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17511232 No.17511232 [Reply] [Original]

Any good non-PUA non-incel guide to capturing a girl's heart?

>> No.17511239


>> No.17511243

Be original and confident in your originality

>> No.17511251


>> No.17511255

Spend years agonizing over what the dumbest, most shallow and childishly entitled creatures on the planet, the ones with a questionable claim to having theory of mind, want. Then spend more years agonizing over how to give them what they want. Then wake up at 35 and realize you just spent 90% of your time and energy on the romance sidequest part of a game and it wasn't even good.

>> No.17511262


Be good looking, have a large social circle, and be conventionally successful

>> No.17511270

start with the greeks so you can get an art hoe

>> No.17511283

this basically

>> No.17511479

Nah, be original in a way that doesn't get against her worldviews

>> No.17511492

Money and be nice that's it

>> No.17511493

The Bible.

>> No.17511514
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>> No.17511519

>making women your goal
ngmi no matter what you read

>> No.17511531

Sooo you haven't seen poor people in a relationship?

>> No.17511536

why are you talking politics and philosophy with someone you just met?

>> No.17511540

What's wrong with it? You don't have sexual needs?

>> No.17511544
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My diary

>> No.17511550

Sex isn't an individual need: it's a want.

>> No.17511553

Women mold to whatever worldview the man has, but only if they see him as desirable first. Not desire him, but see him as desirable to other women. That is what makes them desire him. Once that's done, you can turn your leftist green hippie gf into a neonazi in about 2 months if you want. Or vice versa. You can also make her think she likes whatever video games you like. Women are terrible.

>> No.17511556

How are you supposed to know a person without listening to their opinions?

>> No.17511557
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>Its only needs are sexual

>> No.17511567

Thousands of generations before you couldn't read but everyone of them fucked

>> No.17511576

>Women mold to whatever worldview the man has, but only if they see him as desirable first.

>> No.17511585
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What’s’a PUA?

Their hearts, their smiles are a nice goal.

>> No.17511586

>Women mold to whatever worldview the man has, but only if they see him as desirable
Weak women*
No woman with confident/passionate views will do this. Only the ones who hold opinions for the sake of it are malleable to suitable directions.

>> No.17511595

Turns out women hate fucking nerds

>> No.17511597


>> No.17511617
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French women don't

>> No.17511616

Anything specific?

>> No.17511635

Someone with no experience is going to interpret this as permission for them to be a le gentleman wearing a fucking fedora and ill fitting suit

>> No.17511637


>> No.17511648

And kinda live by it. Just don't be an autist like him and dump her later.

>> No.17511649

Just practice making girls laugh as often as you can with no other objective and no self deprecating humor and in parallel work on your look so you don't seem like a weirdo or super boring

>> No.17511663


Poor people go into relationships out of basic needs as well, and it does include money, just not much of it. For instance, couple meets and stays together regardless of love fading and actual cheating, because together they have enough sustenance for themselves and to raise kids. The initial reason for them to have stayed together is also largely coupled to either money or niceness, most likely both. Being poor does not mean having zero net worth and it actually poses higher pressure to stick together and date people you might not even want to at a certain moment.

>> No.17511676

>woman with confident/passionate views will do this
Woman like this are male equivalent of soiboys

>> No.17511705

unironically this, there's a difference between a woman who is naturally intelligent and one who tries really hard to "keep up with the boys"

>> No.17511786

>Any good non-PUA non-incel guide to capturing a girl's heart?
You can just "be yourself" and win a hambeast's heart on any dating site, but if you want someone physically attractive, you need to look at least decent and not be a fucking Mr. Romance simp. She has to want to fuck your brains out before she even considers all the lovey-dovey stuff. Guys who refuse to acknowledge this are Forever Alone doomed.

>> No.17511817

>Be good looking, have a large social circle, and be conventionally successful
Being good looking is sufficient. An ugly loner is creepy; a good-looking loner (Ryan Gosling in _Drive_) is "dark and mysterious."

>> No.17511844


I can tell you from personal experience the "dark and mysterious" thing is not true at all. Women like antisocial men, but not asocial men. Good looks improve the odds, but they are still bad if you're socially isolated

>> No.17511858

Post pic no homo. I'll be the judge and bring you back to reality.

>> No.17511864


I categorically refuse to ever post a picture of my face on 4chan.

>> No.17511874

If you were good looking you wouldn't care

>> No.17512131

I need this thickness in my life

>> No.17512165

Any non-pua book about how to pick up a girl? No there isn't by definition.

>> No.17512220

Models by Manson
Book of Pook
The Blueprint by TylerRSD

First is most none PUA.

Book of Pook is PUA but really condensed and not routine based. It’s informative.

Last changed my life, is PUA but again not routine based and is more self development in the fact women want a strong man who knows who he is. This helps you define that for yourself. Who I am is unironically downstream of this product.

>> No.17512248


>> No.17513912


>> No.17513926

I love fat girls so much, /lit/.

>> No.17513966
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There aren't any. PUA/Game are the correct descriptions of how women work and how you can make them fall in love with you (and they are also honest about the fact that a woman's love is as fickle as the wind, which in our modern legal climate means that you can't actually keep a woman forever; "she wasn't yours, it was just your turn").

Here are the top PUA/Game books for you to read:

* _Bang: More Lays in 60 Days_ (2007) by Roosh V
* _Day Bang: How To Casually Pick Up Girls During The Day_ (2011) by Roosh V
* _The Best of Roosh: Volume 1_ (2013) by Roosh V
* _The Best of Roosh: Volume 2: Understanding Women_ (2019) by Roosh V
* _Sexual Utopia in Power_ (2015) by F. Roger Devlin
* _The Rational Male_ (2013) by Rollo Tomassi
* _The Rational Male: Preventive Medicine_ (2015) by Rollo Tomassi
* _The Rational Male: Positive Masculinity_ (2017) by Rollo Tomassi
* _The Red Pill Sidebar_ (2015) by 3409852034
* _The Red Pill Handbook_(2014) by 3409852034

The last two you can get for free below:


>What’s’a PUA?
Pick Up Art(ist)

>> No.17513992

Get a haircut.

>> No.17514023
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>Any good non-PUA non-incel guide to capturing a girl's heart?
this doesn't exist. Wanting to service and please a woman is inherently simpoical incelo cringe power trips like PUA beta cucks dream about every night.

>> No.17514029

That's not true, my boyfriend wants to make me happy and he's also Chad

>> No.17514039

>sexual needs
Lmao. Get a load of this faggot

>> No.17514171

PUA is unironically right if you're serious about the matter, if you think otherwise then pain and confusion awaits you if your natural disposition isn't favourable, but don't get too invested in it on its own obviously there's a million retards who think PUA is the answer while they endlessly fail at everything

>> No.17514268
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still not over her, eh? its ok to cry

>> No.17514278

Go into your bathroom, look in the mirror, be honest with yourself, are you handsome enough to be in the dating market? If no, forget about it and turn your mind to higher things.

>> No.17514282

meant for OP

>> No.17514298
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One of the things you learn from PUA is that handsomeness is actually only of middling importance for attracting women. What REALLY gets their motor running is money, status, power, pre-selection, dark triad traits, height, muscles, and being a little older than her.

>> No.17514305

if people think this is cool, they deserve the type of girl that is attracted to it

>> No.17514306

What is "pre-selection" in the context of PUA?

>> No.17514308
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>> No.17514320

lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0PkV66x0XU

>> No.17514344
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Women get more attracted to you if they think other women are already attracted to you. For example, a married man is a lot more desirable to women than a virgin, all else being equal. You can use this to your advantage by dropping comments about your exes, hinting that you have tons of experience with women, having pictures of yourself with women in your wallet, etc.

>> No.17514357

At the end of the day your a horse chasing a carrot on a stick. Unless the pussy is incidental and just comes naturally according to your lifestyle, it's not worth it. As soon as you make pussy the goal, you've lost.

>> No.17514400
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I would happily go full MGTOW if women weren't necessary for reproduction, but the future belongs to those that show up. I can't kill the family bloodline by not reproducing, and that means I have to learn how to get women, as horrible and disgusting as they are.

>> No.17514403

You could just fuck a lot of prostitutes raw and hope one of them doesn't abort

>> No.17515698
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Go watch Black Philip and his appearances on O&A

>> No.17516092
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>me when he dons the Trilby

>> No.17516099

not being a retard is already implied in the statement anon

>> No.17516101

cringe. enjoy your shitty life

>> No.17516110
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jus b urselve

>> No.17516113
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>> No.17516451
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True. If you watch Titanic, one of the things that makes Jack Dawson attractive is the fact that he can get women to undress for him to draw, and he is heavily implied to have slept with some of his models. Likewise, Christian Grey makes no secret of the fact that he is an experienced BDSM practitioner with tons of women under his belt.

By contrast, in romance aimed at men like anime, manga, and light novels, love interests are almost always pure virgins, and the fandom loses its collective shit when they aren't.

>> No.17516489


hark at casanova over here

>> No.17516502


good on you man

>> No.17516509


>> No.17516519


it's like someone taught you to read by printing off reams and reams of r9k posts and forcing you to work through them at an impressionable age

>> No.17516527


this isn't a good example, Seal is an attractive man scars or no

>> No.17516531

Just make a lot of money bro.

>> No.17517558

To my knowledge, you can't capture a girl's heart. If she isn't attracted to you, it's useless. If she is attracted to you, you've already won, just don't make any mistakes. If she is averagely attracted to you, you can get her, if she doesn't have someone, a better suitor doesn't show up, and if you spend time with her, until she finally decide it's time.
Usually, bitches have retarded criteria as to whom they are retarded to. Don't even bother to understand them.
One can be attracted to the most muscular guy. The other would find muscles gross, and are only attracted to guys who perform well at science. Even regarding plastic beauty, as facial traits, height. One will prefer fair hair, the other dark hair. As we know, some women only prefer nigger.
A year ago, i had a fatty who was averagely attracted to me. The thing is, she only fucked brow or black people, as did her sister. She was in love with a shitskin dealer, who didn't even want to fuck her, because he already had a girlfriend. This brown guy changed countries, then the fatty came back, and phoned me. But she still was only averagely attracted, because i'm caucasian. I could have spend time with her, as she did wanted me to, and finally fucked her, but i prefered to ghost her.
Have pride incels. If she don't want to do it pretty quickly, and give quite a lot of resistance, ghost her.

>> No.17518218


The best answer in the entire thread. I went from virgin to a funny confident man who can get the whole group to listen to his philosophical lectures in group settings, entertain and excite others at a party, and can also dance with random women at the bar within 2 years of studying everything he said. Women are spirituality creatures, like animals. And they are attracted to and respond to men who can project an animal-like yet whimsical spirit. Patrice has the ability like none other I've witnessed in my life to bring out your spirituality (think hunter-gatherer tribal ancestor animal existence) and teach you to bring it out in others. Definitely not for those who are afraid of putting themselves out there.