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/lit/ - Literature

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17520787 No.17520787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what the fuck do we do about those goatfucking shilling fucks? I'm tired of seeing 1/3 of the catalog spammed with pretend discussions about a primitive death cult

>> No.17520793

Then hide the threads

>> No.17520800

No, I'm butthurt. This might sound gay, but I don't wanna see this board go to shit as well

>> No.17520807
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tradzoom->islamist pipeline

>> No.17520809

>I don't wanna see this board go to shit as well
A bit late for that mate, that train left a while ago. We need a philosophy and religion board if this one will be saved.

>> No.17520812

Only Christpoasting can stop them

>> No.17520816

Islam will triumph. It's either that or the globohomo, no other player in the game. Your choice.

>> No.17520821


Je suis d'accord, OP.
Les enculés me donnent froid au cou.

>> No.17520823

There are like 11 threads about Christianity up at any time anon

>> No.17520832
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kek, sneaky bastard

>> No.17520835

Is this Arab-language?

>> No.17520840

That is annoying too

>> No.17520854


>> No.17520872
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/lit/ has realized that Tawhid is the truth. Seethe kafir.

>> No.17520883

4chan is filled with people shilling Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Atheism. Just learn to accept it, hide the threads, and go read

>> No.17520888

Not really? Like I'm interested in religion in general so I have a bias on the matter but I find some of the stuff in those threads interesting. More so in the Christianity threads because you can't really have productive discussion about Islam on this site, which is depressing but that's on me for being stubborn and not ignoring those threads knowing they'll go to shit. I really should just stick to literature threads, at least when I'm shilling Wallace Stevens or something the thread isn't derailed by some faggot obsessed with his fantasy of me fucking goats.

>> No.17520889

China may well mog both

It's also 4chan's edginess at work. Fascism went mainstream, so they moved on to the next thing

>> No.17520890

I suspect this as well, I think it's some trad faggot that realized the only way his drab, stupid, unattainable ideology is Islam. I hate globohomo, but tradshit is fucking retarded. I wanna smother idpol zoomers to death, to watch their bovine eyes be drained of life

>> No.17520899

>Fascism went mainstream

>> No.17520910

On 4chan? It definitely did.

>> No.17520926

>that pic
Hearty kek

>> No.17520931
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You don't even know how to post, you embarrassing moron. /lit/ hasn't realized anything outside the fact that you and your 2-3 tard friends are simulating discussions in the vain hope of converting someone. Kill yourself nigger

>> No.17520944
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Yeah they will eventually figure out the actual practicing Catholics and Orthodox want nothing to do with online crazies, but that there is a place they are always welcome to peddle their ideology because its indistinguishable from reciting scriptures. In short, Bataille was right about Islam and fascism.

>> No.17520956

just hide and move on
that's what i do

>> No.17520957

I’m not even Muslim, fag, I just LARP as one to make you angry

>> No.17520959

Christianity has an integral part in Western culture and has influenced a lot of philosophers. Also Christianity is almost never just on its own discussed, but rather how it relates to or influenced x

>> No.17520965

4chan is not mainstream. Try being fascist in an actual mainstream platform and see how it goes.

>> No.17520967

I had a friend who, like the people posting here, was strongly against Islam.
One day they invited him to a mosque and there they recited the Qur'an to him.

The next morning he started fucking goats.

>> No.17520978

I'll give you that it is often mentioned with other faiths but I would say that isn't always the case. Plus, there is a lot of discussion that centers around non-western literature on this board.

>> No.17520979

you're not fooling anyone

>> No.17520983


>> No.17520987

If Cuckstianity is Western, then so is Pisslam. They both derive from the same Semitic shit and have minor differences in how they interpret Jewish stories.

>> No.17520991

Whatever lets you feel cool kiddo

>> No.17520992

chinas will be a christian nation in a decade or so, the numbers don't lie

>> No.17520994

Seethe kafir

>> No.17520999

>christianity only religion in europe for over 1000 years
>islam literally nonexistant

totally the same bro!

>> No.17521018

It's not about being cool or not being cool, fascism just isn't mainstream.

>> No.17521020
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Christianity and Islam are Jewish memeplexes designed to enslave and golemize European minds. Christianity especially. It’s a form of proto-Bolshevism. All Jews, Crosscucks included, will be gassed

>> No.17521021

Western culture doesn’t exist, you retarded piece of shit. There’s nothing in common between an Italian and an Anglo or a Swede. And even if it existed, you would owe a lot of it to Islam since Greek philosophers were basically translated, analyzed and brought to you by Islamic philosophers. /pol/tards are really ignorant, Jesus Christ.

>> No.17521036

They just have minor differences in how they interpret foundational myths. Christianity is not European the way Indo-European derived religions are. Hell, Hinduism is more European than Christianity in some sense, which I think Schopenhauer may have unconsciously realized.

