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17512605 No.17512605 [Reply] [Original]

What would he think of the Internet?

>> No.17512624

>can I gamble on here?

>> No.17512640

>there is a reality where Dostoevsky doesn't write anything after Crime and Punishment due to gacha addiction

>> No.17512677

>oh my, it seems so!
>100k debt

>> No.17512706

This is unironically the reason behind the lack of great writers nowadays. Dostoyevsky simply wouldn't have written anything if he was born in this age and we probably have many Dostoyevskys that will never write anything living today.

>> No.17512711

>surely if I message the women in my area from this ad they will cease their vile ways

>> No.17512728

Hard to argue against instant gratification. Sad thought but very insightful, think of all the kids raised on minecraft letsplays that might have aspired to something great but now look only to pewdiepie

>> No.17512738
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Or perhaps he would endure it for a few years and then write something akin to pic related and define social media.

>> No.17512743

If there was somehow an internet in mid 19th century Russia it would have been ruthlessly suppressed by the Tsar and Dostoyevsky would have been afraid of it or consider it to be a very bad thing. Turgenev might make some cool shitposts though

>> No.17512751

you have a meme conception of the tsars

>> No.17512757

Best translation of this? I normally love P and V but didn't enjoy what i read of their version of this.

>> No.17512768

Unfortunately I can read it in Serbian which is superior to English translation though Wordsworth one seemed decent to me. P and V are just horrible, simplified rubbish that damage the tone of Russian masters.

>> No.17512798

The internet is a private and universal way to communicate with people anywhere at any time, any 19th century ruler would have it shut down in ways that make the Chinese blush

>> No.17512819

You don't think young people say 35 and under have any thought on life, outside of the technology they grew up with? Or no desire to write about it? or both?

>> No.17512844

You think so? I loved their version of the idiot. Can't pretend to speak/read serbian so that's a loss. Read their war and peace translation and enjoyed it, can't imagine they're that bad, how exactly did you come to your conclusion, if you don't mind my asking?

>> No.17512846

He'd probably waste his life writing 10,000 word effortposts on /pol/ articulating whatever fringe idea he wanted to flesh out and be content with getting ten replies per thread, 8 of which are simply calling him a faggot. For a few years, at least, then his brain would melt and he'd become a run of the mill /pol/ack.

>> No.17512866

I read the P&V of Demons. The first third is really boring but I've heard thats a pretty universal opinion. It's not most people's favorite Dostoevsky to begin with.

>> No.17512869

By comparing a few pages from their Master and Margarita translation with Serbian and other English translations, and aforementioned Demons.

>> No.17512891

I'm certain they exist, just not confident that they have the will to execute their desire. That's my point, contemplating a few hours of writing vs the instant gratification of YouTube or porn or anything else offered here and you can imagine that many fall to the latter. Its not their fault, the sites are designed this way.

>> No.17512906

Interesting, I'll look into wordsworth. Thanks for the response

>> No.17512919

he'd lose what little faith he had in the good of men and >>17512624

>> No.17513006

I'm one of those kids.Those kids are all adults now and I can assure you our ADD addled brains are fucking us up as a generation. We basically have all of the same problems of the previous two generations plus an extreme addiction to instant gratification and having to cope with living in the hellscape of the post 2000s western world. Probably most of the people on this board are around my age (early 20s) and grew up playing minecraft. We are the minecraft generation and this is our anthem.


>> No.17513023

he would love crypto

>> No.17514570

That it must be sacrificed for the fulfillment of his greatness.

>> No.17514624

I'm glad to see someone else realizing this
I am 26 and wish I'd noticed sooner, even before minecraft my childhood was warcraft 3 and the golden age of MMOs, wasting my time for thousands of hours. The modern brain drain is 100% due to technological distractions introduced at a young age, in an era where you have all of the tools to reach a wider audience than ever before.

>> No.17514990

Soviet dictators were tame compared to Tsars, and they were literally Hitlers to westerners. Hell compared to all of them Putin is liberal limp wristed faggot, and he is still literally Hitler. Literally Hitler himself is very tame.
Westerners will never have a real understanding of Russia, you unironically fetishise it in many weird ways. We do the same to you.

>> No.17515024

Wish I could have enjoyed or got hooked to games like you. Never understood it or found it engaging or fun, only played sometimes because that's what everyone else did, but I would rather go read or do something physical.

>> No.17515481

I lived in hostels. My roommates used to play video games all year for. Not once was I even interested to try that out. I read books, and watched Southpark and Seinfeld occasionally. I'm glad I didn't give in to vidya.

>> No.17515489

Had no complaints with the Magarshak translation.