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17517743 No.17517743 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Quinten Scobie aka Book Review so popular on /lit/? None of his videos make no sense and come across as very bourgeois and kleeky, similar to that of a group of University students. Can somebody give me context?

>> No.17517760


>> No.17517862

>none of his videos make no sense
seems as though you don't really need the context

>> No.17517872

Then it's pointless. Just because something is pointless and random that doesn't make it funny

>> No.17517901


>> No.17517903

Because that’s how memes work now. They start off as a little bit funny, turn into memes, rapidly become un-funny, but are still forced as memes.

>> No.17517904

yo, George, huge fan of your work.

>> No.17517929

But if you're excluding the book from the video, then it has no substance meaning it's pointless. His video of The Death of the West did not add anything or really propel it's ideas further. You needed to know what the Death of the West was about to sort of get an idea of what was in his head, but even with that knowledge the video did nothing

>> No.17517940

cause him and his retard fans shill him all the time
if you want him to stop being popular stop making threads about him

>> No.17517953

He isn't exactly popular outside of lit

>> No.17517954

Is he legitimately schizophrenic? Why is such a good-looking chad making such depraved videos?

>> No.17517960
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Survive the Jive watches him though

>> No.17517968

His videos aren't depraved just they lack meaning

>> No.17517984

What do you call these kind of people that are so flamboyant and in your face with their retarded screeching, and so uncaring to the point they can’t be shamed out of their faggot like behaviours that they’ve forged a kind of impenetrable armour upon themselves

>> No.17518006


>> No.17518008

because his pongo vid

he's the definition of a spaz

>> No.17518020
File: 948 KB, 897x927, Screenshot_20210211-191643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's the definition of a spaz

He seems to have a ebony fetish, never seen him with another woman (who wasn't his sister) who isn't a black woman with a large body fat %

>> No.17518030

What happened to him? Does he still post?

>> No.17518033

What does Frendo mean?

>> No.17518050

Q is literally a knock off version of what lil peep was to rap. He isn't even analogous to lil peep. He hides behind a slightly more nuanced version of "HEHE I'M SO EDGY AND RANDOM." It's like he leans into being a schizo because it's what he thinks smart misunderstood individualistic artists act like. It's like a child's surface level understanding of what it means to be artistic, highly individual, and pushing the edge.

He's just an edge lord fag. Not worth a second thought. Not to be taken seriously. Hiding behind a facade of plausible deniability so as to never confront judgement face on because he knows he would never measure up.

>> No.17518058


>> No.17518067


>> No.17518118
File: 74 KB, 900x900, 9ABF0F22-3095-40B5-BC61-C63AFFF186FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s playing the character of and partly is
>the 2x yo average /lit/ poster who accidentally read french post modernists, contemporaries, eroticism and conservative modernists and traditionalists back to back and became insane for a few years before realising a vast amount of everything is total hyper real bs and larps by moving to Egypt for a week
May he find peace, may we find peace. We’re basically a group put on this earth as information overload filters. That’s the reason why we’re here. Or we’re just insane.

>> No.17518190


>> No.17518297

He's backpacking to Egypt

>> No.17518311


>> No.17518477
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>> No.17518504

He's a weird man.

>> No.17518517

I saw that his comment was top rated on a Fitzcarraldo video and it was some really pseud thing that had nothing to do with the movie.

>> No.17518525
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You sound jealous and bitter. Go shit your pants, OP.

>> No.17518542

I have a YT channel, and my most popular video has more views than his Frendo

>> No.17518551

>i took a poopoo, and my biggest poopoo was stinkier than his biggest poopoo

>> No.17518778

We're definitely insane. And Q is our poster boy.

>> No.17519161
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He knowingly combines the nihilistic open-secret satanism of post-9/11 Cartoon Network programming with the random humor spastic web show format of Nickelodeon's iCarly programming with subject matter and rhetorical response programming to attract protein powder guzzling post-atheists who grew up in the environment of this pervasive subliminal tv/music programming. It is popular because it's been tried and tested to powerfully program people to throw the biggest tantrums and hide the longest and deepest from God: who is inevitably everywhere, always right, and all-loving/all-forgiving.

>> No.17519343

good point

>> No.17519966


>> No.17519999
File: 75 KB, 352x179, how_to_be_a_faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17520004

>The random humor spastic web show format of Nickelodeon's iCarly programming with subject matter and rhetorical response programming to attract protein powder guzzling post-atheists who grew up in the environment of this pervasive subliminal tv/music programming

>> No.17520036

All you need to know to understand Q is that he's balding, and he's coping.

This is what 0 dht insensitivity does to a mf

>> No.17520043

He doesn't have such fetish. His gf is white. I saw a picture of them.

>> No.17520073

>Why is Quinten Scobie aka Book Review so popular on /lit/?
Quentin*, Book Club*. But to answer your question, he says funny things from time to time and makes nice tunes. I think he should be focusing on producing more music,

>> No.17520139
File: 4 KB, 205x246, ywn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post made sense to me
I came here to learn enough about books to impress girls

>> No.17520143

He’s a good looking Chad

>> No.17520164

I really want to see that video where he apparently jerks off a guy.

>> No.17520178

he never jerks off a guy, he just touches his dick for like 3 seconds

>> No.17520181

Him and his friend just throw eachothers dicks around for a second. It’s not as gay as you may be thinking

>> No.17520362

Survive the Jive is a weird /his/ larper. Of course he watches him.

>> No.17520375

Sure thing Q, weirdo.

>> No.17520382

penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis

>> No.17520385

I saw the video. There was no jerking off. Their dicks were not even erect but flaccid.