>> No.17521050


Well it *IS* the legitimate language of French Algeria, one of the greatest territories of France!


> "You idiot, in a terroristic context, you have to consider even a woman an individual!"

>> No.17521053
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>> No.17521058
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>> No.17521069

One is the Church of Roman Empire and the Holy Roman Empire. The other is not.

>> No.17521073

I hear that Islam was cool until the Mongols killed everyone in Baghdad, where all the Muslim scholars lived. Then you just had dumb Muslims and Mongols hanging out in the desert

>> No.17521078

It would be nice if some of these religions would just make a general, most of their threads would do not need a dedicated thread. But I suspect they do not really care and view a dozen low quality threads about thier faith as proof of something.

>> No.17521079

>There’s nothing in common between an Italian and an Anglo or a Swede.
The only way you could believe this is if you’re unironically both retarded and have never been outside of the West.

>> No.17521082

christanity was changed and developed by europe, its european

>> No.17521089

I believe the genesis is more important than who developed it. If I had you an African pot, and you start painting some European heroes on it, it's still African in some sense... just like how Christianity is Semitic.

>> No.17521100


>> No.17521103

>The only way you could believe this is if you’re unironically both retarded and have never been outside of the West.
Historically, there was nothing in common between these nations. Nowadays, Western nations are basically sharing the same standardized culture shaped by American capitalism. Now go fuck yourself, retard.

>> No.17521104

That isn't really accurate, there are interesting Muslim thinkers after that. It was the 1800s when what you see today started to emerge.

>> No.17521106

christianity, sage

>> No.17521111

As a religious poster I couldn't agree more but the jannies wouldn't enforce that.

>> No.17521148

There is an Islam general on /pol/ now too. Came out of nowhere and it's active every day.

>> No.17521155

Relgion (and philosophy) threads are off-topic and they should all be moved to /his/

>> No.17521168

no, thats on topic.

>> No.17521177

They have never enforced generals, they naturally evolve. Start a general for your religion and keep making them until it catches on. It takes some time and the jannys may delete it at the start like they did the write whats on your mind threads, but if you show some perceivence it will eventually be self sustaining and those simple questions will do much better since they will be contained in a thread which will last longer than half a day.

>> No.17521180

/his/ is just the reddit version of /lit/. It never should've been added

>> No.17521195

>primitive death cult
you mean catholicism?

>> No.17521198

It rarely is. Philosofaggots killed this board.

>> No.17521203

That’s not how “sage” works, retard. Also Christianity isn’t sufficient since it has been divided into different branches.

>> No.17521207

Philsophy is reddit. /his/ is its rightful home

>> No.17521227

I agree. Philosophy is a disease. As for religious posters, I don't get why they see this site as a soapbox. I am religious, but I don't go around making thread after low quality thread about my faith.

>> No.17521255

Then what is /lit/ for? Fiction alone is boring

>> No.17521263

/his/ is a ubiquely garbage board

>> No.17521264
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I think I'm starting to miss the Catholic larpers bros.

>> No.17521283

Literature and poetry. You think these things are boring because your brain has probably been rotted by philosophy.

>> No.17521291

Fitting place for religion and philosophy posters then

>> No.17521292
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Outside of genes, shared history, similar values? Yeah, sure they don't. And the context I mentioned western culture was in the sense of what is being discussed here. It just happens that 95% of literary and artistic masterpieces was created in the west. They would be discussed here even if we were all mongolian throat singers with an interest in literature

Also you're an arrogant sophomaniac, the arab transmission myth is very exaggerated, the actual transmission of Greek philosophy was made by fleeing Greek scholars after the fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire.


you're either a frustrated, coping non-white or just a basic relativist cretin. Read a book idiot

>> No.17521297

Why do religion and philosophy make you seethe?

>> No.17521305

Because they killed /lit/

>> No.17521308

>historically, there was nothing in common between these nation
Lmao shut the fuck up faggot, you are an ignorant tard and a pseud. Or a baiter. Kys

>> No.17521316

A bloo bloo

>> No.17521319

Board went to shit a long time. The only thing that's keeping it together is the animefags.

>> No.17521329

>So what the fuck do we do about those goatfucking shilling fucks? I'm tired of seeing 1/3 of the catalog spammed with pretend discussions about a primitive death cult

The Deep State has decided the Plebs must Convert to Islam.

>> No.17521336
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If you're a genuine Q/Trumptard I'm leaving this site for good for a while. And I'm right wing

>> No.17521346

Count all the Lent threads we had last year, now count all of the Islam threads we're getting right now. I'm not making the rules here kid, it's what the Deep State wants.

>> No.17521349

literature boards shouldn’t talk about philosophy and religion? Do you not know what literature is?

>> No.17521375

You sound racist.

>> No.17521391

Read the sticky you absolute mong.

