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17517877 No.17517877 [Reply] [Original]

In the name of Allah, the All Merciful, the Most Merciful. Praise to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon his slave and messager, the Prophet Muhammad

Daily reminder that Ibn Taymiyyah (summing up his arguments) refutes

The difference between essence and existence is symantics, for non-existent essence is nonsense, and existence itself that's not the existence of anything is nonsense

>unity of being
A hammer has an itself (himself in Arabic) and a man has a himself but we don't therefore say they are the selfsame and speak of universal selfness

>reality of Allah's attributes
To say this is anthropomorphism is to presuppose univocity of being which in itself suggests unity of being which is incoherent as has been shown. Furthermore possible and necessary being must be clearly and radically incomparable, one temporal, the other eternal and so their properties are not fungible

To say causation doesn't exist clearly goes against the Qur'an because you have verses like Allah saying he sends down rain causing growth. Divine command theory is also incompatible with the Qur'an as it says Allah commands what is good whereas divine command theory would make this phrase redundant to the point of meaningless. And to say there are mystical states which show irrational truth is makes no sense as revelation is beyond being discovered purely by reason but is obviously compatible with it since the Qur'an invokes reason frequently to show the rationality of revelation; such mystical states are just a form of intoxication

>esoteric interpretations
These are of two kinds, one is kufr (interpreting a verse that plainly means one thing to mean something against the Qur'an, such as Ibn Arabi saying the flood of the people of Noah was a metaphor for their enlightenment), and confused (telling Moses to go to Pharaoh doesn't mean go to your heart, for Allah would just say go to your heart if he meant that; this interpretation doesn't go against the Qur'an but it has no basis).

All from Ibn Taymiyyah Expounds on Islam

Ibn Kathir's tafsir of the Qur'an

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab's short work in Tawheed, Usool al-Thalatha

A lecture series on it, great introduction to Tawheed

Shaykh Usama Bin Laden's scathing critique of Saudi funded clerics

>These state employees, it is not possible for any rational person to refer to them in the matters of his din.

More to follow

>> No.17517888

>reddit spacing
Post discarded

>> No.17517892
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Imam Anwar al-Awlaki's lecture series on the lives of the Prophets and the life of Muhammad

Shaykh Abdullah Azzam's work explaining the Salafi stance on jihad

>The popular Jihad movement with its long path of effort, great sacrifice and serious losses, purifies souls so that they tower above the lower material world.

Democracy: The Modern Idol

>The perpetrators of the one of the greatest sins, those who commit the sin of the people of Lūṭ [Lot, i.e. the people of Soddom and Gomorrah], want a law that serves them, their brothers and their likes. The insolent adulterers suggest regimes that preserve their immorality and insolent debauchery. The usurers offer legislations that multiply their fortunes and protect their practices.

On technology
>Basically, what we call a “technologically advanced society” is principally a society which has surrendered to the capitalist economic infrastructure and, more substantially, the neoliberal weltanschauung or paradigmatic superstructure; it reasserts the fact that technology is indeed a form of liturgy and rituality, and its religion might be considered to be (neo)liberalism and (ultra)capitalism, which is served by the perennial advances in technological subtleties of a given society, even if the said society’s body, and more so its soul, are sacrificed on the altar of the said linear progress.

Islamic state documentary on the Petrodollar and Saud as the root of the Middle East conflicts

>> No.17518023

Ease of consumption, or kids complain you know

>> No.17518221
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Awlaki's critique of the Muslim Brotherhood

>The final problem is that the Muslims’ method is not a method of infiltration. Muslims do not try to infiltrate the system and work from within. It is just not our way. It is the way of the Jews and the munafiqeen but not the way of the Muslims. We are honest and straightforward with friend and foe. We make our intentions open and we declare our dawah publicly, “For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” We do not want to infiltrate the system whether in America or in a Muslim country. The Jews are the ones who have infiltrated every government they lived under whether it was al-Andalus and the Ottoman khilafah or the Western governments of today. They have a hidden agenda, we don’t. The Jews and their brethren, the hypocrites, tried to infiltrate the government of Rasulullah and were exposed by Quran:

>“And a faction of the People of the Scripture say [to each other], “Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will return [i.e., abandon their religion]”

>So they would become believers and come in to the community only to leave it at the end of the day. Allah also talks about the hypocrites who would sit among the believers and convey what they hear to the Jews.

