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17529755 No.17529755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Nick Land facist/far right/racist?

Are his book good?

>> No.17529760


>> No.17529788

I dropped that fanged noumena that anons keep shilling when I saw it was a bunch of blog posts. I'm biased against blog posts.

>> No.17529812

Land’s not fascist except in the loosest sense of the word—in which case everything is fascist. He’s also not really far right, at least if by “right” you mean “conservative.” He is racist, but in a pretty benign anti-humanist sense.

>> No.17529822

thanks, I was confused

>> No.17529823

He's only published one shitty Book.
His good writing's on blogs.

>> No.17529849

>Is Nick Land facist/far right/racist?
I don't know.
>Are his book good?

>> No.17529856


>> No.17529858

No no, he has exactly one book worth reading. You were right.

>> No.17529880

He called himself a “hyper-racist” actually. I think what he meant by that he is, in fact, extremely racist. He also writes Lovecraftian fiction as a hobby so maybe that’s another tell.

>> No.17529888

Nick Land doesn't know that himself.... yet.

>> No.17529891

he is post politics just read the dark enlightenment and figure out if you want to read further into his thought

>> No.17529988

what did he mean when he said he is only interested in the emancipation of the means of production?

>> No.17529995

He is pro-capital.

>> No.17530002

He used to be a leftist, he became a schizo fascist/racist.
His stuff is still interesting to read, although I don't agree with his politics.

>> No.17530077

Used to be a leftire, shifted over time.

Honestly, I don't believe he sincerely believes in anything. He's just a madman.

>> No.17530081


is he post or trans humanist or neither or both

>> No.17530113

unironic question because i just recently got into nick land. is capital and capitalism the same thing. meaning when. >>17529995 says he's procapital, does that necessarily mean that he's also pro capitalism? or is he for capital, by whatever means, whether it be through capitalism or some other system

>> No.17530125

Post, and he doesn't believe there's any meaningful distinction between trans- and post- humanism.

>> No.17530142

Post, but the difference isn’t clear

He doesn’t think you can be against capitalism at this point. So pro capitalism, but not by choice.

Honestly, the key to Land is to not actually take all of his philosophy as literal but instead as partially a work of art. Nick Land has a virus and he sought to infect others with the virus.

>> No.17530166

He’s far right but not a fascist. Under fascism citizens are highly involved with the state’s affairs. Nick would like the opposite of this. He’d prefer a computer running government and there being no human involvement.

>> No.17530180

I find his writings, at the least, interesting but not essential.

>> No.17530206

>Post, but the difference isn’t clear
Transhumanism means "superior" human, Posthumanism means to discard humanity and become something else.

Land believes that Transhumanism will inevitably lead to Posthumanism without fail, because Trans/Posthumanism is a very contextually relative process. The "Posthuman" of today would be from the perspective of the "Transhuman", the Transhuman of tomorrow.

>> No.17530212

is that you nabokov?

>> No.17530240

Nabokov would not even give Land the time of day. He despises reading for purely didactic reasons as is, let alone the ramblings of some madman.

>> No.17530243

Says the dude reading 4chan threads

>> No.17530253

What's your point? I'm not Nabokov.

>> No.17530277

“You think you’re yourself, but there are other persons in you.”
t. Ambrose

>> No.17530291

Would I enjoy Noumena or parts of it in the same way that I enjoy wacky shit like The Atrocity Exhibition and Naked Lunch?

>> No.17530298

Yes, that’s the only way to get value from it

>> No.17530320

I like the first half of Fanged Noumena, his book about Bataille, and his xenosystems blog.

as for the racist/fascist whatever who cares. He thinks IQ is real and likes Republics or something, that anyone finds this beyond the pale politically is just a sign of how fucking gay and retarded our current culture is

>> No.17530332

>He thinks IQ is real
Low IQ cope.

>> No.17530408

>Nick Land
Isn't this guy some sort of technowhatsit tranhumanist futurist kind of fellow? Doesn't seem very reactionary.

>> No.17530529


can someone explain his racism further than the IQ thing? I'm not yet familiar with a lot of his views but he seems profoundly interesting. is his philosophy as a whole purely for whites and chinese people or is it more or less universally applicable?

>> No.17530546

Isn’t he a crackhead? (Like literally doesn’t he do crack?)

>> No.17530553

IQ is basically all there is to it, just that the averages are different for different populations, it really has very little to do with his philosophy, and being white or chinese has literally nothing to do with it.

>> No.17530568

110 IQ underachiever cope.

>> No.17530596

This is a surprisingly good informative thread. A few years ago if you walked into some of the accel threads people would tell you to just go read it yourself or that things didn't matter because they were far more interested in roleplaying the mystique of their hyperstition than answering informative questions about Land's beliefs. Thank you anons for being straightforwardly informative in this thread.

>> No.17530617

His travel guide

>> No.17530693

does fanged noumena and the thirst for annihilation already have the racism or did he become a racist sometime after fanged noumena?

>> No.17530741

lmao you guys are like church ladies. No there is no racism in those books.

>> No.17530749

It's only his later works which are really blatantly racist, where he discusses the IQ thing, as well as supporting eugenics, and believing in pseudoscientific shit like phrenology.

>> No.17530835

Since the thread is stuck on memes, here is what Land writes in the preface to Thirst for Annihilation, if you want know the general feel of that stuff:

There is one simple criterion of taste in philosophy: that one avoid the vulgarity of anthropomorphism. It is by failing here that
one comes to side with cages. The specifics follow straightforwardly:
1.Thoroughgoing dehumanization of nature, involving the uttermost impersonalism in the explanation of natural forces, and vigorously atheological cosmology. No residue of prayer. An
instinctive fastidiousness in respect to all the traces of human personality, and the treatment of such as the excrement of matter; as its most ignoble part, its gutter ...
2 Ruthless fatalism. No space for decisions, responsibilities, actions, intentions. Any appeal to notions of human freedom discredits a philosopher beyond amelioration.
3 Hence absence of all moralizing, even the crispest, most Aristotelian. The penchant for correction, let alone vengefulness, pins one in the shallows.
4 Contempt for common evaluations; one should even take care to avoid straying accidentally into the right. Even to be an enemy is too comforting; one must be an alien, a beast. Nothing is more
absurd than a philosopher seeking to be liked.

Libidinal materialism is the name for such a philosophy, although it is perhaps less a philosophy than an offence. Historically it is pessimistic, in the rich sense that transects the
writings of Nietzsche, Freud, and Bataille as well as those of Schopenhauer. Thematically it is 'psychoanalytical' (although it no longer believes in the psyche or in analysis) thermodynamicenergeticist (but no longer physicalistic or logico-mathematical), and perhaps a little morbid. Methodologically it is genealogical,
diagnostic, and enthusiastic for the accentuation of intensity that will carry it through insurrection into anegoic delirium. Stylistically it is aggressive, only a little sub-hyperbolic, and - above all -
massively irresponsible ..
Such thinking is less concerned with propositions than with punctures; hacking at the flood-gates that protect civilization from a deluge of impersonal energy. It could be described as writing against reservation, but any description is inevitably domesticating. It will never find its father, or its mother; it has no ultimate ancestor of any kind. For it did not begin with Nietzsche, or with the topico-pathological furore found in Schopenhauer, or with the unconscious of the Kantian text, but ever further back ... It has
been the menace that provoked even the most ancient philosophy - already Anaximander as Nietzsche suggests - to anticipate the
police. Another description might run like this: libidinal materialism is the textual return of that which is most intolerable to mankind.

>> No.17531116

Sounds interesting anon. How's Fanged Noumena by contrast?

>> No.17532545

yes, yes,yes,no

>> No.17532550

Literally the opposite, he's a turbo SJW in fanged noumena

>> No.17532655

land is a really bad writer and you only think he’s important because you’ve seen him in memes on 4chan or twitter

>> No.17533975


i think he's important because he echoes a lot of what i already thought about capital and ai anyway. uninterested in neoreaction and racism however, just as uninterested in sjw shit. my interest is in getting to the next stage in history

>> No.17533984

Indeed, both the neoreaction/racism and sjw shit is just clinging to a dead past Old world blues

Onwards to the future whether it be annhilation, utopia or something else entirely and I feel fine

"Face the future, take what is mine!"

>> No.17533986

Literally a science fiction writer

>> No.17534007


>> No.17534910

does he have a PhD? if so, does anyone have a pdf of his PhD thesis?

>> No.17534927

People think he’s important because he’s the only academic who deviated from the academic status quo in a way that was t nonsense. Well, okay. It is nonsense. But it’s nonsense presented in a manner that makes it feel as though maybe it’s not nonsense.

>> No.17534952
File: 160 KB, 710x473, futurist accelerationism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17534956

>does he have a PhD?
Don’t think so.

>> No.17534979

Land's """(((racism)))""" is just HBD, human biological diversity, a scientific truth that the new world order wants to keep out of civilian hands in order to encourage a homogenous coexistence between a global consumer population in late stage capitalism. Land is disgusted by this intellectually for it's dishonesty but also wants division not homogenization aka patchwork of soverign cuberpunk states

here is a black man who is one of the most famous hbd writer

>> No.17535068

lel, completely retarded

>> No.17535359

damn I guess I'll have to read this then. all of that fits with my cioran reading trip

>> No.17535862

The Dark Enlightenment is really good

>> No.17536103

What's with the Land spam all of a sudden.

>> No.17536111

What's with it disappearing for almost a month?

>> No.17536127

The most disturbing thing about this is that someone actually managed to convince themselves of such utter nonsense

>> No.17536310

It's one autist who's been spamming it for years

>> No.17536342

Land's fascism and racism stems from his anti-humanism, so in a sense but not in any meaningful way.

>> No.17536644
File: 281 KB, 1080x1318, Screenshot_20210213_203936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


according to wiki this is the title of his phd thesis. wasn't aware myself and would also be interested if anyone has a copy

>> No.17537601

Whoever said that Land wrote Lovecraftian fiction as a hobby was spot on, they just didn't realize it was his full time job. This reads like an excerpt from a cultists text the main character reads right before seeing a fish and going insane.

>> No.17537655

Land does write actual horror fiction though

>> No.17537661

he's more a weird monarchist/capitalist hybrid

>> No.17538799

>This reads like an excerpt from a cultists text the main character reads right before seeing a fish and going insane.

It makes perfect sense to me

>> No.17539775

no idea, but he's my mutual on twitter and I like his banter.

>> No.17539861

>Is Nick Land facist/far right/racist?
>Are his book good?
There’s only one book by Nick Land that anyone has read

>> No.17539987
File: 276 KB, 750x765, 93CDA6A5-7C2C-4247-A1A7-EFB0995BA738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was eternally btfo by Kantbot.

>> No.17540074
File: 38 KB, 720x540, 1612833542646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The general thesis of land's idea of Capital offers a lot to work with. You can run with almost every chapter in Fanged Noumena and spin something of value. The prohibition of incest being a good example.

But in no way is he a fascists- I would reckon Nick would reckon fascism as a fundamentally "humanistic" and anti-acceleration in a world that would soon find them useless. Alongside his NRX background, any populistic or Caesarean style of politics would be deemed rather heretical, but I'm not too sure how deep he goes into neo-reaction.

>> No.17540084

I'm not super familiar with him but from what I've heard about him he almost reminds me of Hoppe but more esoteric. Can anyone compare the two?

>> No.17540091
File: 31 KB, 640x640, 1602076888933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>durrrrr fascism is when you big meanie meanie killy kily

>> No.17540093


>> No.17540243


>> No.17540266

either purposefully reductive or ignorant

>> No.17541407

i have a copy. email me ehys624@gmail.com if u want it

>> No.17541421

Holy fuck accfag.

>> No.17541706

He looks like a faggot

>> No.17541801

Nick Land is de facto culturally/aesthetically far right, those are the people who will agree with his average everyday takes on specific topics if you look at his twitter. His philosophy though is morally nihilistic; in the most formal sense it is anti-right because he is in favor of allowing the anti-human process of technological development and its consequences to unfold, but it is not like he doesn't see it as morally abominable. He sympathizes with the right-wing impulse, but as a philosopher takes the side of monstrosity if it is inescapable. If you are a lefty, you will not like his work. If you are an optimist of any kind, you will not like his work.

A lot of his writing like fanged noumena is just a bunch of schizobabble that isn't worth reading. But there's some good stuff out there in his blogs. If you are interested in his relationship with the right wing, read The Dark Enlightenment first

>> No.17542195

Hyper-racism actually means that as technological advancement increases the races will self isolate more and more. He is pretty racist though.

>> No.17542210

In Fanged Noumena he starts as an sjw but becomes farther right overtime.

>> No.17542230

Look up cosmotechnics threads on warosu. It's the best acc introduction on the internet. Pretty sure the threads died because the main people either, were institutionalized, died or obtained a PhD (which all pretty much is the same thing)

>> No.17542726

this is gay nonsense that I can't make sense of. it's why I don't read philosophy, it doesn't mean anything

>> No.17542926

You can stop now accfag.

>> No.17543009

nice bump retard

>> No.17543044

the Shanghai world expo guide us unironically pretty good