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/lit/ - Literature

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17509151 No.17509151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that you're not /lit/ if you read translations and can only read in English

>> No.17509175

You're not /lit/ if you just shitpost like a faggot and whine about capitalism either.

>> No.17509182

okay what is the most /lit/ language to learn then?

>> No.17509189


>> No.17509195

Piss off to /soc/ if you want to post pictures of yourself.

>> No.17509206
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You can't be /lit/ if you have shit bone structure

>> No.17509211

Latin by far

>> No.17509212


>> No.17509215

that's a really unflattering picture of him. he looked pretty good during his trial

>> No.17509237


>> No.17509241


>> No.17509267


>> No.17509331


>> No.17509559

>be ugly
>escape to the internet
>social medias take hold everywhere and kill it
>escape to IBs
>normies trying to ridicule your appearance even here
posting polface should be bannable offense

>> No.17509570

Ancient Greek

>> No.17509587

>you're not /lit/ if you read translations and can only read in English
Reading translations is /lit/ as fuck

>> No.17509601


>> No.17509605

>Want to read things in French, Spanish, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Middle English
>Can't read them because I refuse to read translations and don't want to spend years learning all those different languages
>End up reading less
Wow, how /lit/!

>> No.17509611

Note: I am aware middle English is significantly easier for an English speaker to learn than anything else on this list

>> No.17509646

Whatever language you are interested in. I discovered Latin here after reading a thread discussing LLPSI. I fell in love with the language shorty after that. I'd like to learn German because there's a ton of great untranslated philological material written in it. You need a good reason to learn the language. You can't really force yourself to learn a language without doing some kind of trauma to your mind, like forcing a peg through a round hole.

>> No.17509669

How's your Latin? I'm also doing LLPSI but I'm only at chapter IX. I feel like it'll take an eterenity to be able to read Latin works and even more to read Vergil with a good understanding of rhythm because I keep forgetting which are the long vowels.

>> No.17509712

t. public school educated and wasn't raised by a polyglot nanny

>> No.17509715

Reminder that OP is a fag

>> No.17509721

It's pretty good. I can manage most authors now without much pain. Some authors I'm more comfortable with than authors due to more exposure. I don't really struggle with Cicero anymore because I've spent so much time reading him. Same with Caesar and Seneca. Poetry is naturally difficult but you should keep in mind that it wouldn't necessarily have been perfectly easy to understand for a Roman either, just like Shakespeare isn't easy for us just because he wrote English. It is high literature after all.
>I feel like it'll take an eterenity to be able to read Latin works
I felt the same but if you keep practicing every day the structure will click and you'll find yourself reading more fluently. It takes time but it's absolutely worth the struggle.

>> No.17509777

I'm gonna go to bed now but just wanted to ask how long did it take you to be able to read Cicero works (I also want to read the Bible in Latin, which I heard is easier than Cicero) and did you do Roma Aeterna too or what else did you do after Familia Romana with tis associated material? Thank you

>> No.17509818

I guess it took me around a year and a bit before I started to feel truly at ease with the syntax/sentence structure.
>I also want to read the Bible in Latin, which I heard is easier than Cicero
The Bible is much easier, probably the easiest text to read in Latin. The style is direct and straightforward. The only difficulties are vocabulary related. Augustine's confessions are also easy (for the most part) and beautiful reading too
>did you do Roma Aeterna too or what else did you do after Familia Romana with tis associated material?
I finished Familia Romana then got into De Bello Gallico, read around two books and then started exploring other authors. I spent the most time with Cicero because I find his style the most beautiful.

>> No.17509865

This sounds like something a hylic would say. I've read translations of translations and still been able to see through the language and directly encounter the essence of the work. I would go so far as to say that some translations are better than the original text.

>> No.17509968


Check this series out. It goes sentence by sentence with the Latin and English side by side. Helped me a lot in my earlier stages of acquiring Latin via mass INPOOT.

>> No.17510083

I honestly can't tell if I have the /pol/ face or not. But honestly the guy the meme is based off of is good looking. There's that photo of him in court and he looks nothing like the selfie.

>> No.17510163

Post the pic

>> No.17510199
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>> No.17510219
File: 306 KB, 2500x1574, A003C5C9-D84A-4968-A4B7-6A66E9BBB7F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a normal bloke. Haircut plus good camera angle makes all the difference. Literally every looks like "le /pol/ face" if they take a selfie like that.

>> No.17510268

i could break his neck with a pool noodle

>> No.17510290
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1602725501908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is good looking

>> No.17510301

I honestly see no diference

>> No.17510308

he's cute. i'd fuck him <3

>> No.17510311
File: 448 KB, 1800x1800, focal length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? While focal length really tends to distort selfies, that doesn't even look like the same guy.

>> No.17510331

this fucking sucks. i dont want to be /pol/ bros....

>> No.17510342
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>> No.17510426

well first thing is to try some other hairstyle. and some healthier lifestyle

>> No.17510461
File: 123 KB, 1252x704, checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might I suggest Patrick Bateman's hairstyle?

>> No.17510464

Some days ago some /pol/tards tried to spin this meme as a projection from "leftists" lol the cope is real

>> No.17510486

lol yeah ikr. the average leftist looks far worse

>> No.17510521

Femanon here. He's quite handsome actually. 8/10 I'd say. Tall too

>> No.17510523

>if you read translations
Translations are the greatest commentary there is on a single work, it is not broad and taking the book as a whole, or by section, or even by theme, it is a commentary done word for word. They are an amazing resource.

Seems appropriate to mention Le Ton beau de Marot.

>> No.17510527

Why do Americans look like this?

>> No.17510530
File: 724 KB, 1671x1749, sons of sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17510532


Insulting English monolinguals is like trying to make white guys insecure: it's ridiculous on its face, and doesn't work.

>> No.17510832


>> No.17510850


>> No.17511059

I only read for information, why would I waste my time learning new languages when I can already access the information through translations

>> No.17511091
File: 13 KB, 200x200, spinningpoltard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17511110

I'm learning Spanish, what are some books for a lower-level speaker like myself? Not necessarily looking for literature, just trying to be entertained while improving my grasp of the language.