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/lit/ - Literature

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17524305 No.17524305 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be a booktuber but I’m worried you guys would find me and bully me and make threads about my opinions. I’d mostly be talking about Scottish literature and outdoor books so I hope I’m safe

>> No.17524355

Sounds like you want this to happen.

>> No.17524415

>Scottish literature
Ossian faggot will stalk you to death.

>> No.17524430

You're goddamn right we would. We are /lit/, we are the last defense of literature. Everybody has left our side. Bloom died. The media concentrates on YA, Women, and Minority literature but we know there is still joy in the classics. So yes. If you do make an account we will rightly make fun of you because you will never be classic

>> No.17525493
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go for it anon
I also have aspirations to be a booktuber.
Talking about children's book series from the 1980's up to the late 1990's, and how I feel that modern book designs are rubbish and will probably further reduce book reading amongst children. If you don't grow up reading books as a child you aren't exactly going to be a passionate book reader as an adult even with modern culture cancer like pewdiepies "encouraging" reading. I don't see how these modern and republished books with their god awful globohomo covers will entice young people to read.

Anyway I'm rambling on a bit and I'm also scared of /lit/ finding my videos and bullying me.

>> No.17525505

There are thousands of people who do book videos and are safe. Much more if they're about lesser known literature.

>> No.17525517

Do it anons. As long as your subject matter is unique and brings something new to the table then you should be fine. There’s only a few booktubers who talk about real books and not shitty YA fiction.

>> No.17525531

i wont bully you

>> No.17525677
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Spooked. I am perfect and nobody is mighty enough to curtail my desire to upload videos online. Cyberbullyimg does not exist unless you absorb their opinions as yours.

>> No.17525756

I might bully you

>> No.17525768

No one will find it if you're not a girl

>> No.17525792

Do it, anons. We need to expand the horizon of /lit/. Plus you may convert a subhuman YA reader into a functioning person.

>> No.17525849

This, but unironically. KEK

>> No.17525860

Do it anyway.

>> No.17525968


>> No.17526895


>> No.17526910


>> No.17526920

You should keep these two worlds separate then.
get a load of this self-righteous nigger

>> No.17526978
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If you're likeable, you have good production quality, and make good points on good books then you'll do fine. That or you're a hot girl wearing a turtleneck. I wouldn't expect any kind of audience, though. "Booktube" (and YouTube as a whole) is massively oversaturated.

>> No.17526992
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I'm interested in small unknown booktubers. When I search books on youtube its always some ugly whores showing off their colour coded bookshelves of YA or some cringey pic related cunt showing off his goosebumps or harry potter collection with his gob wide open.

>> No.17527030

Do it. Follow your dreams, anon. Anyway, you'll be bully.

>> No.17527038

Already took screenshots of this thread to use against you anon, as soon as I see a book tuber talking about Scottish literature I'm gonna remind him of his insecure /lit/ days

>> No.17527071

I don’t tell /lit/ about the booktubers I like because of /lit/’s history of bullying

>> No.17527079

Anon just do it.
Get a sub to Adobe.
Get a nice camera.
Make some light difusers.
Find a good corner with a bookshelf.
Record some shit.
Edit it down.
Put in some nice transitions.
Create social media platforms.
Abuse algorithms as much as you can.
Upload some quality content.
Slide in a /lit/ joke or two to diffuse the idea that we will make fun of you because we are "in" on it.
Spend hundreds of hours of your life making yourself a commodity.
Develop parasocial relationships with your viewership.
Get a silver youtube plaque.
Call the police when you get doxed.
Cry about where your life has gone.
Go out in public to make more content.
Get tracked down by rabid fans in used bookstores.
Buy a dog.
Lawyer up.

>> No.17527121

>Abuse algorithms as much as you can.
What started this meme? Where did all these youtubers learn this phrase about liking and commenting to 'help the youtube algorithm'.
Is it just hivemind shit where one guy started saying it and then everyone copied? or was it some private google email to all youtubers? someone explain this to me? even some really boomer channels I watch with less than a 100 subs are spouting this phrase about training or helping the youtube algorithm. 3 years ago this didn't exist

>> No.17527136

>make a mediocre video with poor lighting and audio
>make a dozen more
>get <800 views on each

>> No.17527154

There's literally a tutorial series from google on youtube for creators that suggests to shill engagement. There are only so many metrics they can analyze as to whether the video should be shown to more people. View time and engagement.

>> No.17527169

If the algorithm really worked I’d have been recommended Forest Anon’s channel before recently finding it on here. All I do is watch outdoorsy shit and literature/philosophy videos on that god forsaken app

>> No.17527194

>extremely narrow regional focused booktuber
Sounds kino, fren

>> No.17527543
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This ones actually a very attractive shelf set up