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1753669 No.1753669 [Reply] [Original]

The only books we were assigned in high school were The Hobbit, The Giver, Anthem, and The Outsiders. We also read two of Shakespeare's plays (Romeo & Hamlet).

How shitty is this in comparison to the norm?

>> No.1753674

didn't you have to do four years of high school english? How else did you fill the time?

>> No.1753678

notwithstanding that I went to an academic magnet, that's still something like a year's courseload, and no softballs like the Outsiders.

you're from Alabama, I take it?

>> No.1753691

I went to a private school in Massachusetts and in the 7th grade we read Romeo & Juliet, Johnny Tremain, A Day No Pigs Would Die, and I think either The Old Man and the Sea or The Pearl.

They were pretty easy.

>> No.1753695

Let's just say it's not impressive

I thought stories of people reading Rand for classes were myths

And The Outsiders was 7th grade curriculum, if that

>> No.1753699

I read the first two and the outsiders in Jr. High and read the others in first or 2nd year of Hight school. On top of that, I went to schools in Georgia...

>> No.1753702

Except for Romeo and Juliet I seriously read those books before middle school. What the fuuuck?

>> No.1753704

Mine is worse:

Call of the Wild, The Narrative of Sojourner Truth, A midsummer's night dream, a collection of short stories and poems (less than a quarter of each assigned as to-be-read, and they weren't very thick).

That was it.

>> No.1753722

HIGH SCHOOL assigned reading?

Jesus, fuck, OP, those are all middle school level books. Are you serious?

>> No.1753725

In the UK public school system I only read great expectations, of mice and men and Rome n Julie.

That was it that I can remember, apparently I should have been educated in America.

Im catching up in college now though.

>> No.1753727

Yeah, there were more books, plus we were required to read a book a month in our free time. Unfortunately, most kids reat Matt Christopher shit, and, luckily, I read more Steinbeck and a little bit of Vonnegut.

Also, if you read The Old Man and the Sea before highschool I don't think you're getting the most out of it.

>> No.1753731

The missing letters r my phones fault.

I just realised how shit the education system is over here... My god, if I have kids I'm moving.

>> No.1753732

Erm let me think: a bunch of poems, Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Great Expectations, Holes, Of Mice and Men and that's it beyond books too shit and forgettable to bother mentioning.

>> No.1753739

> Holes


Other than that, everything else if pretty good, though.

>> No.1753748

jeezus beezus dude

I went to an urban public magnet school with a bunch of fucked-up kids who have probably been the subject of smug 4chan posters' impotent greentext war stories at some point or another, and we read all of these in sixth or seventh grade

>> No.1753761

>I went to an urban public magnet school with a bunch of fucked-up kids who have probably been the subject of smug 4chan posters' impotent greentext war stories at some point or another

Sounds like the place where I went to high school.

>> No.1753765

I just realised i'm under-privileged, think I can get something out of it? I'll write a sternly worded letter.

>> No.1753775

my grade school was like 40% kids who were probably secretly slightly disappointed that someone was elected the first black president before they were vs. 60% kids I was mildly surprised to learn were not dead when Facebook blew up

>> No.1753813

British Student:

For GCSE we had to read:

Of Mice and Men
The Long, The Short and the Tall
The Lord of The Flies

Some of my friends who are studying English Lit. at A Level are reading:

Journey's End
The Great Gatsby

We also read Animal Farm in year 9, I think it was a sort of propaganda to make our small minds think all socialism is bad. Although I'm a socialist at heart, It had an impact on me, it lead me to read 1984 and then lead me onto Brave New World and then I started reading Kafka and Joyce etc.

>> No.1753837

we read a lot.
we did romeo&juliet, hamelt, the odyssey, heart of darkness, the great gatsby, the invisible man (emerson), of mice and men, enders game, tale of two cities, great expectations, crime and punishment, lots of classic poetry (virgil, oedipis rex, agamemnon, and more im sure) candide, the things they carried, 1984, and a few others im sure im forgetting. Of course i was in honors/ap all 4 years

>> No.1753844

Wat the fuck kind of school did I go to....

>> No.1753845

I don't believe you're in High school.

I read Te Great Gatsby, The Crucible, lots of Emmerson and Thoreu essays, A Streetcar named desire, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Raisins in the sun, and a shitload others. High School really turned me on to reading.

>> No.1753846

Here's what I can remember as _assigned_ reading in high school, in no particular order.

