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/lit/ - Literature

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17537949 No.17537949 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a few things straight
>literature will not get you laid
>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems
>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
>there is no literature about the random off-topic topic you want to make a thread about
>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time
>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages

>> No.17537961

I disagree with literally every single one of your points

>> No.17537966

>literature will not get you laid

>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems

>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
debatable, probably true for most anons here

>there is no literature about the random off-topic topic you want to make a thread about

>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time

>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages

>> No.17537999

All of these
also: your doubts won't ever go away.

>> No.17538014

The post that destroyed lit

>> No.17538016

You aren't welcome here nigger.

>> No.17538028

Based trips have spoken

>> No.17538047
File: 7 KB, 250x215, Default Pepe but with a fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. False, I am currently laying down as I type this
2. False, it probably does not help you since you get filtered.
3. False, I am fluent in about 2 languages and am fairly knowledgeable in a couple more.
4. False, there has been stuff written about anything.
5. True.
6. False, they have only lowered the standards in everything that they have dabbled in.

>> No.17538051
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>> No.17538117

Hello r*ddit

>> No.17538157
File: 338 KB, 719x891, IMG_20210207_214619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
I'm fluent in english although it's not my native language.
What now?

>> No.17538206

>literature will not get you laid
It might some day, you don't know

>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems
True, it won't magically cure any mental illness, but it can certainly help with personal problems. Multiple times, literature has helped me look more positively, or contributed to my feeling happier.

>you will never become fluent in another language, so just read the translation
Ce n'est pas vrai. Je ne parle pas couramment le français. Cependant, je peux lire en français.

>there is no literature about the random off-topic you want to make a thread about
They don't make those threads because they actually want books about it, they start them to start discussions (more often than not, arguments).

>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time.
We all know this, none of us sincerely say 'start with the greeks.' You must be a newfag. Though we also wouldn't advise going precisely backwards in time because that's equally retarded.

>women and people of color have made valuable contributions throughout the ages
I agree.

>> No.17538237
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>false, they have only lowered the standards in everything that they have dabbled in
you were saying?

>> No.17538249

I don't think I've ever seen a post lay out so many debatable statements and be correct about every single one.

>> No.17538278


>> No.17538396
File: 10 KB, 274x274, Angry Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was more Russian and Identified as a Russian instead of a Nigger.
>People still make the claim that he's a Person of colour.

Cope Tranny. You will never be a woman.

>> No.17538420

1. It's worked for me before but you shouldn't count on it
2. " "
3. Can't relate, I speak multiple languages. But I also read translations. You can't learn em all
4. Sometimes there is but I don't make those threads
5. Yeah probably. Good idea for people seriously interested in the field though
6. Yeah there is a lot of good stuff out there by women and people of color

>> No.17538439
File: 23 KB, 260x295, 51-d1CqEYcL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancestors were black
>retards on the internet insist you weren't really black because it would damage their view that blacks can't write great literature
who's really coping here?
Seethe and dilate

>> No.17538452

>>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages
What the fuck are "people of color"? Define people of color. Being born outside Europe != Le'Genius and Da-Queefa.

>> No.17538461

So you can only be up to 12.5% negro to be able to write a book? Interesting.

>> No.17538476

>What the fuck are "people of color"? Define people of color. Being born outside Europe != Le'Genius and Da-Queefa.
best post

>> No.17538516

It's just burgers seeding because the only language they know fluently equips them with the vocabulary necessary to order something from McDonald's

>> No.17538541

>False, they have only lowered the standards in everything that they have dabbled in.
>"Who is Agatha Christie?"
>"Who is Ayn Rand?"

>> No.17538583
File: 47 KB, 680x383, 1612910405264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valuable contributions
>Ayn Rand

>> No.17538597

ok, it's debatable with Ayn Rand, but you can't deny the massive amount of influence Agatha Christie had on the mystery genre

>> No.17538733
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utemeljeno i crvenopilulano

>> No.17538850

>Who is Agatha Christie?
Literally just a downgrade of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

>> No.17538861

Forgot to add:
>Who is Ayn Rand?
Did this fag really just say that Ayn Rand made valuable contributions?

>> No.17538877

>literature will not get you laid
It got me laid at least 30 times. More specifically, it got me into a relationship, which lead to me getting laid at least 30 times.

>> No.17538898
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>> No.17538952

>Let's get a few things straight—OP isn’t.

>> No.17538982


All of this is true, except for the last point which makes you a coward

>> No.17539083

>>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
must suck to be raised by monolingual parents who only have a highschool education

>> No.17539147


> a relationship
> 30 lay
Are we talking, like, you fuck 3 times during a night but count that as a single lay? Because otherwise I don't understand those numbers. Was it a long-distance relationship?

>> No.17539210

you really have to be a yankee and a tranny to think that pushkin of all people was a nigger

>> No.17539297

>literature will not get you laid
Mostly true yeah
>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems
Mostly true yeah
>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
Cringe monolingual anglo take
>there is no literature about the random off-topic topic you want to make a thread about
Not always true but yeah moslty true
>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time
Mostly true yeah
>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages
Pretty true

Pretty based ngl op

>> No.17539323

If we really want to split hairs here, blacks are not POC because black is the absence of color, meaning everyone else are POC, and whites would technically be the most POC as white is the amalgamation of all colors.

>> No.17539349

he was 1/8th black, it's a dumb example

>> No.17539359

True, false, false, true, false, true

>> No.17540271

Literature has gotten me laid multiple times because I'm attractive enough for girls to actually approach me when I'm reading in public and ask me about the book

>> No.17540453

1. Depends
2. Depends
3. False for non-brainlets with willpower
4. There almost always is
5. The Greeks are significantly easier than most (serious) modern philosophers
6. True

>> No.17540473

worst post i've ever read here, please do not devalue the smug tuxedo pepe image by associating his picture with inane garbage, even ironically

>> No.17540491

literally every point you made is wrong. congratulations dumb frogposter

>> No.17540806
File: 309 KB, 785x757, 2EEDF4E0-BC99-4050-BD92-F463990131D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get a few things straight
>SNEED will not get you laid
>SNEED will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal SNEEDS
>you will never become fluent in another SNEED so just read the SNEEDlation
>there is no SNEED about the random off-topic topic you want to make a SNEED about
>starting with the SNEEDs is a bad idea for SNEEDlets who have only experienced SNEEDya and SNEEDime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th SNEEDtury and work their way backwards in time
>WOMSNEED and SNEED of color have made valuable contributions to SNEED throughout the ages

>> No.17540815


>> No.17540832


>> No.17540838

Sure but in the US traditionally 1/8th black is considered black. Also, it's amusing that Pushkin's black ancestor is himself pretty badass (rose from slave to general) yet people never talk about him outside of the

>> No.17540867

We saw each other less than once a week on average, so it might as well have been long distance. The number 30 is not exact, might very well have been 50, but I didn't count, so I went for a conservative number. And yes I counted every night (even every week end) as a single time. Wasn't the fuckiest relationship but it was extremely interesting.

>> No.17541493

Someone please explain this meme to me

>> No.17541512

>We saw each other less than once a week on average
kind of stretching the meaning of the word "relationship" there, sounds more like a fuck buddy to me

>> No.17541566
File: 12 KB, 225x225, IMG_2257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had me until
>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages

>> No.17542350

Only relevant post

>> No.17542392

>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
If that's true, why is my english better than my spanish (native tongue) ?

>> No.17542407

All of these don't apply to me because I'm gay and i smash bussy every day and the femboys i fuck are impressed by my polyglot skills and my philosophical knowledge.

>> No.17542465

based faggot

>> No.17542468

Nobody denies women can churn out genre fiction, look at Harry Potter. That's still not a valuable contribution.

>> No.17542497

>literature will not get you laid
It depends, but generally true
>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems
Agree to some degree
>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
I don't know
>there is no literature about the random off-topic topic you want to make a thread about
False, there are so much books out there.
>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time
Debatable, a mixed approach is better.
>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages
Yes, so?

>> No.17542572

Only because you're constantly surrounded by it as all the media you consume and all the websites you visit are in English. Doesn't work that well with Hungarian

>> No.17542588

>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time

>> No.17542844

>it can most definitely help
>it most certainly can
>absolutely false
>these people should indeed start by reading more recent stuff, but after this introduction start with the ancients

>> No.17543157

>unironically thinking that the universe revolves around murica
Sometimes I see posts so retarded that they make me wonder if I'm on /lit/ or on /r/books

>> No.17543232

>literature will not get you laid
>literature will not help you with mental illness or any of your personal problems
>you will never become fluent in another language so just read the translation
>there is no literature about the random off-topic topic you want to make a thread about
>starting with the Greeks is a bad idea for brainlets who have only experienced vidya and anime for the last ten or so years of their lives, it is better for these people to start with the 20th century and work their way backwards in time
Immensely wrong.
>women and people of color have made valuable contributions to literature throughout the ages

>> No.17543414
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>> No.17543457

6. Yeah there were one of two niggers or women that wrote one or two good books. But considering the sheer amount of their ratio in population, they are almost negligible.
5. Somewhat true
4. No thanks to you
3. Brainlet
2. Filtered
1. Cope

>> No.17544206

>We all know this, none of us sincerely say 'start with the greeks.'
Is this actually true? I guess that explains why I see so many retards here. The best threads are always about ancient Greeks.

>> No.17545037

>"Who is Agatha Christie?"
>"Who is Ayn Rand?"