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/lit/ - Literature

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17525107 No.17525107 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

previous thread:>>17514840

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17525125

Give me some short story writing prompts for Burgerpunk. I’d like to write a bit after my client meeting today.

>> No.17525139

Dialogue prompt or concept prompt?

>> No.17525154

I wrote a poem today, it's called Alfred B. Gone.

Interrupting his gravity getaway,
came the implications of the coming
concrete to be adorned.
As good a place as any,
A method as sound as any, for the goal of self slay.
There was, of course, the locomotive lunge,
if not for the embarrassment of traffic delay.

A delay, a delay would be good
to squeeze a final thought,
and sip the final mutter of his emaciated udder
to find a few words to scrive,
before they scrape, this dough boy off-plate —
> The problem with suicide
> is you’re always too late!

>> No.17525158

Either. Any. High concept. Low concept. Burger realism. Magical burger realism. Cybergerpunk. Character. Place. Plot. Action. There’s not really a whole lot of continuity.

>> No.17525169

An African-American male with no education finds himself at an Orson Welles film festival.

>> No.17525183

dayum nigga who dis hoe she cute, you make dem movies n shiet? I love da avengers, you must make hella bands wit dis shit!

>> No.17525239

"Sales, sales, god damn it! I don't care about their McShit Double King or whatever it's called, just get us more sales than them! I don't care how!"
"Sales you want, huh? I'll get you sales."

>> No.17525282

hey /wg/ i wrote a valentine's poem in an hour after i woke up one morning. i know absolutely nothing about poetry. do you poets want to look at it for an ego boost and shits and giggles?

what is burgerpunk?

>> No.17525324

made one with no anime girl

>> No.17525331

Stop spamming the board

>> No.17525417

better luck next time

>> No.17525460
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Written at a comic book's pace, or better yet, a Saturday morning cartoon show. No, this is not fanfiction.

>> No.17525495

srry anon but the anime girl pops out and makes me click it on the catalogue

>> No.17525641

Seriously, I think there's no choice but to split at this point. Those who want to develop as writers and are looking for serious feedback should have an appropriately themed thread, and those who just want to shill their unedited anime fantasy serials should be contained here. Just reflect the topic appropriately in the OP.

>> No.17525660

There's no need to split, everyone can try to grow as writers in their own way, and if you fags want to have dumb arguments about canon vs anime this is the place you can let out that steam

>> No.17525763


>> No.17525789

Imagine caring so little about your writing you would rather expend your energies on complaining about the OP image

>> No.17525829

Just gotta be faster than whatever NEET loser is waiting to make their softcore-porn anime OP.
Not really a fan of real life people as the OPs either, since I'm sure some people will consistently spam super conservative or leftist authors to try and subtly make political points.
It should just be pictures of generic books or writing pages I feel.
>Imagine having a folder of one anime character you desperately want to force as the writing thread mascot, and sweatily waiting till page 8 with post cap.

I did my 2k words a day already, if anyone here hasn't then what are you doing here?

Burgerpunk to me seems like American dystopia.

>> No.17525848

See you're putting all your energy into this fight that nobody cares about. You'll never have a positive effect on anyone with your attitude.

>> No.17525933

With that attitude? More like solitude. Literally nobody cares about whether the op picture is anime or not.

>> No.17525954

The guy who waifufags on these threads will probably get bored or distracted at some point, it's not that big of a deal.

>> No.17525993

I've read a large number of Asimov novels for the first time and got absolutely hooked. Now my short story character is starting to sound like one of his. The semi-old timey diction fits his personality but is that really acceptable in 2021? It sound something like this:

>"Surely! You *must* be aware that there is something wrong here, of course, in the that of both my diction and the structure of this very sentence. This dialect is outdated, yet it holds some irresistible charm that draws me to it, even at the cost of my own sanity."

>> No.17526067

Keep it.

>> No.17526073

Change it.

>> No.17526086

Keep the change

>> No.17526089

But keep it.

>> No.17526103

But change it.

>> No.17526135

yes sir

>> No.17526198

Keep changes, but change the keep. Hmm?

>> No.17526229
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I am an English tutor working at a community college. Please ask me questions about the absolute state of college writers, and other things.

>> No.17526237

How poor is the grammar these days? Do they get their idioms mixed up? Is there any meme speak?

>> No.17526246
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Has anyone tried flirting with you through their writing?

>> No.17526297

how often do people mention rick and morty
i ask since in my philosophy class I literally had the TA mention rick and morty constantly

>> No.17526334

>How poor is the grammar these days?
I am lucky to encounter one paper with no grammar mistakes a semester.
>Do they get their idioms mixed up?
>Is there any meme speak?
No. I would actually welcome that, since it'd show they have a good enough command of language to insert humor.

No. Our services have moved online.

I had one paper feature Rick and Morty, and it wasn't well-written.

>> No.17526351

another question, do you wish you did something else as a career?

>> No.17526367
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Will you be my tutor in English and in love?

>> No.17526402

how many of them actually want to be there? and how many of THOSE are gonna make it?

>> No.17526477

I'm actually still a student there too and haven't even gotten my A.A. yet. Work-study.
>how many of them actually want to be there?
Basically no one actually wants to be taking English 1, which is what the bulk of our papers we receive are concerned with. A lot of the submissions are mandated by the professors, so I get to see a wide range of different skill levels and not just those who desperately need help. And almost none of them are really at the level they should be at.
>and how many of THOSE are gonna make it?
Less than a third of the college's students graduate.

>> No.17526489

>Less than a third of the college's students graduate.
the absolute state

>> No.17526531

What is burgerpunk?

>> No.17526805

Getting to the climax of my novel's final chapter. Going to continue it with a sequel at this point because I still have so much to add, but I'm over 90,000 words now. Also on the penultimate editing cycle before getting it ready to send to an editor.

Here's an except.:

Two days had passed since returning home. And it was as if they had never left the car on that rainy afternoon. Trent and his father drifted through the reticent chambers of the house, stricken with grief. Not a word was spoken between them as any sound would fill the now empty places and make them all the more obvious to what was suddenly missing. So, quiet became the unspoken rule, if only to save them from a reminder that was all too fresh in their minds.
It was late in the evening as Trent sat alone in his room. The radio was turned off, the lights were off, and the curtains were drawn. He lingered on the edge of his bed, staring down where his hands lay. His fingers curled together like figures catching a shared embrace, but in truth only catching tears. The past two days seemed like an eternity, but had one asked the boy or his father, neither would have realized how long it had already been. There were no chores to do, no places to be, no want or desire calling to them from within the house’s walls. Only the occasional sound of muffled pangs pierced their solitude. Trent, at last growing tired of his lonesome, stood from his bed.
He wandered out of his room and down the hall to the last door on the left. His footsteps were careful to maintain the rule of silence as he heard the soft whimpering of his father. Spying through the door ajar, he could see the man kneeling next to her side of the bed. His hands stroked the pillow there, smooth circles and caresses with the man’s blunt fingers. It was a softness scarcely known to him; a prayer to the smell and impression that still rested there. Then he leaned down into the fabric, leaving little kisses into the embroidered roses, the pink of his lips meeting the pink of their threaded petals. Those lips were whispering to the flowers. As he nuzzled them with the softest part of himself, he declared unspoken secrets to the pillow lace. They were secrets Trent would never know, but always understand.