>> No.17521412

First, fiction=/=literature, teachers say this as a way to control normies so they dont do wrongthink. Second, fiction is useless shit, can be fun but nothing else. Maybe you are just too retarded for philosophy, although most of it is basically semantics problems or methaphysic retardations. Still more interesting than some pseud tryin to sound smart by using retarded metaphors of some reddit pop culutre that already nobody gave a fuck about to point some retarded thing nobody gives a fuck about so he can feel smart without having to actually know anythink or have a brain.
that's historacally incorect and a contradiciton

>> No.17521424

>There’s nothing in common between an Italian and an Anglo or a Swede
race, latin empire, christianity, literally most of the other thing around them. you sound retarded

>> No.17521427

make a religion board and ban it off /his/ and /lit/

>> No.17521435

>fiction is useless
You're the philosophical equivalent of the "i fucking love science" redditor soijack

>> No.17521438
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get a load of this fucking retard

>> No.17521442

Nothing wrong with people learning about different faiths and belief systems. What you're you're suggesting only works if religion is treated as a commodity and lifestyle choice, which it truly is not. Religion is not a subculture. You don't choose your religion, you choose to acknowledge your faith.

>> No.17521450


>> No.17521455

What a horrendous post. Please kys.

>> No.17521472

go away

>> No.17521483

Do you think I couldn't smash all your fucking teeth if you came up to me, bitch?

>> No.17521488

A bloo bloo

>> No.17521490

>latin empire
pre-Saxon Britain, never Sweden
Christianity was late to Sweden

There are many books on the history of Europe.

>> No.17521492
File: 156 KB, 640x596, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhhh I want to talk about my heckin' lovecrafterino instead

>> No.17521493

You are a fool and a pompous windbag. Please don't post here again

>> No.17521502

yeah you're a big boy anon

>> No.17521506

As shit as Lovecraft is he still has more value than the entire philosophical tradition

>> No.17521518

Imagine thinking any sort of fiction has any value.

>> No.17521520
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get a hold of yourself, you have panic attacks when you order McDonalds faggot, shut yo bitch mouth. Post physique

>> No.17521533

>There are many books on the history of Europe
And it seems you haven't read any of them

>> No.17521536
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>> No.17521540

So fiction readers hate philosophy and philosophy posters hate fiction. Create /fic/, problem solved.

>> No.17521546
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>> No.17521549

Millennial twinks detected.

>> No.17521550
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How does it feel to know you will never be a part of the greatest civilization to ever exist on this planet?

>> No.17521554

Things aren't often as they seem, for you.

>> No.17521556

Philosophy is fiction, it's just deluded itself into thinking otherwise.

>> No.17521561

you want a piece of this ass, bitch boi? come and get it uwu

>> No.17521563

Naw fuck that. I read philosophy and fiction and I'm not interested in switching boards.

>> No.17521565

Or just move philosophy threads to /his/ like the way things should be now

>> No.17521567

keep seething

>> No.17521569

>Philosophy is [sophist reasoning]

>> No.17521572
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Given recent trends the future of /lit/ is crypto-Buddhist Islam

>The Barmakids (Persian: برمکیان Barmakīyān; Arabic: البرامكة al-Barāmikah);[1] also spelled Barmecides, were an influential Iranian[2][3] family from Balkh where they were originally hereditary Buddhist leaders (in the Nawbahar monastery),[a][5] and subsequently came to great political power under the Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad. Khalid, the son of Barmak became the chief minister (vizier) of Al Saffah, the first Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty. His son Yahya aided Harun Al-Rashid in capturing the throne and rose to power as the most powerful man in the Caliphate. The Barmakids were remarkable for their majesty, splendor and hospitality. They are mentioned in some stories of the One Thousand and One Nights.

>> No.17521583

Yes, you're right: all philosophy IS sophistic reasoning

>> No.17521586

Lol can you imagine people beginning to larp as Zen-Muslims from Dune

>> No.17521599

It's there for discussion.

>> No.17521634

it certainly is. it can be fun, aestetic, but not useful. Nowadays people write in prose so the aestetic is more doubtful than ever.
al the same fag
>Christianity was late to Sweden
non christians were never considered as western civilization. keep on seething

>> No.17521642

We're definitely getting Zensufis and Zensunnis. They might be French though.

>> No.17521644

Make an Islam General thread, problem solved

>> No.17521671

Are you saying that Sweden was not part of Western Civilization prior to the acceptance of Christianity in Sweden?

>> No.17521718

Honestly as a Muslim I wish we had thought to use the stories of Nasreddin like koans. Useful technique, fakirs have the wrong approach to mysticism.

>> No.17521739

why re you asking?

>> No.17521814


>> No.17522063


>> No.17522077

>Honestly as a Muslim I wish we had thought to use the stories of Nasreddin like koans
Is that not a part of Sufism?
Don't tell me all these Nasreddin stories I've been meditating on are just goofy slapstick and puns that didn't translate right