Therefore for those who say that we should be involved with the system and change it from within are not following the path of the Muslims and if their character is that of a Muslim they would fail because infiltration just doesn’t work with Muslim behavior. But if they do succeed in infiltrating the system then that is proof that their character has become that of the Jews or the hypocrites and not that of the Muslims.


>> No.17518262

>These scholars represent the legal cover for everything the ruler does of treachery towards the Ummah… for the ruler would not have the courage for betrayal if there existed some who expose their forgery… or if his legality collapsed in the eyes of the common folk.

“Strangle the Last Arab Tyrant…with the Entrails of the Last Official Scholar!” – Louis ‘Atiyyatullah


>> No.17518307
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>Imam Anwar al-Awlaki's lecture series on the lives of the Prophets and the life of Muhammad

>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

From episode one of the Life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

>> No.17518437
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>A lecture series
More by Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

>It is indeed ironic that at times we see those who do not believe in the Hereafter hold more heroic stands to what they believed in to the point where it became part of them like their flesh and blood, while those who claim for themselves a garden of heaven bigger than the sky and the earth cower and tremble away. One must have resolve to what one believes in even if the pain and suffering reach their peak. One must have commitment to his belief even if those around him depart and abandon him.

>> No.17518440

What is so special about Ibn Taymiyyah and which work(s) of him in particular?
There don't seem to be that many translated works of him which gives me the impression his legacy doesn't live up to the expectations. But it could very well be his works are barely translated. But then I don't understand why not, if he's such an important figure

>> No.17518473

I linked one

He's a dissident figure. For example he got imprisoned for banning triple talaq and also said women can recite Qur'an even while menstruating. He was also tried for heresy multiple times but acquitted each time. He is the central thinker of Salafism and was enormously influential on ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab

There are many more works by him available on kalamullah, including his guide to asceticism

>> No.17518538

What books would you recommend to begin with?

Is Jon Hoover's book on him any good?

>> No.17518570
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More lectures by him

Ibn Taymiyyah Expounds on Islam. Everything I mentioned is from that. It's an anthology of excerpts from his fatwas on multiple matters like theology, politics, caysai, etc

>> No.17518582

How can you say Ibn Taymiyyah refuted sufism when he was of the Qadiri order?

>> No.17518620
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Sufism isn't homogeneous and Ibn Taymiyyah makes a distinction in his works between classical sufism and neo sufism like Ibn Arabi. He was a classical sufi who lived at the time neo sufism was becoming predominant so he used sufi almost always negatively though says classical Sufis would never consider any of the neo stuff Islam

>> No.17518629
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>Musa wasn't always musa. Italian on his dad's side, Anglo-Aussie on his mum's, Musa was christened Robert. Musa became fascinated with religion at his Catholic primary school. His family wasn't observant, so he was out on his own on this spiritual journey. In 2000, he visited the Vatican with his school.

>"I mean, looking at the Sistine Chapel, seeing this old man with a beard, and they're telling me that's the God they worship? I'm like, 'The Ten Commandments says you shouldn't make images of God.' I realised when we'd pray back in primary school, we'd say, 'Holy Mary, mother of God', and I was sort of like, 'Hold on a moment. Mother of God? God doesn't have a mother.' And I was like, 'Damn ... this is pretty weird.' I realised that the Catholic Church were absolute nut-jobs." At the age of 17, he converted to Islam.

>Musa seems to know everyone in Footscray. He moseys down the street with his hand in his pocket, shooting "Salaam alaikums" and small talk to the perfume salesman in the mall and the old men in a Sudanese restaurant. He's like the Fonz. We chew on Sudanese meat dishes in the restaurant. He's ranting about a woman, a left-wing activist from his uni days.

