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/lit/ - Literature

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17515520 No.17515520 [Reply] [Original]

>take no political or militant action, don't fight it, just learn to live with it
>this is what I call riding the tiger, it's essentially a revolt against the modern world


>> No.17515529

Why are the /lit/ pseuds absolutely obsessed with denigrating this man despite not even reading his books?

>> No.17515537

I dislike Evola, but that's a serious misrepresentation of his works.

>> No.17515538

Why is this board so obsessed with Evola? Genuine question btw, I´m not trying to judge, its just that this is literally the only place on earth that I see his name mentioned and surprisingly all the time

>> No.17515540

>fought in WW1
>volunteered to fight on the eastern front in WW2, was rejected for political reasons, then paralyzed in an allied bombing raid while contemplating his destiny amongst the firestorm
I don't see how this wasn't living up to his ideals

>> No.17515541

I'm convinced that there is something going on on lit trying to defame people that are popular with the "Right", look all the brainlet antinietzsche posting these days. Evola is just collateral damage.

>> No.17515545

Bunkerchan and co. have their fingers in every board on 4chan that is even semi-politically relevant.

>> No.17515548
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It's not just here.

>> No.17515556

This, they have a real hatred for Evola, iv seem them devote whole threads to just seething at him

>> No.17515562

Evola is still a pseud but its really sad that wikipedia editors have become such onionsboys lol

>> No.17515567

They seethe at anything that calls for a higher standard of living and not just succumbing to the inertia of their basic, illusory selves.

>> No.17515574

He got seeded by Ironmarch spergs into the Right at a critical point in its intellectual history. tl;dr Americans suddenly realized that the Founding Fathers were fucking shit and they needed to look elsewhere, and Evola is about as far Right as you can get without smoking crack. This isn't to say that he was unknown in the Right, but the only people who knew about him before this were whacky Pagan types like Changes (who are oldschool White Nationalists in the sense of "they were singing about Evola in the fucking 70s"). I'm partially speaking from experience here, as I have been on 4chan for far too long.

/lit/ is just one of the increasingly fewer places on the internet where you can talk about whatever you want. In an age where eunuchs are allowed to watch girls pee in public restrooms and Churchill statues are torn down because of his virulent Anti-Semitism, should it really be surprising that Julius "Women are a separate race from men" Evola isn't popular amongst the mainstream academics of the day?

>> No.17515578

My personal theory? A lot of avenues can lead you to Evola, whether it’s his idealism, his politics, religion, the occult. He’s actually a pretty complex author that covered quite a lot of ground. He’s also somehow differentiated from others in his milieu and almost a mythological figure in literature. Even a Google image search will render pictures of him that lend themselves to an air of mystery and frankly, a bit of edginess. At the same time, I think a small population people, the type who might frequent here, are increasingly interested in alternative viewpoints, and they don’t really get more alternative then this guy. He’s like that IQ bell curve meme where at the low end, it’s just /pol/ posters thinking he’s a fascist or something, then at the middle it’s a lot of people just dismissing him as cringe and crazy, then the upper end realizing that actually, no this guy had quite a lot to say if you take the care to be nuanced. Where else are you going to hear about a guy like this anyway? In your college lit class? Your local book store? No way.

>> No.17515588

>Julius "Women are a separate race from men" Evola
When did he ever say that?

>> No.17515592

good point

>> No.17515601

I've only read Ride the Tiger and Men among Ruins but I'm totally uninterested in his mystic and metaphysical side, but still find him interesting enough to read.

>> No.17515604

I'm pretty sure he does this in Ride the Tiger when talking about (spiritual) race. In any event, it's a joke.

>> No.17515641

[citation needed]

In B&C he explicitly states, with a whole chapter dedicated to it, how gender/sex is actually a continuum from (in some overly abstract sense) -100 to 100. This is ironically coming close to the genderfluid's beliefs. Most people, especially the /pol/acks who abuse him, probably aren't aware of this. This isn't to say he doesn't graft value and (spiritual) racial judgements onto this continuum, however.

>> No.17515669
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Another day, another Evola thread

>> No.17515675

he is a philosopher

>> No.17515715

then downvote and go back to bunkerchan

>> No.17515760

it's jsut stating the facts.
>>take no political or militant action, don't fight it, just learn to live with it
>>this is what I call riding the tiger, it's essentially a revolt against the modern world
this is how atheists ''fight back'' they jsut do cancel culture and sit on the pavement à la occupy wall street

>> No.17515819

>This isn't to say he doesn't graft value and (spiritual) racial judgements onto this continuum, however.
Yes, it does because he has a whole book which explains his rejection of biological racialism so the accusation doesn’t even make sense.

>> No.17515846

His rejection of biological racism is not that simple.

>> No.17516463

His popularity is rightwing cope at its finest. I'm glad all the Evola shilling is finally getting pushback considering half of the boards these days are just /pol/ containment pits.

>> No.17516520

Yes, it is. He makes it absolutely clear that while blood matters, the modern scientific conception of biological race is to be rejected and especially political theories predicated on the scientific conception of biological race is to be rejected.

>> No.17516737

He has his metaphysics stans from Neo-Platonists, yogic stans from his work on that, ecology fags ect. Pomo chomos’ risible Chud posting can’t engage with the menace of the ‘4th industrial revolution’ and biometric free range internment camping, except to claim it for their own and anoint it with their window dressing

>> No.17517281
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He spent a lot of effort trying to rectify what he perceived to be the errors in the doctrines of the Axis powers and he even tried to arrange a political solution for postwar Italy. After the war, there was just no starting point for him to work up from. Riding the Tiger is about rebelling within the confines of your own life, when there are no longer effective opportunities to rebel against the system. Pic related.
He's not a pseud, but I am glad you are honest.
This is sad to hear, but if that is the case you will love reading his essay collections.
You have mangled his ideas on gender. To Evola, there are two ideal sexes - male and female. To what extent this or that individual conforms to their sex is another matter, but they are still two sexes.
No, it's nowhere near this simple. His opinion was that biological race is insufficient as the sole basis for anything meaningful, especially when compared with the race of the soul and the race of the spirit. This does not mean biological race doesn't matter. He called it "racism of the first degree".
>His popularity is rightwing cope at its finest.
This line is left wing cope at its finest. Sorry, anon, a lot of people on the right agree that Evola has many valuable insights.
>Pomo chomos’ risible Chud posting can’t engage with the menace of the ‘4th industrial revolution’ and biometric free range internment camping, except to claim it for their own and anoint it with their window dressing
I can not understand what you are saying here. I get some of your points, but I do not see your general point.

>> No.17517294

Damn, that's so shameless and embarrassing

>> No.17517326

I'm glad other people noticed it too. His wikipedia page used to be so much better and I say this as someone who does not like Evola.

>> No.17517349

You have to carry the fire. The forces unleashed by the world wars are cosmic. We cannot arrest them. That not everyone becomes stupid, that Tradition is kept alive is crucial.

>> No.17517434


>> No.17517450

What, is he a grammarian?
>To Evola, there are two ideal sexes - male and female. To what extent this or that individual conforms to their sex is another matter, but they are still two sexes.

>> No.17517460

>these fucking people

>> No.17517483

>What, is he a grammarian?
I left my autism cave just to make this post, don't bully me anon.
Yes. I believe he takes a Platonic view here, but I haven't read Plato yet, so I can't say for sure.

>> No.17517510

>No, it's nowhere near this simple. His opinion was that biological race is insufficient as the sole basis for anything meaningful, especially when compared with the race of the soul and the race of the spirit. This does not mean biological race doesn't matter. He called it "racism of the first degree".
Yes, it is. Read his books again. You are simply wrong. Race is a wholly modern conception, derived from the concept of ethnos in the 19th century and he totally rejected it.

>> No.17517517

I only want to bully you up the mountain, never down

>> No.17517527

>race is a 19th century idea
Ummm so is Darwinian evolution bros. Just ask whether it's true, not whether it's newfangled

>> No.17517576

Correct and he rejected the Darwin’s Theory of Evolution too.

>> No.17517629

Oof. OTOH kind of Chad to just brush off objectively true scientific discoveries as plebeian or whatever. That's going to be my argument against the moon landings.
>They're for 'people' like (You)

>> No.17517736

>Yes, it is. Read his books again. You are simply wrong. Race is a wholly modern conception, derived from the concept of ethnos in the 19th century and he totally rejected it.
Not only have I read his books, I have read his book Myth of the Blood, which deals with the history of racialism, as well as various translated excerpts from Synthesis on the Doctrine of Race, which is still not published in English. He rejects many modernist ideas about race, but never race itself. You can find so much different entries he has on race that I am not sure how you ever reached this conclusion.
Give it another 10 000 or even 50 000 years and we'll see if humanity has experienced evolution or involution. Then our descendants will judge what's objectively true.

>> No.17517808

I mean we've certainly experienced dysgenic change, but wtf involution

>> No.17517896

it's just some discord trannies spamming the same threads and all posting in them, demonstrating that they've never read him but trying to sully him in the minds of others i guess.

>> No.17517909

>we'll see if humanity has experienced evolution or involution
>wait until year 50000
>tfw humanity applied to itself is still humanity
Imagine the horror.

>> No.17517923
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>I mean we've certainly experienced dysgenic change, but wtf involution
I used to find it a strange idea myself, but now it makes perfect sense to me. I don't know if I would argue for the validity of biological involution necessarily, but I am open to the idea.
One of the main elements that Evola uses is the model of the Four Ages (Hesiod, the Yugas etc). The law of the Regression of the Castes is a concept that Evola derives from the doctrine of the Four Ages and it basically states that as a civilisation declines, its active will dissipates and along with the will the caste which dominates the civilisation and acts as the source of the will also declines. Eventually, the caste is overcome by the second highest ranked caste and is replaced, subsumed both in terms of will and potentially also in terms of biology. This becomes especially troublesome when passing from the end of one cycle to the beginning of a new cycle, since the lower can not give birth to the higher and at best what has survived can be transmitted and rediscovered to one extent or another in the next cycle. As the cycles go by one after another, this quickly becomes a cumulative problem.

>> No.17517928

>He has been described as
The absolute state

>> No.17517932

>humanity applied to itself is still humanity
What does this even mean? I can't respond to you since I genuinely can't tell what you are trying to say.