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17538560 No.17538560 [Reply] [Original]

Any recs for logical, informative, clearly reasoned books like this?

I'm sick of reading schizo poster po-mo madlads from the 20th century

>> No.17538571

The Righteous Mind by J. Haidt
Black Rednecks and White Liberals by T. Sowell

>> No.17538743

Hate this man, fucking hate him, idk no why. I don't need to read him to know he's just some beta that's like "look on the bright side!"

>> No.17538758
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>4chan told me to hate this guy, I must hate him

>> No.17538833
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>> No.17538836

No they didn't. Stop making some weird straw man and trying not sum me up. Trump is a faggot and so is wojack posting

>> No.17538867

Tbh, is he even right? It just seems like, although violence may be generally is certainly going down, significant conflicts seem to be gravitating towards rarer, albeit far more intense explosions of violence.


WW1 - 20 mil deaths

WW2 - 75 mil deaths

WW3 - We all know a third world war will end in the eradication of 75% of humanity at least.

Maybe small scale, but regular wars are necessary as a pressure release valve, as well as positive eugenic effects.

>> No.17538887

You have to think of those numbers relative to population size at the given time. If you do that, WWII isn't even technically the most violent war in human history.

>> No.17538961

>oh noooo someone pointed out my misery is self-induced and not society's fault
>what a beta fag, holding people accountable for their own life

>> No.17538965

There won’t be a world war. There will be a civil war absolutely in the USA at least, Europe next, but less likely. After his pandemic the working class and lifeline has been pushed closer and closer to the edge. I’m frankly surprised it hasn’t happened already. Now I know that wasn’t your point, just had to say my piece. We3 if it happens will be nuclear...idk you may be right. A LOT of damage will be done. I don see that happening for a very long time though.

>> No.17538971

There won't be a WW3 because of WW2

>> No.17538977

A lot of misery is induced by our current economic system though, which Pinker worships.

>> No.17538979

>There will be a civil war absolutely in the USA at least, Europe next, but less likely
>This is someone actually believes

>> No.17538983

Jew take. Do you actually believe that? You can actually conceive in your little mind that nobody has the upper hand and if you weren’t born into wealth every single obstacle is stacked high as the heavens against you. Luck reigns supreme, above all.

>> No.17538987

>There will be a civil war absolutely in the USA at leas
I fucking hope. Please free us all from your retarded country already.

>> No.17538992

america is an irrelevant third world shithole

>> No.17538998


>> No.17538999
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>> No.17539017

*This is what someone actually believes

If you seriously think there will be a Civil War 2.0 you are an idiot. Reality is things will continue the way they have, and any change will be from legislative reform.

>> No.17539046

I hope so, all it takes Is a spark and a leader. Anything could happen. I don’t wish for a war but I sure as hell can’t count it out. People are finally getting pushed to uncomfortable levels and starting to see the huge unbalance of wealth and privilege.

>> No.17539192

no, it's not.
>someone else has it better than we, so I'd rather live in the past where everyone had it worse
Do you actually believe that? Do you think wealth and power inequality didn't exist in the past, too? You should be grateful that you can sit around collecting neetbux and shitposting here, because if you were born a few centuries ago, you'd be a slave.
>Luck reigns supreme, above all
Unlike in the past, when everything was equal

>> No.17539232

People are still slaves the exact same. It's just different time periods. Make no mistake, there are still peasants and kings. And I never once said I would ratherive in the last your straw man have bitch. Learn to have a discussion, you're making an absolute fool out of yourself.

>> No.17539242

Live in the past you straw man having bitch*. Excuse me, mobile is shit>>17539232

>> No.17539276

>People are still slaves the exact same
You're actually retarded. You can sit at home and collect welfare and do nothing all day if you want. No slave can do that. If you're a slave to your employer it's because you choose to be.
>there are still peasants and kings
Wow!!! really??? you mean some people have more and some have less?
>I never said I'd rather live in the past
But then what's your argument against Pinker? All he's saying is that life is better now for almost everyone than it was in the past. Seems like you're the one who needs to have a discussion.
>you're making an absolute fool out of yourself

>> No.17539281


>logical, clearly reasoned

Pinker is actually largely invalidated by any specialist in the respective topics he talks about at any given moment. There is even a kind of fun pattern which happens where any specialist first (a) thinks Pinker is a nice fellow with level headed ideas and good-intentioned, then (b) reads about Pinker's opinions on their on specialty and find it's all so wrong, then (c) ends up realizing Pinker is completely discredited in claims from other fields as well. As an actual example to this, some actual specialist trying hard not to call him dumb on his wrong views of AI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQE9KAbFhNY

>> No.17539287

>mobile is shit
No, you just can't type. Why am I not surprised that someone who blames all their problems on the world also blames their inability to type on their phone?

>> No.17539311

There's no reasoning with you. Pinker is your lord. I wish you the best.

>> No.17539321

I've literally never read anything by him. You literally don't have an argument.

>> No.17539328

You let a jew Canadian pop science psychologist influence how you see the world, good luck

>> No.17539333

Why does it matter that he's Jewish? Take your meds please.

>> No.17539346

Still waiting on an argument. Why would you rather live in the past?