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/lit/ - Literature

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1751136 No.1751136 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't kill myself. Which book by Baudrillard should I read first?

>> No.1751138

What made you change your mind?

Was it Camus?

>> No.1751142

lol what's the deal with that pic? I was reading some rolande barthes this morning and i'm loling

>that jerk-off, juissance

>> No.1751143

hello there.

>> No.1751145

No, just cowardice to be honest. I still haven't revised my position on suicide yet. You know, even the fact that I have a philosophical position on suicide would pretty much refute it.

>> No.1751146

what a dick

>> No.1751150

It's an art project/collector card set that explain Lacanian concepts. It's called "Kid A in Alphabet Land"

>> No.1751153

Try Simulacra and Simulation. And I'm glad you didn't kill yourself.

>> No.1751157

>And I'm glad you didn't kill yourself.
oh wow.

>> No.1751161


Try reading some camus though.

Also watch Barton Fink that's a good movie.


Why are you calling me a dick?

>> No.1751164

Thanks, it does mean something to me for you to say/feel that. So simulacra and simulation, eh? I was worried that would be like choosing "Being and Nothingness" as the first book by Sartre to read.

>> No.1751169

sorry I was mistaken, I thought you sarcastically told him to read camus, implying that he was an angst-filled suicidal teenager butttt that's obviously not the case

>> No.1751177


No no I was trying to convince him not to kill himself through absurdism but to be honest ironic arguments are never be very persuasive.

>> No.1751180

Oh man I love Barton Fink. The thing about Camus is that, I had read The Myth of Sisyphus in the past and it just seemed horrific to me that we should continue to act while remaining aware of the absurd. It would seem better to either deny the absurd or to commit suicide, but both of these options are what Camus was attacking. Was he some kind of Masochist?

>> No.1751229


lol that's what Kierkegaard said, he said only a demon could live like that and that it's insane to despise the idea that something might be able to take your misery from you.

And I just watched fink I thought it was really great.

>> No.1751241

nope. only an angel of light.

>> No.1751258


why do you exist

>> No.1751268

to command and to conquer.

>> No.1751276

reading this is like looking at ants crawl around. disgusting and weak.

>> No.1751283

Stop projecting your own self-loathing onto ants. Also, LOL@ the psychoanalytic implications of you saying that about watching ants.

>> No.1751297
File: 698 KB, 900x800, lolwomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling others weak

You're just jelly because you'll never properly engage with another human being who isn't patronising you.


ignore her, she's having an episode.

>> No.1751295

no. when i watch you guys it's like watching ants.

when i watch ants i see the magnificence of my own angelicityyy

>> No.1751296

See, I think only an automaton could live like that, only a wage-slave par excellence.

>> No.1751301

It's like watching ants or it's not.
Yeah but I like this episode.

>> No.1751304

already told you your philosophy is weak.

>> No.1751319

Well your ant metaphor is real weak, and you don't even know my philosophy, sis.

>> No.1751324

i know it so well, it is weak.

>> No.1751329

i'm not showing, just expressing. i find it to be of excellent strength.

>> No.1751335

Well since my philosophy is admittedly decadent, criminal and disillusioned I don't mind calling it weak as well. Our strength is in our indifference, you know. You should read some Jean Genet.

>> No.1751339

stop with the mud and climb to heaven already

i'm flying above hehe

>> No.1751344

I'd rather look for the way down and out.
Also, any more suggestions w/ Baudrillard?

>> No.1751350

can't say have fun, because it isn't. your own problem though.

>> No.1751355

How would you know it isn't fun?

>> No.1751359
File: 4 KB, 126x122, kill_everyone_in_this_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Coen brothers

>> No.1751364


>> No.1751366
File: 117 KB, 500x626, TyBrax24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you should stop being spoiled layabouts and actually get shit done for a change and you wouldnt have to worry about these pointless existential questions. self-entitled brats.
>They Complain Most Who Suffer Least

>> No.1751367

Who do you like instead? Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your attitude of disdain, but I would really like to know why you have this attitude, and who you prefer? Also Genet was a P-I-M-P. He wrote more fantastically than Proust and was more honest about his homosexuality as well. Overall Genet>Proust. Proust gets more love from academics because they are all in the closet or sexually repressed.

>> No.1751371

i am a flying creature.

>> No.1751372

You're missing the point. What would you suggest "getting done". You're just generalizing. Also, what have you done that makes you avoid your existential crisis.

>> No.1751373

The birds eye view is a lonely one.

>> No.1751376

when i fly i bring the world with me.

>> No.1751382
File: 88 KB, 661x716, D&E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also onionring do like fiction? dont think ive ever seen you post about any. its like you just come here to post about philosophy since it's your major and you can talk down to people that try to discuss it but usually dont have the same amount of knowledge as you do. its not even /lit/ - literature and philosophy lol.

>> No.1751383
File: 19 KB, 370x309, hellajeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread