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File: 7 KB, 178x250, B7176538-B8C1-4D6E-8364-3F0E164FD20D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17528339 No.17528339 [Reply] [Original]

Explain the trinity.
Pro-tip: you can’t.

>> No.17528346
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need to know about islam.

>> No.17528351

Okay, it's the father, the son, Jackie Chan
dammit! again

>> No.17528354
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17528443
File: 57 KB, 1000x915, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17528522
File: 165 KB, 1920x1080, sunmo0201hollywilliams339103640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images with faces is haram unless they're reflections/photographs. Don't post them unless it's part of a demonstration of their wrongness. The kufi is a Sunnah, it's the cap the turban is wrapped around, our beloved Prophet ﷺ often wore it on its own, it's not something that should be made into a joke or sport.

Christians can't explain the Trinity, Muhammad ﷺ already debated them on this and when it was revealed from Allah that both sides should ask for the curse of Allah to descend upon the liars and their families,the Christians refused. Christians are polytheists and debating them is like debating Shia, it's completely pointless.

You can see here they just make anything up that suits them

Call them to Islam with wisdom and beautiful speech, kindness and compassion. Those who wage war on us and insult our religion, treat as the agents of satan. Would you argue with Satan? Would you argue with Abu Jahl? No, it's pointless

>> No.17528664

What was made up from those pics

>> No.17528683

This man has already had his pics responded to several times in depth and refuses to reply, I will dig up the links if you want

>> No.17528699

>Images with faces is haram unless they're reflections/photographs.
What a deeply retarded religion.

>> No.17528710

Yeah okay

>> No.17528723


A muslim ought to do what Allah commands not because it makes him happy but because it is Allah's commands.

>> No.17528765

But what if the images are generated by pixels immiting from a computer scene acvording to an algorythm that analyzes 1s and 0s and produces something recognizable to humans.
How is a digital photo different from a digital drawing? Is a photo of a statue haram? Is rotoscoping haram?

>> No.17528771

Westerners hadn't invented photography by VIIth century, so nothing in the Qura or Hadith say anything about photography. You're making up things to cope with the technology invented in the West, as if forbidding images of living wasn't stupid enough.
If you were coherent you would forbid photography of living beings too, it's literally an image of them.

>> No.17528798


You're thinking more like a Jew than a Muslim.

Some scholars do. Most however classified it as the same as a reflection. Heavily photoshopped photos are considered haram

>> No.17528829

>You're thinking like a Jew

that does absolutely nothing to answer my question. are the 1s and 0s haram while they are on your phone or do they become haram when you run the algorithm that turns them into shapes recognizable to the human mind?

>> No.17528862

>hurr durr trinnidty three guys but is one???!!???

Fuck off you braindead losers.

>> No.17528887


>> No.17528892

You shouldn't enter a bathroom with a Qu'ran but if the Qu'ran is saved on your Phone it's okay? You don't even have to close the Qu'ran app as long as you lock the screen it's enough. It's readible caligraphy so what gives?

>> No.17528894

There is nothing haram about 1's and 0's

>> No.17528900

It's likened to having the Qur'an in your memory

>> No.17528902

The "in depth" replies themsleves were in no way in depth and were easily dismissed. That's why you've stopped posting them.

>> No.17528917

So shouldn't a drawing in your phone be likened to a drawing that you imagine? Is it haram to imagine living beings?
So the pictures are fine than, glad we agree.

>> No.17528950
File: 115 KB, 680x623, 1a3e6d9bc40f2d0ca4313cf7ecd3c81a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw I don't really care about PePe, I just watch anime so I have to justify to myself that anime is halal.

When does a drawing of a human sops being a drawing of a human? Are Ascii characters put in an order so that they evoque the appearance of Ayanami Rei haram?

>> No.17528951

This suggests there is qiyas between the Qur'an and images, which is a very difficult case to make

There is nothing haram about paint itself either.

>> No.17528958

>have to justify to myself that anime is halal.
That's not how Islam works

>> No.17528999
File: 21 KB, 686x515, 6kpno6925lu31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to consult a scholar, I know. But hear me out "Istihssan'' is one of the ways of fiqh. Scholars know that muslims and muslim children watch cartoons, they've started campaigns against pokemon not because it's a cartoon but because it depicted magic or whatever.
One could argue that Scholars have certified cartoons as halal through way of istihssan.

>> No.17529006

It's animu or islam anon. You have to chose.

>> No.17529045
File: 195 KB, 321x1024, Rei-Ayanami-321x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are 1s and 0s encoding ascii characters that when decoded through a specific algorithm and placed in order form what seems to resemble a human girl Is this haram?
Rei is also technically not alive since she doesn't have a soul.

>> No.17529080
File: 124 KB, 766x1200, JNmLcYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: "Marriage with cartoons in the afterlife"
Question: "My youngest child is 12 years old and he asked me an incredibly strange question, and I was not able to answer him, and I hope you could assist me in replying to this question and is this question incorrect or no? and what can I do in such cases?
He told me "Can I marry cartoons in Jannah [paradise] or not?"
Answer: "Praise be to Allah, and may peace and prayers be upon the messenger of Allah and his kin and companions, and as for what follows, :
We have clarified in Fatwa #216193 and what followed it is that a person can get whatever he may wish in Jannah.
And wishing for what is imaginary, Allah may fulfill it, like clouds that rain beautiful maids, and like it marriage with cartoons, Allah may breath life into it.
And what is required is that a slave must ask his lord for paradise, and not go deep into details, for if he/she enters it he/she would get whatever he/she may desire, and check Fatwa #35124.
And you should guide your son to what is higher than that in the grace of Jannah, like marriage to the Hour Al Ayn, which is better than what he wishes to marry from cartoons, and to alert him that that is accomplished with good deeds.
I am getting my waifu anon and you can't stop me!

>> No.17529299


>> No.17529367

You can't make haram halal through that, that's what rabbis did which the Quran says is kufr

>> No.17529394

Are you saying Istihssan isn't a valid source for Shariah law?