>Musa had enrolled at Victoria University in an arts course, majoring in media and history, and on Orientation Day he found she had set up a stall next to his Islamic Society table. "She came over and dropped this pile of flyers for an event they were having, something pro-Palestine," he recalls. "So I said to her, 'Please take them off. I don't want them here.'"

>This is the first time I've seen fire in his eyes. This is a different Musa to the one at the house. "She was giving me this confused look, like, 'Why not? I mean, it's for Palestine.' I said, 'Look, you're not a Muslim, you don't agree with Islam. As for us, that's what we want for Palestine. We want Sharia, we want Islamic law. You don't want that, so let's admit we don't want the same thing.' She started to get a little bit offended. She's like, 'Oh, but, you know, we have to work together,' and I'm like, 'No, we don't have to work together.'"


>["...]The vast majority of Muslims are clear on 95 per cent of matters. You have to pray five times a day - nobody is saying it's six or four - we all agree. The punishment for adultery for a married person is that they are killed. It's clear; nobody debates this."

>I find this difficult to believe. "Surely people, like Muslims in Australia, would ... if I went to Nazeem at Triple J and said, 'Do you think adulterers should be stoned?' he'd go, 'No', wouldn't he?"

>"They don't have to be stoned," Musa says. "You could also cut their head off."

>> No.17518634
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I shit in Mohammed's (Piss Be Upon Him) pedo faggot mouth and on your constant shilling. You're not fooling anyone with your manufactured threads

>> No.17518639
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>> No.17518679

Ibn Taymiyya never "refutes Sufism." He just refutes certain beliefs held by certain Sufis.

All of his books are really good.

>> No.17518700

If sufism can be given a concerte contemporary definition, he refutes it since he argues for an aqidah that it's unlikely any sufi holds today

>> No.17518730
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This is probably not true. Jon Hoover casts doubt on this in his recent book. See pic related.

>> No.17518766

That's good to know. Thank you.

>> No.17518855 [DELETED] 

The deviance of democracy, lecture by Shaykh Musa


>> No.17518873
File: 26 KB, 650x366, 5f74ee15bdb9edbee2aa17d2e6ba0d40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The deviance of democracy, lecture by Shaykh Musa


>> No.17518928
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>Clearly you are calling for democracy--a heretic modern religion. You kill people, permit alcohol, adultery, and corruption, all in the name of democracy. Your media works hard to polish the image of this modern religion, which it describes as just, balanced, and predicated on the freedom of the individual and the dignity of the citizen.

>The dawa we have broken down for you and explained, that your laws call 'offensive speech', is our moral law and our duty.

>Fighting is our ethos; we are honest, and the cowards know it. None of our leaders has died in his bed--nor hiding in the bushes in the battlefield

>> No.17519148
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What is the Salafi reaction to this image?

>> No.17519162

>A hammer has an itself (himself in Arabic) and a man has a himself but we don't therefore say they are the selfsame and speak of universal selfness
Interesting. Is he referring to the Kant's mind body problem?

>> No.17519254

Presumption she's a Shia. If you ever go to Dearborn and see the Shia clothing stores you'd know

He's referring to the idea of unitary being, which he says is no more coherent than arguing for unitary self, it's just language

>> No.17519304

>Lamyaa, 17, in Pennsylvania, US tweeted a screengrab of a conversation with her father in Saudi Arabia
I highly doubt she's Shia

>> No.17519342

Why? The percentage of Shia from there is low but so is the percentage of women who both don't veil their face and wear make up

>> No.17519380

It's possible but very unlikely. And you know your own Salafi preachers have to constantly tell women not to wear makeup.

>> No.17519391
File: 59 KB, 933x933, EfhtklnU4AUEc_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain Salafism to a complete retard. Are they anti-Wahhabis/Saudi? Are they ISIS/The Taliban?

