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17537306 No.17537306 [Reply] [Original]

I know /lit/ likes to joke around about reading brainlet tier shit (Marx, Islamic texts, etc.) but is Ted Kaczynski actually worth the read?

>> No.17537326

ted kaczynski writes really clearly so if anything you could read him just for the style alone
also im sure it's not the main reason but a huge reason why she gets shat on is because bunkercucks get angry he called them out for the feminine, uncool faggots they are

>> No.17537329

No but I admire his daily routine
>get up at 6AM
>eat and shit
>work out (run 5+ miles)
>read and write and read and write until lunchtime
>work out some more (calisthenics)
>read and write and read and write until dinner
>drift off to sleep to the sweet soothing sound of classical music from the local radio station and 10PM

>> No.17537334

>using a radio
Cringe. Not very anti-technology of him.

>> No.17537336


>> No.17537346

You can read Ted's work in like an hour.

>> No.17537351

>t. filtered by Kaczynski

>> No.17537365

>>drift off to sleep to the sweet soothing sound of classical music from the local radio station and 10PM
That’s pretty pozzed desu

>> No.17537854
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If you read his work and end up agreeing with what he says you're just gonna be depressed and frustrated about how helpless it all is desu so i might advise against it

>> No.17537910

>but a huge reason why he gets shat on is because

He treats technology as if it is animate, he argues against the leaves of the tree and not against the roots. The root of the problem is, the people above the people who have power, and their intentions to twist humanity into their hearts desire.

He also reshines light on the idea that medicine cures the symptoms of an illness but not the actual problem which is a useful statement.

>> No.17537958

isn't ted parting from the points forwarded by ellul jaques? it's kind of poignant to say "the problem is the people who have power" because they're really just cogs in a sort of deterministic machines that comes with all this technology stuff developing so yeah he treats technology as it is is animate because it is so, but anyway, i guess you won't understand least you read the technological society, which you won't since you're a trannoid

>> No.17537986

also btw i'm calling you a trannoid cause you might as well be one, you have this dumbass fantasy where if you had been stalin the soviet union would still be alive and everything would've been flowers and street orgies as if that wasn't how the soviet union was like at first

>> No.17537995

>The root of the problem is, the people above the people who have power, and their intentions to twist humanity into their hearts desire
I would disagree, if you change the people in power, the problem would be the same. The people in power are necessarily those that strive for it (to the highest degree) and these people will do anything for it, such as ignoring/exploiting the tech problem

>> No.17538009

Bro just read it, it's only 100 pages, that's a joke, how lazy can you be? Order the book now and just read it.


>> No.17538020

if tecnology is gonna advance, it will inevitably change society over time, no matter who is in charge. Humans simply did not evolve to live this way

>> No.17538052

>Order the book
Why pay for it? He's not getting the money for it

>> No.17538104

holy shit literally my routine except fuck cardio

>> No.17538129

It's really short so sure you'll probably spend as much time on this thread as you would reading it

>> No.17538162

So that at some point he has a bookshelf, which will remind him that he has read this and that and because it looks nice and smart. Because knowledge is ephemeral and over time you will limit yourself to what is really important to you and forget the old knowledge. This is called "transience". But it is still nice to look at on the bookshelf and available at any time if the Internet fails or you don't always want to sit in front of a mechanical device.

In addition, if he buys it, he has even more motivation to read it directly. It's only 100 pages, stop trying to excuse yourself and just read it.

You are not only making an investment for the sake of the author, you are investing in yourself.

>> No.17538184

Considering /pol/ schizos love Ted I'm not sure if Marx is the brainlet tier shit here.

>> No.17538209

bait thread

>> No.17538298

If you're going to buy anything get Technological Slavery. If you want to read the manifesto it's free on the internet

>> No.17538490
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>The root of the problem is, the people above the people who have power, and their intentions to twist humanity into their hearts desire.
Yes, we know you've read Foucault. It's too bad you think that midwit can offer a single satisfying counterpoint to Ted.

>> No.17538511

Rent free.

>> No.17538680
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>The root of the problem is, the people above the people who have power, and their intentions to twist humanity into their hearts desire.

Ted wrote that even if you remove those people, they will be replaced by others similar to them, because "the System"'s institutions select for those with similar attributes (high IQ, high verbal intelligence, type A personality, etc) to carry out its needs. From technological progress arises that "System" -- it is animate in the sense that it's a mechanism with emergent properties, an actual system. The advances made by the technophile will always be concluded with an incremental loss of personal freedom and privacy, regardless of the convinctions of those behind the technologies. He goes over this.
My advice: Invest in big data, information harvesting, and other dystopian technologies. The future of the West is China and our constitution won't get in the way.

>> No.17538997
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>So that at some point he has a bookshelf, which will remind him that he has read this and that and because it looks nice and smart. Because knowledge is ephemeral and over time you will limit yourself to what is really important to you and forget the old knowledge. This is called "transience". But it is still nice to look at on the bookshelf and available at any time if the Internet fails or you don't always want to sit in front of a mechanical device.

>> No.17539020
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>> No.17539447

>is Ted Kaczynski actually worth the read
For meme purposes at most.

>> No.17539496

Its because his followers are insecure fanatics. See: