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17523094 No.17523094 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have a path or purpose and I need a direction. My ideals change everyday and I can't live like this any longer. I see people around me already working towards what's meaning full for them. I want that frens.

>> No.17523110

Meaning from doing something isn’t magically derived or discovered. It’s made by getting good at something. What do you already have skill in, anon? Or are you a highschool frogposter who’s over exaggerating bullshit because you’re too young to know how young you are? Just fucking pick something anon. Woodworking. Roman history. Film making. Spread sheets. Programming. It doesn’t fucking matter. Just pick something and get autistic.

>> No.17523136

Get a dictionary. Oh you mean a goal? You won't find that in a book. Get a job get a hobby or get a kid.

>> No.17524114

Find your values in experiences and interaction with other people. Purpose is not told to you, it is something that is found through experience and introspection.

>> No.17524276
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You see people walking around, inhabiting these 'suits'. These identities they live in and project on the world. The businessman, the mother, the hipster - you look and know they are ultimately flimsy identities they build around themselves to give structure in their life. Humans cannot function without having this projection they present to the world and themselves.
However, instead of not following any ideals or purpose, use this instead to dive headfirst into anything you find truely interesting or meaningful. Instead of pulling yourself out because you know it is ultimately meaningless, realise that humans cannot exist in any other way and follow your hearts desire without any guilt whatsoever.

>> No.17524298

>I see people around me already working towards what's meaning full for them.
Do you really though?