To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, The Things They Carried, Anthem, The Scarlet Letter, Brave New World, The Handmaid's Tale, In the Wilderness, The Great Gatsby, Fahrenheit 451, Night

Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, Oedipus Rex, Lysistrata, Fences, Othello

Plus a lot of short stories and poems. On the whole, my high school English classes were pretty weak (even AP/Honors/Accelerated) with the exception of my senior year.

>> No.1753847

at my school we read
julius caesar, tale of two cities, great expectations,le mis(abridged), of mice and men, great gatsby, jane eyre, anthem, animal farm, count of monte cristo (abridged) a million fucking poems ( mostly the great english poets), some poe, to kill a mockingbird, romeo and juliet, macbeth, heart of darkness, lord of the flies, the secret sharer, the historian, salt a world history, into the wild, the scarlet letter, the night thoreau spent in jail, walden pond, joy luck club, devil in the white city, the communist manifesto (AP Euro), excerpts from candide,dr. jekyll and mr hyde. I could go on I know I forgot a few others.

My School is a Large Rich U.S. High School and this was in 4 years of advanced/ap english and history classes.

>> No.1753923


no capitalization
misspells Hamlet
thinks Emerson wrote Invisible Man and not Ellison
calls Oedipus Rex and Agamemnon poetry

>Of course i was in honors/ap all 4 years

How about no.

>> No.1753928


Or maybe it was even by H.G. Wells!

>> No.1753939

Stuff I remember reading in high school:
Frankenstein, Cyrano de Bergerac (partly due to the fact that my teacher was self-conscious about his big nose, because we all teased him over it), Dorian Gray, Lord of the Flies

Bullshit I remember reading in high school:
Ender's Game, Into Thin Air, Into the Wild, The Crucible

Among others.

>> No.1753949

Dunno how other schools are, but that sounds shitty, OP.

Books I remember reading as part of the high school curriculum: Big Mouth and Ugly Girl (terrible), The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Odyssey (abridged dumbass version), Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies, Parts of Tennyson's King Arthur, Macbeth, To Kill a Mockingbird, Death of a Salesman, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Read it back in elementary...), The Scarlet Letter, a shitton of Poe's short stories and poems, The Great Gatsby, Oedipus, Hamlet, and Of Mice and Men.

There's more, but I can barely remember what day it is, let alone the other books.

>> No.1753954

not even trying to be a pompous dick here but i was assigned the giver and the hobbit in 4th or 5th grade. actually the giver might not have been assigned but was definitely an available and encouraged selection for independent reading time

romeo & juliet, 8th grade. other shakey bill plays throughout high school but not hamlet. anthem and the outsiders, nope.

if those were seriously the only books you were fed in high school i'd say you got gypped bigtime.

>> No.1753956

For English O.I.B.

>Pride and Prejudice, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Hamlet, Hedda Gabler, Antigone, Great Expectations, poems by Dickinson, William Carlos Williams, and , A Streetcar Named Desire, As You Like It, An Enemy of the People & and a good deal more that I can't remember off the bat.

I had a really great English teacher in middle school with whom we read a Shakespeare play every year: A Midsummer's Night Dream, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliette. We also read the Grapes of Wrath and The Old Man and the Sea.

For French:

>Trois Contes (Flaubert), Le Rouge et le Noir, La Princesse de Clèves, Essais (de Montaigne), Colonel Chabert, Le Père Goriot, Madame Bovary, La Nuit (Wiesel), Antigone (d'Anouilh), Elèctre (Giraudoux) & more

>> No.1753963


J'agreed, I read The Giver when I was pretty young, like grade/middle school.

Then again, my school assigned us Elie Wiesel's Night in like the sixth grade, which seemed kind of early to me, in retrospect.

>> No.1753966


We also read Ovid's Metamorphosis, Vergil's Aeneid, and a lot of Iulius Caesar, Cicero, and Nepos in Latin.

>> No.1753970

my sixth-grade teacher had us read Beloved, which in retrospect is like uh holy shit

>> No.1753973

Freshman Honors:
Things Fall Apart
Bless Me, Ultima
The Odyssey
Romeo and Juliet

Sophomore Honors:
All Quiet on The Western Front
The Alchemist
Catcher in the Rye
Ordinary People

Junior Advanced Placement:
The Crucible
Me Talk Pretty One Day
Into The Wild

Senior Advanced Placement:
The Kite Runner
The Scarlet Letter
The Brothers Karamazov (others read something by Ibsen/Voltaire/Sophocles)
The Importance of Being Earnest
King Lear

Things I read for fun:
Ender's Game
Death of a Salesman
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Skinny Legs and All
A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man
Naked Lunch
On the Road
Breakfast of Champions
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
Still Life With Woodpecker
The Martian Chronicles
The Metamorphoses
The Aeneid
The Oedipus Cycle
Paradise Lost

Before High School I read shit like The Giver, Hamlet, The Outsiders, Gilgamesh, and The Outsiders along with Harry Potter, Swiss Family Robinson (my first book!), and Captain Underpants.

