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17530799 No.17530799 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most poetic way to tell the world that i'm gay?

>> No.17530820

be upset at racism, misogyny, or antisemitism on 4chan

>> No.17530841

) m
**g a y,

>> No.17530872
File: 204 KB, 1920x1079, 130412-beyonce-got-me-hoping-you-page-me-right-now-your-kiss-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write a 101 poem cycle of rondels about your coming of age in beautiful, expressive though refractive and fragmentary imagery.

>> No.17530887

In a suicide note. Poetry is in the act

>> No.17530954

—If so, then why'st thou licketh not the clit?
—To me, t'is merely bulb worth not to flick
Desires I bear not towards female kind
Though base my instincts I, a man of cult
Seek not a means fulfill that which demands
The nature born into a man, but to,
At risk most dire, both to my bod and stat
Within the bounds that chose both God and count'
Before the love of fellow man. To bear
Such silent indignation is to me
Contrary to my nature, which, as Man
of boundless passion cannot this accept.
For quiet kills that which dares to speak
and I, in infinite resign forfeit
The love of those who choose to not love me.

>> No.17530965

do you have something against DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGSS????

>> No.17530966

damn beautiful

>> No.17530997

with this haiku:

I came out as gay;
shit all over the place,
dicks get brown.

>> No.17531039

thanks, anon, I wrote it for you. I know you can be brave. And if you can't, I'll lend you my strength.

>> No.17531075

Never to say it but always to indicate it

>> No.17531146


>> No.17531155
File: 298 KB, 491x491, 1583091033271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17531174


>> No.17531192

why not

>> No.17531261

release a video of you sucking your own dick on social medias.

>> No.17531271

how would that be gay?

>> No.17531277

it's mostly poetic but also gay

>> No.17531286

Try this ancient Pompeii graffiti:
>Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men's behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!

>> No.17531306

no more gay than masturbating
>giving self a blowy is totally gay
>b-b-but handies aren't gay

>> No.17531320

>>giving self a blowy is totally gay
Who are you quoting

>> No.17531323


>> No.17531345

are you retarded? I'm paraphrasing >>17531261

>> No.17531366

Run onto the white house lawn with a broom up your ass and shoot yourself

>> No.17531370

I don't agree with this man's opinion on self blowjobs but his usage of greentext was correct.

>> No.17531403

“im gay”

>> No.17531463

post a pic of you sucking cock to your social media

then pm it to me for research purposes

>> No.17531487

Based, this

>> No.17531547

Make a video singing this song

>> No.17531552

Going into seclusion to practice harsh austerities until you’ve by spiritual self mastery have overcome the degeneracy, then go throughout the world preaching how you changed yourself and how other gays can also change themselves with hard work and effort.

>> No.17531560

The world doesn't care

>> No.17531824

Worst take you've ever had. Really emphasised the christcuck within you.

>> No.17532119
