion on this board a lot more.

>> No.17540944

what a fuckin baby

>> No.17540947

I was one too. In all fairness, I think China purposely spread fear propaganda in the early days (mainly the viral videos - some of the research papers coming out of China were and are valid, which Western scientists have only just recently validated). It's still a pretty terrible illness, which seems to be a toss of the dice (in terms of genetics) whether one loses a lot of long function and lifespan. It's not catastrophic, just something to make the world a lot worse than it already was, especially for those who catch it.

Also, in terms of the economic ramifications, it may be simply a leadup to a world ending event. We haven't seen how this culminates yet, far from it.

>> No.17540957

Im extremely mentally ill lmao

anxiety and depression. sometimes i can read i think i have 10 years left in me

>> No.17540976
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i'm a schizoid/schizophrenic
a real one

needed anonymity

>> No.17540991

Yup, I’m >>17540844 and the only thing I can solidly say I gained from /cvg/ is a better understanding of what a psyop actually looks like. Webms of dead chinks. Bodies lining the streets in Ecuador. Shit, I even ran my own numbers based on extrapolated Wuhan crematorium throughput and deduced that China had over 100k dead by the end of Feb. What a joke. The memes were top-tier though.

>> No.17541017
File: 34 KB, 634x444, wuhan knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anon, in the year since this insanity began, I've pretty much shifted from "airborne bat aids, permanent longterm damage" to "just a flu bro." I know several people who've had it and all were fine after a few weeks. Some friends who caught it barely got sick. With a few rare exceptions who happen to be genetically predisposed, COVID-19 pretty much exclusively kills old people with preexisting conditions. Looking at a year of global pandemic data, I just shake my head at how overhyped and over-feared this thing is.
>muh longterm effects
Like I said, everyone I've known has recovered and is fine. A few people who have caught it have some wobbles down the road, but all of that is severely overhyped by the media as part of their fearmongering. Like >>17540991 says, pretty crazy we got to witness a massive, historic, global psyop happen in real-time.

Pic related is the first image I saved from /cvg/ back in like January 2020. I wouldn't be surprised if /cvg/ was deliberately created by the Chinese government as part of a fear campaign.

>> No.17541037

too weak for solitude

>> No.17541122

Apparently sound sensitivity is a sign of high intelligence. Who’s the retard now?

>> No.17541135

For the first 11 years of my life, the concept of taking a bath was foreign to me, the isolation that causes eventually resulted in my ending up in this thead

>> No.17541166

because i miss the mid-2000's internet and this place is one of the final holdouts

>> No.17541187

the revisionism that doommongering anons must've been chinese agents is low key the biggest cope on /pol/

>> No.17541230

I got here looking for actual /fit/ advice. Reached my goal and kept improving. Then I went into other boards. I’ve been into literature since I was 12 or so, this board helped me with having a route for topics such as philosophy, ecology, languages and “deeper” literature. Tbh I haven’t posted in a month because I was getting a bit too redpilled on some stuff and started growing hostile and/or apathetic towards women and people that were too politically active.
I just got drunk and was about to drop some klonopin but I would rather just post on a vent post and sleep than go back to meds(which I’ve been off for 8 months or so).
I recently got kind of heartbroken so I’ve been feeling miserable but that’s part of life. I just want this pandemic to be over so I can retake on my usual distractions and stop the overtaking for having too much time to myself.

>> No.17541246

Get the fuck off my board sissy.

>> No.17541250

zoomer hands typed this post

>> No.17541258

I came here from bodybuilding.com in 2011

>> No.17541284

Yeah nah it stops once you finish university. Unless you went into arts or communications. Either way stuff

>> No.17541296
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I'm doing great. Biden is going to send me $1400 any day now so I can buy more books and invest in cannabis.

>> No.17541297

In 2005 my friend who was a furry, in an attempt to impress me and for me to stop bullying him, introduced me to 4chan. I did not stop bullying him. In fact, 4chan made my bullying of his furry nature even easier.

>> No.17541465

freak also probably a homo

>> No.17541467

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