>> No.17520437

I don't pay any attention to booktuber memeing on here usually so I have no idea what his videos are like. However, you should really read more books.
>bourgeois and kleeky
It's cliquey. The fact you got bourgeois right and misspelt clique means you probably have read more Twitter than books. Twitter is legitimately poisoning your brain and so is YouTube. You need books to stop you from becoming like all the people you love to hate.

>> No.17521728


>> No.17521740

Don't spare your breath, George

>> No.17521742

I am not sure he has a gf. The girl in his videos is his sister.

>> No.17521810

ok, Q, ok. you're not gay, sure, I believe you.

>> No.17521819

Not the girl in the videos but another girl in a photo who is (ws?) his actual girlfriend.

>> No.17521905

wow, sounds like he's pretty popular

>> No.17521914

It is because something being funny is the result of it breaking a pattern to which we have been accustomed. This is why most memes and jokes are often the following:
- Controversial
- Random
- Shocking
Jokes then become unfunny because a pattern is then created by the repeated contiguity of the perceptions imminent to the joke. This pattern can often be subverted yet again when it becomes ridiculous or uncommon to display. This is when the joke or meme becomes ironic.

>> No.17521925

I really despise the sort of unattached cynical edgy humour that this person spews out. It just reeks of insecurity.
I know Cliff from Betterthanfood is cringey in his own right but at least he shows genuine sincerity.

>> No.17521938
File: 12 KB, 274x142, Screenshot_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha bro insincerity and empty memeing is the whole point bro lmao don't you get it are you retarded???

>> No.17521982

I hate his fucking facial structure.

>> No.17521998

As someone that looks like him, I want to punch myself in the god damn face.

>> No.17522009

The ugliness which accompanies most humor these days makes it repulsive.

>> No.17522131

could you explain without me needing to watch more than 30 seconds of this guy?

>> No.17522269

I recently bought his book Baby Alex. What am I in for? Spoiler-free please.

>> No.17522303

Regret, mostly.

>> No.17522306


>> No.17522316

It's interesting, but it's not good.

>> No.17522380

I also look like him wtf

>> No.17522632

Approachable yet never truly handsome. It’s a burden. At least we will age somewhat gracefully.

>> No.17522740

His ex gf is in a music video that he uploaded. She is swinging around a sword

>> No.17522742

>Is he legitimately schizophrenic? Why is such a good-looking chad making such depraved videos?
He's balding (starting from a great head of hair) and he's a manlet. He cracked over the fact height + hair > face

>> No.17522773

I think most people ITT are missing the point of TBC... it really isn’t a character. Q is just a guy and he is funny and he does a good job of making fun of booktubers, annoying reddit faggots like JREG, and /lit/izens , which is probably why there is so much disdain in this thread. Go outside, get off /lit/, go to the gym, and read a motherfucking book. This thread has more lengthy commentary on a youtube channel than most threads on actual books. /lit/, twitter, and youtube are a waste of your time.

>> No.17522931

Won't respect him until he mentions Kant.
Filed under pseud until then.

>> No.17522958

4chan users

>> No.17523005
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>> No.17523168

Nice hat

>> No.17523281
File: 23 KB, 480x384, base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awseome post

>> No.17523308

Does he still do livestreams?

>> No.17523331

>annoying reddit faggots like JREG
kek imagine seething this much

jreg has the only political discourse of value in his comment sections because he, and as a result his fans, claim everything they say and do is ironic.
not being able to realize jreg's stance and talking points just outs you as a retard, since even midwits can comprehend basic le-irony memes

>> No.17523336

He is too scared of showing his true self so he hides behind a character he created.

>> No.17523341

His video on the reasons why you should write is pretty good. The perfect mix between random shit and actual knowledge.

>> No.17523618

Reading the thread I thought he would be shit, but then I saw his last video (one on Baudrillard's Simulacra and simulation) and it looks fine. Random kind of stuff I'd enjoy making if I had the time

>> No.17523941

>used to shill himself on /lit/
>Wanked off a guy in one of his videos
>because /lit/ thinks if something is confusing or difficult to understand it's good

>> No.17524030

wow that's damning evidence. He should really consider that some pseud might be judging the intellectual merit of his comments on internet videos in future

>> No.17524039

I jerked him off behind a dumpster in Kyoto, he blew 2.5 solid ropes. No homo

>> No.17524058

Memes and stupid shit, anon. That is what /lit/ is mostly about.

>> No.17524308

>because his pongo vid

Sauce pls

>> No.17524398

>/lit/ is getting filtered this hard by a booktuber
Jesus fucking Christ you people are fucking dumb.

>> No.17524427


>> No.17524573

Why you type like a faggot? Whenever I see someone type like that I imagine a mildly overweight, low test American man.

>> No.17524649

His videos fit to /lit/ though, they're post-discussion. No great insights but they can be fun to watch. Book discussions here are usually shit.

>> No.17525859

I was in the same block as Q at Edinburgh when i was a fresher. Literally have no other information than that

>> No.17525934

if you're a spastic autist, you'll love it

>> No.17525963

They are the hollow men
They are the stuffed men

>> No.17526033

He’s hideous. If he had a good heart or was sincere he wouldn’t be, but the annoying act of his personality paired with that face is like the sound of metal on metal

>> No.17526207

I’m talking about JREG’s spirit, that of das ewige Redditor. Keep watching your youtube videos instead of reading, I was just trying to help you

>> No.17526220

i like him, i think he's funny and his tunes are great

>> No.17526236

Rest in power.

>> No.17526392

Alls I know is if you react to his shit with resentment you are the bad one

>> No.17526706

My girlfriend lived by the meadows at the time, saw him filming for "sound artist" or whatever it's called, the one where he walks around with a boom mic. This was probably months before I knew who he was. Yeah, this is nothing