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/lit/ - Literature

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17512739 No.17512739 [Reply] [Original]

"Starting with the Greeks"/starting with ancient philosophy/reading philosophy chronologically is the most retarded meme ever. They are boring, useless, and wrong and you really shouldn't read them unless you are getting a philosophy degree and need to know the history of philosophy or something. You are better off looking those guys up on wiki or sep and getting their general ideas so you can know their influence and then move on. Reading William James or something would be a much better use of your time and he is actually fun to read.

>> No.17512744

sounds like someone got filtered hard

>> No.17512764

What's a meme anyway really. Dumbass frog, aha.
>frogposter makes rerarded post

>> No.17512884

If you offered a more precise example and argument it would be way more entertaining. Being contrarian isn't funny without substance.

>> No.17512943

You don't really need to read them. But if you don't at-least read about diogenes, epicurus and democritus, then go learn something other than philosophy. If they aren't enough to inspire you and get you interested-as-fuck? You aren't interested in this shit. And that's totally cool. Go do something else.

>> No.17512965

Philosophy has still not moved past Plato. All ideas are contained within his dialogues, some given more attention than others.
>diogenes, epicurus and democritus

>> No.17512973

>Philosophy has still not moved past Plato. All ideas are contained within his dialogues, some given more attention than others.
That's stupid and wrong.

>> No.17514119

Don't ever open your mouth again unless it's to suck my cock you worthless retard

>> No.17514331
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>Presocratics aren't fun
I've never found such a horrible, wrong opinion

>> No.17514339

no, it's exactly right and you should disregard everyone after Aquinas.

>> No.17515518

>They are boring, useless, and wrong
t. filtered hard

>> No.17515521

its the other way around anon, everything after the greeks is of little value in comparison to them
You were just filtered. Also, of all examples you chose William James? He´s probably one of the most useless philosophers lmao