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17530313 No.17530313 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I continue being a good empathic person if psychopathic, sociopathic and narcissistic behaviors are rewarded more by society and more specifically capitalism?

How come they are not punished except when they do something really obvious like murder, but even if they do they recieve thousands of fan letters in jail? Why was I born a person that genuinely cares about his friends, if that only makes me vulnerable to exploitative behavior? I've spent the last few weeks researching these people (mostly the succesful ones), it has me thinking, why should I not start being a sneaky backstabbing rat and then just brainwash everyone into thinking I'm a good person, operating a facade where to only goal is to extract as much power and control from other people as possible, while everyone praises and loves me for my sweet lies, and shuns the person who lives a way of honesty and tells them the unattractive truths. Sure some people will see through me, but normies can easily be brainwashed into thinking whatever I want them to think, I have seen it happen right before my eyes how the short attention span is ruthlessly exploited and how they are made to believe that the innocent person who was exploited before them is the bad person, and they just accept it and act on it, not even doing further research, so they are exploited and the cycle just repeats, when the narcissist has exploited an area fully, he just moves on to the next area where nobody knows him and repeats it, reaping more money, relationships, power, control, experience. On a larger financial scale I would even go as far as to say capitalism is basically psychopathy, #1 priority is making money, and you can do whatever you want as long as you aren't caught.

>> No.17530325


>> No.17530341

You're pretty right, but don't larp as a psychopath. That will only do you harm. Integrate your shadow instead.

>> No.17530360
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The first sentence is literally the tldr, are you telling me you are unable to take a few seconds to process 24 words on a board that is literally dedicated to reading books?

>> No.17530467

i once did an experiment and acted the way i would if everyone always assumed the best intentions of each other

don't do it, absolute disaster trainwreck DO NOT do

>> No.17530588

I don't think it's possible for you to transform into a sociopath. I think your efforts are better spent trying to make the world a place where sociopathy is less-rewarded.

>> No.17530603

because you are not charming enough (good looking, charismatic etc) to pull it off
accept your mediocrity
and kys, die even

>> No.17530613

Politicians are scum. Research entrepreneurs, they are actually good people and more relevant if you're talking about capitalism.

>> No.17530614

You shouldn't, but you will. You were not born to have psychopatic tendencies so you'll basically be LARPing as a chad. Renounce your dreams.

>> No.17530660

Because material gain will not fulfill you.

>> No.17530683

I'd argue that the whole narcissistic behavior being rewarded is true for non capitalistic society as well.

>> No.17530689

Because you would feel bad if you decided to act bad.

>> No.17530713

>tfw covert narcissist
You don't know how good you have it. I wish I was one of the annoying loud narcissists, at least those do stuff. All I can do is improve myself in silence because literally anything said to me hurts my ego, so I can't even socialize, or speak my opinion ever. Even on this fucking anonymous board it gets hard sometimes. All I can care about is my image and how other people see me.

>> No.17530852
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Yea, that's probably the fastest way to get shit on even by normies.
>I don't think it's possible for you to transform into a sociopath.
I feel relatively numb after everything I have seen and experienced, sure the part of my brain that does the empathy stuff won't just deactivate completely, but don't underestimate the effect of reward and punishment on it accumulating over the years, especially after the most recent stuff it seems like I lost a part of it that I will never recover.
>just transform the world dude
Right, how did I not realize this sooner, I should just bend the world to my will.
Nice bait, let me reply anyway
>Not charming enough
A lot of the charm is superficial though, which brings me back to the op.
>Dark Triads are more good looking meme
It's not that they are born better looking compared to normal people, it's just that the succesful ones put a lot of energy into looking good as part of the facade.
Can be learned on an empathic level, and then be enhanced by superficiality just like charm.
>thinks psychopaths are chads
Kind of proves the validity of my question, personally I think they are as far from a chad as can be, but if enough people percieve them as such in the end it doesn't matter what I think.
Yes exactly, narcissism more in the social realm though, psychopathy more in an isolated capitalistic enviroment, I would say.
True for the most part, but it's not like I can't rationalize my way into it.
Sure not every case ends up being succesful, but I would assume most narcissists are rather extraverted and socialise a lot, in order to draw fuel and assert control, obtain residual benefits etc. I know one that has a really nice, solid good boy facade and once you open the doors, he will steal and cause as much chaos as humanly possible, meant literally and metaphorically. The contrast of behavior is what I find really perverse, the dressing up like a nice schoolboy and talking in such an upright way, and then the sudden turn to the absolute disgusting behaviors. I would unironically feel a lot better about it if it wasn't for this facade. Normies love him though and always ask and complain about why he is not invited to the party or meeting.

>> No.17531982
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bumping for book recs on this topic

>> No.17532023
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>Why should I continue being a good empathic person
fucking retard lmao

>> No.17532043
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thanks for your contribution animefag

>> No.17532047

you'er welcome bro glad you liked it

>> No.17532081
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I didn't