I didn't really have much free time as a child.

>> No.1753975


Forgot Macbeth Sophomore year, along with Perks as some side shit I read. Franny and Zooey was another Salinger work I read.

>> No.1753979

Fucking outsiders twice? I'm too tired lol :3

>> No.1754418

Freshman year:
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Odyssey
The Beast
The Count of Monte Cristo
Romeo and Juliet

Sophomore Year:
Fallen Angels
The Giver
Animal Farm
A Separate Peace
A Raisin in the Sun
Tale of Two Cities
Julius Caesar

Junior Year (AP English Lang)
Catcher in the Rye
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Kite Runner
The Crucible
Old Man and the Sea
The Scarlet Letter
Brave New World
The Great Gatsby (The Best of them all)

Senior Year (AP English Lit)
A Doll's House
Snow Falling on Cedars
The Metamorphosis
The Stranger
Crime and Punishment
The Bluest Eye

>> No.1754424



>> No.1754427

We read more at my high school but it was probably at the expense of grammar which is infinitely more important than assigning some fucking book that everyone is just going to use spark/cliff notes for.

>> No.1754443

For English I Read:

Romeo and Juliet, Othello, The Great Gatsby, The Pearl, Life of Pi, Of Mice and Men, East of Eden, The Epic of Gilgameash, The Odyssey, Beloved, Death of a Salesman, Perfume, Invisible Man(Emerson), Like Water for Chocolate, Ficciones and 100 Years of Solitude.

For History I read:

1984, All Quiet on the Western Front, Voltaire, The Sorrows of Young Werther and Ovid's Metamorphosis

>> No.1754444

This a thousand times over. Grammar during my junior year was nonexistent, and nobody cares about articulation or any of that anymore. English is a dying art as it were.

>> No.1754447

English school, in England, y'all:

The earliest stuff I remember doing was The Wind in the Willows...

Later on Twelfth Night, Midsummer Night's Dream (I think), Of Mice and Men, Macbeth, All Quiet on the Western Front, some Tennyson, maybe Lord of the Flies? Man, I can't even remember anymore.

A-level: Othello, Richard II, Wilfred Owen poems, Catch-22, Importance of Being Earnest. Some other poems as well, I reckon.

>> No.1754457
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>highs school
>The Giver


>high school
>The Giver

... ...

>high school
>The Giver

>> No.1754460


I learned more grammar in Spanish class.

>> No.1754462

It's fine if you're in seventh grade.

>> No.1754465

~~freshman year~~

romeo and juliet
selections from the odyssey
a tale of two cities
to kill a mockingbird
invisible man
bless me ultima
hope for the flowers (children's book)

"outside reading" for class: the stranger, the fall, notes from underground, for whom the bell tolls

~~sophomore year (this year)~~

class-assigned: othello, night, siddhartha, of mice and men, the importance of being earnest, candide, dr. faustus

outside reading (books we choose from a list to do book reports on): the count of monte cristo, lord of the flies, crime and punishment, a day in the life of ivan denisovich, things fall apart, the poisonwood bible, the sun also rises, and the sound and the fury

>> No.1754468
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>MFW I never read an assigned book past 9th grade thanks to sparknotes and often times did better than people who actually read the book

>> No.1754474

I don't get it, /lit/. I'm a non-American and, as we all know, Americans are famous for suing each other all the time. However, I've never heard of anyone suing their school for giving them a shit education. I mean, on the scale of ways you can harm another human being, inhibiting their development at its most crucial stage has to be pretty bad, right?

...so does this suing happen and I just haven't heard of it?

>> No.1754476

Me too

Still though, I read all of those in middle school or before, except Romeo and Juliet which I read freshman year.

>> No.1754480

10th Grade:

Things Fall Apart (Achebe)
The Merchant of Venice
Some other stuff I can't remember

11th Grade:

The Sound of Waves (Mishima)
Woman at Point Zero (Saadawi)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Marquez)
Some other stuff...

