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17516693 No.17516693 [Reply] [Original]

For me, I think it’s this 1898 copy of Kant’s critique of Practical reason. But I highlighted and scribbled it.

Valuable means market value not subjective value

>> No.17516719

first edition the crying of lot 49 hardcover
could sell for a few hundred (wouldnt)

>> No.17517147

I have a first edition of The Stories of John Cheever which I cherish very much and used to write my undergrad thesis. I also have first editions of two John Updike novels which I haven’t read yet. I got all three at a free book exchange in Baltimore and they have stamps in the inner cover with the logo on it but I’ll probably remove those with acetone if I ever want to sell them. But I’ll probably just keep them

>> No.17517174

A 19th century book of children's stories.

>> No.17517186

first edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

>> No.17517196

My wife has a cloth bound copy of The Basics of French Cookery, I gave it her as an engagement present.

>> No.17517244

Civil War 2 is going for over 2.5k on Amazon so probably that.

>> No.17517363

One of these 3:

>An 1888 copy of Thomas Carlyles Heroes and Hero Workshop and Sartor Resartus
>A 1936 copy of "The Life of King George V, presenting in prose and pictures the life and work of a monarch beloved of his peoples" from 1936
>A signed copy of Enoch Powells "still to decide" book. Not sure what year it was because it's in my attic right now

Nothing else of note really except a misprinted Philosophers Stone book, but I think they're pretty common.

>> No.17517390

I have a 1910 edition of Baudelaires' Flower of Evil, unfortunately it's in bad condition. Also an edition of Rousseau's Confession that is from, iirc, the 1830s. The oldest book I have is from 1780, but it's in bad condition and entirely uninteresting by now, so not sure it would fetch for a high price.

I also have about a dozen advanced maths textbooks, those don't come cheap.

>> No.17517480

The Leap by Bill Hopkins--a "banned" novel about the rise of a Hitler like character in England by one of the more obscure Angry Young Men.

And the Piccola Pulcinellopedia by Luigi Serafini, author/illustrator of the more famous Codex Serafinianus.

Both are worth about $400.

>> No.17517513
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The green book is a first edition of A Skeleton Key To Finnegan's wake. It's the most I've *spent* on a book.

The red book is an older edition of Morals and Dogma. It does not have an ISBN number because the Library of Congress were not provided the obligatory two copies. It's probably the most valuable because this particular copy is very well known.

The larger tan book is a first edition of An Experiment With Time: a well known book in occult circles. It and the Skeleton Key are both of a peice: they were printed during the second world war, and have the obligatory paper-ration mark; U.S. and England respectively.

The small tan book is the most valuable *to me*. It's a very early (1882) book on Mesmerism, back when it was understood as 'animal magnetism'. It's far less psychology and far more occultism.

>> No.17517567

I have a copy of My Struggle 1 signed by Karl Ove Knausgaard, and three copies of A Visit from the Goon squad signed by Jennifer Egan. They are my prized possessions.

>> No.17518209

people never read shit.

>> No.17518259
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i got it for £1 from oxfam ages ago, but when a friend was trying to get hold of it it turns out it's out of print and second hand copies are normally a couple of hundred quid

>> No.17518300

Forgot the first volume of the only critical edition of Pasquier's Research on France (a work of historiography written in the 16th century, although the critical edition itself is from the 20th century).

>> No.17519533

McElroy Women And Men first edition, caught it for cheap. Wanna read a few of his earlier novels first so I haven't even read it, shame

>> No.17519549

first edition of Dante's Paradiso with Dore Illustrations

>> No.17519559

Bottoms dream
1st edition platos republic

>> No.17519567
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>> No.17519594

I have a collection of american stories that john updike edited, which by itself isn’t worth much, but he signed it. I have a bunch of books which aren’t really worth much, but I have a couple which are hard to find.

>> No.17519635

I own a book called 'Covenants With Death' and it's basically photography of horrific pictures from WW1 published in the 1920's.
My grandad had the book which he inherited from his mother and after my school project in WW1 said it needed more pictures he cut loads of photos from the book out. I told him not to but he just really wanted to help me.
He ended up having to throw it away so I bought a copy online for roughly £100 (cheaper than any others I found) and gave it to him.
He died a year ago yesterday and despite the horrific content of the book both the monetary and sentimental value of him helping cut the photos out of the original book it makes it my most valuable book.

>> No.17519682
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Bigfoot: on the track of the sasquatch by John Green.
My mother bought it for me when I was like 10 because I was obsessed with bigfoot, she paid like $3-4 at some thrift store. Seems to go for around $40 - $70 online. not as impressive as most of you other bros but still it's the most valuable book I have

>> No.17519725


>> No.17519882

Now I'm jealous.

>> No.17519918

An autographed copy of the bible :^)

>> No.17519923

Dune trilogy books out of print now, they have nice covers, probably worth about 50

>> No.17519928

*That* John Green?

>> No.17519929
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first edition 1934

>> No.17520033

I always see a used copy of Egan's book, what's the selling point?

Also did you get them signed yourself or were they purchased like that?

>> No.17520149

the neckbeard youtuber? no, unfortunately not

>> No.17521503

Literary and Educational Writings 1 and 2, Volumes 23 and 24: Antibarbari / Parabolae and De copia / De ratione studii (Collected Works of Erasmus) Annotated Edition

bought it at $112, mainly for the translation of De Copia Verborum

>> No.17521528
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>> No.17521762
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That's a classic in Sasquaquatch research circles.
Since you're a connisuer of Bigfoot lore, or were at one point, I *strongly * recommend you check out William Jevning's podcast.


Jevning is the Secret Chief of Bigfoot research. He became a protege of Rene Dahinden as a teenager, knew Patterson and Gimlin well, and over the last forty years has interviewed thousands of witnesses. His private research network has studied many more cases, and has a wealth of practical field data about the creatures.

He's also written several books on research methodology and historical cases. They're quite good.

https://www.youtube.com/user/wjevning/videos is his channel.

This is a good podcast from about five years ago where he and some research associates do Q & A with viewers
A pretty good starting point IMO.

>> No.17522000

I have a number of first edition Vonneguts and recently a first edition of the Sea-Wolf.
Also, hilariously, my wife discovered a 1st edition special printing of the first twilight book and I've seen it go for upwards of $600.

>> No.17522375

more info on these titles?

>> No.17523105

I learned about Bill Hopkins from Jonathan Bowden. A friend of mine used to give speeches at his London New Right events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ebe5VaTzsfo

>> No.17523439
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probably the scots language new testament i have.
only worth about £15-20 used but £40 new