Hope everyone else's writings are going well. Keep at it.

>> No.17526846

Embrace it.
How many power fantasies do you see and what are they like?

>> No.17526917

>How many power fantasies do you see and what are they like?
None. We don't get creative writing submissions, besides the "narrative essay" that some English 1 professors assign, which is usually an anecdote about going to grandma's house.

One time I got a narrative essay describing horrific sexual abuse that happened to the student. I was shook by it, and I am normally unfazed by anything that's posted to this site.

>> No.17527040

American hipster trash

>> No.17527172

You all suck and so does anime. The artist is fucking horrible too, as a sidenote.

>> No.17527238


>> No.17527345

I love writing sometimes if the feeling hits me, like a feeling of inspiration. But writing as a job is almost impossible. Im a writer/author person who tries his hardest to wow the reader, even though the longest piece i made was 50k words within a month sometimes speed typing 10k a day and taking a break for near a week, but thats besides the point.

>> No.17527643

I like to write poetry, I have a blog where I posted over nine thousand poems.
But I'm not sure if I'm good at it though.

>> No.17528035

I meant to reply to this anon in the other thread, but didn't get the chance to.
I liked the first three lines of the poem but the last one sounded a bit generic.
Certain sentences/phrases you use also sound awkward,
>seemed to me then to be immortal as they had been through so much and were still yet wearable
The idea is cool but the phrasing is strange. I might try something like,
>Like him, my father's clothes had been through so much.
That's not perfect, but I think if you try and simplify some of your sentences it'll go a long way.
You also have a few capitalization errors you'll want to watch out for.
Keep at it anon, sounds like an neat story!

>> No.17528079
File: 613 KB, 1200x1590, c4afdd89324697.5df11d0a07d06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to continue it since i last posted it i'm having a hard time figuring out the next lines but here's the epic i'm working on

>> No.17528124

sorry meant to post this

>> No.17528137

I think it's good anon! Though, I do have some suggestions,
>His fingers curled together like figures catching a shared embrace, but in truth only catching tears
would sound better without the, "in truth only catching tears," part.
I also think there are a lot of sentences would sound better if you, "trimmed the fat," from them.
>They were secrets Trent would never know, but always understand
For instance, I think this would sound better as just, "Secrets Trent would never know, but always understand."
>a prayer to the smell and impression that still rested there
Again, this sentence would sound a lot better if you just took out the "there" at the end.
Hope this helps anon. Good luck with your editing!

>> No.17528175 [DELETED] 

How do you stop trying so hard with every paragraph rather than just writing out a story? One thing I've noticed is how casually written so many novels are, how do I get to that point instead of trying to impress with each line?

>> No.17528199
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gonna shill this

>> No.17528222

Very much appreciated! And yeah, I'll be going through it with a fine tooth comb to cut the extra words.

>> No.17528349

lit agents are prissy cunts that take more money then what your shit could be worth, unless your rich and have another harry potter type trilogy on your hands you're good as toast. I rather take my chances with amazon and pay them royalties then go with a lit agent.

>> No.17528394

The only time I truly feel free and in control of my world is when I am writing. Sometimes I wonder if that makes me a sad case or if it means I'm authentic. Probably both.
So as to not make this a blog post, I'll ask: what gives you the compulsion to write? What makes you do it in spite of a culture that disdains the written word?

>> No.17528404

my wife teaches at a top 20 university and all of her students are barely literate too lel

>> No.17528535

I've always wondered what kind of work MIT creative writing majors are workshopping.

>> No.17528548

I do it for similar reasons. It is an escapism. Bob Ross would say things about painting like "This is your world, you can put that tree anywhere you like, there's no wrong answers." I like that feeling of being able to tell my story the way I want.

>> No.17528755
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Yet again I have received the best grade in the class on a writing assignment. This continues a winning streak that has been ongoing since the semester before this.

I do not feel like I should be the best in my class. It leaves me in despair that there is no one better than my mediocrity. I have never felt like a genius at any point in my life.

I was somewhat hoping for someone to outclass me with this assignment. It was for a literature course. Going by the discussion post submissions, the class has better writers in it than usual, and this paper definitely wasn't my best work. But I was still the best. I don't want to be the best, because if the peak is me, the peak is low.

>> No.17528761

Do you have an example?
Is there britpunk?

>> No.17528770

Don't agents usually take 15%?

>> No.17528825

Is there a reason why it may take an author 15 years to get published, but once they get published, they can do it over and over and over again? is it all psychological?

>> No.17528918

Mainly that editors, agents, and publishers are scared off less when they know you're not a total fuckup.

>> No.17529025

I'm not so sure I view it as escapism, because inside escapism there is no truth. I've always felt my truth is buried somewhere behind the words I write. Escapism is consumption, tv, games, internet, drugs. Anything that has you doing something, making as product, is to go looking for your demon rather than to run away from it.

>> No.17529055

It's a sign of legitimacy. Same reason it's hell to get your first job out of college but afterwards it gets easier.

>> No.17529098
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.6th draft 8th chpter, thoughts?

>> No.17529133

What is this even? Title / synopsis?

>> No.17529197
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I don't deal in synopsis's usually so I don't have a preset answer 4 this, it's a cityscape of stories.

>> No.17529226

If these are stories, then they seem to be lacking a cohesive narrative as, without any context, it just comes across as rambling.

>> No.17529228

a fast food worker gets off an overnight shift at dawn, walks to a bus stop and smokes weed out of a red bull can that he turned into a pipe while waiting for the bus

>> No.17529238

>what is burgerpunk?
I don't even know what it is and I know what it is

>> No.17529243

these are small fragments of chapters becaus the connecting paragraphs are too cloudy right now to screenshot, i'd be rlly surprised if they came off as non rambling right now

>> No.17529246

cut the one of the "sometimes", never use "...", and change invention to advent. and never use ' '. also just say that philosophy is strategy, not game strategy. in many cases, less is more. you dont want your reader to burn more calories in his brain than what is necessary, it will just make him tired. but anon your writing reads like a lecture. if it isnt a book about some specific topic/information, you need to make it fun. what you posted just feels like someone trying to shove a big red pill down my throat.

>> No.17529254

I bet citizen Kane is a very popular film among a select segment of the African-American population

>> No.17529264

if you give that much of a fuck about the pic in the OP you're not gonna make it

>> No.17529277

>Burgerpunk to me seems like American dystopia.

>> No.17529305

this makes a lot of sense I respect this, I'm using the advent replacement. On a chapter basis I am hyperaware of the rhythm between rambling psychosis and actual narrative I am giving both ample breathing room...a lot of the pacing revolves around sparing use of the 'lecture' prose, it's just hard to convey that in isolated thread snippets heh I'll try get a full piece up at some point

>> No.17529310

Is Ready Player One an unintentional burgerpunk novel?

>> No.17529341

not gonna make it

>> No.17529354

anyone who paid money for that book belongs in a camp

>> No.17529357

I believe it's more Burgerpunk mythology rather than Burgerpunk realism, if at all. The same way that Avengers could be placed in that category.

>> No.17529371

Could vaporwave aesthetic be considered pseudo-burgerpunk?

>> No.17529631

What do you lads think about standing up while writing?

>> No.17529645

Always wanted to try it, but my table is too short sadly.

>> No.17529708

probably a good idea. Gets the blood flowing. Kind of inconvenient though.

>> No.17529901


>> No.17530020

>Any progress on your novels?
Not for the past two days, but I'm going to try picking it up again after dinner.

I just can't decide if I want to lead with the character description or if I want to try hinting at it first, give a bit of back and forth between her and the MC, and then give a proper description. I'm just worried that if lead with hints, then that's just going to lead to disappointment when the reality isn't what they pictured.

>> No.17530035

Over-consumption leaves you feeling empty, but I think consumption itself an essential part of the creative process and can create venues for self exploration and introspection. It's like the food of creativity. Eat too much and you'll become an overweight sloth, but a healthy amount of nutritious consumption will provide fuel for inspiration and further exploration

>> No.17530195

College students are mostly illiterate, don't sweat it

>> No.17530229

But doctor - I am Pagliacci!

Imposter syndrome is very real. Do you go to a garbage community college, an ivy league school, or somewhere in between? Is your college known for its creative lit? Have you tried to get published and been denied?

>> No.17530265

i wish i had that problem

>> No.17530570

What are /wg/'s thoughts on starting a book with dialogue? Can it be done well?

>> No.17530583

I mean, sure why not. I'm sure it has already

>> No.17531188
File: 56 KB, 500x800, ErasedCover500x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Released Chapter 5, reworked my blurb, because you guys were 100% right it was awful. Hopefully this one better hits the mark, tells people what the story is about without actually spoiling anything. Next chapter tomorrow at some point.

>> No.17531401

I started mine with dialogue but I don't know if it was done well. I don't really think much of it when reading though.

>> No.17531456

Don't worry, you're definitely not a genius just because you have the best grades in your class.

>> No.17531530

Cut your legs. Pfff, obvious

>> No.17531541
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>Started creative writing again after a few years hiatus in October 2020
>Finished a novel with 4 edits and ~70k words
>Finished another novel with 2 edits at ~80k words
>Currently working on a series of novels, at around 85k words in and still not even 1/3 finished
>Can't get anyone to read my work
>Feel like my writing is shit

Might have to just bite the bullet and hire an editor, for their opinions and potential revisions.

Fuck these feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.17531571

I have a standing desk, but I mostly write on my bed or comfy chair with a laptop. Just getting up to walk a bit every hour gets rid of most problems from sitting down too long.

>> No.17531595

/wg/, I need to get back to writing tonight but I just don't have the energy anymore. I don't think I can do it

>> No.17531796

If you don't think you can do it, you're right.
If you think you can do it, you're right.

>> No.17531802

based buddha

>> No.17531807

What about if I think I can do it and I want to do it, but I'm not doing it?

>> No.17531813

Then you're a faggot. Start writing.

>> No.17531831

>Prose is just shit, but I'm going through my shit story idea at a good clip and hit five thousand words.
This is an odd feeling.

>> No.17531881

Even writing a terrible novel puts you ahead of 90 percent of the world's population. Finish it first, worry about quality after. You can always work on a second draft, but you can't fix something that doesn't exist.

>> No.17531951

but writing is so much more difficult thank thinking about writing

>> No.17531966

I've written 7769 words. I've hit my peak. Go on without me, lads.

>> No.17531993

you don't have my permission to quit

>> No.17532050

Go ahead and take a break for now. Don't sweat it. You can always come back tomorrow.

>> No.17532295
File: 187 KB, 814x970, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would win, all the lazy """"writer"""" faggots of /wg/ or one shy literary girl?

Ever since 17-year-old Grace E. Kuhn was a child, she has enjoyed reading mystery novels. “To me, trying to solve the crime as the story unfolds always fascinated me. I love the suspense and plot twists that mystery and thrillers bring,” she said. Now readers can try to solve the mystery in her first book, “Knox Hollow — Murder on Mayflower,” self-published in December.

Grace has always enjoyed writing, getting ideas for stories and writing a little, but she left most of what she wrote unfinished as she moved on to new ideas.

“I never thought that I could take my hobby anywhere,” she said.

Grace remembers the day she had the idea for the Knox Hollow book: It was July 2019, and she had spent a lot of the afternoon working on summer science fair homework. She was frustrated with it and decided to stop for the day. She headed outside with her computer and began writing to de-stress.

“I randomly got an idea for a typical suburban neighborhood that had a lot more going on underneath the surface than most realized,” she recalled. “It was based upon the idea that ‘everyone has something to hide.’ I started writing and wrote a few disconnected paragraphs throughout the rest of the summer.”

When fall arrived and her schedule became busy with school and cross country, she forgot about the idea until March when she stumbled upon her draft when she was going through old documents on her computer. Though she had thought that this idea would just be another one that she began and never finished, when she began writing again last March as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, something about this idea for a murder mystery stuck with her.

“I finished what would become the first chapter and had my mom read it. She was hooked from the start and told me I had to write more,” Grace recalled. “About a week later, our state went into lockdown as the pandemic hit the United States. I had so much time on my hands. I couldn’t go to school or see my friends and family. There was nothing to do. I started writing to pass the time and take my mind off of everything going on.”

The more she wrote, the more this book became a part of her. During those first months of quarantine, she wrote whenever she could. “It became my absolute favorite thing to do. Without the pandemic, I never would have had the time or the drive to finish this book,” she said. “The pandemic not only gave me the time to write, but it made me even more passionate about writing.”

While she had no control over anything that was going on in the world, she did have control over how she carried herself and what she chose to do with her time.

“Writing passed the time, giving me something to do during all the long days over quarantine,” she said. “Just having something to work on and be excited about, helped me keep a positive mindset.”

>> No.17532303

Grace, daughter of Jennifer and Aaron J. Kuhn, is a junior at Westfield High School where she runs cross country and is a member of the Best Buddies Club.

She was the 2020 recipient of the Martha Sienkiewicz Teen Ink Award at Westfield High School.

“I’m a pretty shy person, so I’ve always been a little nervous about people reading what I wrote,” she said. “Winning that award was such an incredible feeling and showed me that I should believe in myself and my abilities. Winning made me more confident in my writing and sharing it with other people.”

A frequent babysitter, Grace works at Roots Gymnastics teaching young children, and during the summer she is a summer counselor there. Writing is one of her favorite hobbies; she also likes to run, read and play the piano.

She wants to be a speech pathologist working with young children in a school or hospital setting, and she wants to keep writing.

Already she has written about 130 pages of her next book, another mystery novel, that is centered around a new group of characters in a new Massachusetts town. “I have an idea for a sequel to Knox Hollow and definitely have plans to continue it as a series,” she said.

“Knox Hollow — Murder on Mayflower” has 382 pages. The paperback retails for $22.99 and can be purchased through the Harvard Bookstore or on Amazon.

Grace provided this synopsis: Secrets can be deadly, and in Knox Hollow, everyone has something to hide. It’s early summer when 17-year-old Izzie Andrews moves across the country to the small but wealthy town in Massachusetts where she meets the eccentric bunch of neighbors that live on Mayflower Circle. Running from a complicated past, Izzie is adjusting to life in Knox Hollow and finding her footing with a new group of friends when one of her neighbors ends up dead after a night of partying and drinking. With no recollection of the night before, Izzie finds herself wrapped up in the murder investigation. On the road to finding the killer, Izzie fights to move on from her family issues while struggling with her feelings for Shea, a boy on her street. The deeper they dig, the more secrets and lies they find that their neighbors are hiding. But will uncovering the secrets that lie deep beneath Knox Hollow’s shiny surface bring justice or danger?


>> No.17532345


>> No.17532358

who did you ask to edit your work? in my experience, family members will not do it, not even moms and siblings

>> No.17532377

based self publisher

>> No.17532388

know this is a board for reading, but i aint gonna read all of that shit

>> No.17532449

if you want to write something about India, then you can enter Amazon's writing contest


Participate in the fourth edition of KDP Pen to Publish contest to win exciting prizes up to ₹5 lakhs ($68,000) and get mentored by the top authors in India!
KDP Pen to Publish contest celebrates the exceptional and previously unpublished work among self-published authors, and recognises literary excellence in different genres in long format and short format categories across English, Hindi and Tamil languages.

>> No.17532475

wait, I'm sorry 5 lakhs is actually $6,800

>> No.17532487

Imagine reading/writing YA.

>> No.17532577
File: 177 KB, 700x394, wish-mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So yeah after the game I'm going to read you the latest chapter of Wish Mountain
>Chapter five just got released


>> No.17532594

>The paperback retails for $22.99 and can be purchased through the Harvard Bookstore or on Amazon.

$22.99! You got to be kidding me, that's probably without the $3 do. I wonder how fast someone can read it. Depending on the level of the book, this can be read in 3 days, 2 if you're one of these speed reading autists.

So if I write a ~400 page book, I can sell it for $25 bucks and win an award? Or do I have to be a teenage girl for that to work.

>> No.17532603

>without the $3 shipping.

>> No.17532606

No point theorising, you won't do it.

>> No.17532656

I am starting to think the notion of "deep characterisation" is a meaningless catchword. What does it take to make a character deep? Acting believable? Being original? The former is too broad, the later too narrow. It seems people use that word when they want to appear to make a *specific* criticism about characterization while in reality they just mean "bad chracterization".

>> No.17532691
File: 765 KB, 1655x794, amazon top 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No point theorising, you won't do it.
Bet you I will but I won't sell it on Amazon but even if I did, you're telling me I can't beat "If animals kissed goodnight"?

>> No.17532692
File: 248 KB, 916x609, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought maybe it was a hardcover, but I just checked and it's a paperback. The girl also disabled previews of the book, so we don't even know how long it is or what her writing looks like. It just shows that you can charge whatever price you want as long as you have a supportive social network who will buy your book.

The reviews are fucking strange, they all seem to use the same phrases and writing style. Or should I say, writing style!!!!

> I can not believe the author is only 16!!! This one should be a movie!!
This book is a great read. The writing style makes it easy to read, the content makes it hard to put down. It is captivating, full of excitement and keeps you in the edge of your seat until the very end...I never saw that one coming!!
Kuhn has perfectly portrayed the characters and made them come to life. Lots of twists and turns to keep you reading. I fell in love with some of he characters and would love to see them on the big screen.
I'll be giving this one away as gifts and am hoping it'll be a movie someday.
If this is what this author has accomplished at 16 years old, I can't wait to see what's on the horizon~~~I will read everything she writes.
I highly recommend this book. I love mysteries and this one is my new favorite.

> Thriller From Beginning to End!
Knox Hollow doesn’t disappoint! Grace Kuhn has done a masterful job weaving a tapestry of plot twists that kept me engaged from beginning to end. She is an author talented beyond her years. A truly riveting and enjoyable read for YA and adult readers alike!!

> Get it!
This book was so many things... captivating, riveting, inspiring and so much more! It makes you want to turn the pages faster! Excited to follow this young writers journey!

> What a thriller! Can't wait for her next book!
What a thriller! I couldn't put this book down! I loved that it had so many twists and turns and kept me so engaged. My blood pressure was raised a couple of times with Izzy's actions! I can't wait for her next book!

> Great read!!
Knox Hollow is a great, easy read! I couldn’t put it down! Can’t wait to read whatever Kuhn puts out next

> Kindle Customer
Read the book in 3 days! Can't wait till the next one

> Amazing!
This book was incredible! I could not put it down. A must read!

>> No.17532695

damn wish i was a teenage girl

>> No.17532723

>reworked my blurb

You just made it longer but it still makes zero sense. Please be honest, are you on medication?

>> No.17532744

whatever she's a 16 year old girl, can't knock her for her accomplishment, what's annoying is that they're trying to cash in on it. Obviously the reviews are from her teachers and friends.

> would love to see them on the big screen.
ok there buddy. In 2021 it could happen though, so you know they're trying. I wonder if Trump would publish me If i wrote a 500 page epic about him defeating the deep state?

>> No.17532760
File: 51 KB, 551x432, meme (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17532777

Yeah, now that I think about it, her parents probably gave her teachers and friends a template to use in their reviews.

I think someone actually made a graphic novel about God Emperor Trump saving America

>> No.17532878


You're getting gardner levels of obnoxious with your twitter memes

>> No.17532947

Thanks for the meme fren. Also this ain't a samefag, not sure how to go about proving that. But hey if Wish Mountain memes get memed, I'm all for it.

>> No.17533119

She looks like she's in her thirties.

>> No.17533260

How do I find better names for my characters? I'm having a hard time brainstorming; I've just been looking at the top names per-decade

>> No.17533384

To be fair, she's literally the target audience. Though, even when I was in high school I always got bored of YA

>> No.17533577

Looking for anything in particular?

>> No.17533613

Go to Behind the Name and turn them all into dirty jokes

>> No.17534000

Her book is probably good, you fags are just jealous

>> No.17534032
File: 7 KB, 608x61, new personal best.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New high score. Keep writing /wg/.

>> No.17534042

pay for it and let us know how good it is.

>> No.17534151

My wife and a couple of friends. We just had a son, so every free minute she has she would rather do her own thing. A buddy of mine was working through one of them with his roommate, but one of his roommate's parents died and they other one has been staying with them in a cramped apartment indefinitely. Plus all the strain of working with the public with COVID-19 protocols.

Thankfully, my job allows me to write in my downtime. Whenever I'm home, I'm either taking care of my son or helping around the house. Still feel productive though.

>> No.17534157

Don't allow women to meddle with your work, they'll taint it

>> No.17534733

well done

>> No.17534759

That's where the money is, isn't it?

>> No.17535117

wow most books usually only have a couple of characters how do you juggle that many all at once?

>> No.17535134

He learned from Tolstoy.

>> No.17535199

Is New Adult a meme lads? Or is it easier just to stick to Adult or YA?

>> No.17535213

New Adult sounds like YA for people who want to pretend being childish is a grown-up thing

>> No.17535239

Curious about this as well. My main cast of characters is in their early 20s with one main character being 17. Will this be an issue?

>> No.17535251

My cast has the same thing, same ages even. Probably not

>> No.17535675

so, I have a question not as a writer but as a reader.
I only read non-fiction (aside from things like Jurassic Park and some thrillers 10 years ago), but recently I read the first two books of The Expanse series because I liked the tv show.
The thing is that I cannot wrap my mind around detailed descriptions. I don't know, sometimes I feel like novels should like sum it up and shit, but I also know that I'm wrong in thinking like that because if it works that way, it works.
My question then is: why does it work to describe events with such details?

>> No.17535761

New adult is a meme. Better off just calling it adult or aging the characters down into YA. Doesn't change what you write, just don't call it 'New Adult'.

>> No.17535831

I have all of these good ideas for my novel in my head but I fucking don't feel like writing any of them. I fucking hate this. From the few chapters I've shown to multiple people including my brother in-law (Who is an actual established author with a good record), they all loved what I written but even that's not enough to get me off my ass. Why do I feel like this? How do I stop being a worthless, lazy fuck?

>> No.17535839

Remember you're going to die having achieved nothing

>> No.17535863

That`s fair enough, still doesn`t mean it`s any good.
It really is but if you write for money you might as well write trash like YA.

>> No.17535896

What's with this eternal seethe about YA?

>> No.17535906

It's for women, meaning devoid of substance

>> No.17535917

You have to be a teenage girl, if you happen to be male you better have a dark skin and a name wine aunts can`t pronounce otherwise you're done for.
YA is why women shouldn't vote.

>> No.17535949

The most popular YA authors are white men though

>> No.17535972

murakami was one of the reasons i started reading desu

>> No.17535983

But the readers are almost all women. The women are creating the demand. The writers are just giving the women want they want. The writers are just playing the game. Not that I approve necessarily of playing that game.

>> No.17535992

What is it about YA in particular that's so bad? It's one of the lowest forms of lowbrow literature but what makes it so uniquely awful?

>> No.17535997

I was not on drugs at the time I wrote that. Maybe that's actually the problem, but who knows? Anyway, chapter 6 released.

>> No.17536003

Explain how A Song of Ice and Fire managed to become successful despite being adult and having an assload of sex scenes ?

>> No.17536010

It's not YA

>> No.17536013

TV show.
90% of people who bought the books have never read them, they just watched the show.

>> No.17536027

if i write YA will this improve my chances of finding a girlfriend

>> No.17536036

Not a good one.

>> No.17536048

what do you mean by good
our definitions might be different

>> No.17536051

most likely contrarianism

>> No.17536107

It often deals with huge, complex topics (like overthrowing and rebuilding society / a child who is terminally ill) but uses sanitized characters who don't deal with the whole gamut of humanity and are therefore not real people. When you watch Pokemon you know Brock isn't actually going to fuck Misty because sex doesn't exist in that universe. That's fine because it's a show for children. YA is in a terrible middle ground where it wants to deal with actual problems but is constrained by its audience. It's infantilizing.

>> No.17536161

They'll be attracted to your successful writer persona.
How can YA be done well? My initial thought is to have a younger character go through the typical "overthrowing and rebuilding a society" but have them end up clearly and completely out of their depth and at the helm of a ship they've got no clue how to steer. How else, though?
Also why not just embrace the "actual problems" and have them just be slapped right in the face of the reader rather than trying to skirt around them and ending up only having them exist superficially?

>> No.17536176

>Also why not just embrace the "actual problems" and have them just be slapped right in the face of the reader rather than trying to skirt around them and ending up only having them exist superficially?
If you do that it's not YA anymore. It can't be marketed to kids and teens anymore, anyway

>> No.17536193

Figured that might be the problem. Why not just separate the older audience (the highschool/later teens) of it from the rest? They can handle some heavier stuff. Or is that just what New Adult is?

>> No.17536205

I mean there are a ton of thrillers for adults that are kind of like explicit YA, my mom loves reading that shit. I don't think the quality is usually a lot better.

>> No.17536925

tfw an anon's advice gave me a writing leap that I haven't experienced in 2 years and now I laugh at the work I produced just a couple days ago, friend thank you so much, I feel like I might actually make it now

>> No.17536930

what was the advice

>> No.17536934

Which advice was it don't hold out on us

>> No.17537018

Up to 2 days ago, I always felt like something was wrong, I would look at my ability to write and feel like something just wasn't clicking, I knew I was good enough to write decent fiction but my pages just felt off... I would always see excerpts posted in /wg/ and everyone would reply to them about peacocking and seemingly like they were just trying to impress, I would say these things as well - but I would also do it myself. I would always read "just tell a story bro" and I would "do" that, I was still always trying too hard, multiple modifiers in every couple lines, making everything "skillful". I would tell myself all of this advice I see on /wg/ given by you good lads, but nothing would click, I would tell myself it, and it wouldn't work.. I was missing the link. I realized last night after reading one of your comments, and I don't know why it clicked, that my work was filled with purple prose, and I thought I was long over it- I thought I was long over these amateur habits - but I wasn't. I've been taking creative writing classes for years, many workshops, gotten my work accepted in my school's publication, but I could never get above this school-level. Now, I see the unifying force between all amateur work, and it's super fucking obvious now, It's so fucking obvious, that I feel almost embarrassed for not seeing it, for writing it. I'm actually telling a story now, I know how to tell a story now, I see my work of 2 days ago, and look at my work now- I know what it takes to write a novel that is worth reading.

>> No.17537033

>spitballing fill in characters
>come up with one that is now an integral piece of the plot that requires heavy editing for the entire story
I'm never going to make it, am I?

>> No.17537110

Here's another piece of advice: lay off the weed bro

>> No.17537121

yeah ok im proud of you, but what was the advice?

>> No.17537126 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna make it thanks to that anon... I love you wherever you are, but I'm gonna leave this place now. I've been given the "leap" and now I'm out. thank you bros

>> No.17537149

I don't know, everything just clicked after reading it, I felt like something was missing for years with my writing, but I could never understand it. That feeling is entirely gone now. It feels like I just "woke up" and the veil over my eyes has been lifted. I think every writer has that moment, these jumps, and now I can see all of my mistakes and identify what is wrong.

>> No.17537608

>save everything to my google drive
>google locks me out of my account
>refuses to respond to my tickets

I fucked up, I know.
What software should I be using, and how should I be backing this shit up so that It isn't just all lost if I lose an account?

>> No.17537708

Congratulations. Now you know what to do. The real work begins.

>> No.17537729

Tips for writing a throuple (3 females) new to polyamory?

I’m trying to write a lesbian couple that falls in love with a third. I don’t have any poly relationship experience and all the poly classics always have men in them, I would like to not mess this up so tips would be appreciated

>> No.17537745

I hope you don't mind streaming consciousness from "The Scriptures of Reality"

"The overture cosmically danced the unfolding of dynamic synthesis between isolated monads burgeoning perpetually beneath the everlasting glow of pure daylight. A Buddha-Matrix Simulation that gives color to intrinsic darkness and grants texture to the power of love with the paths of all employees inextricably converging to the final crescendo, the Ultimate Merging. Time rewinds to an immense explosion that technically was created by itself. But before that moment, undivided wholeness self-revealed through a hologram of inert wisdom. "Just give me a second to think!" The sheer abstraction of extent taken to mean a degree on a scale gives credence to the potential, absolute measurement of all things(e.g. Glory). While in the pursuit of Honor, an endless maze assembles and is crowned king because the workers constructed walls too high for them to ascend. The labyrinth, known as the "brain", is the world's most complex computer which is communicating self-reflexively through a pattern of electro-chemical signals : A cascade of corpuscular matter leaping through welcoming gateways rhythmically in sync with one another in a single continuous movement that drums itself into digital embodiment as a web of pure knowledge reflecting upon itself radiant and bejeweled. "

>> No.17537746

Email it to yourself, dropbox, or USB

>> No.17537903

What's the genre?
What's the problem they have to overcome?

>> No.17538363

I have a world in my head that I want to share, and I'm no good at drawing. So I write instead.

>> No.17538427

Anyone published and on Kindle Unlimited here? Or I guess if you're not published and just happen to know the answers. I'm a long way from needing to worry about this, but I'm curious. How exactly does it work? Does Amazon contact you, or do you just, like, click a box when you publish or something to allow your book on there? Do you get paid for volume or just a one time fee or do you get paid nothing and people do it for the exposure?

>> No.17538484

Years ago I promised to my girlfriend that I will write a book.
So here I am, learning how to do it and struggling to write 50 or 100 words a day.

>> No.17538488

Is it cringe to write covid-lit? I'm writing an absurdist story about an executive who has to undergo a brutal sacrificial ritual in order to ensure the health of his corporation, but looking through it there are some very on-the-nose pandemic references and themes of making increasingly absurd personal sacrifices to keep others healthy. Should I try take them out?

>> No.17538991

Coomer-lit question. I read a lot of short stories and play a lot of h-games with female protagonists, but I've never seen a smut novel aimed at a male audience with a female protagonist. Is self-inserting really that necessary to a successful smut novel?

>> No.17539041

You do it all your self, then you go through an approval process that takes a couple days. Over 2.99 you get 66% of sales, under and you get 33%.

>> No.17539050

Also, you get paid every month.

>> No.17539216

Anyone else feel like they speed through their story? I don't know how to add interesting details or characters. Im probably just a shitty writer but any advice would help.

>> No.17539235

Just need to keep unpacking scenes, man.

>> No.17539271

Nobody wants to read COVID shit after living it for a year. Even more so if it's from some anti-mask schizo viewpoint.

>> No.17539294

I think I'm just too scared of dragging out a scene or bloating it. I can always go back and add to it though.

>> No.17539331

Sounds cool, Anon I like the voice. Trying to do something similar with my own novel

>> No.17539356

I generally skip any descriptions, conversations and sometimes entire scenes that I don't feel like writing when I'm doing my first draft. Then I fill them in once I have the rest. I don't know if it's a good thing to do but it helps.

>> No.17539364

Wrote a chapter about a kid whose mum got killed by his father while he slept in the barn. Its dogshit, though.

>> No.17539369

Yeah that's a good point because sometimes you just want to get the general ideas finished before really diving in period

>> No.17539648

stop writing degenerates. make god smite true

>> No.17539679

Am I ngmi bros?

I spent my Friday night on Mimas while she parties with her new boyfriend

I am on mimas, one of Saturn’s dozens of moons. I can tell by the massive Herschel crater which gives the moon a “death star” appearance. It is one of the smaller moons of our solar system, it could fit snugly into one of our moon’s small craters. Mimas is made of water-ice making it highly interesting to scientists as one of the potential back-ups for humans after we finish the murder of our planet and need more living space. I stand on the edge of the Herschel crater. I wear no space suit, just some average outfit. I am not suffocating or freezing. I am fine. The majestic beauty of Saturn fills the sky of this moon. It’s rings are so close that I reach out in a fruitless attempt to touch them. Stars were splattered across the sky like some pointilist Pollock. Mimas completes a full orbit of the gas giant every 22.6 hours. And while this is much faster than the speed at which Earth turns about the Sun (31.04x faster to be precise), I did not feel sick. Taking a seat on the edge of the crater, I gaze transfixed at the gas giant. I count the rotations as happened: 1, 2, 3… 10… 100… I eventually lost count but I must’ve been there at least 10,000 years frozen in awe. I then spent time adoring the light blue of Uranus and studying the layers of Jupiter, having futile staring contests with it’s eye. I explored the Herschel crater and other parts of the moon. I came to know Mimas, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter quite well. One would imagine me to have gotten bored during what felt like 10,000 millennium but I never did. I felt more at home, isolated on minute Mimas than I ever felt with 7 billion at “home”. It’s funny, I had to be transported to these cold, deep reaches of space to find a peace within myself, a peace matching the silent serenity of space and one which I never knew I had let alone could attain. I felt my time here would soon come to an end so I said my goodbyes to the planets and the friendly Mimas which let me ride upon it like a faithful steed. In these closing millenniums, I felt a deep somberness, deeper than space. I watched stars say their goodbyes, some with bangs, some with whimpers. It felt like saying goodbye to old friends although they were surely older than myself. But the somberness wasn’t terrible, it just felt like a part of it all. There was a very nostalgic sense to it and it all made sense. I returned to the spot where I first landed upon Mimas. I sat down in that groove where I first introduced myself to Saturn, where we had a short, silent conversation of 10,000 years. I smiled goodbye to the giant while patting my steed, and for the first time in a billion years, I felt warmth fill me.

>> No.17539748

>I spent my Friday night on Mimas while she parties with her new boyfriend
Taking inceldom to the next level

>> No.17539767

Every harvest, successful or not, was an excuse for father's indulgence in liquor. From the barn – my bedroom of choice on that and many other nights – one could hear laughter, soon followed by shouting and commotion as glasses became empty. What was I to do? It's not like I could stop it. As a malnourished youth aged 10, whose scrawny frame was that of a child seemingly two years younger, it felt pointless to intervene. It wasn't fear of death that stiffened me, but an overwhelming sense of powerlessness as the racket of knuckles bashing against walls turned into pounding of flesh. As I laid over a makeshift straw bed, deafening quietness finally ensued, allowing for a dreamless sleep.
The rooster's call announced first light on that creepily calm dawn. Father wasn't out to wake me as he usually did by slamming the barn door, rattling the chains that I wounded around the handles in an attempt to avoid his drunken presence. Oftentimes he would have to bash it open to wake me from a stupor, whenever I looted his stash a night prior craving abashedly for approval and serene slumber. After getting up and dressed, I loosened the chains, opening the barn door and letting in a gust of morning wind and the first embers of sunlight. As I walked down the beaten path and felt cold earth beneath my feet, I saw that both the porch and kitchen lights were on, yet the animals still weren't tended to. In my approach towards the house, when all I could hear was the wooden porch creaking from my light first step, I realized that it has never been this quiet, holding my breath in response. It seemed like it took aeons between that first step and pushing open the agape front door. A scent of rusted iron filled my nostrils, and two figures were made clear: mother, limp on the ground beside the dining table, laying in a mixture of dried dark and fresh scarlet blood; and father, sitting on his rocking chair, empty bottle in hand, his resolute eyes piercing through mine.

>> No.17539793

she left me

>> No.17539796

Incel doesn't mean virgin

>> No.17539810

Garbage. Baby's first Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.17539906

Sex isn't hard to get. I had an indie whore asking me to piss on her not that long ago. Overall, I don't think sex is worth it. It's never as you expect, thank porn for that, and it's always awkward. I'd only do it now to be held but that would feel like a lie anyhow considering it's not her anymore

>> No.17540385

>very very VEWY sewious subject matter
>wordy, loping sentences composed of academic language completely at odds with the emotional tone you are trying to convey
>setting and characters ripped straight from The Sad Orphan's Guide to Depressing Places, described with all the depth and familiarity of a child's coloring book
I'm guessing you were just the absolute darling of your high school creative writing class. The big reveal at the end was decent, everything leading up to it was painfully mediocre.

>> No.17540393

>I had an indie whore asking me to piss on her not that long ago.
That's not what sex is, anon. The public education system has failed you.

>> No.17540554

Does using the word "scorned" like this make sense? I feel like it's not supposed to be used this way, but I'm having a hard time trying to describe the guy's reaction.

>"So are we just going to stand here looking at it, or are you going to put it back up?"
>He looked up at her and scorned. "I ain't touchin' it!"

>> No.17540559

It sounds dumb. Maybe sneered or something?

>> No.17540565

"Scowled" might be the word you're looking for

>> No.17540742
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1601250901227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there are now four places/characters with the same name in my novels

>> No.17540769
File: 2.01 MB, 370x250, proohgifqt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you write an interesting story from the POV of a relatively intelligent wild animal like an elephant or chimpanzee? Is it possible to have an interesting plot?

>> No.17540804

Cut out the middleman and make it a children's book with animal characters.
Or just make Watership Down.

>> No.17540816

/wg/, my favorite series basically imploded, and fans seem to agree the implosion was inevitable as its existence hinged entirely on the author's passion. the worst part is, I made the mistake of trying to emulate it and now I'm making myself sick thinking and knowing that my cheap imitation is even less capable of survival than the original was.

I mean for fuck's sake, my story is unpublishable due to how cartoony it is, meaning my only option is to make it a webnovel, and in order to survive I'd need an animated adaptation which I'm not going to get writing a webnovel. This all feels so stupid to even try anymore

>> No.17540834

We know it's homestuck, just stop being a dumbass and making unrealistic goals and acting like you can't possibly do anything else

>> No.17540968

Any good examples of characters in fiction who believe the world is corrupt beyond repair but still try to be good

>> No.17540986

based marquez

>> No.17541076

John the Baptist in the New Testament
Guts in Berserk
Sam and Frodo in Lord of the Rings

>> No.17541108
File: 336 KB, 960x1440, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guts in Berserk
Is this worth watching for inspiration if I dont want to read the Manga?

>> No.17541118

No idea. I haven't much of it, I just think that's the gist of the world.

>> No.17541136

/wg/, I've determined that my future as a writer depends on not getting burned out and used up after I complete my first series. Is there anything I can do to minimize the chances of this happening while still getting my series done?

>> No.17541139

the character in my diary desu.

>> No.17541165

this requires an understanding of all your habits and obligations

>> No.17541177

it's alright. the second is the best of the trilogy. for the berserk experience though, the manga is the best. download it from bakabt.me

>> No.17541200

Ok, here's a bit I wrote to describe my character who's a bit darker I think. It happens as he thinks a monster is about to destroy the world before some deus ex machina shit happens

Doyle however was at peace. If there was an afterlife, he'd be reunited with his family. If not he'd be free of this life and the neverending war he found himself in. He sat down and watched the end of the world.
Carrying no regrets, he sat back and accepted the situation. Soon that thing would destroy the outpost and likely the rest of the planet. Humanity would go out with a whimper. It's long sordid history coming to a just close. He sneered as his colleagues scurried around looking for a miracle.
Reminded him of when he grieved for Teresa and the kids years ago. Denial had captured him for months. Now the generals, lieutenants, privates and sergeants all experienced it. The narcissistic assumption that their lives couldn't end so pitifully. That they were important, essential even. The universe existing as an extension of their life journey. To vital to be a mere temporary phenomena. He had accepted that.

>> No.17541217

What's a good process to connect unrelated ideas?

>> No.17541237

Not a pro, but I suggest the writing process.

>> No.17541238

thinking usually works for me

>> No.17541293

If it's romance/erotic literature it doesn't matter. Just describe them well and it'll sell.
If another work then just make it seem realistic. Don't have them instantly fall in love or whatever.

>> No.17541316

I'm not sure what to say. I used to be a writer of passion but I learned long ago that I can't wait for my passion to write so I force myself to write 500 words or at least look at my writing every night at 1am unless I had some obligation in the evening. Right now those obligations are a family zoom meeting that will likely end when the epidemic is over, a dnd game that's definitely to end in a few months, and a writing group I host with some friends. I often struggle meeting my writing goal but I feel a sense of obligation to write, one that's so strong I can't take breaks without feeling guilt. It's likely that this sense of obligation is why my passion as a writer has failed to return, but I keep writing my novel because it feels important to me, more so than any of my other writing projects. I don't know what will happen when I'm done writing it, as I have other projects but none of them I have the same sense of obligation to. That makes me worry that when I'm done with this novel the feeling of obligation will disappear

Perhaps then, I shouldn't write my sequel right away, but instead write other novels, making myself more independent of the one series I'm obsessed with? I wonder if that will work. I could feed my need to sustain the series by taking breaks from my present "main work" to write short stories set in my novel setting. That might also let me stretch out the process, allowing me to keep the series alive and in my mind without making myself beholden to it.

>> No.17541357

What are some simple plots that work every time?

>> No.17541364

prehistoric alligator in an abandoned water park

>> No.17541391

Hero’s Journey

>> No.17541505
File: 54 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17541879

>>save everything to my google drive
Vintage retard. Actual files on multiple drives, like anyone thinking about what they're doing.

>> No.17541908

All you need to do is have multiple backup options that are very unlikely to fail at the same time

>> No.17541919

If he has got a chick willing to be pissed on its safe to say sex is firmly on the table lmao.

>> No.17541953

1 file on your computer
Another on a flash drive, updated at the end of each day

>> No.17542056


Pen and paper you computer geek.

>> No.17542069

Why not just write with a typewriter then?

>> No.17542089

If she wants to be pissed on, it's off the table and on the floor.

>> No.17542181

you could, whatever i do on a google account, i go into it accepting that it will get deleted or i'll get locked out. A computer can break down.

Paper and pen is the best way to do it I guess.

>> No.17542190

>Paper and pen is the best way to do it I guess.
If you were a hipster.

>> No.17542209

Paper can be destroyed too

>> No.17542233

This is just ugly. Inventive, but ugly. Sentences are dead fish in the mouth, poor flow. Lots of words—cool words, granted—that stand like little isolated monoliths. I'm not even talking about "'""meaning"""" as I've got no use for it. I'm talking about the way the prose lives and breathes, or rather the way it doesn't live and breathe with respect to life, breath, living, or breathing.

>> No.17542238

whatever work for you, not going to argue over it, but you can't get locked out of a notebook because of a password.

>> No.17542239

It was supposed to be reflective of other great streaming consciousness novels.

>> No.17542241

You also can't back up a notebook in case it gets damaged

>> No.17542251

ok you win, computers are the best, you're right, i'm wrong.

>> No.17542252

They both have strengths and weaknesses, in the end everything is temporary

>> No.17542258

Not the western classics, they will be here forever.

>> No.17542263

That depends on us

>> No.17542265

There's nothing to depend on. It is a known fact that the western canon will never be surpassed.

>> No.17542286 [DELETED] 

What does what it's supposed be have to do with what it is?

>> No.17542292

It can still be forgotten or destroyed

>> No.17542294

How does what it's supposed to be relate to what it actually is?

>> No.17542295

Perhaps for the low-intellectuals and the YA trash, but not to us.

>> No.17542303

ignore him.

>> No.17542307

Imagine actually having faith in the future

>> No.17542316

Can you guys sage your replies to each other please? You're having a really low quality discussion that's neither on topic for this general nor worth bumping a thread over. Thanks!

>> No.17542319

Imagine settling for mediocrity. But what am I to expect from a bunch of animefags pretending to be writers. I bet you never read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Faulkner, Joyce, etc, etc.

>> No.17542323

Reddit tier comment

>> No.17542329

I was expressing that based on current trends, I have very little faith that future generations will continue to care about art or literature instead of degenerating into savages, but okay

>> No.17542338

Okay you've expressed yourself, now please stop.

>> No.17542340

What does being retarded feel like?

>> No.17542347

Yep. I think if you are a novice it's better to stick to a formula

>> No.17542353
File: 815 KB, 631x677, 1392893761222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a big fantasy idea. After I finish my army novel, I'm going to start writing fantasy schlock.

>> No.17542357

I prefer to take journeys up the river myself, but following one of the major narrative structures is a good call for sure, rid especially when just starting out as you say.

>> No.17542362

Finnish army guy? is that you?

>> No.17542368

Yes. 33k words written, slowed down by schoolwork and the writing contest I participated in, but slow and steady the book forms.

>> No.17542372

Good to hear from you again, I was getting worried. It's good you're still working on your book.

>> No.17542395

i'm trying to write Pokemon Jones story. do you think i could get in trouble for having my protagonist be called Pokemon? Not sure if anyone here remembers my Pokemon Jones story.

>> No.17542397

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.17542399

Holy fuck we told you to change his name several times, fucking hell take the hint.

>> No.17542408

Did you? Maybe I didn't see it. Most people seemed to just not be saying anything at all when i asked for critique. Why should I change it

>> No.17542420

>Why should I change it
Are you seriously asking us why you should change the name of your protagonist who's the first name is Pokemon

>> No.17542440

I have no intention of stopping my man.

>> No.17542447

I haven't of any updates, so I got worried. Good to know I'm wrong.

>> No.17542454

I think its integral to the story.

>> No.17542457
File: 61 KB, 700x640, Snek eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels silly giving updates when most people here couldn't read the stuff I'm writing, but I'll be more diligent in the future. For you, anon.

>> No.17542472

Yeah but does it have Pokemon Jones in it?

>> No.17542477

Pokémon were used as a calendar, yes.

>> No.17542515

Its always good to know some people here are working on their writing.

>> No.17542547

It's stupid and you should change it.

>> No.17542552

what is similar that would be appropriate
Does Pokemon Jones really ruin the story for you

>> No.17542555

The name is stupid and nothing you will write will ever change that.

>> No.17542571

do you have an alternative that is in a similar vein

>> No.17542591

>I got a big fantasy idea
What’s it about?

>> No.17542603


>> No.17542618

I see, well, I hope it works out for you.

>> No.17542638

A song turned novel?

>> No.17542663
File: 12 KB, 182x276, Pillars of the Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less basically: wizard wants to build a tower, for cosmic reasons it has to be built on an island in the south seas and all the workforce is then sourced locally, leading to a very large, uneducated and unskilled crew trying to build something they've never even seen before, hi-jinks ensue
So kind of like Pillars of the Earth, I guess. I don't want to tell you more because you'd just steal my big fancy idea and I won't even start it this year, probably.

>> No.17542670

Anon, ideas are like assholes. Implementations are much, much rarer. There is a near-zero chance that someone here is going to read your idea, write a book using it, and then publish it. The chances of all three of those ideas converging into reality from their genesis on a Martian pastrami factory is just ridiculous.

>> No.17542674

I'm not going to steal your idea, so don't worry about it.

>> No.17542676

Well alright then, but I've got my eye on you.

>> No.17542677

I imagine it's more that if he actually makes it and publishes it, he doesn't want anyone to internet detective it and link his work to the infamous hacker 4chan. Not a lot more likely than stealing but it's why I don't go too in depth here either.

>> No.17542683

Thanks for the idea suckers.

>> No.17542688
File: 722 KB, 416x312, Hanamichi tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bamboozled again!

>> No.17542690

4chan lost its infamy a long time ago, save perhaps, the debacle in 2016.

>> No.17542696

Normies associate it automatically with social and political wrongthink. Bad for publishers and general publicity

>> No.17542702

Just self-publish or find an alternative publisher.

>> No.17542703

Those don't sell

>> No.17542704

People are still going on about that?

>> No.17542705

I don't think my country has that problem anon.

>> No.17542708

Aren’t you in Finland? How well-know is 4chan?

>> No.17542711

Or Rats of NIMH.

>> No.17542713

Not him, but being a traditionally published author is a major feather in a cap I really want to wear. Somewhat fittingly, I go about this by exclusively writing unpublishable, borderline unreadable experimental fiction. But there is a lot of prestige still in convincing someone else to reproduce your words.

>> No.17542732

Hmm. I tend to write YA technically, I guess. Light novel style if I can, which are a bit less sanitised than YA, I find. Would this be the general for writing those sorts of things when I do write, or is there another more relevant general?

>> No.17542734

Anon, you got to stop being pretentious. Being published in this day and age is not some prestige.

>> No.17542743

There are anons who will be offended, but there is not a more relevant genre than this one

>> No.17542759

>Anon, you got to stop being pretentious
I really don't. The distinction between pretension and greatness is really just accomplishment.

>> No.17542763

That's not me man. And Finland has its own 4chan, Ylilauta. We love our memes.

>> No.17542764

I'm offended by this post.

>> No.17542765

Alright, you don't like the style. To each their own I suppose but just because you don't apprehend the image a sentence is painting doesn't mean the words are unrelated and strung together incoherently.

>> No.17542782

This board moves way too slow anyway. Post and offend all you want. There's no other place.

>> No.17542788

Nobody cares but the most blowhard, pretentious faggots and they will never amount to anything.

>> No.17542798

New thread for those who wish to switch.


>> No.17542801

I told you, I'm not concerned with coherence or meaning. Beautiful prose about nothing is still beautiful prose. Ugly prose about something is still ugly prose. Good writing can save insipid thinking. Good thinking can't save bad writing.

>> No.17542838

>every harvest
what does the father harvests?
i guess it has to be frequently harvested.
in a temperate climate with snowy winter, if it's corn, oats, wheat, barley, the harvest is once a year.
hay would be 3 or 4 harvests.
so would it be veggies?
sounds a lot less "intimidating" imagining a man harvesting radishes and snow peas then getting blind drunk.

>> No.17544020

Read it or don't experience Berserk at all, because both anime adaptations of Berserk fail to capture the nuances and depth behind the characters. Not to mention that they both straight up cut out key scenes from the manga

>> No.17544256

Whoa this is such a GREAT post, completely AGREE