12th Grade:
The Wars (Findley)
The Name of the Rose (Eco)
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
The Great Gatsby

Outside reading/re-reading used for Grade 12:
The Tempest
Deep River (Endo)
Way more other stuff

>> No.1754482

I know, I know. The theme for that year was Utopia/Dystopia or something. *shrug*

>> No.1754483

Sounds kind of similar to my high school reading list, but I only read the Aeneid (Vergil) because I was in AP Latin Vergil and I read Oedipus and Of Mice and Men in middle school.

>> No.1754494

lol yeah

I was assigned Night in 7th grade and that was definitely not too early.

>> No.1754499

Fucking The Bluest Eye! Such a terrible book! I had to read that shit in 10th

>> No.1754512

I can't really remember too well but at some point during highschool they made me read all of these plus a bunch of others

Jane Eyre
As I Lay Dying
The Stranger
The Scarlet Letter
There Are No Children Here
Twelfth Night
The Invisible Man
The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the Rye
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Streetcar named desire

There's a lot more here but I can't remember it

>> No.1754513

Grade 9:
Things Fall Apart (shit)
The Kite Runner ( had already read it, liked it a lot)
Night (had already read it, interesting, very good)
Like Water for Chocolate (from the few sections I actually read of it, it was absolute and utter shit but still got an A on the final exam/essay on it, fuckyeah.jpg)
Some other pointless book by some Mexican

Grade 10:
Tsotsi (lol Africa, but it wasn't bad)
All Quiet on the Western Front (historically very interesting, very well-written and enjoyable)
1984 (fuck yeah Orwell! Had already read it, loved it)
The Alchemist (wtf is this seventh grade bullshit)

I'm still in 10th grade. I thought we were moving in the right direction with books and then the fucking Alchemist. I've given up on assigned reading and will have enough books to rape the AP Lit next year anyway, so fuck year.

>> No.1754519

Wow, I'm so fucking jealous of all you people... >_>

Here's what I read in school:

Middle school;
The Outsiders
River Thunder
Diary of Anne Frank

Things I read on my own:
Harry Potter
His Dark Materials
The Giver & sequels
Redwall & many sequels
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings
The Belgariad + The Malloreon

9th grade:
Romeo and Juliet

10th grade:
Oedipus Rex
Death of a Salesman (which was optional because of religious people being offended by the swearing)

11th grade:
The Great Gatsby (3 months...)
Huck Finn (another 3 months...)
The Crucible

12th grade:
Midsummer Night's Dream

On my own in high school:
David Copperfield (my favorite of Dickens)
A Tale of Two Cities
Great Expectations
Oliver Twist
Lord of the Flies
Crime and Punishment
The Idiot
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Atlas Shrugged
Catcher in the Rye
Heart of Darkness
& many more I can't remember now

>> No.1754527

>>I'm still in 10th grade

it shows

>> No.1754539

I know. Haters gonna hate and all that.

>> No.1754584

summer reading: 1984 (senior year), second half of The Once and Future Kind, Animal Farm, Farenheit 451, The Catcher in the Rye, The Thin Man, Slaughterhouse-Five, Friday Night Lights. That's all I remember, but I know there are more.

Freshman Year: A Separate Peace, Lord of the Flies, Great Expectations, Julius Caesar.

Sophomore(American Literature): The Scarlet Letter, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, Go Down Moses.

Junior Year: Beloved, Slaughterhouse-Five (I realize that this was on the summer reading list. I had to read it twice), and for some reason I'm blanking on the others... Oh well. I took AP this year with the hopes of getting the teacher whose reading list I enjoyed, but instead he decided to teach the regular class that year and I got stuck with the hurr durr shit reading list teacher instead of getting to read One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, one of Hemingway's novels, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and two others.
Senior year I took Ap English as well as an irish lit course. I don't remember much of my required reading that year (aside from loads of Joyce) for two reasons: This was the year that two of my friends found amazing drug connections (cheap psychadelics. Every other category was available prior to senior year), so I have little remembrance of literature I didn't like that year, as well as my renewed interest in literature after the death of my father (Terminal illness, meant that for 1.5 years were filled with non-stop bickering between his half-intelligable speech and my mother's constant bitching. No silence=no reading). I read about 50 books in the two semesters, not combined with my required reading.

My high school was fairly pretentious.

>> No.1754602


Forgot to mention that we read a shitload of slave lit in American Literature, and that in Junior year each AP student had a subscription to the New Yorker, which we had to read.

>> No.1755049
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Finlandfag here.
The books we had to read for high school Finnish lessons:
Oh yes, none were compulsory. And we are supposed to have such an advanced education...

>> No.1755120