>> No.17519396


Nvrm. Just found out she is a fiercely anti Salafi moroccan and says Salafi marriages are invalid and says there needs to be greater unity with Shi'ites so close enough

Salafi preachers don't constantly tell women to not wear makeup as Salafi women generally wear niqab and wearing make up niqab or at home or in women only gatherings is fine

>> No.17519416

There are two branches, Madkhalis who are very pro Saud and say disobedience to Saud is apostasy, then there are classical Salafis like ISIS and Bin Laden, these say the House of Saud apostacized when they went to the British for alliance. Both are Wahhabi.

The Taliban are Deobandi, they used to get along well with Wahhabis under Muhammad Omar but now they don't as much because they no longer ban drugs or fight Shia

>> No.17519430

Salafis are Muslims who have Athari theology and they're usually either Hanbali in fiqh or don't follow a specific madhhab. There are quietist Salafis (who are invariably pro-Saudi) and Salafi-Jihadists (IS, Taliban, etc.). All types generally have favorable opinions of Muhammad ibn Abdu'l-Wahhab but wouldn't describe themselves as Wahhabi.

>> No.17519437

Taliban are not and have never been Salafi, they're Maturidi

>> No.17519452

My mistake. Sorry.

>> No.17519462

Also Wahhabi is the same thing as Salafi, it's just a pejorative. Shia wiki for example refers to Ibn Taymiyyah as "leader of the Wahhabis" despite living hundreds of years before Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhab.

>> No.17519853
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On voting in municipal elections


>> No.17520705

Books on current events

>> No.17522370

The true story behind the treason of the House of Saud and their friendship with the British


>> No.17522421

So are you guys down with Shia Islam or does that need a new thread?

>> No.17522446
File: 106 KB, 962x642, Shia ritual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not really


>> No.17522508

What’d that Mohammed guy look like anyway? Do you guys have some pictures?

>> No.17522551

No lotta description though

>> No.17522565

Someone must have drawn him or something

>> No.17522609

Yeah there's an engraving of him in the u.s. supreme Court

>> No.17523060

I'm interested learning about Hamas. What do they believe in? What's their sentence about the Shia, and why do Salafis in general hate the Iran and the Shia?

>> No.17523128
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Hamas is basically the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. They used to be very militant but now actually target Palestinians who attack Israelis because they don't want reprisals, this has lead to conflict between them and AQ. They are very close to Iran as that is their main patron.

Salafis in general hate Shia for these reasons

Politically Salafi Jihadists actually had a tacit alliance with the Shia until the Iraq War. It stopped there because most of the allies of America in Iraq were Shia and most insurgents were Sunni. Even Anti American Shia militias though tended to be very anti Sunni and have the idea of reviving the Safavid Empire, which would entail doing to Sunnis in Iraq what the Safavids did to them in Iran. The further Shia support for Russian occupation and bombing of Sunnis in Syria had basically destroyed anti chance of cooperation. Bin Laden kept his family in Iran but they ended up taking many hostage to negotiate with him to call off the Iraqi jihad. Consequently he kidnapped an Iranian ambassador and did an exchange. He moved most to Pakistan that were on the lamb with him. Some are still in Iran

>> No.17523503

>"They don't have to be stoned," Musa says. "You could also cut their head off."

Is it permissible to Shariah to cut off their heads? I thought only stoning was allowed. Please explain

>> No.17523531

Depends on your school.

>> No.17523563

Which school(s) say it's allowed?

>> No.17523585

I'm not positive but I think Hanafi since iirc their perspective is the death sentence is the revelation and the method of carrying it out is more just whatever means is the local norm for capital punishment.

>> No.17523599

Actually judging for his location it is probably Shafi'i and iirc they're the only ones that allow it for homosexuals as well (although death fall is alternative to stoning on that for some schools)

>> No.17523875

>breed like rats in the hope to gain a powerful majority
Very islamic

>> No.17523881

>don't reproduce and pretend it's about being civilized and not about going through a sterile manchild existence

>> No.17524698

You're on a board where thinking in absolutes makes you look retarded. Got any more hilarious zingers for us?